All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AActionBean |
AAddDynamicTablesForeignKeys |
AAddDynamicTablesPrimaryKeys |
AAppointmentClosingTime |
AAppointmentClosingTimeModel<T extends AAppointmentClosingTime> |
AAttachmentListResolutionError |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.AAttachmentItemResolutionError |
Abstract class for all errors specific to an attachment item.
AAttachmentListResolutionError.AttachmentCountReducedToZeroByFilter |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.AttachmentQueryDoesNotMatch |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.CannotProcessAttachmentItem |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.CannotProcessAttachmentList |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.DatabaseError |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.FileSystemError |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotExist |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotProvideAttachments |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.NodeNotExecuted |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotExist |
AAttachmentListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotProvideAttachments |
AAuthenticator<T extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
Abstract base class for user authenticators
AAuthenticatorConfig |
Abstract base class for authenticator configurations
ABackendJSFContext |
ABackendPushContext |
Base class for backend push contexts (web sockets) with some utility methods for commonly used message, such as
requesting an AJAX update or invoking a remote command.
ABasicResourceBean<E extends IFileDataEntity<?>,T extends IFileProviding<?,E> & INameProviding & IDescriptionProviding> |
ABooleanExpressionBean |
Base bean for multiple condition UIs.
AbstractAbruptCompletionException |
Indicates that execution of a workflow node ended abruptly.
AbstractAbruptCompletionException.Builder<Self extends AbstractAbruptCompletionException.Builder> |
AbstractDatei<T extends IAbstractDateiData> |
AbstractDateiData |
AbstractEncryptor |
AbstractEntity |
Diese Klasse ist die Elternklasse aller Entitäten und beinhaltet die Attribute, die in jeder Entität vorhanden sein
AbstractFilter |
AbstractHeaderTable<T> |
AbstractLockableEntity |
Diese Klasse ist die Elternklasse aller Entitäten und beinhaltet die Attribute, die in jeder Entität vorhanden sein
AbstractMandantDependentEntity |
AbstractServletHandler<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
AbstractSuccessAbruptCompletionException |
Used by a node to indicate that the node completed abruptly by issuing a break or continue statement that jumps out
of the current loop iteration.
AbstractSuccessAbruptCompletionException.Builder<Self extends AbstractSuccessAbruptCompletionException.Builder> |
AbstractXfcException |
Diese Klasse ist die Superklasse von denen alle neudefinierten Exceptions erben sollen.
AbstractXfcRuntimeException |
Diese Klasse ist die Superklasse von denen alle neudefinierten Exceptions erben sollen.
ACacheModel |
AccessDeniedException |
When a resource or page was found, but access was denied.
AccessManager |
Deprecated. |
AccessManager |
Deprecated. |
AccessProperty |
AccessPropertyEntryModel |
AccessPwdAuthenticator |
AClientAuthorization |
Abstract base class for authorizations of a Mandant
AClientDependentEntity |
AcmFilterCriterionSupplier<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
A supplier for a list of filter criteria that should be applied when searching the database for matching entities.
AcmSortingCriterion<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Sorting criterion base on AttributeSelectCriteriaManager .
AConditionUniquelyNamedValidator<A extends Annotation,T> |
AConfigParam |
AConfigViewModel |
Abstract base class for authenticator config view models
AContextBean |
ActionBean |
ActionImportConfig |
Deprecated. |
ActionImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ActiveGraphics2D |
Wrapper for a Graphics2D instance that disposes of the instance automatically when closed.
ActivePropertiesModel<TModel,TBean> |
Model for when a trigger or node is selected and its details need to be shown in the properties panel.
ACustomExpressionValidator<A extends Annotation,T> |
ADataQueryServlet |
Abstract base class for data query servlets
ADataSheet<T extends Comparable<T>> |
A data sheet for two dimensional data.
ADataSourceServlet |
Abstract base class for data source servlets
ADatenabfrageServlet |
ADatenquelleServlet |
AddAuthenticatorsUpdate_6_4 |
AddDataTablesForeignKeys |
AddDataTablesPrimaryKeys |
AddInboxTablesForeignKeys |
AddInboxTablesPrimaryKeys |
AddMissingUUIDs |
Custom change for Liquibase to generate UUIDs using the formcycle internal UUID generator
AddNewStateData |
POJO model with the data for adding a new state in the workflow designer.
AddNewStateRequest |
Request a new state to be added to the workflow.
AddNewStateResponse |
AdminDashBean |
ADropDynamicTablesForeignKeys |
ADropDynamicTablesPrimaryKeys |
AElementInfoHelper<THandler extends IElementHandler<?,?>> |
Helper class for generating the data for the workflow element info panel.
AEncryptedFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
AEnitityHelper |
Deprecated. |
AEntityAPI<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
AEntityContext |
AEntityDetailsBean<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Abstract bean base class for displaying or editing the details of a single entity
AEntityExporter<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Abstract base class for entity exporters
AEntityImportConfig<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Configuration class for entity imports
AEntityViewModel<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Abstract base class for entity view models
AEventRunnerTest |
Base class for tests that want to test the workflow event runner, such as tests for specific triggers.
AExternalUserBean<F extends IAuthentticatorFile<?,?>,E extends AAuthenticator<F>> |
AFCBundleProperties |
Deprecated. |
AFCPlugin |
AFD2LanguageProvider |
AFdTransformBuilder |
AffineTransformUtils |
AFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
AFileDataEntity<TMeta extends IScopedFileMetaEntity<?,?>> |
Abstract base class for entities providing the actual file data of file entities .
AFileEntity<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,T extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
AFileListResolutionError |
AFileListResolutionError.AResourceItemResolutionError |
Abstract class for all errors specific to a resource item.
AFileListResolutionError.AttachmentQueryDoesNotMatch |
AFileListResolutionError.CannotProcessFileList |
AFileListResolutionError.CannotProcessResourceItem |
AFileListResolutionError.ClientFileDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.DatabaseError |
AFileListResolutionError.ExternalUrlCannotBeRead |
AFileListResolutionError.ExternalUrlIsSyntacticallyInvalid |
AFileListResolutionError.FileCountReducedToZeroByFilter |
AFileListResolutionError.FileSystemError |
AFileListResolutionError.FormFileDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.NodeDoesNotProvideFiles |
AFileListResolutionError.NodeNotExecuted |
AFileListResolutionError.TriggerDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.TriggerDoesNotProvideFiles |
AFileListResolutionError.TriggerNotFired |
AFileListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotExist |
AFileListResolutionError.UploadFieldDoesNotProvideFiles |
AFileMetaEntity<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TData extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
Abstract base class for file meta entities.
AFileProvisionHandleError |
AFileProvisionHandleError.AttachmentCouldNotBeSaved |
AFileProvisionHandleError.FileCouldNotBeRead |
AFileWatcher |
A watcher that runs an action each time at least one of the watched files have changed.
AFormDependendServlet |
AFormEncryptedFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
AFormProcessingServlet |
Base class for workflow-servtes.
AFormRecordEventData |
AFormRecordWrapper |
Abstract base class for form record wrappers
AFormShareScriptBuilder |
Abstract base class for generating form share scripts
AGenericDataCache |
AggregateResourceBundle |
AHandlerProvider |
Base class for implementing IHandlerProvider for both the master and the frontend server.
AInternalMessage |
AJavaCompileTest |
Base test for interface tests that check whether the contract of an interface has changed.
AjaxCallPushData |
POJO data model for the push event beans.
AjaxCallPushData.Builder |
AjaxUploadDetails |
AjaxUploadDetails.Builder |
AjaxUploadException |
When an error occurred in the AJAX upload servlet.
AjaxUploadManager |
Manages the files uploaded via AJAX before the form was submitted.
AjaxUploadRequest |
POJO for a single AJAX upload add or removal request.
AjaxUploadServlet |
Servlet for the AJAX upload feature.
AjaxUploadServletAddUploadParams |
AjaxUploadServletFetchUploadDataParams |
AjaxUploadServletRemoveUploadParams |
AJSFContext |
AJSFContext.RedirectOptions |
AJSFContext.RedirectOptionsBuilder |
Aktion |
AktionAPI |
AktionDao |
Deprecated. |
AktionHandler |
AktionOrderHelper |
AktionServletHandler |
AktuellerBenutzer |
AktuellerBenutzerServletHandler |
AliasHelper |
Deprecated. |
AListItemSourceProps |
Base class for the different models describing one of the possible loop item
sources .
AListItemSourcePropsCsvFormat |
Base class for item sources for the for-each loop that require a CSV format.
AllClientsFinder |
Client finder that finds all clients of the config Clients .
AllowedHttpMethodFilter |
ALocalization<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Abstract base class for entity localizations
ALocalizedScopedFileMetaEntity<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TData extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
Abstract base class for localized file meta entities.
ALocalizedScopedFileResource<TFileMeta extends ILocalizedScopedFileMetaEntity<?,?> & IUUIDEntity> |
ALockableEntity |
Diese Klasse ist die Elternklasse aller Entitäten und beinhaltet die Attribute, die in jeder Entität vorhanden sein
AMailUtil |
AMessaging |
AMetaDataWrapper |
Diese Klasse bildet den Rahmen für die Meta-Daten die einem Formular angefügt werden können.
AMSApiHandler |
AnonymousConfigViewModel |
AnonymousConfigWrapper |
AnonymousUserClient |
AnyoneConfigWrapper |
Wrapper for virtual authenticator config for anyone.
AParameterVerarbeitung |
ApiCrudMixin |
Mixin to simplify CRUD (create-read-update-delete) operations on entities implemented via the Configuration.ApiProvider
layer .
ApiPagedResultFactory |
APIProvider |
API-Provider-Klasse welche alle verfügbaren Unter-APIs zur instanziiert zur Verfügung stellt
APISettings |
Current settings of the API.
APluginActionNodeHandler<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
Abstract base class meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow action that
executes some business logic.
APluginClientDashboardCustomGUIBean |
APluginConditionNodeHandler<TData extends BaseConditionProps> |
Abstract base class meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow condition that
executes some business logic condition.
APluginCustomGUIBean |
APluginDoUntilLoopNodeHandler<TData extends BaseDoUntilLoopProps,TState extends IWorkflowLoopDataProviding> |
Abstract base class meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a do-until loop with a
custom test.
APluginEntity<META extends IPluginFileEntity<?,?,?>,DATA extends IFileDataEntity<META>,CONFIG extends IFileDataEntity<META>> |
A formcycle plugin that provides additional features to an existing formcycle application.
APluginFileEntity<T extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>,J extends IFileDataEntity<?>,C extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
APluginGenericCustomGUIBean |
The base class for the bean of a plugin with a custom UI.
APluginStaticResourceServletAction |
Base class for IPluginServletAction which provides a basic implementation for a servlet action that provides
static resources.
APluginTriggerHandler<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
Abstract base class meant for IPluginWorkflowTrigger plugins that only wish to provide a workflow action that
executes some business logic.
APluginWhileLoopNodeHandler<TData extends BaseWhileLoopProps,TState extends IWorkflowLoopDataProviding> |
Abstract base class meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a while loop with a
custom test.
ApplicationConfigBean |
Bean for configuring settings of the application properties file.
ApplicationEventBusBean |
Bean for event subscription and handling during session
ApplicationPropertiesChangedEvent |
ApplicationPropertiesChangedEventHandler |
AppliesToEventParams<TData> |
ApplyToExistingFormRecordResult |
Appointment |
Describes a booked appointment.
AppointmentAPI |
API class for reading and writing Appointment entities.
AppointmentAvailableDate |
AppointmentBookingException |
Exception thrown by the appointment booking handler.
AppointmentBookingExecutor |
Executor with the logic for booking appointments, canceling appointments, or moving appointments to another date.
AppointmentBookingParams |
AppointmentBookingParams.AppointmentSpecifier |
AppointmentBookingParams.Builder<THIS,TARGET extends IAppointmentBookingParams> |
AppointmentBookingParams.SlotIdSpecifier |
AppointmentClientClosingTime |
AppointmentClientClosingTimeDao |
AppointmentClientClosingTimeModel |
AppointmentClosingTime |
AppointmentClosingTimeDao |
AppointmentClosingTimeModel |
AppointmentConverter |
Converts between the timestamp / ID representation of an appointment and the appointment itself.
AppointmentCreateBookingParams |
AppointmentCreateBookingParams.Builder |
AppointmentDao |
AppointmentData |
AppointmentDataCreator |
Class for creating the data of an ical entry
AppointmentDeleteBookingParams |
AppointmentDeleteBookingParams.Builder |
AppointmentEventView |
POJO view for the AttributeSelectCriteriaManager when loading data in the inbox.
AppointmentFilterBean |
Bean that keeps a list of available appointment tempplates, shown in the sidebar menu to the left.
AppointmentFreeSlot |
AppointmentFreeSlotQueryResult |
AppointmentFreeSlotQueryResultSerializeFilter |
AppointmentFreeSlotsServlet |
Servlet for the appointment feature.
AppointmentFreeSlotsServletParameter |
AppointmentHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing Appointment entities.
AppointmentHelper |
Helper methods for the appointment module.
AppointmentIcalException |
Exception thrown by the iCal query executor that creates calendars for appointments.
AppointmentIcalQueryResult |
AppointmentIcalServlet |
Servlet for the appointment feature.
AppointmentIcalServletParameter |
AppointmentLinkBuilder |
Builder for creating ical links to calendars.
AppointmentListBuilder |
Builder for creating an html appointment list
AppointmentMoveBookingParams |
AppointmentMoveBookingParams.Builder |
AppointmentPersistBuilder |
Builder for persisting appointments of a Vorgang .
AppointmentQueryParams |
AppointmentQueryParams.Builder |
AppointmentRangeView |
An implementation of a IAppointmentRangeView that takes an existing appointment and reflects changes in that
AppointmentScheduleBean |
Bean for the appointment schedule view in the inbox.
AppointmentSlot |
AppointmentSlotAPI |
AppointmentSlotDao |
AppointmentSlotHandler |
AppointmentSlotIdConverter |
AppointmentStartEndDateValidator |
AppointmentStartEndTimeValidator |
AppointmentTemplate |
An entity for the appointment module of formcycle.
AppointmentTemplateAPI |
AppointmentTemplateBean |
Bean for the backend menu that lets the user configure the available appointments.
AppointmentTemplateDao |
AppointmentTemplateData |
AppointmentTemplateDeletionBean |
Bean for the backend menu for deleting one or multiple appointment templates.
AppointmentTemplateHandler |
AppointmentTemplateImportConfig |
AppointmentTemplateImportStager |
Deprecated. |
AppointmentTemplateItem |
AppointmentTemplateListModel |
The view model for the AppointmentTemplate - the backend menu for configuring the appointments.
AppointmentTemplateModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
AppointmentTemplateSlotEditBean |
Bean for the appointment menu that lets the user change the details of a slot, mainly the start end time.
AppointmentType |
Describes the type of an appointment and contains several metadata, such as the duration of the appointment.
AppointmentTypeAPI |
AppointmentTypeDao |
AppointmentTypeHandler |
AppointmentValidateParams |
AppointmentValidateParams.Builder |
AppointmentValidationBuilder<Context> |
Validation builder for validation a sequence of appointment actions.
AProcessingResult |
AProjectDetailsBean |
Abstract bean base class for displaying or editing the details of a single project
AProjectEventData |
AProjektUtil |
AProtocolEntry |
ArchiveException |
Exception for failed email archiving.
AResource |
AResourcePage<TResource extends IResource> |
Abstract base model representing a page of resources provided by the PUBLIC REST API.
ASaveFormData |
AScopedFileMetaEntity<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TData extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
Abstract base class for scoped file meta entities.
AServletParameter |
Base class for servlet parameters classes.
AServletParameter.MultipartRequest |
ASpecificTriggerWithFormRecordEventDataBuilder<Event extends IFormRecordProvidingEvent,Self> |
Base builder for the event data for running a specific trigger, specified by its ID, that also require a form record.
ASpecificTriggerWithFormRecordEventDataBuilder.ASpecificData |
Event data for running a specific trigger, specified by its ID.
AsposeDataAdapter |
AsposeDataAdapter |
AsposeLicencNotFoundException |
Exception die bei fehlender Lizenz geworfen wird
AsposeLicense |
Helper functions related to the Aspose license.
AsposeLocale |
Helper class to convert between Java locales and Aspose locales.
AsposeRootArgs |
AsposeSimpleDataAdapter |
AsposeWordConnector |
Diese Klasse dient dazu ein Word-Dokument mit Formularinhalten zu befüllen und als PDF (andere, von Aspose
unterstützte Ausgabetypen möglich) anzulegen.
Assignment |
An assignment from a name to a value.
AssignmentStatement |
An property statement assigning a value to a named property.
AssociateHelper |
Contains all methods that associate derived quantities with the current state.
AssociatesModel |
Stores quantities derived from the current state.
AStatisticsBean |
Base class for beans for a PrimeFaces chart.
AStringListConverter |
A list converter for the Tagify component.
Abstrakte Klasse zur Bereitstellung einer einheitlichen Verarbeitung von Requests an die Handler-Klassen
ATransactionDao |
Attachment |
Die Klasse Attachment beinhaltet Meta-Informationen zu einem im System verfügbaren Anhang.
AttachmentAPI |
API class for manipulation of Attachment entities.
AttachmentDao |
AttachmentData |
AttachmentDatei |
AttachmentDateiData |
AttachmentDescriptor |
AttachmentDescriptor.Builder |
AttachmentDownloadServlet |
Download eines oder mehrerer Attachments eines Vorgangs
AttachmentFormServlet |
Behandlung von Attachments innerhalb des Formulars
AttachmentHandler |
The Class AttachmentHandler.
AttachmentHelper |
AttachmentItem |
Models the descriptor for an attachment reference that can be selected in the configuration UI of some workflow
AttachmentItemChoiceProvider |
A choice provider for the workflow that finds the available attachment items from the current
bean validation context obtained via CDI.
AttachmentPersistBuildData |
POJO class used when a form with uploads was submitted.
AttachmentPersistData |
AttachmentPersisterBuilder |
Builder for persisting attachments of a Vorgang an returning that form record.
AttachmentPersistMetaData |
POJO model for the metadata of a form upload, identified by its UUID.
AttachmentShowServlet |
AttachmentValueDescriptor |
Attribut |
Attribut.DatenTyp |
Attribut.SortTyp |
AttributeListBuilder<A extends IGraphDotAttributeList,Self extends AttributeListBuilder<A,Self>> |
Type safe builder for a list of graphviz dot graph attributes.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeArrowHead |
The arrowhead attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeArrowSize |
The arrowsize attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeArrowTail |
The arrowtail attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeBgColor |
The bgcolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeClass |
The class attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeCluster |
The cluster attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeClusterRank |
The clusterrank attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeColor |
The color attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeConstraint |
The constraint attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeDirection |
The dir attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeEdgeStyle |
The style attribute for edges.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeEdgeTooltip |
The edgetooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeExteriorLabelPosition |
The xlp attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeExternalLabel |
The xlabel attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeFillColor |
The fillcolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeFontColor |
The fontcolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeFontName |
The fontname attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeFontSize |
The fontsize attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeGraphRoot |
The root attribute for graphs.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeHeadLabel |
The headlabel attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeHeadTooltip |
The headtooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeHeight |
The with attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabel |
The label attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabelCenterPosition |
The lp attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabelFontColor |
The labelfontcolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabelLocation |
The labelloc attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeLabelTooltip |
The labeltooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeMargin |
The margin attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeNodeRoot |
The root attribute for nodes.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeNodeSeparation |
The nodsep attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeNodeStyle |
The style attribute for nodes.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeOrdering |
The ordering attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributePenColor |
The pencolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributePenWidth |
The penwith attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributePeripheries |
The peripheries attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeRankDirection |
The rankdir attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeRankSeparation |
The ranksep attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeShape |
The shape attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeShowBoxes |
The showboxes attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeSubGraphStyle |
The style attribute for sub graphs.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeTailLabel |
The taillabel attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeTailTooltip |
The tailtooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeTooltip |
The tooltip attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeTrueColor |
The truecolor attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.AttributeWidth |
The with attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.BuilderEdge |
AttributeListBuilder.BuilderGraph |
AttributeListBuilder.BuilderNode |
AttributeListBuilder.BuilderSubGraph |
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinColor<A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<Color>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a single color.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinColorList<A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<ColorList>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a color list.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLabelString<A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<LabelString>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a label string.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLength<L extends Length,A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<L>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with some unit.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLengthInches<A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<Length.Inches>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with the unit inches.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLengthList<L extends Length,A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<LengthList<L>>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with the some unit.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLengthListInches<A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<LengthList<Length.Inches>>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with the unit inches.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinLengthPoints<A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<Length.Points>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a length with the unit pints.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinPoint<A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<Point>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a point.
AttributeListBuilder.IMixinStyleList<X extends IStyle,A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<StyleList<X>>> |
Mixin for attributes that accept a style list.
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<T> |
A named attribute for a dot graph.
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.Edge<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.GE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.GN<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.GNE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.Graph<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.GS<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.GSE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.GSN<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.GSNE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.NE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.Node<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.SE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.SN<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.SNE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute.SubGraph<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor<T,A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<T>> |
Models the type of a graphviz element attribute.
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.E<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.Edge<T,A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<T>> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.G<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GN<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GNE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.Graph<T,A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<T>> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GS<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GSE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GSN<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.GSNE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.N<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.NE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.Node<T,A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<T>> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.S<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.SE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.SN<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.SNE<T> |
AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttributeDescriptor.SubGraph<T,A extends AttributeListBuilder.ITypedAttribute<T>> |
AttributeListBuilder.StandardAttribute |
List of pre-defined AttributeListBuilder.TypedAttribute s.
AttributeStatement |
An attribute statement assigning default properties to a graph, node, or edge.
ATypeAdapter<T> |
Abstract base class for formcycle type adapters for GSON serialization
AUniqueBeanFieldValidator<TBean,TField> |
Abstract base class for faces validators that check whether a certain field of a bean is unique amongst all existing
entities (within a certain scope).
AUniqueBeanStringFieldValidator<TBean> |
Abstract base class for faces validators that check whether a certain string field of a bean is unique amongst all
existing entities (within a certain scope).
AUniqueEntityFieldValidator<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TField> |
Abstract base class for faces validators that check whether a certain field of an entity is unique amongst all
existing entities within a certain scope.
AUniqueManDepNameValidator<T extends INameProviding & de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long> & IMandantDependent> |
AUniqueNameValidator<TEntity extends INameProviding & de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
AUniqueStringFieldValidator<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Abstract base class for faces validators that check whether a certain string field of an entity is unique amongst all
existing entities within a certain scope.
AUpdater |
AuthCallbackFilter |
Endpoint for authentication request callbacks.
AuthCheckServlet |
Used for polling of new frid during authentication
AuthClientCache |
Cache that stores authentication clients to be used for different authentication targets & flows (currently
backend and
form ).
AuthClientCacheHelper |
AuthConfigConversion |
AuthenticationAPI |
AuthenticationData |
AuthenticationDataBuilder |
AuthenticationDataRequest |
AuthenticationHandler |
AuthenticationService |
Service that provides authentication endpoints
AuthenticationTargetFactory |
AuthenticationTargetGenerator |
Adds the authentication target to the authentication attributes of the user profile.
AuthenticationTargetStateGenerator |
Generator for authentication target values
AuthenticationTestBean |
Bean for testing the client
AuthenticatorConfigRenderContextBuilder |
Builder for AuthenticatorConfigRenderContext
AuthenticatorConfigsAssociate |
AuthenticatorDependenciesData |
This model represents the data about dependencies a authenticator could have.
AuthenticatorPropertiesFactory |
AuthenticatorRendererFactory |
Factory for creating authenticator renderers.
AuthenticatorResource |
AuthenticatorResourcePage |
AuthenticatorService |
AuthFailedException |
Exception which is thrown when an authentication-error occurs
AuthFormServlet |
AuthHelper |
Helper class for dealing with authentication
AuthKeyUtils |
AuthLogicFactory |
AuthLogicHelper |
Helper class for security logics.
AuthLoginFilter |
Endpoint for authentication login request.
AuthLoginServlet |
AuthLoginUrlBuilder |
Builds login URLs for authentication clients.
AuthLogoutFilter |
AuthLogoutServlet |
Handles redirect to logout template
AuthorizationContext |
AuthorizationFilter |
AuthorizationFilterProperties |
AuthorizerFactory |
AuthPasswordServlet |
AuthPluginParameterModel<E extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
AuthTemplateUpdate_6_4 |
Marks old HTML templates as outdated and creates/resets new templates for authentication
AuthWebContextFactory |
AuthWrapperFactory |
AuthWrapperHelper |
AutoClosableSardine |
A Sardine that can also be closed automatically so that it can be used with a
try-with-resources statement.
AutoLoginBean |
Deprecated. |
AutoLoginCache |
AutoLoginCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
AutoLoginFilter |
AutoLoginHelper |
AutoLoginInData |
Model for the data needed for auto login which is saved in the browser via a Cookie value.
AUuidEntityResource<TEntity extends IUUIDEntity> |
Abstract base class for UUID entity resources.
AUuidFileResource<TEntity extends IUUIDEntity> |
AvailabilityContext |
AvailabilityResolverFactory |
Factory for creating state resolvers of views.
AvatarBean |
Helper bean for rendering avatar composite components.
AVerarbeitung |
AVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
AWorkflowElement<TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity,TSearchTerm extends AWorkflowElementSearchTerm<TElement>> |
Base class for workflow elements, i.e.
AWorkflowElementCategory |
Abstract base class for element categories
AWorkflowElementSearchTerm<TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
Each workflow element can have one or more search terms that are used in database queries to filter the applicable
AWorkflowEngineTest |
Base test for all workflow tests that created the workflow process.
AWorkflowEventData |
Base POJO class that can be used (but does not have to be) for implementations of IWorkflowEventData .
AXItemPropertiesData |
Stores all the properties ( XPropertyEnum ) of a form item and offers methods to access these properties.
AzureAdOauth2AuthenticatorProperties<TAuthenticator extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
AzureAdProfileAttributeFilterExtension |
Built-in default implementation for a plugin profile filter extensions for authenticators of type
EAuthClientType.AZURE_AD .
AzureAdWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
BackendApplicationPushContext |
A backend push context that should scoped to the application scope.
BackendAuthLogics |
Initializer class providing the backend authentication logics (login, callback).
BackendBean |
BackendClientFactory |
Factory for creating Pac4j Client s.
BackendCommonContextListener |
Servlet context listener for executing common initialization and shutdown tasks for web applications with access to
the backend (MS and Fs with Inbox).
BackendConfigFactory |
BackendLoginPageConfigProducer |
BackendPushContextBean |
BackendPushContextBean.ApplicationOmniFacesPushKeepAliveCheck |
Keepalive check for the OmniFaces socket, with a mutex scoped to the current application.
BackendPushContextBean.SessionOmniFacesPushKeepAliveCheck |
Keepalive check for the OmniFaces socket, with a mutex scoped to the current session.
BackendPushContextBean.ViewOmniFacesPushKeepAliveCheck |
Keepalive check for the OmniFaces socket, with a mutex scoped to the current view.
BackendSavedRequestHandler |
BackendSecurityConfigProducer |
BackendSecurityFilter |
Filter that adds security-relevant headers and other settings for the backend.
BackendSessionPushContext |
A backend push context that should be scoped to a HTTP session.
BackendViewPushContext |
A backend push context that is scoped to a JSF view.
BackupChangeEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the backup state has unsaved changed.
BackupDetectEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the presence of a backup was detected on the client.
BackupDialogModel |
BackupUnchangeEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the backup state has no unsaved changed.
BaseActionProps |
Base class for node properties.
| |
BaseAppointmentHelper |
Helper methods for the appointment module.
BaseConditionProps |
Base class for common properties used by binary condition nodes.
BaseConfigViewModel |
View model for general authenticator configs
BaseDesignerModel |
Base designer model used by all designer pages.
BaseDoUntilLoopProps |
Base class for common properties used by do-until loop nodes.
BaseForEachLoopProps |
Base class for common properties used by for-each loop nodes.
BaseGroupSequenceProvider<T> |
Mixin for implementing DefaultGroupSequenceProvider , with a little bit less boilerplate.
BaseGroupSequenceProvider.IGroupBuilder<T> |
BaseMultipleCheckBean<TData extends IMultipleCheckProps> |
Bean for editing workflow nodes for which a complex condition need to be configured, such as an if-else condition or
a while loop.
BaseMultipleConditionProps |
The properties model for workflow nodes for which a complex condition need to be configured.
BaseMultipleDoUntilLoopTestProps |
The properties model for workflow nodes for which a complex do-until loop test need to be configured.
BaseMultipleWhileLoopTestProps |
The properties model for workflow nodes for which a complex while loop test need to be configured.
BaseNodeEvent |
Base class for all cluster events with a node.
BaseResolvedFileListProcessor<R,E extends Throwable> |
BaseTopologyEvent |
Base class for events the relate to a change in the cluster topology (e.g.
BaseTriggerProps |
Base class for trigger properties.
BaseWhileLoopProps |
Base class for common properties used by while loop nodes.
BasicClientAuthorization |
Model class for a basic client authorization.
BasicClientAuthorization.Builder |
BasicDataTableBean |
BasicFormRecordRequestData |
Model class for basic form record request data
BasicPluginBean<E extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>> |
BasicRefResult |
BasicScheduleModel |
Extends the DefaultScheduleModel and adds some additional functionality.
BasicTreeNode<T> |
A basic tree node.
BeanAPI |
API class for manipulation of beans.
BeanAttribute |
BeanHandler |
BeanManagerAdapter |
Adapter for CDI BeanManager which extends default BeanManger functionality
BeanUtils |
Hilfsklasse für das (generische) Setzen von Eigenschaften (speziell von Entitäten).
BeanWorkflowValidationEnvironmentData |
Bedingung |
BedingungAPI |
BedingungDao |
Deprecated. |
BedingungServletHandler |
Benutzer |
BenutzerAPI |
BenutzerDao |
BenutzerGruppe |
Diese Entität bildet ein Guppensystem ab, dem verschiedene Benutzer zugeordnet werden können.
BenutzerGruppeAPI |
BenutzerGruppeDao |
BenutzerGruppeHandler |
The Class BenutzerHandler.
BenutzerHandler |
BenutzerServletHandler |
BinaryCacheModel |
BinaryData |
Binary data that can be added to a HTTP request.
BitFlagSetPredicate |
A predicate for checking whether a bit flag includes or excludes some or all of a given set of
BitFlagSetPredicate.Builder |
BodyPartData |
Class for storing informations and data for an mail-bodypart based on text
BrandingBean |
BreadCrumbBean |
Helper bean for rendering the <xi:breadCrumb /> composite component.
BuildInProjectTemplate |
BulkProtocolEntryResolver<TEntityMeta extends IEntityMeta,TProtocolEntry extends AProtocolEntry> |
Resolves protocol entries for DAO bulk operations on entities.
BundleConfigGroupItem |
BundleConfigParam |
ByteArrayResourceDescriptor |
ByteOrderMarkUtil |
Utility class for working with byte order marks.
CacheConfigBean |
Bean zum Abspeichern / Laden der NTLM-Konfiguration.
Callback |
CallbackExecuter |
CallbackHttpActionAdapter |
HTTP action adapter for authentication request callbacks.
CanRenderUserPortalEvent |
Event that is fired when a user portal UI page is ready to render.
CdiUtils |
CertRequestDataModel |
ChainedClassLoader |
A class loader that combines several other class loaders.
ChainExpression |
ChangePwdModel |
Modelklasse für den Login
ChannelCommunicationData |
Models the state of a cluster channel for a node in the cluster.
ChannelMessage |
A message sent to the client via a web socket.
CharacterEncodingFilter |
This filter will set the request body character encoding.
CheckForUnsavedChangedResult<TElement> |
ClearAndUpdateDatatablesUpdate_6_0 |
ClientAliasValidator |
ClientAuthenticator |
Entity model for user authenticators in Mandant scope
ClientAuthenticatorAPI |
ClientAuthenticatorDao |
ClientAuthenticatorFile |
ClientAuthenticatorFileData |
ClientAuthenticatorHandler |
ClientAuthorizationBean |
ClientAuthorizationDeletionBean |
ClientAuthorizationDialogBean |
ClientAuthorizationHelper |
ClientAuthorizationHelperBean |
ClientAuthorizationTestBean |
Bean for displaying the result of a client authorization test by user login.
ClientBean |
ClientClientCounterView |
ClientClientResourceView |
ClientConst |
Marker-Annotation für Konstanten, die sowohl server- wie auch clientseitig verwendet werden.
ClientCounter |
ClientCounterApi |
ClientCounterChoiceProvider |
Provider for client counters available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
ClientCounterConfigBean |
ClientCounterDao |
ClientCounterDaoListener |
ClientCounterHandler |
ClientCounterImportConfig |
ClientCounterModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
ClientCounterResetWorker |
Job for periodically resetting a counter
ClientCounterServlet |
ClientDashBean |
ClientDashboardBuilder |
Builder for client dashboard panel entries.
ClientDeleteTriggerJob |
Runnable for deleting all quartz jobs/triggers of the given workflow trigger type and deleted client.
ClientDescriptorDaoHelper |
ClientDescriptorFactory |
Factory creating client descriptors for authentication/security.
ClientDescriptorHelper |
Helper for retrieving client descriptors for a context.
ClientDirectClientAuthorizationView |
ClientFactory |
Factory for creating Pac4j Client s.
ClientFile |
Entity representing files of a Mandant
ClientFileData |
Entity containing the actual data of a user profile file entity
ClientFilter |
ClientFormFileService |
ClientFormService |
ClientFormTrackerHelper |
ClientFormTrackerHelper |
ClientHandlerLocatorBean |
Bean for the flowchart component to locate the appropriate client handlers.
ClientIcon |
Similar to IGuiIcon , but a final mutable class that can be serialized and deserialized via JSON .
ClientIconWrapper |
ClientInboxView |
View of an Inbox that can be sent to the client.
ClientMailServerData |
ClientNameRestorer |
Authorization generator that restores the profiles client name if it contains any suffixes needed for direct clients.
ClientOpaqueColor |
Represents an opaque (=no transparency) color for a node or trigger.
ClientPaginator |
Diese Klasse dient dazu eine PaginationCriterion -Instanz aus HttpServletRequest -Parametern zu
ClientPlugin |
Entity for the binary data of an client-wide plugin
ClientPluginBean |
ClientPluginConfigData |
Entity for the configuration of an client-wide plugin
ClientPluginDao |
ClientPluginFile |
Entity for the binary data of an client-wide plugin
ClientPluginFileData |
Entity for the binary data of an system-wide plugin
ClientPortalConfig |
Entity model for client portal config.
ClientPortalConfigAPI |
ClientPortalConfigDao |
ClientPortalConfigFile |
Entity model for the metadata of a file from a client portal config
ClientPortalConfigFileData |
Entity model for the data of a file from a client portal config
ClientPortalConfigLocalization |
ClientProjectResourceView |
ClientResource |
ClientResourceBean |
ClientResourceImportConfig |
ClientResourceImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ClientResourceItem |
ClientResourceModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
ClientSorter |
ClientSubmitButtonView |
ClientTemplateView |
ClientUserGroupView |
View of a UserGroup that can be sent to the client.
ClientUserManagementValidator |
ClientUserView |
Deprecated. |
ClientUtils |
Utility class for working with clients .
ClientWorkflowStateView |
Closable<T> |
A auto closable wrapper for an item that needs to be cleaned up via a custom close action.
ClusterBean |
ClusterChannelStateObserver |
ClusterControllMessage |
A message is sent to control other nodes, such as when a node should change its state and start or stop performing
ClusterListener |
ClusterManager |
Manager for the cluster that can be used to control the cluster in a way that is independent of the implementation
used for the clustering.
ClusterMessageObserver |
ClusterNodeStateManager |
ClusterOpenException |
Exception that is thrown when a cluster connection could not be opened.
ClusterPluginSyncMessage |
A message that is sent when a plugin was activated or deactivated.
ClusterSystemUpdatedMessage |
ClusterTopologyObserver |
CmnConst |
Allgemeine Konstanten.
CmnConst.AjaxUploadServletParams |
Parameters for the AJAX upload servlet (/form/ajaxupload).
CmnConst.AjaxUploadServletParams.AddUpload |
Parameters for the addUpload sub request type of the AJAX upload servlet.
CmnConst.AjaxUploadServletParams.FetchUploadData |
CmnConst.AjaxUploadServletParams.RemoveUpload |
CmnConst.AppointmentFreeSlotsParams |
Parameters for the appointment free slots servlet (/appointment/freeslots).
CmnConst.AppointmentIcalParams |
Parameters for the appointment iCal servlet (/appointment/ical)
CmnConst.AttachmentFormParams |
CmnConst.AttachmentParams |
CmnConst.Auth |
CmnConst.ClientAttribute |
CmnConst.ClientCounterServletParams |
CmnConst.ClientId |
CmnConst.ClientScript |
CmnConst.ClientWidgetVar |
CmnConst.Cluster |
CmnConst.Database |
CmnConst.DataQuery |
CmnConst.DatenabfrageDB |
CmnConst.DatenabfrageLDAP |
CmnConst.Designer |
CmnConst.Designer.ClientId |
CmnConst.Designer.ClientScript |
CmnConst.Designer.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.Designer.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.DownloadManagerParams |
CmnConst.EcParamKey |
CmnConst.EntityTables |
CmnConst.FormDesigner |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.ClientId |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.ClientScript |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.ClientWidgetVar |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.PushEvent |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.FormDesigner.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.FormPreview |
CmnConst.FormPreview.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.FormPreview.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.FormPreviewImageParams |
CmnConst.FormReviewParams |
CmnConst.Healthcheck |
CmnConst.Healthcheck.Common |
CmnConst.Healthcheck.FS |
CmnConst.Healthcheck.MS |
CmnConst.ICal |
CmnConst.Inbox |
CmnConst.Inbox.InternalFieldName |
CmnConst.Inbox.InternalFilterName |
CmnConst.Limits |
CmnConst.LoggingKeys |
Keys, that used with the MDC The Keys can be used inside a log file pattern configuration with the
placeholder '%X{<key>}'.
CmnConst.NamedQuery |
CmnConst.NamedQuery.Vorgang |
CmnConst.PersistenceParams |
CmnConst.Plugins |
CmnConst.Print |
CmnConst.ProjectFileKey |
CmnConst.ProjectOverview |
CmnConst.ProjectOverview.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.ProjectOverview.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.ProjectResource |
CmnConst.ProjectResource.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.ProjectResource.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.Proma |
CmnConst.ProzessParams |
CmnConst.Push |
CmnConst.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.RemoteCommandParam |
CmnConst.RenderParams |
CmnConst.ResourceParams |
CmnConst.Rest |
CmnConst.Security |
CmnConst.Security.Authentication |
CmnConst.Security.Authenticator |
CmnConst.Security.Authorization |
CmnConst.Security.AzureAd |
CmnConst.Security.Servlets |
CmnConst.Security.Signup |
CmnConst.SqlQueryAlias |
CmnConst.Support |
CmnConst.SystemProperties |
CmnConst.SystemProperty |
CmnConst.SystemProperty.Defaults |
CmnConst.TableColumns |
CmnConst.Target |
CmnConst.Template |
CmnConst.UserPortal |
CmnConst.UserPortalFileKey |
CmnConst.UserPortalLocalizationKey |
CmnConst.UserPortalLocalizationKey.Authenticator |
CmnConst.UserPortalLocalizationKey.Project |
CmnConst.Views |
CmnConst.Workflow |
CmnConst.Workflow.ClientId |
CmnConst.Workflow.ClientWidgetVar |
CmnConst.Workflow.PostRequest |
CmnConst.Workflow.Push |
CmnConst.Workflow.RemoteCommand |
CmnConst.Workflow.RemoteCommandParam |
CodeMirrorLintResult |
Result for the server side linting callback of code mirror, see the script function
CodeOnlyStandardAttachmentListResolutionErrorCreator |
CodeOnlyStandardAttachmentListResolutionErrorCreator.Builder |
CodeOnlyStandardFileListResolutionErrorCreator |
CodeOnlyStandardFileListResolutionErrorCreator.Builder |
CodeSnippetBean |
We use the monaco editor for editing JavaScript.
Color |
A single color for graphviz.
ColorField<T extends Serializable> |
ColorField.Identifier |
ColorList |
A list of weighed colors, used e.g.
CombinedResourceDescriptor |
CommonAuthLogics |
Initializer class for common authentication logics (login, callback).
CommonBundleLocator |
A Hibernate bean validation API resource bundle locator for the xima-common-localizations resource bundle.
CommonBundleMessageInterpolator |
A JAKARTA bean validation API message interpolator for the xima-common-localizations resource bundle.
CommonFormUtil |
CommonJacksonConfig |
JAX-RS provider for Jackson ObjectMapper .
CommonJsonBuilder |
Common IJsonBuilder implementations for widely-used libraries.
CommonJsonIterator |
CommonModuleInterface |
Helper for setting up interfaces to the fc-common module allowing access to other modules.
CommonPlaceholders |
List of common, non-dynamic placeholders that can be used within formcycle.
CommonPlaceholders.DoubleDollar |
List of common, non-dynamic session placeholders that can be used within
CommonPlaceholders.NoPrefix |
List of common, non-dynamic form placeholders that can be used within formcycle.
CommonPlaceholders.SingleDollar |
List of common, non-dynamic system placeholders that can be used within
CommonRecordValueDescriptors |
CommonRedirectAuthenticatorProperties<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
Model class for the properties of authenticators that use redirection to an external IDP.
ComparableUtils |
Utility class for comparing comparable values.
CompatibilityHelper |
Common helper for maintaining compatibility.
ComponentHelper |
Utility methods for working with UIComponent s.
CompoundConditionEvaluator |
ConditionCheck |
ConditionEvaluationHelper |
Helper class providing generic condition check utility methods.
ConfigWrapperFactory |
ConnectionFilter |
Filter for all pages that require access to the database.
ConsumingFileHandlerImpl |
ContentDisposition |
Class for working with the Content-Disposition .
ContentDispositionParseException |
ContentTypeHttpRequestParameter |
An HTTP request parameter with a name, value, and content type that can be added to a request.
ContentTypeUtils |
Performs content type detection by utilizing the Apache Tika framework.
ContextBuilderException |
ContextPathUrlResolver |
URL resolver that prepends the context part to the URL if missing.
ContextPlaceholderType |
An implementation of IPlaceholderType for context placeholders of the form [%key.value%] .
ContextualEntityContext |
An entity context intended to be used when you do not know whether you are inside a UI thread or not.
ConvertibleComponent |
Can be used together with a <xi:convertible> component.
CouldNotLockFormRecordException |
Indicates that a form record could not be locked
Counter<T extends Comparable<T>> |
A generic interface for objects that keep a count, using a value from a discrete domain.
Counter.LongCounter |
CounterProcessor |
Counters |
CreateEvent<T> |
A generic AJAX behavior event that is triggered when an item was inserted somewhere.
CreateIndirectClientAuthorizations_8_0 |
CreateLdapAuthenticatorsUpdate_8_0 |
System update that creates all necessary LDAP authenticators
CredentialsExpiredException |
Exceptions for expired credentials on a user profile.
CrossViewScopeClientRequestData |
POJO push data for the cross view scope request.
CrossViewScopeClientResponseData |
POJO model for the data received from the client to a cross view scope push message.
CrossViewScopeRequestPushData |
POJO push data for the cross view scope request.
CrudMap<Key,Value> |
CRUD = create, read, update, and delete
CrudMapAdapter<Key,Value> |
CRUD = create, read, update, and delete
CrudMapAdapter.Immutable<Key,Value> |
CrudMapAdapter.SetLike<Value> |
CrudMapAdapter.SetLike.Immutable<Value> |
CssBuilder |
Static factory methods for different CSS syntax types.
CssClassInfo |
Represents an analyzed CSS class.
CssColor |
A CSS color value, with optional transparency.
CssColorString |
Constraint validation that may be applied to values of type String .
CssColorString.List |
CssColorStringValidator |
CssDeclarationListBuilder |
CssDefaultValue |
CssFontFaceInfo |
Represents the font faces contained in an analyzed CSS file.
CssInclude |
A CSS file to include in the designer.
CssInfo |
Represents an analyzed CSS file.
CssRequest |
Client-side model for requesting info about a CSS file.
CssRuleListBuilder |
CssSelectorBuilder |
Simple builder for creating CSS selector string, e.g.
CssTransformListBuilder |
CssUrlReplacer |
Helper for replacing URLs in CSS files.
CssWithFontFacesInfo |
CSVDatenquelleResolver |
CsvFormat |
CsvFormat.Builder |
CsvFormatter |
Formats character separated values with a certain set of options.
CSVFormatWrapper |
Wrapper class for CSV formats
CSVImportOptions |
Utility class for importing CSV files
CsvItemSourceHelper |
Helper methods for CSV item sources of the for each loop in the workflow.
CSVParserWrapper |
Wrapper class for CSV parser
CSVPrinterWrapper |
Wrapper class for CSV printer
CSVRecordWrapper |
Wrapper class for CSV records
CSVSourcesMigrationUpdate |
CsvSplitter |
Splits a string with multiple values separated by a given character.
CurrentProjectBean |
CurrentViewBean |
CustomAjaxSource |
Simple POJO implementation of an AjaxSource with setters for programmatic configuration.
CustomAuthContentAction |
CustomBackupData |
Model with the additional data for the JSON serialized form of a workflow version (in addition to the process model).
CustomBodyDataBuilder |
CustomColor |
A custom IGuiColor color with a builder that supports whatever color fields were added during the build
CustomColor.Builder |
CustomGuiIcon |
A custom GUI icon with a freely configurable style, style class, and value.
CustomGuiIcon.Builder |
A new builder for a custom GUI icon.
CustomMailServerData |
CustomResource |
Resource for custom content
CustomViewModel |
CustomViewSettings |
DaoActionHookHelper |
DaoCrudMixin |
Mixin to simplify CRUD (create-read-update-delete) operations on entities implemented via the DaoProvider
layer .
DaoLazyDataModel<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
LazyDataModel for IEntity s & use with DataTable .
DaoLazyDataModel.Builder<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
DaoPagedResultFactory |
DaoProvider |
Keeps a static reference to all DAO (data access object) instances.
DaoProviderIcalQueryAccessObject |
DaoProviderValidationAcessObject |
DashboardBean |
View scoped bean holding the dashboard of the backend.
DashboardModel |
DashboardPageModel |
The model for the dashboard page which holds the data from the portal localizations.
DashboardPageModel.Builder |
DatabaseConnectionChoiceProvider |
Provider for the database connections available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
DatabaseConnectionModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
DatabaseMonitor |
Monitors the database connection status.
DatabasePropertiesHelper |
DatabaseQueryChoiceProvider |
Provider for the URL templates available during workflow editing and validation.
DatabaseUtils |
DatabaseUtils |
DataSourceDescriptor |
DataSourceImportConfig |
DataSourceImporter |
DataSourceImportStager |
Deprecated. |
DataSourceModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
DataSourcesBean |
Bean für die aktuelle Session und deren Informationen
DataSourcesSheetBean |
Bean for handling data source manipulation through excel-like sheet
DataSourceUtils |
DataStores |
DataTable<S,T> |
Simple Model holding headers and data rows of a fixed data table for outputting information
DataTableColumn |
DataTableEntriesModel<T extends Serializable> |
Generic model for markable & selectable data table entries.
DataTableEntriesModel.Builder<T extends Serializable> |
DataTableTemplate |
DatenabfrageDBServlet |
DatenabfrageLDAPServlet |
DatenbankZugriff |
DatenbankZugriffAPI |
DatenbankZugriffDao |
DatenbankzugriffHandler |
Datenquelle |
DatenquelleAPI |
DatenquelleCSVServlet |
DatenquelleDao |
DatenquelleHandler |
The Class DataStoreHandler.
DatenquelleJSONServlet |
DatenquelleParams |
DatenquelleResolverFactory |
DatenquelleXMLServlet |
DatentabelleDao |
DBAccessPoolManager |
DBBinaryEncryptor |
DbConnectionBean |
Bean für die Verwaltung von Verbindungen
DBConnectionData |
DBDatenquelleResolver |
DbEncryptionBean |
DBEncryptionProcessor |
DBEncryptionPropertiesHelper |
DBEncryptionProvider |
DBNameHelper |
DbQueryBean |
Bean for handling db queries
DBQueryManager |
DbSettingsBean |
DBStringEncryptor |
DeactivateNtlmUpdate_8_0 |
System update that deactivates the NTLM configuration if it is active.
DefaultAuthenticatorClients |
Default implementation for accessing the clients of an authenticator depending on the authentication flow.
DefaultAuthenticatorClients.Builder |
DefaultClientCreator |
Default-implementation for creating clients
DefaultClientData |
Default-implementation of the default data to use while creating an client
DefaultContextValueReplacer |
DefaultConvertibleMap<V> |
DefaultCreateNewFormRecordChatRequest |
DefaultCreateNewFormRecordChatRequest.Builder |
DefaultDaoActionHook<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
DefaultedZonedDateTimeTemporalQuery |
DefaultEntityWriter |
Default writer for entities that serializes the entity based on ExportDetails
DefaultExtendedFulfillRequestedUploadRequest |
DefaultExtendedFulfillRequestedUploadRequest.Builder |
DefaultExtendedPostFormRecordMessageRequest |
DefaultExtendedPostFormRecordMessageRequest.Builder |
DefaultFacesImportMapConfig |
DefaultFastJsonConfigFactory |
Creates the default serializer and deserializer configurations for fast JSON.
DefaultFastJsonConverter |
Default implementation of IFastJsonConverter that does not add any custom serializers etc.
DefaultFD2AppointmentProvider |
DefaultFD2ConditionsFactory |
DefaultFD2ConditionsFactory |
Deprecated. |
DefaultFD2DatasourceProvider |
DefaultFD2ItemProvider |
DefaultFD2LanguageProvider |
DefaultFD2LicenseDataProvider |
DefaultFD2MetaDataProvider |
DefaultFD2MetaDataWrapper |
Diese Klasse kapselt ein Script -Objekt welches als Node im einem HTML-Generierungsprozess eingebunden
werden kann.
DefaultFD2RenderCallbackProvider |
DefaultFD2ReplacerProvider |
DefaultFD2StatusProvider |
DefaultFD2TemplateProvider |
DefaultFD2UserGroupProvider |
DefaultFD2VRulesProvider |
DefaultFormDataUpdateUploadRequest |
DefaultFormDataUpdateUploadRequest.Builder |
DefaultFormElementTemplateList |
DefaultFormElementTemplateList.Builder |
DefaultFormElementTemplateLoader |
DefaultFormFunctionReplacer |
DefaultFormRecordChatReference |
DefaultFormValueReplacer |
DefaultFulfillRequestedUploadRequest |
DefaultFulfillRequestedUploadRequest.BaseBuilder<Request,Self extends DefaultFulfillRequestedUploadRequest.BaseBuilder<Request,Self>> |
Builder for the data needed to fulfill a pending upload request.
DefaultFulfillRequestedUploadRequest.Builder |
DefaultFulfillRequestedUploadResponse |
DefaultI18nValueReplacer |
DefaultIdentityCheckHandler |
Default identity check handler that executes a Java method if the tokens match.
DefaultListConverter |
Default converter for the tagify component.
DefaultLocalizationViewModel |
Default POJO implementation of ILocalizationViewModel that uses a default entry type, if you do not need a
custom entry type.
DefaultLocalizationViewModelEntry |
DefaultMailContext |
Default implementation for sending mails via smtp
DefaultMandantCreator |
DefaultMandantData |
DefaultParametersModel |
DefaultPluginFormElementCatalogParams |
DefaultPluginFormElementTemplateDescriptor |
DefaultPluginFormElementTemplateDescriptor.Builder |
DefaultPluginFormElementTemplateIcon |
DefaultPluginLifecycleData |
DefaultPluginProfileFilterAttribute |
Default implementation of a plugin profile attribute filter attribute.
DefaultPluginProfileFilterAttribute.Builder |
DefaultPluginProfileFilterValue |
Default implementation of a plugin profile attribute value.
DefaultPluginProfileFilterValue.Builder |
DefaultPluginValidationData |
DefaultPluginValidationResult |
DefaultPostFormRecordMessageRequest |
DefaultPostFormRecordMessageRequest.BaseBuilder<Request,Self extends DefaultPostFormRecordMessageRequest.BaseBuilder<Request,Self>> |
DefaultPostFormRecordMessageRequest.Builder |
DefaultPostFormRecordMessageResponse |
DefaultReplacerParameters |
DefaultRequestUploadData |
DefaultRequestUploadData.Builder |
DefaultSerializableFile |
Default implementation of ISerializableFile with several static factory methods for creating instances.
DefaultSessionValueReplacer |
DefaultSettingsController |
Contains the default implementation for the addNewListener and deleteListener required by the
settings.xhtml custom component.
DefaultSystemValueReplacer |
DefaultTemplateValueReplacer |
DefaultTriggeredWorkflowExecutionResult |
DefaultUsernamePasswordCredentialsAuthenticatorRenderer |
DefaultVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
DefaultWorkflowValidationContext |
DefaultXItemFieldNameConventions |
The default field name conventions suitable for most form items that consist of
only a single input, select, or textarea field in the rendered form, with a name as configured in the form designer.
DeleteFileOnCloseInputStream |
Similar to a FileInputStream , but deletes the file when the stream is closed.
DeletionReason |
Model representing a reason for the deletion of one or more entities.
DelimitedStringListConverter |
DependencyDescriptor |
DeprecateTextTemplateSystemInfoUpdate_7_0 |
DeserializedEntity |
DesignerAddStateBean |
Controller bean for adding a new workflow state to the workflow.
DesignerConfigFactory |
Utility methods for creating the designer JSON config required by the client side JavaScript.
DesignerContextAwareViewHandler |
View handler for the designer that adds the designer conversation ID to all URLs.
DesignerConversationBean |
Bean for handling the designer conversation context.
DesignerConversationEnvironmentData |
Info about the current client and project opened in the designer.
DesignerConversationModel |
POJO model for the current global state of a designer instance.
DesignerConversationModelHelper |
DesignerFrameConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the designer frame.
DesignerModelBean |
Bean for the new designer.
DesignerModelFactory |
Utility methods for creating the various models used by the designer frame.
DesignerPageBean |
Bean for all designer pages.
DesignerPreferences |
Model for preferences of a UserProfile regarding the Designer.
DesignerPreviewPageBean |
Controller for the form preview XHTML page.
DesignerPreviewSubmitParams |
DesignerRequestResponder |
Utility methods for responding to invalid requests when the designer is opened.
DesignerSetupBean |
Called during pre-render view and creates the designer model.
DesignerStateHelper |
Helper for adding new state to the workflow.
DesignerTabBean |
Bean controlling the components of the designer.
DevelopmentServletContextListener |
Servlet context listener that checks whether javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE ) is set to
ProjectStage.Development .
DevIncludesDevServlet |
DevResource |
A resource meant only for development.
DevResource |
DevResourceBundleFilter |
Filer that is added dynamically when dev mode is activated.
DevResourceDescriptor |
DevResourceDescriptor |
Wraps a resource and serves it directly from the file system when dev mode is turned on.
DialogBean |
Emulates the dynamic functionality of a primefaces dialog.
DidOpenPortalContextEvent |
Event that is fired when a user portal UI page was opened that is associated with a particular portal and the data
for that portal was loaded.
DirectClientAuthorization |
DirectClientAuthorizationAPI |
DirectClientAuthorizationChoiceProvider |
Provider for the direct client authorizations available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
DirectClientAuthorizationDao |
DirectClientAuthorizationHandler |
DirectClientAuthorizationModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
DirectClientFactory |
This factory creates general direct clients for IAuthenticator s with sensible defaults that
can be used in various contexts.
DirectedEdgeStatement |
A directed edge statement.
DirectedGraph |
A directed graph.
DirectedSubGraph |
A sub graph statement with directed edges.
DirectedSubGraphExpression |
A sub graph expression with directed edges.
DiscriminatedUnionMember<D,V> |
DistinctUserConfigWrapper |
Authentication config wrapper for a distinct user.
DocService |
Service providing base functionality of the REST API
DocumentTypes |
Holds a map with frequently used suffixes of files as keys and grouping them through the values, each value has a
visual representation for p:treeNode
DoiVerificationResult |
Model class for the result of the execution of a double opt-in verification event.
DomUtil |
DoubleList |
A list of doubles.
DoUntilLoopData |
DownloadBean |
DownloadIncludesServlet |
DownloadLocalBackupParams |
DownloadManager |
DrawerPanelModel |
Model that stores the available prototypes for the workflow elements.
DropDataTablesForeignKeys |
DropDataTablesPrimaryKeys |
DropInboxTablesForeignKeys |
DropInboxTablesPrimaryKeys |
DummyAuthenticatorPropsFactory |
DummyProfileBuilder |
Builder for creating (mock) pac4j profiles .
DuplicateFormElementAliasException |
Exception thrown when a multiple form elements have got the same alias, such as when persisting a form version.
DurationPartsConverter |
DynamicClients |
Extension of the pac4j Clients , that provide the authentication clients for a dynamic list of
clients using the client cache.
DynamicShortDateTimeConverter |
EAccessProperty |
An access property describes the permissions a formcycle user is granted.
EAdminDashCategory |
Categories of the admin dashboard, used by IMenuEntryModel.
EAktionsResultat |
Resultat eines Workflow-Schrittes.
EAnrede |
The form of address of a person.
EAppenderKey |
Deprecated. |
EAppenderType |
Enum with the available log appender-types
EAppointmentActionType |
An enumeration of the actions that can be applied to a submitted appointment.
EAppointmentBookingError |
An enumeration of the possible errors that may occur when booking an appointment.
EAppointmentBookingFlag |
Enumeration with flags for changing the validation process of an Appointment .
EAppointmentIcalError |
EAppointmentLinkType |
EAppointmentStatus |
EArrowHeadDirection |
Enumeration of the possible values for the dir attribute.
EArrowShape |
Graphviz arrow head shapes.
EAttachmentItemResolutionError |
Enumeration of the different error types that can occur when resolving the attachments referenced by a
AttachmentItem .
EAttachmentItemType |
Enumeration of the different types of attachments that can be selected in the configuration of workflow actions.
EAttachmentSource |
EAttributeStatementType |
Enumeration of the different types of attribute statements in a graph dot graph.
EAuthCallbackUrlType |
Types of callback URLs.
EAuthClientType |
EAuthConfigState |
An enumeration with the possible states of an authenticator, indicating whether it's configuration is complete.
EAuthenticationFlow |
Enum representing the supported authentication flows for authenticator clients.
EAuthenticatorRenderType |
Rendering type of the authenticator.
EAuthError |
Enum with available authentication-error-reasons
EAuthorizationFilterType |
Default authorization filter types.
EAuthRedirectTarget |
EAuthRenderType |
Enum for the different types of authentication renderers.
EAutoLoginType |
EBaseActionViewType |
Default built-in views for business action nodes for the workflow flowchart.
EBenamungsModus |
Die Enumeration Benamungsmodus wird dazuverwendet um anzugeben ob die Standardelementbenamung aus dem Designer
genutzt wird, oder die benutzerspezifischen Benamungen.
EBenutzerStatus |
Der Benutzerstatus gibt an ob der Nutzer das System nutzen kann, er blockiert oder gar gelöscht ist.
EBenutzerTyp |
EBenutzerverwaltungsTyp |
EBrowserType |
EBuiltinFieldNameConventions |
EByteOrderMarkMode |
Enumeration of possible byte order marks, indicating whether a byte order mark is added to some data.
EByteOrderMarkSupport |
EChangeFormAvailabilityType |
Enumeration of the different ways to change a form's availability, used by the workflow action.
EClientView |
View definitions that require an authenticated in user and depend on a client.
EClusterControllMessage |
Enumeration of the possible control commands that can be sent to a node in the cluster.
EClusterImplementation |
Enumeration of the possible implementations for the cluster.
EClusterMode |
Possible values for the clusterrank attribute.
EClusterProtocolType |
EColorPalette |
Enumeration of available color palettes for the web.
EColorSchemeSvg |
Graphviz color names for the SVG scheme.
EColorSchemeX11 |
Graphviz color names for the X11 schema.
EColumnLabelType |
Representing label options for columns during form record export
ECommonAttachmentSearchOptions |
ECommonFileSearchOptions |
ECommonServlets |
ECompassPointType |
Enumeration of the compass point types in a graph dot graph.
ECompressAsZipNamingScheme |
Enumeration with the possible values for how files are named when put into a ZIP archive.
EConditionType |
EConnectionStatus |
Enum der Verbindungs-Status
EContentDisposition |
EContentType |
EContentType.Constants |
EContentView |
Enumeration describing views to formcycle content pages.
EContentViewCategory |
ECounterActionType |
Defines types of actions for counters.
ECounterRefGroupType |
Enum representing different groups for referencing counters
ECounterResetType |
Types of conditions by which an object/entity may be reset
ECssAlignItems |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property align-items .
ECssBackgroundRepeat |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property background-repeat .
ECssBoxSizing |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property box-sizing .
ECssCursor |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property cursor .
ECssDisplay |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property display .
ECssJustifyContent |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property justify-content .
ECssOverflow |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property overflow .
ECssPointerEvent |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property pointer-events .
ECssPosition |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property position .
ECssRequestType |
Enumeration of the possible CSS request types, see CssRequest .
ECssTextAlign |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property text-align .
ECssTranformOrigin |
Constants with the pre-defined values for the CSS property transform-origin .
ECssUnit |
Enumeration of CSS units.
ECSVDelimiterType |
ECSVImportFormat |
Enum of CSV import options
ECSVTextQualifierType |
EDatasource |
EDataView |
Enum for different view types for inputing or presenting information.
EDatenabfrageTyp |
EDatenbankTyp |
Enumeration of the database management systems natively supported by formcycle.
EDatenquellenTyp |
EDBEncryptionAlgorithm |
EDbUpdateStep |
EDefaultSenderName |
EDesignerEndpoint |
Default definitions for designer web endpoints.
EDesignerPropertyPanel |
Deprecated. |
EDesignerTabType |
Enumeration of how the content of a designer tab is rendered.
EDesignerUploadFileSource |
Enumeration of the cross view upload file sources used in the designer.
EdgeAttributeList |
An attribute list for edges.
EEdgeStyle |
Graphviz styles for edges.
EEdgeType |
Enumeration of the edge types of a graph dot graph.
EElementHelpPageTargetType |
Enumeration of how how a workflow element can provide the user with a usage help page.
EElementPrototypeTag |
Enumeration of tags for workflow element prototypes that affect how the prototypes are displayed etc.
EElementProtoViewType |
Enumeration of the possible types how a workflow element prototype is displayed in the drawer and overlay panels.
EEmailArchiveFormat |
Format of mail as file for archive.
EEmailBodyFormatType |
Types of mail body sending format
EEncryptionTestResult |
EEntityConflictResolveAction |
Possible actions if entity conflicts arise
EEntityKeySelectionType |
Describes how to find the key for entity list views to store the currently selected entity via the
SelectionBean .
EEntityRefType |
Type of reference to an entity
EErrorType |
Beschreibt die verschieden Typen von Fehlern die auftreten können.
EExecCondition |
EExportContext |
Context for use in ExportDetails to determine when a field should be exported
EExportToXmlField |
Enumeration of additional fields that can be included in the generated XML file with the submitted form data.
EExportType |
EExterneRessourcenTyp |
EFacesMessageSeverity |
EFacesMessageSeverity |
Serializable wrapper for a FacesMessage FacesMessage.Severity .
EFcChangeFormAvailabilityError |
EFcChangeFormAvailabilitySoftError |
EFcChangeFormValueError |
EFcChangeFormValueSoftError |
EFcChangeStateError |
EFcChangeStateSoftError |
EFcCompressAsZipError |
EFcCompressAsZipSoftError |
EFcCompressAsZipUpdates |
Enumeration with the updates for the properties of the compress as ZIP action.
EFcCopyFormRecordError |
EFcCopyFormRecordSoftError |
EFcCounterError |
EFcCounterSoftError |
EFcCreateTextFileError |
EFcCreateTextFilePropsUpdate |
EFcCreateTextFileSoftError |
EFcDecodeBase64Error |
EFcDecodeBase64PropsUpdate |
EFcDecodeBase64SoftError |
EFcDeleteAttachmentError |
EFcDeleteAttachmentSoftError |
EFcDoiInitError |
EFcDoiInitSoftError |
EFcDoUntilLoopError |
EFcDoUntilLoopSoftError |
EFcEmailError |
EFcEmailSoftError |
EFcEmailUpdates |
Enumeration with the updates for the properties of the email workflow action.
EFcEncodeBase64Error |
EFcEncodeBase64SoftError |
EFcExperimentError |
EFcExperimentSoftError |
EFcExportToPersistenceError |
EFcExportToPersistencePropsUpdate |
EFcExportToPersistenceSoftError |
EFcExportToXmlError |
EFcExportToXmlPropsUpdate |
EFcExportToXmlSoftError |
EFcFillPdfError |
EFcFillPdfPropsUpdate |
EFcFillPdfSoftError |
EFcFillWordError |
EFcFillWordPropsUpdate |
EFcFillWordSoftError |
EFcForEachLoopError |
EFcForEachLoopSoftError |
EFcHttpRequestError |
EFcHttpRequestPropsUpdate |
EFcHttpRequestSoftError |
EFcImportFormValueFromXmlError |
EFcImportFormValueFromXmlSoftError |
EFcLdapQueryError |
EFcLdapQuerySoftError |
EFcLogEntryError |
EFcLogEntrySoftError |
EFcMoveFormRecordToInboxError |
EFcMoveFormRecordToInboxSoftError |
EFcMultipleConditionError |
EFcMultipleConditionSoftError |
EFcProcessLogPdfError |
EFcProcessLogPdfPropsUpdate |
EFcProcessLogPdfSoftError |
EFcProvideResourceError |
EFcProvideResourcePropsUpdate |
EFcProvideResourceSoftError |
EFcQueueTaskError |
EFcQueueTaskSoftError |
EFcRedirectError |
EFcRedirectSoftError |
EFcRenewProcessIdError |
EFcRenewProcessIdSoftError |
EFcReturnFileError |
EFcReturnFileSoftError |
EFcSaveToFileSystemError |
EFcSaveToFileSystemSoftError |
EFcSaveToWebDavError |
EFcSaveToWebDavSoftError |
EFcSendFormRecordMessageError |
EFcSendFormRecordMessageSoftError |
EFcServerType |
Types of formcycle servers.
EFcSetSavedFlagError |
EFcSetSavedFlagSoftError |
EFcShowTemplateError |
EFcShowTemplateSoftError |
EFcSqlStatementError |
EFcSqlStatementSoftError |
EFcSwitchError |
EFcSwitchSoftError |
EFcThrowExceptionError |
EFcThrowExceptionSoftError |
EFcWebAppFeature |
Default formcycle web app features.
EFcWhileLoopError |
EFcWhileLoopSoftError |
EFcWriteFormRecordAttrError |
EFcWriteFormRecordAttrSoftError |
EFileConflictMode |
Enumeration indicating how to proceed when a file exists already.
EFileConflictResolution |
Enumeration with the possible actions to be taken when an uploaded file conflicts with an existing file.
EFileProvisionHandleError |
Enumeration of the different error types that can occur when handling a IFileProvision .
EFilter |
EFlowchartBackupRequestSource |
Enumeration of the possible request source that may trigger a backup detect event.
EFlowchartSelectionType |
EFlowGraphLayoutMode |
Possible ways of how the flow graph layout is computed for purposes of visualization.
EForEachLoopItemListSource |
Enumeration with the possible sources of items over which the built-in for-each loop workflow node can iterate.
EFormAuthTyp |
Deprecated. |
EFormDataUploadUpdateMergeMode |
Indicates how existing files of an upload element should be handled when updating the files of an upload element.
EFormElementRepetitionMode |
Indicates whether and how a form element is repeated.
EFormElementTyp |
Elementtypen in Formularen, die für die Platzhalter-API relevant sind.
EFormExportFormat |
Type of form print export
EFormExportOptionConverter |
EFormExportPart |
Enumeration indicating which part of a form should be exported.
EFormFieldTyp |
This enum lists the different types of form elements.
EFormImpexOption |
Definiert die möglichen Import/Export-Optionen für ein Formular
EFormOfflineMode |
Enumeration with the possible behaviors how a form record is treated when the associated form is currently offline.
EFormPersistFile |
Enumeration of the different form persist files.
EFormPrintFormat |
Export format for printing forms
EFormProcessType |
EFormRecordDataAccess |
Enum for regulating access to form records
EFormRecordMessageContext |
Enum representing the default message contexts for form records.
EFormRecordMessageSenderContext |
Enum providing the default sender contexts.
EFormRecordQuartzJobType |
Enum for displaying different kinds of quartz jobs for form records.
EFormRecordQueryType |
Basic types of form record queries.
EFormRecordSubmitContext |
Enum representing the default submit contexts for form records.
EFormRequestType |
EFormResourceType |
EFormShareOutputType |
EFormShareProperty |
EFormShareType |
Enum representing ways of sharing formcycle forms along with customization options
EFormTargetState |
When a form is submitted, a new state must be determined for the form.
EFormTemplateScope |
EFormTyp |
Von Formcycle unterstützte Formulartypen.
EFormVersionActions |
FormVersion aktionen einer FormVersion
EFreigabeStatus |
Freigabe-Status einer FormVersion
EFreigabeTyp |
Typ des Freigabemechanismus eines Mandanten
EGender |
EGraphType |
Enumeration of the type of a graph dot graph.
EHashAlgorithm |
Enum representing hash algorithms.
EHttpClient |
Pre-defined HttpClients for executing HTTP requests.
EHttpClientTransportType |
Defines the transport type to use for HttpClients to execute HTTP requests.
EHttpContentType |
Enumeration of the possible content types that can be selected for the EWorkflowNodeType#FC_POST_REQUEST .
EHttpLocationResolutionType |
How to handle redirect (relative) URIs when sending an HTTP request and the response has a 3xx status code with a
Location header.
EHttpRequestType |
Enumeration for the various ways of configuring the body of an HTTP request, used by the HTTP request workflow
EHttpTransportType |
Pre-defined HttpClients for executing HTTP requests.
EHttpVerb |
A list of well-known HTTP verbs, mostly those defined by the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 standards.
EI18nSource |
Given a default string and a language-specific string, indicates which string should be used.
EIconType |
EIdentityTokenFailure |
Error reasons why the one-time submission token check failed.
EInboxEndpoint |
Default definitions for inbox web endpoints.
EInboxFilterTag |
EInboxProcessDetails |
EIncludesEndpoint |
Default definitions for includes web endpoints.
EIncrementalPersistPatchOperation |
EInputClientLayout |
Enum representing the layout options of credentials authenticators (i.e.
EInternalMessagePriority |
Types of priorities for internal messages which indicates the importance of treating a message.
EInternalMessageType |
Enumeration of the different internal message types which accessable in different scopes.
EItemLicenseType |
EJobAction |
Enumeration for the different actions that can be applied to timed jobs.
EKerberosLdapUserFilterType |
Enum representing the options for defining an LDAP user filter for KERBEROS authentications.
ELabelLocation |
Enumeration of the values for the label location attribute.
ELanguage |
Supported default languages for the formcycle backend.
ELanguageConverter |
ELayoutType |
Enum with appender-layout patterns
ELdapLoginStatus |
ElementDrawerPanelBean |
Controller for the drawer panel and the task / node add panel.
ElementEntry<TElement> |
ElementGlobalValidationParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
ElementHelpLocation |
POJO implementation of IElementHelpLocation with some additional static factory methods for convenience.
ElementHelpLocationBean |
ElementInfoPanelBean |
Beans which handles the element info dialog for a flowchart node or trigger.
ElementInfoPanelModel |
View Model storing the data that shown in the element info dialog of the flowchart.
ElementInfoRequestEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when more info regarding an element was requested (by clicking on the info
ElementInitParams<TData> |
ElementKey |
The key of a workflow element that uniquely identifies it within the context of a process.
ElementLocalValidationParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
ElementMessageModel |
ElementMessageSetModel |
ElementNodeInfoHelper |
ElementPropertiesBean |
Bean for the properties panel to the right, that may contain node or trigger properties.
ElementPropertiesHelper |
ElementPrototypeCategory<TWrapper> |
ElementPrototypeDescriptor<TData,TPayload extends IElementPrototypeData<TData>> |
ElementPrototypeDescriptor.ElementPrototypeBuilder<TSelf,TData,TPayload extends IElementPrototypeData<TData>> |
Simple builder for configuring an element prototype.
ElementPrototypeModel |
JSON-convertible client model that represents a prototype for a flowchart element that corresponds to a HTML element.
ElementPrototypesHelper |
Static function for creating workflow element prototypes.
ElementResultBuilder |
ElementTriggerInfoHelper |
ElementUpdateCurrentPropsParams<TData> |
ElementUpdateCurrentTaskParams |
ElementWithTask<TElement> |
ELicenseCheckType |
Enumeration of the available license check type.
ELicenseFeature |
ELicenseFileType |
ELicenseState |
ELicenseSubscriptionType |
ELicenseType |
Enumeration of the available license type.
ELicenseVersionState |
ELinkTarget |
ELiquibaseCmd |
ELiquibaseCmd |
ELizenzTyp |
Deprecated. |
ELocalizationsType |
ELogEntryActionLogLevel |
Enumeration on the different levels of workflow actions which are relevant for a log filter.
ELoggerKey |
Deprecated. |
ELoggerType |
ELoginContext |
Deprecated. |
ELoginLayout |
ELoginNoticePosition |
Possible positions for the login notice on the login screen.
ELoginState |
Enum representing the state of user credentials logins.
ELogLevel |
Enum representing log levels
ELogLevel |
Deprecated. |
EMailAuthenticationType |
Enumeration of possible authentication methods.
EMailEncrpytionType |
Enumeration of possible email encryption methods.
EMailEncryption |
EMailSenderAddressMode |
When sending mails, whether the sender address can be changed.
EMailServerScope |
The scope of a IMailServerData , indicating in which scope the mail server was configured.
EMalwareScanOutcome |
Enumerates the possible outcomes of a malware scan.
EMatchCondition |
EmbeddedItemLicenseModel |
EMime |
EModule |
Deprecated. |
EMonacoOptions |
Enumeration of default options for the monaco code editor.
EMoveFormRecordToInboxTargetType |
EMProvider |
EmptyEventExecutionResult |
An event execution result that can be used when no tasks were executed, such as when no triggers fired).
EmptyFileItem |
EmptyResourceDescriptor |
EMrmrsColor |
EMultiFactorAuthenticationType |
Enum of types of MFA tokens.
EMultipartHeaderType |
Enumeration of the possible ways to handle Unicode characters in headers of multipart HTTP requests.
EMultipleConditionCombinationType |
Enumeration of the different possibilities how the individual conditions of a multiple condition workflow node may be
EMultipleResolvedAttachmentsCollector |
EMultipleResolvedFilesCollector |
ENagixChartJsColor |
ENamedCssColor |
Enumeration of CSS color name, together with the usual color values.
EncryptionUtils |
EncryptTemplateI18nUpdate_6_4 |
Generates new HTML templates for authentication
Endpoint<C extends Comparable> |
POJO class describing an end point of a range, either a lower or upper end point.
EndpointAccessor<T,C extends Comparable> |
Interface for a handler that allows accessing a Range endpoint of some object.
EndpointAccessorsIdentity |
An enumeration containing instances of EndpointAccessor , for Range.lowerEndpoint() s or
Range.upperEndpoint() .
EndpointAccessorsRange |
An enumeration with implementations of EndpointAccessor s for accessing the end points of Range
EndpointDescriptor |
Interface for a handler that describes the properties of an end point of Range .
EndpointDescriptors |
EndpointDirection |
Describes the direction or type of end point, i.e.
EndpointType |
Interface for a handler that describes an end of an interval.
EndpointTypeComparator |
A comparator for comparing two end points of a range.
EndpointTypeComparators |
EndpointTypes |
An enumeration with implementations of all possible EndpointType s.
ENodeCompletionType |
Enumeration of the possible types how the execution of a workflow node was completed.
ENodeState |
Enumeration describing the possible states of a node in the cluster.
ENodeStyle |
Graphviz styles for nodes.
ENodeType |
Enumeration of the possible modes of a node, i.e.
ENodeTypes |
EntitiesRuntime |
EntitiesRuntimeManager |
EntityAlternativeProvider |
Helper class for providing alternatives during entity import
EntityApiAuthenticator |
Authenticator for retrieving UserProfile s by validating username password credentials against an entity
authenticator given by UUID over the API.
EntityBean<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
Entityberechtigung |
EntityberechtigungHandler |
EntityComparator |
Comparator for IEntity s
EntityConfigWrapper |
EntityContext |
EntityContextFactory |
EntityDependency |
EntityDependencyUpdater |
EntityDescriptor |
Model for describing a formcycle entities
EntityDummyFactory |
EntityExporterFactory |
Factory for formcycle entity exporters
EntityExportFileFactory |
Factory for creating the export files for entities during serialization
EntityExportHelper |
Helper class for generating StreamedContent from entities
EntityExportWrapper |
EntityIdView |
POJO view for the AttributeSelectCriteriaManager when selecting only the ID of an entity.
EntityImportConfig |
Deprecated. |
EntityImportDetails |
Annotation for customizing the deserialization process during entity import to take into account deprecated fields
EntityImporter |
EntityImportHelper |
Helper class for importing entities
EntityImportResult |
Model class for entity import results
EntityImportStagerFactory |
Deprecated. |
EntityListDependency |
EntityListModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
EntityListModelSelectByView<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
Extends the EntityListModel and adds functionality for memorizing the currently selected entity for the
duration of the current session.
EntityProjectTemplate |
EntityRef |
Model class for referencing an entity either by UUID or name
EntityReferenceDaoListener<TReferenced extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TReferencing extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
A IDaoActionListener for checking whether an entity is still referenced by another entity, and preventing the
deletion of said entity if it is.
EntityReferenceDescriptor |
EntitySelectModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
EntitySerializer |
Class for (de-)serializing entities
EntityTypeAdapter |
EntityUtils |
EnumBean |
EnumHandlerRestriction |
Behandelt Einschränkungen bezüglich Enums, welche bei bestimmten Entitäten unterschiedliche Werte annehmen kann.
EnumServletHandler |
EnumTransform<T extends Enum<T>> |
Transform er similar to for enums which allows you to specify how unknown enum constants are handled.
EObjectGraphVisitResult |
EOrdering |
Enumeration for the values of the ordering attribute, which constrains the left-to-right ordering of
node edges.
EPagePart |
Enum representing parts of a formcycle page, such as e.g.
EPasswordAssignType |
Typen für die Art der Passwortvergabe (bei Anlegen eines Benutzers)
EPasswordLinkType |
Link-Typen für das Passwort am Benutzer setzen
EPasswordPolicy |
EPasswordResetState |
Enum representing the state of resetting a user password.
EPatchOperation |
Enumeration of JSON patch operation.
EPathSegmentSanitizationRulesPreset |
EPdfAcroFormType |
Enumeration with the different types of AcroForm fields.
EPlaceholderEscaper |
EPlaceholderSyntaxKind |
Enumeration of the different placeholder types that can be distinguished solely by their string representation,
without semantic information from placeholder replacement handlers.
EPlaceholderType |
Common placeholder types.
EPlaceholderType |
EPluginCompatibility |
EPluginFormResourceType |
EPluginLifecycleEvent |
An enumeration of the different types of plugin related events for which a listener may be registered.
EPluginOverwriteStatus |
This enum is for checking the overwritability of a plugin when updating manually via the plugin interface.
EPluginReplacementStatus |
Enumeration with the status of a placeholder replacement plugin.
EPluginScope |
Deprecated. |
EPluginServerRestrictionType |
Enumeration of server types on which the installation of a plugin should be limited.
EPluginStoreItemInstallScope |
Enumeration of the possible scope of a plugin store item, indicating also if the client overloads a plugin installed
also in system scope.
EPluginStoreItemInstallStatus |
Enumeration of the possible status of a plugin store item, indicating whether the plugin is installable or already
EPluginTypes |
EPluginUpdateAvailability |
Enumeration of the plugin update availability status which is determined through proma.
EPluginUpdateStatus |
The possible outcomes of a plugin update.
EPluginValidationFailureTreatment |
How to proceed when installing a plugin and the plugin fails to validate.
EPortalStatePreset |
EPostfachColumnIdentifier |
EProcessingResult |
Enumeration for the types of data provided by the workflow.
EProcessListView |
EProcessLogFormat |
EProcessView |
EProjectAccessConfig |
Options during project import for choosing how the project access will be resolved
EProjectExportFormat |
EProjectImportStep |
EProjectImportType |
Enumeration of how the an imported export file is used.
EProjectSpecificDBTable |
Definiert die projektspezifischen Datentabelle, in denen die Vorgangsdaten abgelegt werden können.
EProjectView |
View definitions that require an authenticated user and depend on a project.
EProjectWizard |
EProtectedView |
Protected view definitions that require an authenticated user
EProtocolCleanupRange |
Ranges that may be selected for configuring a protocol cleanup job
EProtocolEntryProcessType |
EProtocolType |
That type of protocol that is needed for deleting protocol entries
EProtokollEintragTyp |
Deprecated. |
EPublicAttachmentSource |
EPublicAuthRenderType |
EPublicFormRecordStateType |
Enum representing the public type for user portal states.
EPublicUploadRequestFileMergeMode |
EPublicView |
Public view definitions that don't require an authenticated in user.
EQuasarColor |
Colors from
ERankDirection |
Enumeration of the values for the rankdir attribute.
EReplacementInsertionType |
ERequestType |
EReservedUser |
Enum of reserved user reference IDs.
EResourceItemResolutionError |
Enumeration of the different error types that can occur when resolving the files references by a
ResourceItem .
EResourceItemType |
Enumeration of the different types of resources that can be selected in the configuration of workflow actions.
EResponseType |
An enumeration of possible HTTP response types.
ERessourcenTyp |
ERobotsTag |
Possible values for the X-Robots-Tag header.
ERollen |
ERollenTyp |
Der Enum RollenTyp wird dazu genutzt spezielle Systemberechtigungen zu setzen, die in der Logik selbst ausgewertet
werden und nicht in den Entityberechtigung en.
ErrorBean |
Bean providing functionality for error pages
ErrorCode |
ErrorCodeSection |
POJO model for the error section detailing an error that may be thrown by a node.
ErrorRegistry |
Registry for all errors.
ESameSiteValue |
The allowed same-site cookie attribute values.
ESamlEntityIdType |
Enum specifying the type of the SAML entity ID.
ESamlMetadataIntegrationType |
ESendFormRecordMessageTargetChatType |
ESendFormRecordMessageTargetMemberType |
Enumeration for the members of a newly created chat, used by the send form
record message workflow action.
EServerConfigFeature |
This is an enum that contains the variants of the functions for a frontend server and is used on the configuration
interface of the frontend server.
EServletAction |
An enumeration of the available HTTP methods for a HTTP servlet.
ESessionAttributes |
EShape |
Shapes for graphviz nodes.
EShowBoxesMode |
Enumeration of the modes for the showboxes attribute.
ESingleResolvedAttachmentCollector |
ESingleResolvedFileCollector |
ESortingOrder |
EStandardAttribute |
Standard graphviz attribute names.
EStandardControlTransferType |
Enumeration with common types for how nodes can transfer control to other nodes.
EStatusRefType |
Type of reference to a state
EStatusTyp |
EStringMatchType |
Enumeration of how to string are compared to another.
ESubGraphStyle |
Graphviz styles for graphs and sub graphs.
ESubmitButtonAction |
ESystemAccountState |
ESystemInfo |
Enum representing types of system information
ESystemView |
View definitions that require an authenticated in user with system role.
ETagUtil |
Utility for working with the ETag HTTP caching mechanism.
ETagUtil.ETag |
POJO models for an ETag that can be exchanged via HTTP requests for cache control etc.
ETaskStatus |
ETemplateType |
Type of a form element template shown in the designer.
ETextbausteinKategorie |
ETextbausteinMsgCode |
Dieser Enum listet alle möglichen Nachrichtencodes auf, die Textbausteinen zugeordnet werden können
ETextContentViewEmptyMode |
How to treat files with empty or blank content when such a file is set.
ETextFileContentType |
Enumeration of the possible content types that can be selected for the EWorkflowNodeType#FC_CREATE_TEXT_FILE .
ETextFormatFlag |
Enumeration with the possible flags for different text formatting styles.
ETimePointTriggerDurationUnit |
ETimePointTriggerOperation |
ETimePointType |
Enumeration of the possible ways how a point in time may be specified.
ETimeSpan |
Enum für die möglichen Anzeige-Zeitspannen
ETimeUnit |
Enumeration for the unit of the read and connect timeout of the HTTP request action.
ETransactionIntent |
Enum for possible intents of an database transaction.
EUpdateResult |
EUpdateStatus |
EUploadRequestFileMergeMode |
EUploadType |
EUserAuthorizationType |
Deprecated. |
EUserPortalGeneralView |
Generic views for the user portal that do not require any specific context.
EUserPortalPortalView |
Views for the user portal that require a portal alias to be specified.
EUserPortalStateType |
Enum representing the default type for user portal states.
EUserPortalViewTab |
Enum for the tabs in the user portal UI.
EUserProfileRole |
Enum representing the roles of a UserProfile on a system level.
EValidations |
EValidationSeverity |
EvaluationMode |
EValueType |
Enumeration of different value types for a JSON like data structure.
EventAPI |
API for sending events from FS to MS.
EventExecutionResult |
EventHandler |
Event handler responsible for delegating events posted over the API.
EventResultConverter |
EventTaskLocator |
Helper for locating the workflow tasks that apply to a certain event.
EVerarbeitungsTyp |
Klasse zum Mappen von hinterlegten Verarbeitungsnamen zur entsprechenden Klasse
EViews |
EVirtualFlowGraphNodePurpose |
EWebColors |
Color palette with the named colors as defined by the CSS standard.
EWeiterverarbeitung_Aktion |
EWeiterverarbeitung_Bedingung |
EWeiterverarbeitung_Status |
EWizardStep |
Deprecated. |
EWizardStepCSVImport |
Enum for wizard steps during CSV import
EWizardStepFormShare |
Enum for wizards steps during form link creation
EWorkflowElementCategory |
Enumeration of built-in categories for workflow nodes and triggers.
EWorkflowElementType |
EWorkflowEventLoopTiming |
A single workflow event may trigger multiple tasks, which are executed in order.
EWorkflowNodeType |
A list of built-in workflow types.
EWorkflowStateModelProperty |
EWorkflowStateType |
Enumeration of WorkflowState s types that may be treated specially by the system.
EWorkflowTextSource |
Source of textual data for workflow actions.
EWorkflowTriggerType |
EWorkflowValidationGroup |
ExcelImportOptions |
Utility class for importing Excel files
ExclusiveFormRecordLockResult |
Model class for the result of form record lock requests
ExecuteScriptPushData |
POJO data model for the push event beans.
ExecutionAbortedError |
Indicates that execution of a workflow node was aborted.
EXfcConfigType |
Enum for the different types of configuration files used by formcycle.
ExportAktionData |
Deprecated. |
ExportBedingungData |
Deprecated. |
ExportDetails |
ExportMetadata |
Metadaten zum Export
ExportProjektData |
ExportProjektDoiData |
ExportStatusData |
Deprecated. |
ExportStatusHelpData |
Deprecated. |
ExportUnzipper |
Utility class for unzipping formcycle export files
ExtendedAppointmentFreeSlot |
POJO helper class for the appointment free slot query result builder.
ExtendedEntityModel<E extends ITransferable> |
ExtendedFormClient |
Extension of the default pac4j FormClient with the option of handling invalid credentials on AJAX
authentication request with a custom IInvalidCredentialsHandler .
ExtendedFormPersistContext |
Context of an form-resist-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedFormProcessContext |
Context of an form-process-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedFormPublishContext |
Context of an form-publish-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedFormRenderContext |
Context of an form-render-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedFormRequestContext |
Context of an form-request extended with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
ExtendedJeeHttpActionAdapter |
Extended JEE HTTP action adapter that adapts actions with location and content and redirects to default pages if no
content or location was given.
ExtendedPostfach |
ExtendedSAML2AuthnResponseValidator |
Extension of the default pac4j SAML 2 Authn response validator.
ExtendedSAML2AuthnResponseValidator |
ExtendedSAML2Client |
Extension of the default pac4j SAML 2 client.
ExtendedSAML2Client |
ExtendedSAML2IdentityProviderMetadataResolver |
Extension of the default SAML2IdentityProviderMetadataResolver to include additional caching of URL metadata
ExtendedVorgangResultTransformer |
ExtensionCheck |
Helper class to verify a file's extension against its content.
ExtensionCheckFacade |
Processes the extension check (i.e.
ExtensionCheckReport |
Simple bean for holding information about extension check results.
ExtensionCheckSettings |
Model for (regularly updated) extension check related values that are based on system properties.
ExternalContextFilter |
ExternalFormsBean |
Bean for the external page /external/forms .
ExternalResourceItem |
ExternalUserClientBean |
ExternalUserSystemBean |
ExtractSearchTermsParams<TData> |
EZugriffsrecht |
Der Enum Zugriffsrechte dient dazu die Rechte eindeutig zu identifizieren
FacebookAuthenticatorProperties<TAuthenticator extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
FacebookWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
FacesAjaxRequestMatcher |
Custom pac4j matcher that checks if the request is a JSF AJAX requests and may reject those.
FacesConfigBean |
FacesFunctions |
Static methods that can be used within XHTML pages, e.g.
FacesHelper |
FacesMessagePushData |
POJO data model for the push event beans.
FacesUnauthorizedHandler |
Handles unauthorized REST API responses from the server by redirecting to the login page.
FacesWorkflowLocalValidationContext |
Context for the workflow validation that is available when bean validation is invoked from JSF.
FallbackExecutionAnalyzer |
Fallback execution analyzer when no logic handler could be found for a node.
FastJsonException |
Similar to JSONException , but with the difference that this is a checked exception.
FastJsonProvider |
A JsonProvider for JSON .
FCApplicationFactoryWrapper |
FCApplicationWrapper |
FcBeanValidatorMessageInterpolator |
A JAKARTA bean validation API message interpolator for formcycle that combines different built-in resource bundles as
well as resource bundles provided by plugins.
FcBreakHandler |
FcBreakProps |
FcCatchErrorHandler |
FcCatchErrorProps |
FcChangeFormAvailabilityExecutor |
FcChangeFormAvailabilityHandler |
FcChangeFormAvailabilityProps |
FcChangeFormValueExecutor |
FcChangeFormValueHandler |
FcChangeFormValueProps |
FcChangeStateBean |
FcChangeStateExecutor |
FcChangeStateHandler |
FcChangeStateProps |
FcChangeStateValidator |
FcClientWindowConfig |
FcCompressAsZipExecutor |
FcCompressAsZipHandler |
FcCompressAsZipProps |
FCContextBean |
FcContinueHandler |
FcContinueProps |
FcCopyFormRecordExecutor |
FcCopyFormRecordHandler |
FcCopyFormRecordProps |
FcCounterExecutor |
FcCounterHandler |
FcCounterProps |
FcCreateTextFileExecutor |
FcCreateTextFileHandler |
FcCreateTextFileProps |
FcCreateTextFileProps.ValidationGroup |
FcDecodeBase64Executor |
FcDecodeBase64Handler |
FcDecodeBase64Props |
FcDeleteAttachmentExecutor |
FcDeleteAttachmentHandler |
FcDeleteAttachmentProps |
FcDeleteAttachmentProps.attachmentsToDelete |
FcDeleteFormRecordHandler |
FcDeleteFormRecordProps |
FcDoiInitBean |
FcDoiInitExecutor |
FcDoiInitHandler |
FcDoiInitProps |
Model class for the workflow action that initializes the Double-Opt-In process.
FcDoiVerifiedHandler |
FcDoiVerifiedProps |
FcDoUntilLoopBean |
FcDoUntilLoopExecutor |
FcDoUntilLoopHandler |
FcDoUntilLoopProps |
FcEmailBean |
FcEmailExecutor |
FcEmailHandler |
FcEmailProps |
FcEmailProps.ValidationGroup |
FcEmailUserReferenceMigrator |
FcEmptyHandler |
FcEmptyProps |
FcEncodeBase64Executor |
FcEncodeBase64Handler |
FcEncodeBase64Props |
FCEncryptedBinaryType |
FCEncryptedIntegerType |
FCEncryptedStringType |
FCEntityConverter |
FCEntityListConverter |
FcExceptionHandler |
FcExceptionHandlerFactory |
FcExperimentExecutor |
FcExperimentHandler |
FcExperimentProps |
FcExportToPersistenceExecutor |
FcExportToPersistenceHandler |
FcExportToPersistenceProps |
FcExportToXmlBean |
FcExportToXmlExecutor |
FcExportToXmlHandler |
FcExportToXmlProps |
FcFileUploadFilter |
FcFillPdfExecutor |
FcFillPdfHandler |
FcFillPdfProps |
FcFillWordExecutor |
FcFillWordHandler |
FcFillWordProps |
FCFontInfo |
FcForEachLoopBean |
FcForEachLoopExecutor |
FcForEachLoopHandler |
FcForEachLoopItemListAttachments |
FcForEachLoopItemListCsv |
FcForEachLoopItemListCsvRows |
FcForEachLoopItemListEmpty<T> |
FcForEachLoopItemListFieldValues |
Utility class for resolving an item list for the for-each loop of type FIELD_VALUES .
FcForEachLoopItemListFiles |
FcForEachLoopItemListJson |
Utility class for resolving an item list for the for-each loop of type JSON_VALUE .
FcForEachLoopProps |
FcForEachLooptemListFormFieldRepetition |
FCFormElementModelPicklistConverter |
A Converter for a FormElementModel that is used on the inbox and data table configuration page.
FcFormRecordMessagePostedHandler |
FcFormRecordMessagePostedProps |
FcFormRecordMessageUploadRequestFulfilledHandler |
FcFormRecordMessageUploadRequestFulfilledProps |
FcFormSubmitButtonHandler |
FcFormSubmitButtonProps |
FcHttpRequestExecutor |
FcHttpRequestHandler |
FcHttpRequestProps |
FcHttpRequestProps.BasicAuthProps |
POJO model class for the basic auth credentials of the HTTP request action.
FcHttpRequestProps.connectTimeout |
FcHttpRequestProps.ProxyAuthProps |
POJO model class for the credentials to use with the proxy of the HTTP request action (applicable only when a
proxy is used).
FcHttpRequestProps.ProxyProps |
POJO model class for the proxy configuration of the HTTP request action.
FcHttpRequestProps.readTimeout |
FcI18nBundleLocator |
A Hibernate bean validation API resource bundle locator for the i18n.fc resource bundle.
FcI18nBundleMessageInterpolator |
A JAKARTA bean validation API message interpolator for the i18n.fc resource bundle.
FcImportFormValueFromXmlExecutor |
FcImportFormValueFromXmlHandler |
FcImportFormValueFromXmlProps |
FcInvitationErrorHandler |
FcInvitationErrorProps |
FcInvitationSentHandler |
FcInvitationSentProps |
FcLdapQueryBean |
FcLdapQueryExecutor |
FcLdapQueryHandler |
FcLdapQueryProps |
FcLogEntryExecutor |
FcLogEntryHandler |
FcLogEntryProps |
FcManualHandler |
FcManualProps |
FCMessage |
A message that may be shown to the user.
FCMessage |
FCMessage.ESeverity |
FCMessage.ParamsLocalizer |
FcMoveFormRecordToInboxExecutor |
FcMoveFormRecordToInboxHandler |
FcMoveFormRecordToInboxProps |
FcMoveFormRecordToInboxProps.ValidationGroup |
FcMultipleConditionBean |
FcMultipleConditionExecutor |
FcMultipleConditionHandler |
FcMultipleConditionProps |
FcMultipleConditionsCustomExpression |
FcMultipleConditionsCustomExpression.List |
FcMultipleConditionsCustomExpressionValidator |
FcMultipleConditionsUniquelyNamed |
FcMultipleConditionsUniquelyNamed.List |
FcMultipleConditionsUniquelyNamedValidator |
FCPluginException |
Exception welche innerhalb der Plugin-Initialisierung und Abarbeitung geworfen werden kann
FCPluginType |
Markup annotation for plugin types.
FcProcessHistoryPdfHandler |
FcProcessLogPdfExecutor |
FcProcessLogPdfHandler |
FcProcessLogPdfProps |
FcProvideResourceExecutor |
FcProvideResourceHandler |
FcProvideResourceProps |
FcQualifiedFormSubmitButtonHandler |
FcQualifiedFormSubmitButtonProps |
FcQueueTaskExecutor |
FcQueueTaskHandler |
FcQueueTaskProps |
FcRedirectBean |
FcRedirectExecutor |
Creates a new executor for executing a forwarding action with the given parameters.
FcRedirectHandler |
FcRedirectProps |
FcRenewProcessIdExecutor |
FcRenewProcessIdHandler |
FcRenewProcessIdProps |
FCResourceHandler |
FcReturnFileExecutor |
FcReturnFileHandler |
FcReturnFileProps |
FcReturnHandler |
FcReturnProps |
FCReversePicklistConverter |
FcSaveToFileSystemExecutor |
FcSaveToFileSystemHandler |
FcSaveToFileSystemProps |
FcSaveToWebDavBean |
Bean for accessing a root TreeNode for generating a output of directories
FcSaveToWebDavExecutor |
FcSaveToWebDavHandler |
FcSaveToWebDavProps |
FCSecurityExtension |
FcSendFormRecordMessageExecutor |
FcSendFormRecordMessageHandler |
FcSendFormRecordMessageProps |
FcSendFormRecordMessageProps.ValidationGroup |
FcSequenceHandler |
FcServerType |
Markup annotation for controlling initialization of classes inside plugins through the plugin or portal manager.
FcSetSavedFlagExecutor |
FcSetSavedFlagHandler |
Handler for the Workflow node action that sets the form record to saved
FcSetSavedFlagProps |
Model class for the workflow node action that marks form records as saved
FcSetup |
FcShowTemplateExecutor |
FcShowTemplateHandler |
FcShowTemplateProps |
FcSqlStatementBean |
FcSqlStatementExecutor |
FcSqlStatementHandler |
FcSqlStatementProps |
FcStateTimerBean |
FcStateTimerHandler |
FcStateTimerProps |
FcSwitchCaseBean |
FcSwitchCaseCustomExpression |
FcSwitchCaseCustomExpression.List |
FcSwitchCaseCustomExpressionValidator |
FcSwitchCaseHandler |
FcSwitchCaseProps |
FcSwitchCaseProps.SingleCaseValue |
A single case value with an operator an a right-hand side that is tested against the switch value.
FcSwitchCaseUniquelyNamed |
FcSwitchCaseUniquelyNamed.List |
FcSwitchCaseUniquelyNamedValidator |
FcSwitchDefaultHandler |
FcSwitchDefaultProps |
FcSwitchExecutor |
FcSwitchHandler |
FcSwitchProps |
FcSystemIntegrationExtension |
A JUnit extension for system integration tests.
FcThrowExceptionExecutor |
FcThrowExceptionHandler |
FcThrowExceptionProps |
FcTimePointBean |
FcTimePointHandler |
FcTimePointProps |
FcTimePointProps.TimePointExpressionWithFormat |
FcTimePointProps.TimePointFixed |
FcUserInvocationHandler |
FcUserInvocationLocalizationEntry |
FcUserInvocationProps |
FCUserProfile |
FcUuidEntityConverter |
Converter for formcycle entities that also implement IUUIDEntity .
FcWhileLoopBean |
FcWhileLoopExecutor |
FcWhileLoopHandler |
FcWhileLoopProps |
FcWriteFormRecordAttrExecutor |
FcWriteFormRecordAttrHandler |
FcWriteFormRecordAttrProps |
FD2ConfigBuilder |
FD2Const |
Klasse mit den Konstatnen für den Designer
FD2Const.Files |
FD2Const.Notes |
FD2Const.XRendererConst |
FD2Const.XRendererParameter |
FD2Const.XRendererPath |
FD2Const.XResourceParameter |
FD2DefaultValues |
FD2FormLanguageProvider |
FD2Helper |
FD2i18nKeys |
FD2i18nKeys.ServerValidation |
FD2RenderContext |
FD2Session |
FD2SessionManager |
FD2SystemLanguageProvider |
FdExportConfigModel |
FdToExcelBuilder |
Builder to transform form-data to excel
FdToExcelResult |
The result of an transformation of formdata to excel
FDToExcelTransformer |
FdToXmlBuilder |
Builder for transforming form-data into XML
FdToXmlResult |
The result of an transformation of formdata to XML
FDToXmlTransformer |
FeConst |
FeedbackBean |
FeedbackMailData |
Data required for sending a feedback mail.
FeedbackMailUtil |
FetchDesignerPlaceholdersRequest |
Requests the current additional placeholders from the active designer tab.
FetchDesignerPlaceholdersResponse |
FetchedFormTemplate |
FetchTemplateResult |
FetchUploadDataResult |
FetchWebFormPersistRequest |
Requests the current web form persist file from the form designer.
FetchWebFormPersistResponse |
FetchWorkflowConfigRequest |
Requests the current workflow process from the workflow designer.
FetchWorkflowConfigResponse |
FetchWorkflowPersistRequest |
Requests the current workflow persist file from the workflow designer.
FieldFdHTML |
FieldFdXml |
FieldMetaDataHelper |
FieldName |
Represents a parsed form field name, with the base name, the suffix, and the repetition index.
FileAPI |
API class for interaction with files.
FileBodyBuilder |
FileCache |
FileCacheParameters |
FileConflict |
POJO class that describes a file conflict, i.e.
FileData |
FileDataBean |
General bean for accessing file data of file providing entities.
FileDataCacheManager |
FileDescriptorRow |
View model for the workflow designer, used in the info panel of a node or trigger.
FileFormatException |
A particular IOException caused by an invalid file format
FileFormRecordDataSizeUpdate_6_0 |
FileHandler |
The Class FileHandler.
FileItemDescriptor |
A IValueDescriptor for the metadata of a file, consisting of a file name, base name, extension, and file
FileItemPart |
A part or a form item of a multipart/form-data POST request that is based upon a
FileItem .
FileListDescriptor |
FileListDescriptor.Builder |
FileMapping |
FileMeta |
FilenameUtils |
FilePartData |
Class for storing informations and data for an mail-bodypart based on an file
FilePathValidator |
FileProvidingNodeWithName |
FileProvidingTriggerWithName |
FileProvidingWrapper |
Common wrapper for file providing entities
FileProvision |
POJO for workflow actions that provide a set of files.
FileSearchOptions |
FileSearchOptions.Builder |
A builder for file search options.
FileSizeConverter |
Converter between a file size in bytes and a human readable representation, such as 5.3 MB
FileUploadConfirmBean |
Bean for holding upload information to confirm or cancel a single upload.
FileUploadedRequest |
When a plain file was uploaded.
FileUploadExtension |
Extension to FileUpload that publishes all validation message as global messages as well (so that they can be
shown in the global p:growl).
FileUploadUtils |
Utitlity class for working with file uploads.
FileUtils |
FileValueDescriptor |
FileValueDescriptor.Builder |
Builder for a file value descriptor.
FileValueDescriptorIntersector |
FilterCriteriaForEventParams |
FilterCriterionSupplierBuilder |
Filter criterion supplier builder.
FilterCriterionUtils |
Utility class for generating default filter criterions.
FilteredClassLoader |
FilterMandantDependentDefault |
FilterMetaConverter |
FilterZugriffsrechtDefault |
FindPdfImporterIdsRequest |
Requests the existing PDF importer IDs.
FindPdfImporterIdsResponse |
FixMissingInvalidTokenTemplate_6_6_9 |
FlattenedSubCatIterable |
Flowchart |
Component handler for the flowchart component that can represent a syntax tree-like program as a diagram and also
allows editing.
FlowchartBase |
Base class for the Flowchart component that contains all the getters and setters for the flowchart's
FlowchartBase.PropertyKeys |
FlowchartClientConfig |
Model class for the JSON object that is sent to the client (browser) during a full update of the flowchart.
FlowchartClientConfigHelper |
FlowchartElementIndex |
An index of the nodes and triggers in a workflow process.
FlowchartElementResource |
Represents the JavaScript and CSS resources required by a flowchart element.
FlowchartJsonConverter |
JSON converter for the flowchart component, used to convert the data transmitted between the client and server.
FlowchartLinterProviderBean |
Bean for the flowchart component to locate dead workflow nodes.
FlowchartModel |
FlowchartModelConverter |
FlowchartRenderer |
The default renderer for the Flowchart component.
FlowchartRenderer.FlowchartPartialRenderListener |
Partial renderer listener for updating the flowchart via a script instead of replacing the entire DOM element.
FlowchartSaveEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the user wishes to save (e.g.
FlowchartSelection<TElement> |
Describes the currently selected element of the flowchart.
FlowchartSnapshot |
Represents the serialized version of the flowchart model.
FlowchartUpdateClientConfig |
Model class for the JSON object that is sent to the client (browser) during a partial update of the flowchart.
FlowGraphConnectionType |
Constants with the bit flags for the different types of edges in a workflow node flow graph.
FlowGraphEndPoint |
Base class for flow graph end point, used when analyzing the control flow of a workflow processing chain.
FlowGraphEndPoint.ControlTransfer |
A special type of FlowGraphEndPoint , used when analyzing the control flow of a workflow processing chain.
FlowGraphEndPoint.Normal |
A special type of FlowGraphEndPoint , used when analyzing the control flow of a workflow processing chain.
FlowGraphEndPoint.Returning |
A special type of FlowGraphEndPoint , used when analyzing the control flow of a workflow processing chain.
FlowGraphEndPoint.Throwing |
A special type of FlowGraphEndPoint , used when analyzing the control flow of a workflow processing chain.
FlowGraphEndPoints |
FlowGraphFilter |
Filter for the nodes and edges of a workflow node flow graph, used when a traversal operation is performed on a flow
graph, such as when computing the predecessors or successors of a given node.
FlowGraphFilter.Backward |
FlowGraphFilter.Forward |
FlowGraphFilter.Generic |
FlowGraphFilters |
FlowGraphFilters.EdgeTypeMatchesBuilder |
FlowGraphToGraphDotConverter |
Creates graph dot files for a processing chain.
FlowGraphToGraphDotConverterSettings |
FlowGraphToGraphDotConverterSettings.Builder |
FontUtils |
ForEachLoopData |
ForEachLoopData.Attachments |
ForEachLoopData.CharacterSeparatedValues |
ForEachLoopData.FieldValues |
ForEachLoopData.Files |
ForEachLoopData.FormElementRepetitions |
ForEachLoopData.JsonValue |
ForEachLoopData.RowsOfCharacterSeparatedValues |
FormAccessAuthorizer |
Deprecated. |
FormAjaxRequestResolver |
AJAX request resolver for determining if a FORM request is an AJAX request.
FormAjaxRequestResolver |
FormAjaxScriptBuilder |
Generates a script for loading form via ajax
FormAliasCopyServlet |
Kopieren einer 'FormVersion' per Alias Aufruf (alle Formulartypen)
FormAliasProvideServlet |
Alias-Auslieferung einer 'FormVersion' (alle Formulartypen)
FormAPI |
FormApiScriptBuilder |
Generates a script for loading form via the form include API (see include.js)
FormAttachmentModel |
FormatterManager |
FormAuthContext |
The authentication context for an form
FormAuthContextBuilder |
FormAuthHttpActionAdapter |
FormAuthorizerFactory |
FormBackupHelper |
Utilities for saving and loading form backups.
FormBackupModel |
POJO model for the form version backup available in the form designer.
FormBackupVersion |
FormCallbackRequestHandler |
FormCardModel |
The model for the form card.
FormCardModel.Builder |
FormClientFactory |
Factory for creating Pac4j Client s.
FormConfigWrapper |
FormContainerMetaData |
FormCopyServlet |
Kopieren einer 'FormVersion' (alle Formulartypen)
FormCopyUtil |
FormCssHelper |
FormcycleUpdate |
Callable for update of the entire system.
FormcycleUpdate.Builder |
FormcycleViewScopeBean |
Bean for switching the formcycle scope of the view.
FormDataAdapterWrapper |
Base clas for IFormDataAdapter that wraps another adapter and forwards all method calls to that wrapped
FormDataAPI |
FormDataEncryptedBinaryType |
FormDataEncryptedStringType |
FormDataHandler |
The Class FormDataHandler.
FormDataUpdater |
Class for updating the data of a form record, outside a normal form record HTTP submit.
FormDataUpdateUploadException |
Base class for all exceptions that can be thrown when updating the values of an upload element in a form record.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.CannotReadFileContent |
Exception that is thrown when the content of a new file cannot be read.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.CannotUpdateUploadElement |
Exception that is thrown when the upload element cannot be updated due to some unknown error.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.ElementInsideRepeatedContainer |
Exception that is thrown when a non-repeated element was requested, but the requested element is inside a
repeated container.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.FileExtensionNotAllowed |
Exception that is thrown when the file extension is not allowed for the element.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.MaxFileCountLimitExceeded |
Exception that is thrown when the number of uploads exceeds the maximum allowed number of uploads for the
FormDataUpdateUploadException.MaxFilenameLengthLimitExceeded |
Exception indicating that the filename length limit was exceeded for an upload.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.MaxFileSizeLimitExceeded |
Exception that is thrown when the file size exceeds the maximum allowed size for the element.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.MinFileCountLimitNotReached |
Exception that is thrown when the number of uploads is below the minimum allowed size for the element.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.NoFilesToUpload |
Exception that is thrown when no files to upload were provided.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.NotAnUploadElement |
Exception that is thrown when the requested element is not an upload element.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.RequestedElementNotRepeated |
Exception that is thrown when a request for specific repetition ID was made, but the requested element is not
FormDataUpdateUploadException.RequestedRepetitionNotPresent |
Exception that is thrown when a specific repetition ID was requested for the element, but no such repetition
FormDataUpdateUploadException.UploadElementDoesNotExist |
Exception that is thrown when the requested upload element does not exist in the form.
FormDataUpdateUploadException.UploadElementNotAvailable |
Exception that is thrown when the requested upload element exists in the form, but is not available due to
restrictions such as state or user group dependent availability.
FormDataUtils |
FormDesignerApplicationEventHandler |
Handler for designer events
FormDesignerApplicationEventHandler.Fd2ProjectMetaUpdatedData |
FormDesignerBackupBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerCatalogBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the form designer.
FormDesignerCrossViewScopeRequestHandlerBundle |
Conversation request handler bundle for the form.
FormDesignerCssBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerEnvironmentData |
FormDesignerLangChangedEvent |
When the language used to edit the form has changed.
FormDesignerLanguageBean |
Controller bean for the form designer handling the language.
FormDesignerLanguageModel |
POJO model for the form designer, contains the selected language and the available languages.
FormDesignerModel |
POJO model holding the data required for the form designer.
FormDesignerModelBean |
Bean for the new designer.
FormDesignerModelFactory |
Utility methods for creating the various models used by the form designer.
FormDesignerPluginBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerPublishBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerRefactorBean |
Controller bean for the form designer handling refactorings in form element names etc.
FormDesignerRenderBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormDesignerSetupBean |
Bean that is invoked when the form designer is opened.
FormDesignerSyncPersistBean |
Controller bean for the form designer handling changes to the form persist JSON.
FormDesignerTemplateBean |
Bean for the form designer.
FormEditValidator |
FormEingang |
FormEingabeDaten +- Vorgang +- Eingangsinformationen (Datum, Nutzer) +- Mapping der Feldnamen-Alias auf die
zugehörigen Werte
FormEingangAPI |
FormEingangDao |
FormEingangDatei |
FormEingangDateiData |
FormEingangHandler |
The Class FormEingangHandler.
FormElement |
FormElementAdapter |
FormElementAPI |
FormElementDao |
FormElementHandler |
The Class FormElementHandler.
FormElementModel |
FormElementRelations |
Used by the PDF importer, list of elements that are near the elements to insert.
FormEntityHelper |
Test helper methods for form related entities.
FormExportBean |
Bean for configuring the print export of projects
FormExporter |
Exporter for creating documents from formcycle forms
FormFdHTML |
FormFdXml |
FormFieldDataModel |
View Model for data of a form record field
FormFieldDataService |
Service for creating the view model for displaying form record data
FormFieldDescription |
FormFieldMetaData |
FormFileResource |
FormFileResourcePage |
FormForwardProvideServlet |
Forward-Alias-Auslieferung einer 'FormVersion' (alle Formulartypen)
FormFunctionFactory |
FormFunctionParseException |
Exception thrown when a form function could not be parsed when it is syntactically invalid.
FormFunctionParser |
Parses a form field function, used by placeholders and by the Word fill workflow action, e.g.
FormHandler |
FormHelper |
Class for different helper-methods for the usage with forms
FormImpexOptionNode |
Model für Darstellung einer Node im FormImpex-Tree
FormItemAddition |
FormItemsPersistUpdatedEvent |
When the persist JSON of a single items was modified.
FormItemUpdate |
FormLanguageHelper |
Helper methods related to the languages available for a form.
FormLifecycleShouldExecuteParams |
FormModel |
POJO model holding data related to the current form edited in the designer.
FormOverviewBean |
FormOverviewContent |
FormOverviewHelper |
Helper for creating and working with the form overview table in the designer.
FormOverviewPreferences |
Model for preferences of a UserProfile regarding the form overview.
FormOverviewRow |
POJO model for the form element overview table in the designer.
FormPageModel |
The model for the form page which holds the data from the portal localizations.
FormPageModel.Builder |
FormParser |
Deprecated. |
FormPersist |
POJO model for storing the current form persist JSON, with a few utility methods.
FormPersistChangedEvent |
When the persist JSON was modified of the entire form was modified.
FormPersistContext |
Context of an form-persist-request with data after the persist-call
FormPersistContextBuilder |
Builder for creating a form-persist-context.
FormPersistData |
Class with data for ein form-persist-request
FormPersistDataBuilder |
FormPersistHelper |
Helper for working with the form persist JSON from the client, such as applying increment patches.
FormPersistModifications |
FormPersistRequest |
Class with request-data for a form persist request
FormPluginHelper |
FormPortraitExportBean |
Bean for configuring the print export of projects
FormPortraitExporter |
Helper for converting a formcycle form into a PDF form.
FormPreviewImageServlet |
This servlet returns the preview (thumbnail) image for a given form or form template.
FormPreviewRequestData |
FormPreviewServlet |
Absenden eines Formular für die Vorschau
FormPreviewSubmitEvent |
FormPreviewSubmitEventHandler |
FormPrintServlet |
Auslieferung einer 'FormVersion' für den Druck(alle Formulartypen)
FormProcessContext |
Context of an form-process-request with data after the processing
FormProcessContextBuilder |
Builder for creating an form-process-context.
FormProcessData |
Class with data for an form-process-request
FormProcessDataBuilder |
FormProcessMetricsFilter |
FormProcessRequest |
Class with request-data for an form-process-request
FormProcessServlet |
FormProcessUtil |
FormProcessUtils |
Helper class for Form processes
FormProvideMetricsFilter |
FormProvideServlet |
allgemeines Servlet für die Auslieferung (den Aufruf) von Formularen mit beliebigem FormTyp
FormProvideUtil |
FormPublishContext |
Context of an form-publish-request with data for an publish-call
FormPublishContextBuilder |
Builder for creating an form-publish-context.
FormPublishHelper |
FormPublishUtil |
FormPublishValidator |
FormRecordAppointmentTestConfig |
FormRecordAttachmentResource |
Resource of a form record attachment
FormRecordAttachmentResourcePage |
FormRecordAttachmentService |
FormRecordAttachmentTestConfig |
FormRecordBaseData |
Model class for form record base data
FormRecordBaseData.Builder |
FormRecordChat |
Entity representing a form record scoped chat.
FormRecordChatAPI |
FormRecordChatDao |
FormRecordChatDescriptor |
FormRecordChatDescriptor.Builder |
FormRecordChatHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing FormRecordChat entities.
FormRecordChatManager |
Manager for form record chat and message related operations.
FormRecordChatResource |
FormRecordChatResourcePage |
FormRecordChatService |
FormRecordDataFactory |
Factory for creating models for specific form record data
FormRecordDataModel |
FormRecordDoiInitData |
Model holding the Double opt-in details that were used to initialize the Double opt-in process of a form record
FormRecordDoiMailData |
Model holding the Double opt-in details that were used to send the email initializing the Double opt-in process
FormRecordDoiTestConfig |
FormRecordExtendedListItem |
FormRecordFormData |
FormRecordHelper |
Helper class for working with form records for test purposes.
FormRecordJobDetailsModel |
View model for displaying the details of a form record quartz job
FormRecordListItem |
Wrapper class for displaying form records in the
FormRecordLock |
Simple table that holds potentially long-term locks on a form record.
FormRecordLockContext |
Acquires a form record lock on creation and releases it when the context is closed
FormRecordLockDao |
FormRecordLockManager |
FormRecordLockManager.ILockedFormRecord |
FormRecordMessage |
FormRecordMessageAPI |
FormRecordMessageAttachmentService |
FormRecordMessageDao |
FormRecordMessageDescriptor |
FormRecordMessageDescriptor.Builder |
FormRecordMessageHandler |
FormRecordMessagePostedEventBuilder |
FormRecordMessageRequest |
Model representing a request to create a form record message.
FormRecordMessageResource |
Resource of a form record message
FormRecordMessageResourcePage |
FormRecordMessageService |
FormRecordMessageUploadRequest |
Entity representing (pending or fulfilled) upload requests for form record messages.
FormRecordMessageUploadRequestDescriptor |
FormRecordMessageUploadRequestDescriptor.Builder |
FormRecordMessageUploadRequestFulfilledEventBuilder |
FormRecordMessageUploadRequestResource |
FormRecordMessageUploadRequestResourcePage |
FormRecordModel |
FormRecordPageModel |
The model holding the data for the form record page.
FormRecordPageModel.Builder |
FormRecordResource |
FormRecordResourcePage |
FormRecordReviewData |
Model class for form record review data
FormRecordSelectItem |
Wrapper class for form record selection
FormRecordService |
FormRecordStateResource |
FormRecordSubmission |
Entity representing a form record submission.
FormRecordSubmissionAPI |
FormRecordSubmissionDao |
FormRecordSubmissionHandler |
FormRecordSubmissionTestConfig |
FormRecordSubmissionTestConfig.Builder |
FormRecordTestConfig<TState extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
FormRecordTestConfig.Builder<TState extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
FormRecordUploadRequestData |
FormRecordUploadRequestElementData |
FormRecordUtils |
Utility class for form records.
FormRecordView |
FormRecordWorkflowData |
FormRenderContext |
Context of an form-render-request with data for an renderer-call
FormRenderContextBuilder |
Builder for creating an form-render-context.
FormRenderData |
Class with data for an form-render-request
FormRenderDataBuilder |
FormRenderHelper |
Helper methods for rendering form element for the form designer.
FormRenderRequest |
Class with request-data for an form-render-request
FormRepetitionContextHelper |
Helper for repeated form fields.
FormRequest |
Class with data for an form-request
FormRequestContext |
FormRequestContextBuilder |
Builder for creating an form-request-context.
FormRequestContextFactory |
Factory for creating different form-contexts
FormRequestData |
Class with request-data for an form-request
FormRequestDataBuilder |
FormRequestValidator |
FormResource |
FormResource |
FormResourceItem |
FormResourcePage |
Model representing a page of FormResource s provided by the PUBLIC REST API.
FormResponder |
FormReviewServlet |
Liefert eine (Nur-Lese-)Sicht für Postfachbearbeiter, die eingegebene Formulardaten zu einem bestimmten Vorgang
FormReviewUtil |
FormSaveExportBean |
Bean for exporting a copy of the form.
FormSubmissionEventDataBuilder |
Builder for the event data for a form submission event, i.e.
FormTemplate |
FormTemplateDao |
FormTemplateFile |
FormTemplateFileData |
FormTemplateHelper |
FormTemplatePreview |
FormTemplateTag |
FormTemplateThumbnail |
FormUserRequest |
FormUserRequestData |
FormUserRequestDataBuilder |
FormVariable |
Models a form variable that can be created in the form designer.
FormVerifyServlet |
The verify servlet is used for the double opt-in link.
FormVersion |
Die Entität FormVersion ermöglicht es verschiedene Versionen eines Formulars zu verwalten.
FormVersionAPI |
FormVersionBackup |
FormVersionBackupDao |
FormVersionBackupData |
FormVersionBean |
FormVersionConverter |
FormVersionDao |
FormVersionDatei |
FormVersionDateiData |
FormVersionHandler |
The Class FormVersionHandler.
FormVersionHelper |
Deprecated. |
FormVersionImportConfig |
FormVersionImportStager |
Deprecated. |
FormVersionPropertiesUpdate_8_2 |
Writes the form version properties from the persist JSON to the database table.
FormVersionUpdate_6_1 |
Updates the theme reference on FormVersion s from its name to UUID
FrameDesignerCrossViewScopeRequestHandlerBundle |
Conversation request handler bundle for the designer frame.
FrameDesignerModel |
POJO model holding the data required for the main designer frame page containing the sub pages such as the form and
workflow designer.
FrameIntegrationUrl |
FrameSecurityFilter |
FreeSlotQueryExecutor |
FreeSlotQueryResultBuilder |
FrontendSecurityFilter |
Filter that adds security-relevant headers and other settings for the frontend (web forms).
FrontendServer |
FrontendServerAPI |
FrontendServerBean |
FrontendServerDao |
FrontendServerHandler |
The Class FrontendServerHandler.
FrontendServerProviderBean |
Bean for providing frontend servers of clients.
FRQSession |
FRQSessionManager |
FrqSessionRedirectionActionBuilder |
Redirects to the clients final callback URL while adding the frid parameter.
FRQSessionStateGenerator |
Generator for FRQ session values.
FRQSessionStateGenerator |
FRQSessionStore |
FRQSessionStore |
FSClientFilter |
FSClientImpl |
Klasse mit der Implementierung der RMI-Mehtoden
FSConnection |
Klasse zum Verbinden und Trennen der Verbindung mit dem FServer
FSConnectionAPI |
API class for manipulation of FrontendServer entities and API-Klassse zur Manipulation von
FrontendServer -Entitäten und to invoke the appropriate connect / disconnect and connection testing operations
FSConnectionHandler |
The Class FSConnectionHandler.
FSConnectionInfo |
FSConnectionListener |
FSConnectionManager |
FSConnectionMonitorServlet |
Servlet to monitor and establish an frontend server connection.
FSConnectionThread |
FSContextBean |
FSContextListener |
ContextListener-Implementierung für XFC-spezifische Funktionalitäten zum Webapp-Start und -Ende.
FsGuiContextListener |
Servlet context listener for the plain frontend server (without inbox) for executing initialization and shutdown
tasks that are specific to plain frontend server web applications.
FSHandlerProvider |
FSMonitor |
FSMonitorMBean |
FSServer |
Diese Klasse implementiert einen Frontendserver gegen den sich verbunden werden kann.
FSServerFilter |
FSServerImpl |
Klasse mit der Implementierung der RMI-Mehtoden
FSSessionImpl |
FSSessionListener |
Deprecated. |
FSSystemStatusChecker |
FSTokenGenerator |
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException |
Base exception for exceptions that can occur when fulfilling an upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.CannotReadUploadFileData |
Exception indicating that the chat of the upload request does not match the expected chat.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.EmptyUploadFile |
Exception indicating that the file is empty and cannot be used to fulfill for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.FileExtensionNotAllowed |
Exception indicating that the file extension is not allowed for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MaxFileCountLimitExceeded |
Exception indicating that the limit on the maximum number of files was exceeded for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MaxFileSizeLimitExceeded |
Exception indicating that the file size limit was exceeded for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MinFileCountLimitNotReached |
Exception indicating that the limit on the minimum number of files was not met for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MismatchingChat |
Exception indicating that the chat of the upload request does not match the expected chat.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MismatchingMessage |
Exception indicating that the message of the upload request does not match the expected message.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MissingContentType |
Exception indicating that a file without an explicit content was provided to fulfill the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MissingFileName |
Exception indicating that a file without a file name was provided to fulfill the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MissingUser |
Exception indicating that no user was provided to fulfill the upload request (and that a user is required to
fulfill the request).
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.NoFilesProvided |
Exception indicating that no files were provided that could be used to fulfill the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.NoFormDataAvailable |
Exception indicating that the form record does not contain form data for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UnableToProcessUploadRequest |
Generic exception indicating that the upload request could not be fulfilled due to an unknown or unhandled error.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UploadElementConstraintsViolated |
Exception indicating that the upload element constraints were violated for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UploadRequestAlreadyFulfilled |
Exception indicating that the upload request was already fulfilled (and cannot be fulfilled again).
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UploadRequestNotFound |
Exception indicating that the upload request with the given UUID was not found.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UserNotMemberOfChat |
Exception indicating that the user is not a member of the chat containing the message with the upload request.
FullyAuthenticatedFilter |
Filter for protecting critical views such as system configuration views and the user profile page.
FunctionArgument |
FunctionHandlerFactory |
Contains the mapping between Word fill function names and the corresponding handlers for executing those functions.
Gagawa |
Helper functions for Gagawa DOM Node , such as iterating in depth-first pre-order, finding elements by certain
conditions, or reading or setting node data.
GagawaAccessor |
Workaround to access protected objects from Gagawa, to work around bugs or missing features.
GagawaNodeTreeAccessor |
GeneralErrorBean |
Bean for displaying general error pages.
GeneralResourceBundle |
General resource bundle for the user portal.
GeneralServletHandler<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
GenericAPI |
Generic API class for manipulation of entities.
GenericApiBundleProvider |
Provides a ApiBundle for the public generic REST API.
GenericApiTokenEndpointProvider |
Provides the default ITokenEndpoint implementation using the public generic REST API .
GenericCacheAPI |
API class for interaction with cache
GenericCacheHandler |
GenericCacheModel<T> |
GenericDao<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
GenericDaoUtils |
Utility class for working with entities
GenericDataCache |
GenericDataCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
GenericDesignerPageApplicationEventHandler |
Handles application events that are relevant to all designer pages.
GenericDesignerPageConversationEventHandler |
Generic designer conversation event listener that handles common events for all designer pages.
GenericEMFListener |
GenericEntityDescriptor |
GenericEntityListenerBean |
GenericFileDao |
GenericFormPersistFile |
Describes the data of a generic form persist file, whose exact meaning has yet to be determined.
GenericFormPersistFile.PdfInfo |
GenericHandler |
The Class GenericHandler.
GenericProjectOverviewConversationEventHandler |
Generic project overview conversation event listener that handles common events for the project overview.
GenericRestServicesProvider |
Provides the packages of the generic REST services.
GenericRESTServlet |
GenericSaveFormData |
GenericSessionListener |
An HTTP session listener to clean the XFC form request user session (after a logout or session timeout).
GenericSessionManager |
GenericStringModel |
GenericStringTrimConverter |
GenericTemplateHelper<E> |
GetAvailableAttachmentsParams |
GetAvailableAttachmentsParams.Builder |
GetAvailableResourcesParams |
GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder |
GetDisplayLabelParams<TData> |
GetElementPrototypesParams |
GetElementPrototypesParams.GetNodePrototypesParams |
GetElementPrototypesParams.GetTriggerPrototypesParams |
GetElementSummaryParams<TData> |
GetFilterCriteriaForEntitiesParams |
GetStoreItemsRequest |
Model for a request to fetch all or some subset of store items from a particular store.
GetStoreItemsRequest.Builder |
GetWidgetResourceParams |
GlobalCacheManager |
GlobalSecurityFilter |
GlobalServerInfoFilter |
GoogleAuthenticatorProperties<TAuthenticator extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
GoogleWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
GraphAlgos |
GraphAttributeList |
An attribute list for graphs.
GraphDotElementFactory |
GraphDotModelWriter |
Writer for creating content conforming to the graphviz dot language syntax specification, see DOT Language.
GraphDotProductionWriter |
Writer for creating content conforming to the graphviz dot language syntax specification, see DOT Language.
GraphDotTokenWriter |
Writer for creating content conforming to the graphviz dot language syntax specification, see DOT Language.
GsonDateTypeAdapter |
Adapter for serializing and deserializing Date objects with GSON.
GsonJavaTimeAdapter |
A collection of TypeAdapter s for java.time.* classes.
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.DurationAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.InstantAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.LocalDateAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.LocalDateTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.LocalTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.MonthDayAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.OffsetDateTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.OffsetTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.PeriodAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.YearAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.YearMonthAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.ZonedDateTimeAdapter |
GsonJavaTimeAdapter.ZoneIdHierarchyAdapter |
Type adapter for ZoneId and its subclasses.
GsonTypeAdapterFactory |
GsonTypeFactory |
GuessedContentType |
GuiIcon |
Default implementation of IGuiIcon for common icon libraries.
GuiImage |
Model for a GUI image with a source and an alternative description.
HandledServletException |
HardwareId |
Class to determine and check the hardware-id
HashHelper |
HasReferenceException |
An exception that indicates that a certain operation cannot be performed on an entity, due to that entity still being
reference by other entities.
HasUserGroupAuthorizer |
Authorizer that checks if the user is part of the given user groups
HeaderParameters |
Represents the parameters of form HTTP request as key-value pairs.
HealthCheckRegistry |
HibernateUtils |
Utility class for dealing with Hibernate objects
HistoryInfo |
POJO model for receives updates from the client regarding updates to the redo / undo buttons.
HslUvTriplet |
Represents an HSLul color triplet, see
HsvTriplet |
Represents an HSV color triplet.
HtmlEditor |
An HTML editor component which may be implemented by different libraries.
HtmlEditor.PropertyKeys |
HtmlEditorRenderer |
HTMLFormatter |
HtmlString |
Represents an HTML string that can be used for graph dot attributes to output HTML, e.g.
HtmlStringTrimConverter |
A converter that trims empty HTML strings to the empty string.
HtmlTemplateChoiceProvider |
Provider for the HTML templates available during workflow editing and validation.
HTMLUtils |
HttpClient |
Qualifier for the HTTP client type, can be when injecting client or API providers via CDI.
HttpClient.Literal |
HttpClients |
General logic for HTTP requests.
HttpContextData |
HttpContextData.Builder |
HttpCustomMethod |
A custom HTTP method with the given method name.
HttpPostRequestBuilder |
HttpRequestBuilder |
Builder for preparing and sending an HTTP request.
HttpRequestParameter |
An HTTP request parameter with a name and value that can be added to a request.
HttpResponseWrapper |
Wrapper for a CloseableHttpResponse which provides a couple of convenient methods for working with the
HttpServletRequestContext |
HttpServletRequestWithModifiedParams |
HTTP servlet request that wraps another servlet request, but with a changed parameter map.
I18nClientKeys |
Statische Klasse der auf Serverseite benutzen i18n-Keys
I18nClientKeys.Events |
I18nKeys |
I18nKeys.Defaults |
Schlüssel für lokalisierte Standardwerte.
I18nKeys.ErrMsg |
Schlüssel für lokalisierte Fehlermeldungen.
I18nKeys.Exceptions |
I18nKeys.FD2 |
I18nKeys.FormSummary |
I18nKeys.General |
I18nKeys.LDAP |
I18nKeys.Liquibase |
I18nKeys.Logging |
I18nKeys.Mail |
I18nKeys.MailPostfix |
I18nKeys.Msg |
Schlüssel für lokalisierte Hinweise, Nachrichten, Eingabeaufforderungen und Bezeichnungen.
I18nKeys.PasswordValidation |
I18nKeys.PluginUpdate |
I18nKeys.ProcessLog |
I18nKeys.Project |
I18nKeys.ProjectTemplates |
I18nKeys.ProjectUpdate |
I18nKeys.ProjektImpExp |
I18nKeys.Protokoll |
Schlüssel für Texte innerhalb von Protokollen
I18nKeys.Protokoll.DeletionReasons |
I18nKeys.Security |
I18nKeys.SystemUpdate |
I18nKeys.TemplateKeys |
I18nKeys.UserProfile |
I18nKeys.Workflow |
I18nResource |
Resource handler for i18n resources required by the client.
I18nUtils |
I18nValuesJSONBuilder |
I18NVariableInputElementCounterUpdate_8_1 |
Update of the i18n variable 'lettersLeft' for the new input element counter api on a textarea element.
I18nVariableMigrationUpdate |
System update for migration old text-templates 'FD2_I18N' to new 'I18N_VARIABLE' templates.
IAbruptCompletionExceptionBuilder<TBuilder,TResult> |
Builder for the result of a node that was completed abruptly by throwing an exception or issuing a return statement.
IAbstractDatei<T extends IAbstractDateiData> |
IAbstractDateiData |
Deprecated. |
IAccessProperty |
Interface for user-role and license-based access-properties
IAcroChoiceOption |
IActiveFlagProviding |
Interface for types whose instances indicate whether they are active or not.
IAktionDao |
IAktionHandler |
Deprecated. |
IAnyUserPortalRoute |
IAnyValueBuilder |
IAnyValueDescriptor |
IAnyValueDescriptorBuilder |
IAPIHandler |
Interface for remote API-handlers
IApiSessionEvent |
Extension of the session event which are able to be posted through the API.
IAppender |
Common interface for logging appenders
IApplicationEvent |
IApplicationEventHandler |
IAppointmentAvailableDate |
Represents part of the result of a query that retrieves the available times of a AppointmentTemplate .
IAppointmentBookingParams |
Represents the base parameters for booking, updating, or cancelling an appointment.
IAppointmentClientClosingTimeDao |
IAppointmentClosingTime |
IAppointmentClosingTimeDao |
IAppointmentCreateBookingParams |
Represents the parameters for creating (booking) a new appointment.
IAppointmentDao |
IAppointmentData |
Interface that represents part of the data of an appointment.
IAppointmentDeleteBookingParams |
Represents the parameters for deleting (cancelling) an existing appointment.
IAppointmentFreeSlot |
Interface for the appointment servlet.
IAppointmentFreeSlotQueryParams |
IAppointmentFreeSlotQueryResult |
IAppointmentHandler |
IAppointmentIcalQueryAccessObject<Context> |
Interface that abstracts the database interaction required by the ical servlet, to allow for easier mocking during
IAppointmentIcalQueryParams |
The parameters for a query that retrieves the available appointments of a AppointmentTemplate as an iCal
IAppointmentIcalQueryResult |
Represents the result of a query that retrieves the available appointments of a AppointmentTemplate as an
iCal file.
IAppointmentMoveBookingParams |
Represents the parameters for the appointment booking handler when the date or time of an appointment is to be
IAppointmentQueryParams |
Parameters for the appointment DAO for querying existing appointments.
IAppointmentRangeView |
A view of an Appointment that includes only the start and end time.
IAppointmentSlotDao |
IAppointmentSlotHandler |
IAppointmentSpecifier |
Marker interface for an object that can be used to retrieve an appointment.
IAppointmentTemplateDao |
IAppointmentTemplateData |
Interface that represents relevant data of an appointment.
IAppointmentTemplateHandler |
IAppointmentTypeDao |
IAppointmentTypeHandler |
IAppointmentValidateParams |
Represents the parameters for validating an appointment about to be persisted.
IAppointmentValidationAccessObject<Context> |
Interface that abstracts the database interaction required by the validation process of the appointment booking
handler, to allow for easier mocking during testing.
IAppointmentValidationInfo |
IAsposeConnector |
IAttachableFile |
IAttachFilesToFormRecordOptions |
IAttachmentDao |
IAttachmentHandler |
IAttachmentItemResolutionErrorProviding |
Common interface for both the resolved attachment list and each resolved attachment item, which both provide access
to the errors that occurred.
IAttachmentSearchOptions |
IAttachmentValueDescriptor |
Descriptor for the attachments created by a workflow node when it is executed.
IAttachToFormRecordProviding |
IAuthenticationContext |
Common interface providing information about a users authentication.
IAuthenticationHandler |
IAuthenticationTarget |
Common interface describing the target of an authentication request e.g.
IAuthenticator<T extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
Common interface for user authenticator entities.
IAuthenticatorAttributeParam |
Common interface for accessing parameters of authenticator attributes
IAuthenticatorClients |
Common interface for clients of an authenticator.
IAuthenticatorConfig |
Common interface for authentication config entities
IAuthenticatorConfigRenderContext |
Common interface for context data need for rendering authenticator configs
IAuthenticatorConfigRenderer |
Common interface for authenticator config renderers that are used to create the rendered HTML for an authenticator
IAuthenticatorConfigWrapper |
Common interface for authenticator config wrapper
IAuthenticatorProperties<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
Common interfaces for models representing the properties of an IAuthenticator .
IAuthenticatorWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
IAuthentticatorFile<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,T extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
IAuthorizationContext |
Common interface for context data needed in IAuthorizer s to check the authorization of users to a web
IAuthorizationFilterProperties |
IAuthorizer |
Common interface for authorizers.
IAuthWebContext |
Common interface for models that cover the web context for an authentication target and allow for access to commonly
used objects in pac4j authentication flows.
IAvailabilityContext |
Common interface for parameters needed to check the availability of a web endpoint.
IAvailabiltyResolver |
Common interface for resolving the availability of web endpoints.
IBaseActionClientHandlerNode<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
Mixin for nodes that wish to register the default client-side action handlers.
IBaseActionNode<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
Node logic handler for actions with a properties model that inherit from BaseActionProps .
IBaseCompletionResult |
Represents any result of INodeHandler#execute , regardless how
execution finished (normally or abruptly).
IBaseConditionClientHandlerNode<TData extends BaseConditionProps> |
Mixin for nodes that wish to register the default client-side condition handlers.
IBaseDoUntilLoopClientHandlerNode<TData extends BaseDoUntilLoopProps> |
Mixin for nodes that wish to register the default client-side do-until loop handlers.
IBaseEntityListener<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IBaseEnvironmentData |
Environment data with basic info for within various backend environments.
IBaseLoginConfig |
DTO interface for login configurations.
IBaseLoginPageConfig |
DTO interface for login page configurations.
IBaseMailData |
IBaseNotificationListener |
IBaseTrigger<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
Trigger handler for triggers with a properties model that inherit from BaseTriggerProps .
IBaseWhileLoopClientHandlerNode<TData extends BaseWhileLoopProps> |
Mixin for nodes that wish to register the default client-side while loop handlers.
IBaseWorkflowEnvironmentData |
Environment data required when create node or trigger prototypes.
IBaseWorkflowExecutionContext |
Context object that contains data related to the current execution of the workflow processing.
IBasicConfigParam |
Base interface for the available configuration parameters of a plugin bundle.
IBasicFormRecordRequestData |
Common interface for identifying a Vorgang
IBasisServletAction |
IBeanHandler |
IBeanScopeHandler |
Handler for the various different bean scopes, such as session scoped beans or view scoped beans.
IBeanValidatingElement<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IBeanValidatingNode<TData> |
IBeanValidatingTrigger<TData> |
IBedingungDao |
IBenutzerDao |
IBenutzerGruppeDao |
IBenutzerGruppeDependent |
Schnittstelle für Modelklassen, die in Beziehung zu BenutzerGruppen stehen.
IBenutzerGruppeHandler |
IBenutzerHandler |
IBenutzerServletAction |
IBinaryDataBuilder<Self> |
A builder for an HTTP request body that can have binary data items, such as a multipart body.
IBinaryFileInput |
Model for rest service method parameters.
IBinaryString |
Model for rest service method parameters.
IBooleanValueBuilder |
IBooleanValueDescriptor |
IBooleanValueDescriptorBuilder |
IBuiltinNodeType<TData> |
Mixin for all built-in workflow node handlers.
IBuiltinResourcesHandler<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IBuiltinTriggerType<TData> |
Mixin for all built-in workflow trigger handlers.
IBuiltinWorkflowUpdate |
IBundleConfigParam |
Interface für (Jar)Bundle-Konfigurations-Parameter
IBundleProperties |
Provides a list of all the plugin bundle properties used to display in the configuration view.
ICalDataFactory |
Factory for creating iCal String data
IcalEscaper |
Method for escaping text inside ICAL files.
ICallback |
ICallbackLogic |
Common interface for callback logic.
IcalQueryExecutor<Context> |
Executor with the logic for creating iCal files with appointments.
ICalServlet |
Generic Servlet for generating iCal files
IChangeFormValuesBuilder |
IChangeStatusJobDetails |
Interface for quartz job details for state change jobs of the old workflow.
IChatsApi |
High-level methods for interacting with portal chats and messages.
IClientAuthenticatorDao |
IClientAuthenticatorHandler |
IClientAuthorization |
Common interface for authorization to a Mandant .
IClientAuthorizationDao<T extends IEntityClientAuthorization> |
IClientCounterDao |
IClientCounterHandler |
IClientCreateData |
IClientCreator |
Interface for classes which should create clients
IClientDescriptor |
Common interface describing an authentication client.
IClientHandlerService |
Interface for an object that is able to locate the resources required by a flowchart element (node or trigger).
IClientIdProviding |
IClientPluginDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting ClientPlugin entities.
IClientPortalConfigDao |
IClientScopedUriBuilderContext |
Common interface representing context data needed for client scoped IUriResolver s.
ICluster |
Models a cluster with one or more nodes that can communicate with each over.
IClusterChannelStateListener |
A listener that can be used to react to events related to changes in the channel of a cluster, e.g.
IClusterChannelStateObserver |
An observer that can be used to listen for changes to the channel state, such as when the connection a node was
established or cut.
IClusterConnection |
Models the connection between nodes in the cluster.
IClusterMessage |
Base interface for messages that can be exchanged between nodes in a cluster.
IClusterMessageListener |
A listener that can be used to react to events related to when messages are sent between nodes in the cluster.
IClusterMessageObserver |
An observer that can be used to listen for messages exchanged by nodes in the cluster.
IClusterTopologyListener |
A listener that can be used to react to events related to changes in the topology of a cluster, e.g.
IClusterTopologyObserver |
An observer that can be used to listen for changes to the cluster topology (e.g.
IColorField<T extends Serializable> |
Represents a field supported by each IGuiColor of a color palette.
ICompletionResultBuilder<Builder,Result> |
Builder for the result of a node when it was executed, either successfully or abruptly.
IComponentValueConverter<ExternalValue,ComponentValue> |
Used with the composite component convertible .
ICompoundConditionData |
IComputeRequestedDataParams |
IconItem |
IConsoleAppender |
Common interface for console appenders
IConstValueBuilder<V> |
IConstValueDescriptor<V> |
IConstValueDescriptorBuilder<V> |
IConsuming |
Interface for all workflow actions that require files to perform their job.
IConsumingFileHandler |
IContactPromaApi |
API for interacting with contact resources via PROMA (product manager).
IContentTypeParameterBuilder<Self extends IContentTypeParameterBuilder<Self>> |
A builder for an HTTP request body that can have parameters with different content types, such as a multipart body.
IContextReplacerParams |
IContextReplacerParams.IValueReplacer |
IContextValueReplacer |
IControlTransferringCompletionResult |
Represents the result of INodeHandler#execute when the node was
completed abruptly by issuing a local control transfer statement (e.g.
IConvertibleMap<V> |
ICounter |
Common interface for counter entities
ICreateFlowGraphContext<TElement extends IWorkflowNodeTypeProviding> |
ICreateFlowGraphParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowNodeTypeProviding> |
ICreateNewFormRecordChatRequest |
Data for creating a new form record chat.
ICreateProtocolEntryAfterExecutionParams |
ICreateTextFileNodeBuilder |
ICrossViewScopeRequest<T extends Serializable> |
Base interface for a cross-view scope request for a piece of data.
ICrossViewScopeRequestHandler<T extends Serializable,R extends ICrossViewScopeRequest<T>> |
Handles a cross view scope request for a piece of data.
ICrossViewScopeResponse<T extends Serializable> |
Result from a cross view scope request for a piece of data.
ICrossViewScopeResponseConsumer<T extends Serializable> |
Processes the response obtained for a cross view scope request.
ICrossViewScopeResponseData<T extends Serializable> |
ICrossViewScopeResponseSupplier<T extends Serializable> |
Creates the response to a cross scope request.
ICurrentValueBuilder |
Builder for the value provided by a node while it is being executed.
ICustomBodyDataBuilder<Self> |
Body builder for writing custom content to an HTTP request
ICustomEntityAttributes |
ICustomerPromaApi |
API for interacting with customer resources via PROMA (product manager).
ICustomParametersProviding |
Interface for entities that provide custom parameters stored as a JSON string.
ICustomParametersUpdateable |
Interface meant to be used along with ICustomParametersProviding for updating the custom parameters that were
created with a previous version of the software product.
ICustomResourceHelperProviding |
ICustomServerModel |
IDataAdapter |
Schnittstelle zu den konkreten Formulardaten.
IDatabaseAccessDependent |
IDataContainer |
Callback interface for updating data held within this container
IDataStore<K,V> |
Similar to Map , but with a more limited set of operations.
IDataStore.IDataStoreSupplier |
IDatenbankZugriffDao |
IDatenbankzugriffHandler |
IDatenbankzugriffServletAction |
IDatenquelleDao |
IDatenquelleHandler |
The Class DataStoreHandler.
IDatenquelleParams |
Interface für Datenquellen-Parameter
IDatenquelleResolver |
IDatentabelleDao |
IDBBinaryEncryptor |
IDBEncryptionProcessor |
IDBStringEncryptor |
IDefaultClientHandlerNode<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
IDefaultClientHandlerTrigger<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
Trigger handler for triggers that wish to register the default client-side handlers.
IDefaultMandantData |
IDefaultMandantData |
IdentityCheckCallbackEvent |
Event for informing about the result of an identity check.
IdentityProviderBean |
Bean for accessing authenticators of external identity providers.
IdentityTokenCheck |
IdentityTokenGeneration |
IdentityTokenUpdate |
IDescriptionProviding |
Common interface for all objects (mainly entities) that have got a human-readable description.
IDescriptionProvidingPlugin |
IDesignerConversationEvent |
Base interface for all designer conversation events.
IDesignerConversationRequest<T extends Serializable> |
Base interface for all designer conversation events.
IDirectClientAuthorizationDao |
IDirectClientAuthorizationHandler |
IDirectedGraphDotStatement |
Base type for all graph dot statements that can be used in directed graphs.
IDiscriminatedUnionMember<D,V> |
Represents a member of a discriminated union, in the form of tuples (Discriminator, Value) .
IDoiVerificationEventData |
Interface for the data to be used in a double opt-in verification event.
IDoiVerificationResult |
Interface for the result of the verification of a Double Opt-In process of a form record.
IDoiVerifiedEventData |
IEffectiveAppointmentStatusProviding |
IElementCategory |
Models a category for a workflow element, such as a node or trigger.
IElementGlobalValidationParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IElementHandler<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
All element handlers must be thread-safe.
IElementHelpLocation |
Models the location of the help page for a workflow element.
IElementKeyProviding |
Interface for objects that have got a UUID identifying them.
IElementLocalValidationParams<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IElementModelPrototype<Model> |
Interface for element prototypes, i.e.
IElementPropertiesBean<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
The interface of a bean for editing the properties of workflow elements.
IElementPropInitParams<TData> |
IElementPrototypeData<TData> |
The data that is used to create a new workflow element when an element prototype is dragged into the workflow
IElementPrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
A prototype for a workflow element (node or trigger) that is shown in the drawer panel in the workflow designer.
IElementPrototypeProviding |
IElementPrototypeWrapper<Model> |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
IElementSearchTermsProviding |
Interface for objects that have got custom search terms for database queries.
IElementUpdateCurrentPropsParams<TData> |
IElementUpdateCurrentTaskParams |
IElementWithTask<TElement> |
Represents a workflow element together with the WorkflowTask to which it belongs.
IEmailNodeBuilder |
IEMFactory |
IEntityBackedServerModel<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Interface for server models that are backed by an entity.
IEntityberechtigungHandler |
IEntityClientAuthorization |
Common interface for authorization to a Mandant that are entities.
IEntityContext |
Interface for the IEntityContext which is required for database transactions.
IEntityContextHolder |
Wrapper for an IEntityContext that allows the context to be closed and opened again.
IEntityDependency |
Interface for dependencies of entities that have not not yet been resolved
IEntityDescriptor |
IEntityDeserializationExtension |
Extension for hooking into the deserialization of entities e.g.
IEntityDeserializationParams |
Common interface for parameters needed for entity deserialization
IEntityDeserializationResult<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface representing the result of an entity deserialization
IEntityExporter<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface for entity exporters
IEntityImportConfig<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Interface for entity import configurations
IEntityImportConfigData<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IEntityImportContext |
IEntityImportStager |
Deprecated. |
IEntityListModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
Describes a list of entities of which one can be selected.
IEntityListModelSelectByView<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
IEntityMeta |
Common interface for entity metadata.
IEntityModifiedEvent<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Interface for events that occur when an entity was changed.
IEntityModifiedEventFactory<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IEntityReference |
Interface for identifying an entity by its UUID and entity Class
IEntityReferenceDescriptor |
Interface describing an entity reference and its location
IEntitySelectModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
IEntitySortingCriterion |
Common interface for entity sorting criterion suppliers for use in DaoLazyDataModel .
IEntityViewModel<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface for entity view models
IEntityWrapper<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
Common interface for entity wrappers
IEnumServletAction |
IError |
Interface for errors that can be returned to the client.
IErrorProvider |
Interface for error providers for initializing available errors.
IErrorResultData |
IEvent |
Common interface for events.
IEventExecutionResult |
IEventHandler |
Common interface for API event handlers.
IExceptionalCompletionResult |
Represents the result of INodeHandler#execute when the node was
completed abruptly by throwing an exception.
IExclusiveFormRecordLockResult |
Common interface for accessing the result of an exclusive form record lock request
IExecutingLikeActionNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikeBinarySelectionNode<TData> |
Mixin with the implementation of createFlowGraph for
node handlers that execute one of its two children based on a test, such as an if-else node.
IExecutingLikeControlTransferNode<TData> |
Mixin with the implementation of createFlowGraph for
node handlers that have no children and simply always transfer control to another node, such as
a break or continue statement.
IExecutingLikeExceptionHandlerNode<TData> |
Mixin with the implementation of createFlowGraph for
node handlers that attempt to execute its body child node, and run another child if the child
completed abruptly by throwing an exception, optionally always running a finalizer block at the end, such as a
try-catch(-finally) block.
IExecutingLikeMultiSwitchNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikePostTestLoopNode<TData> |
IExecutingLikePreTestLoopNode<TData> |
Mixin with the implementation of createFlowGraph for
logic handlers that execute their child in a pre-test loop, such as a while loop or a for-each loop.
IExecutingLikeReturningActionNode<TData> |
Mixin with the implementation of createFlowGraph for
node handlers that have no children and always complete abruptly by either throwing an exception
or issuing a return statement.
IExecutingLikeReturnNode<TData> |
Mixin with the implementation of createFlowGraph for
node handlers that have no children and always complete abruptly by issuing a return statement.
IExecutingLikeSequenceNode<TData> |
Mixin with the implementation of createFlowGraph for
node handlers that have no children and always complete abruptly by issuing a return statement.
IExecutingLikeThrowNode<TData> |
Mixin with the implementation of createFlowGraph for
node handlers that have no children and always complete abruptly by throwing an exception.
IExecutionResultDescriptor |
Each action may create data when it is executed.
IExportUnzipResult |
Common interface for results of unzipping formcycle export files
IExtendedFormContext |
Interface for extending form-contexts with HttpServletResponse and HttpServletRequest
IExtendedFormPersistContext |
IExtendedFormProcessContext |
IExtendedFormPublishContext |
IExtendedFormRenderContext |
IExtendedFormRequestContext |
IExtendedFulfillRequestedUploadRequest |
IExtendedFulfillRequestedUploadResponse |
IExtendedParameterModel |
A parameter model with additional settings such as group items.
IExtendedPostFormRecordMessageRequest |
Extended data for posting a form record message that provides more settings, but requires
access to deeper system functionality.
IExtendedPostFormRecordMessageResponse |
Extended response for posting a form record message that provides more data, but requires
access to deeper system functionality.
IExtendedTriggeredWorkflowExecutionResult |
IExtractSearchTermsParams<TData> |
IFastJsonConverter |
Interface for a handler that performs serialization and deserialization via JSON .
IFastJsonSerializeOptions |
IFcCatchErrorDescriptors |
IFcChangeFormAvailabilityDescriptors |
IFcChangeFormValueDescriptors |
IFcChangeStateDescriptors |
IFcCompressAsZipDescriptors |
IFcCopyFormRecordDescriptors |
IFcCounterDescriptor |
IFcCreateTextFileDescriptors |
IFCDaoActionHook<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IFcDecodeBase64Descriptor |
IFcDeleteAttachmentDescriptors |
IFcDoiInitDescriptor |
IFcDoiVerifiedDescriptors |
IFcDoUntilLoopDescriptors |
IFcEmailDescriptors |
IFcEncodeBase64Descriptor |
IFcExportToPersistenceDescriptors |
IFcExportToXmlDescriptors |
IFcFillPdfDescriptors |
IFcFillWordDescriptors |
IFcForEachLoopDescriptors |
IFcFormRecordMessagePostedDescriptors |
IFcFormRecordMessageUploadRequestFulfilledDescriptors |
IFcFormSubmitButtonDescriptors |
IFcHttpRequestDescriptors |
IFcImportFormValueFromXmlDescriptors |
IFcInvitationErrorDescriptors |
IFcInvitationSentDescriptors |
IFcLdapQueryDescriptors |
IFcLogEntryDescriptor |
IFcManualDescriptors |
IFcMoveFormRecordToInboxDescriptors |
IFcMultipleConditionDescriptors |
IFCPlugin |
Base interface that all formcycle plugins must implement.
IFcProcessLogPdfDescriptor |
IFcProvideResourceDescriptors |
IFcQualifiedFormSubmitButtonDescriptors |
IFcQueueTaskDescriptors |
IFcRedirectDescriptors |
IFCRemoteSyncPlugin |
Markup interface for plugins which need to be synchronized with the frontend server.
IFcRenewProcessIdDescriptors |
IFcReturnFileDescriptors |
IFcSaveToFileSystemDescriptors |
IFcSaveToWebDavDescriptors |
IFcSendFormRecordMessageDescriptor |
IFcSetSavedFlagDescriptor |
IFcShowTemplateDescriptors |
IFcSqlStatementDescriptors |
IFcStateTimerDescriptors |
IFcThrowExceptionDescriptors |
IFcTimePointDescriptors |
IFcUserInvocationDescriptors |
IFcUserInvocationEvent |
IFCUserProfile |
IFcWhileLoopDescriptors |
IFcWriteFormRecordAttrDescriptors |
IFD2AppointmentProvider |
Provider for accessing appointments and appointment templates when a form is rendered.
IFD2DataSourceProvider |
IFD2LanguageProvider |
IFD2LicenseDataProvider |
IFD2MetaDataProvider |
IFD2RenderCallbackProvider |
Handles the plugin render callbacks when rendering a form.
IFD2ReplacerProvider |
IFD2StatusProvider |
IFD2TemplateProvider |
Provider for accessing templates
IFD2UserGroupProvider |
IFD2VRulesProvider |
IFD2XItemProvider |
IFdTransformBuilder |
Interface for formdata transform builders to create an export of formdatas
IFdTransformResult |
Interface of the result of an formdata transformation
IFeedbackMailData |
IFieldMetaData |
IFileAdapter |
Common interface for accessing files.
IFileBodyBuilder<Self> |
Body builder for writing the content of an file to an HTTP request
IFileDataEntity<TMeta extends IScopedFileMetaEntity<?,?>> |
Common interface for the data of a file entity
IFileDataEntity<T extends IFileEntity<?,?>> |
IFileEntity<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,T extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
IFileHandler |
IFileListBuilder |
A builder for a list of workflow files.
IFileListConfigurator<Self extends IFileListConfigurator<Self>> |
A configurator for a list of workflow files.
IFileListCreator |
IFileListDescriptor |
A descriptor for a list of files provided by a workflow trigger or node when the trigger fires or the node gets
IFileMapProviding<T extends IKeyDependentFileEntity<?,D>,D extends IFileDataEntity<T>> |
Common interface for classes providing a file map
IFileMetaEntity<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TData extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
Common interface for the metadata of a file entity
IFileProviding<T extends IFileEntity<?,E>,E extends IFileDataEntity<T>> |
IFileProviding<TData> |
IFileProvidingNodeWithName |
IFileProvidingTriggerWithName |
A reference to a workflow trigger that provides files.
IFileProvidingWorkflowElement<T> |
Reference to a workflow node or trigger that provides files.
IFileProvision |
Model for workflow actions that provide a set of files.
IFileProvisionHandleErrorProcessor<E extends Throwable> |
IFileProvisionOptions<Error extends Throwable> |
IFilesApi |
High-level methods for downloading and upload files and attachment.
IFileSearchOptions |
IFileSizeProviding |
Interface for providing the file size in bytes.
IFileValueBuilder |
A builder for a file value.
IFileValueConfigurator<Self extends IFileValueConfigurator<Self>> |
A configurator for a file value.
IFileValueCreator |
IFileValueDescriptor |
Descriptor for the files provided by a workflow element, such as the files made available when a trigger fires or
when a workflow node gets executed.
IFillPdfNodeBuilder |
IFilter |
Common interface for logging filters
IFilterCriterionSupplier |
IFloatValueBuilder |
IFloatValueDescriptor |
IFloatValueDescriptorBuilder |
IFlowchartLinterService |
Interface for an object that is able to locate dead workflow nodes.
IFlowGraphEdgeData |
IFlowGraphEdgeDataBuilder |
IFlowGraphEdgeDataConfigurator |
A consumer that accepts a builder for an edge to be added to the flow graph, and
configures the edge data as required.
IFlowGraphEndPoints |
IFlowGraphFilterInstance |
Filter for the nodes and edges of a workflow node flow graph,to exclude some existing nodes or edges.
IForEachLoopData |
IForEachLoopData.Attachments |
IForEachLoopData.CharacterSeparatedValues |
IForEachLoopData.FieldValues |
IForEachLoopData.Files |
IForEachLoopData.FormElementRepetitions |
IForEachLoopData.JsonValue |
IForEachLoopData.RowsOfCharacterSeparatedValues |
IFormatter |
IFormAuthContext |
Interface of an form based authentication context
IFormContainerMetaData |
Meta data about a repeated form element.
IFormDataAdapter |
Interface for form data.
IFormDataAdapterProvidingEvent |
IFormDataBodyBuilder |
A builder for an HTTP request form data body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded ).
IFormDataHandler |
IFormDataUpdateUploadRequest |
Represents a request to update the value of an upload element in a form record with new files.
IFormDataUpdateUploadResponse |
Represents the response when the value of an upload element in a form record was updated with new files.
IFormDesignerEnvironmentData |
Environment data required within the form designer.
IFormEingangDao |
IFormEingangHandler |
IFormElementDao |
IFormElementFieldValueContextData |
INodeExecutionData for nodes that wish to enter a form element field value index context during their
IFormElementHandler |
IFormElementRepetitionContextData |
INodeExecutionData for nodes that wish to enter a form element repetition context during their execution.
IFormFunction |
Interface for form function handlers that can evaluate a form function.
IFormFunctionReplacer |
Interface for an form field functions replacer
IFormHandler |
IFormI18nException |
IFormItemFilter |
Filter for checking whether a built-in or plugin widget form element should be included or excluded.
IFormLifecycleExecuteParams |
Parameters passed to form lifecycle plugins when they are executed.
IFormLifecyclePlugin |
Base interface for plugins which hook into the lifecycle of the form, such as pre-render or pre-process plugins.
IFormLifecycleShouldExecuteParams |
Parameters passed to form lifecycle plugins to check whether they should be executed for a given form request.
IFormPersistContext |
Context after persisting a form.
IFormProcessContext |
Context after processing an form
IFormPublishContext |
Context for publishing an form
IFormRecordAppointmentTestConfig |
Common interface for form record appointment test configurations.
IFormRecordAttachmentTestConfig |
Common interface for form record attachment test configurations.
IFormRecordBaseData |
Common interface for base data of a form record.
IFormRecordChatDao |
IFormRecordChatHandler |
IFormRecordChatReference |
A reference to an existing form record chat.
IFormRecordData |
Common interface for accessing form records and their meta data
IFormRecordDoiInitData |
Data interface for transferring the Double opt-in details that were used to initialize the Double opt-in process
IFormRecordDoiTestConfig |
Common interface for form record Double-Opt-In test configurations.
IFormRecordElementData |
Common interface for accessing the field data of a form record.
IFormRecordFormData |
Common interface for accessing form data information of a form record
IFormRecordItemData |
Common interface for accessing the form record data of a specific form element item.
IFormRecordJobDetails |
Common interface for detail information about quartz jobs of a form record
IFormRecordJobDetailsModel |
Common interface for models for form record quartz jobs
IFormRecordLockContext |
Common interface for a form record locking context that can acquire a lock on a form record and which needs to be
released when the context is closed
IFormRecordLockDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowTask entities.
IFormRecordMessageDao |
IFormRecordMessageHandler |
IFormRecordMessagePostedBuilder |
IFormRecordMessagePostedEvent |
IFormRecordMessageUploadRequestFulfilledBuilder |
IFormRecordMessageUploadRequestFulfilledEvent |
IFormRecordMeta |
Common interface for form record entity meta data.
IFormRecordProvidingEvent |
IFormRecordReviewData |
Common interface for accessing the review data of a single form record.
IFormRecordsApi |
High-level methods for interacting with form records.
IFormRecordScopedUriBuilderContext |
Common interface representing context data needed for form record scoped IUriResolver s.
IFormRecordSubmissionDao |
IFormRecordSubmissionHandler |
IFormRecordSubmissionTestConfig |
Common interface for form record submission test configurations.
IFormRecordTestConfig<TState extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface for form record test configurations.
IFormRecordUploadRequestData |
IFormRecordUploadRequestElementData |
IFormRecordVariableData |
Common interface for accessing the form record data of a specific variable.
IFormRecordWorkflowData |
Common interface for accessing the workflow data of a form record
IFormRecordWrapper |
Wrapper interface for form records
IFormRenderContext |
Context for rendering an form
IFormRenderPluginCallback |
Callback that allows the form render process to be customized.
IFormReplacerParams |
IFormRequestContext |
A class with the relevant data of a form request, such as the current form or the authenticated user.
IFormResource |
IFormsApi |
High-level methods for interacting with portal forms.
IFormSubmissionEvent |
Interface for the event when a form was submitted via an HTTP request.
IFormTemplateDao |
IFormValueReplacer |
IFormVersionBackupDao |
IFormVersionDao |
IFormVersionHandler |
IFormVersionScopedUriBuilderContex |
Common interface representing context data needed for form version scoped IUriResolver s.
IFrontendServerDao |
IFrontendServerHandler |
IFSClient |
Interface of RMI-methods which are available on the master-server
IFSConnectionHandler |
The Class FSConnectionHandler.
IFSConnectionInfo |
IFSServer |
Interface of RMI-methods which are available on the master-server
IFSSession |
Interface of the client-session on the frontend-server after authentication
IFulfillRequestedUploadRequest |
IFulfillRequestedUploadResponse |
IFunctionArguments |
IFunctionHandler<State> |
IFunctionWithArguments |
Arguments of a function to evaluate.
IGenericCacheHandler |
IGenericDao<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
IGenericFileDao |
Data access object working for different kinds of entities that provide binary file content.
IGenericGraphDotStatement |
A statement that can be used both in directed and undirected graphs.
IGenericHandler |
The Class GenericHandler.
IGenericPromaApi |
API for basic interactions via PROMA (product manager).
IGetDisplayLabelParams<TData> |
IGetElementPrototypesParams |
IGetElementSummaryParams<TData> |
IGetFilterCriteriaForEntitiesParams |
IGetNodePrototypesParams |
IGetTriggerPrototypesParams |
IGetWidgetResourceParams |
IGraphDotAttributeList |
Base type for attribute lists.
IGraphDotEdgeSpecifier<S extends IGraphDotStatement> |
Interface for elements that may appear as the source or target node in an edge statement.
IGraphDotEdgeStatement<S extends IGraphDotStatement> |
Base type for directed and undirected edge statements.
IGraphDotElement |
Base type for all graph dot elements.
IGraphDotGraph<S extends IGraphDotStatement> |
Base type for directed and undirected graphs.
IGraphDotStatement |
Base type for all graph dot elements that can be used as statements.
IGraphDotSubGraph<S extends IGraphDotStatement,E extends IGraphDotSubGraphExpression<S>> |
Base type for directed and undirected graph dot sub graphs.
IGraphDotSubGraphExpression<S extends IGraphDotStatement> |
Base type for directed and undirected graph dot sub graph statements.
IGsonEntityResult<T extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface for Gson deserialization of FC entities
IGuessedContentType |
Represents the guessed content type of a file or data stream.
IGuiCategory |
IGuiColor |
Interface for the color entries provided by a color palette.
IGuiIcon |
Represents an icon used in the fronted.
IHandleFileProvisionResult |
IHandlerProvider |
The interface for the instance that provides access to an instance of the various different remote handlers.
IHardwareIdPromaApi |
API for interacting with hardware ID resources via PROMA (product manager).
IHeaderTable<T> |
Represents a table with rows and a header.
IHeaderTable.ITableRowEntry<T> |
Represents a row in a table.
IHealthCheck |
Interface for a health check.
IHealthCheck.Result |
Interface for a health check result.
IHealthCheckRegistry |
Registry for health checks.
IHierarchyValidatingNode<TData> |
IHttpBodyBuilder |
A builder for an HTTP request body.
IHttpContextData |
Details on an HTTP request that is serializable and can be transferred between servers.
IHttpContextProvidingEvent |
IHttpRequestNodeBuilder |
II18nValueReplacer |
II18nValueReplacerParams |
IIdChainProviding |
IIdProviding<T> |
Interface for objects that have got an ID identifying them.
IImageMapper<R> |
Processes the raw image of a PDF page into the desired format, e.g.
IImageOpts |
Options for creating images from a PDF document.
IImportConversionStrategy |
IInboxDependent |
IInboxFormRecordEventData |
Common interface for form record events that occur inside the inbox
IInboxFormRecordRequest |
Common interface for requests of a single form record from inside the inbox
IIndexed |
Allgemeine Schnittstelle für indexbasierte Entitäten.
IIndirectClientAuthorizationDao |
IIndirectClientAuthorizationHandler |
IIndividualConditions<T> |
The indivdual conditions to combine.
IInitialNodePrototypeModel |
Interface for the node prototypes that should be set when a new task is created.
IIntegerValueBuilder |
IIntegerValueDescriptor |
IIntegerValueDescriptorBuilder |
IInternalClientMessageDao |
IInternalSystemMessageDao |
IInvalidCredentialsHandler |
Common interface for handling invalid credentials during authentication.
IInvitationErrorEventData |
Interface for the event when an error occurred while trying to send an invitation to a form record.
IInvitationSentEventData |
Interface for the event when a form record invitation has been sent successfully.
IIOSupplier<T> |
A serializable supplier for a value that may throw an IOException .
IIsAvailableParams<TData> |
IItemLicenseModel |
IJavaEntitySortingCriterion |
Specialized entity sorting criterion for sorting via in Java.
IJobWrapper |
Interface for data of an scheduling-task
IJsonBuilder<A,O> |
Builder for creating JSON data.
IJsonContentMatcher<C,R> |
Matches the contents of a JSON value, depending on whether it is a JSON primitive value, an array, or an object.
IJsonIterator |
Interface for iterating over JSON-like data.
IJsonLikeObject |
Interface for a class that behaves like a JSON object in that it has key value pair.
IJsonPrimitiveConverter |
Converter for converting between JSON primitives and strings.
IKeyDependentFileEntity<E extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,T extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
Common interface for IFileEntity s that depend on a file key
IKeyValueSummarizableElement<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IKeyValueSummarizableNode<TData> |
IKeyValueSummarizableTrigger<TData> |
ILanguageTagProviding |
Common interface for instances that can provide a languageTag .
ILargeStringValueBuilder |
ILargeStringValueDescriptor |
ILargeStringValueDescriptorBuilder |
ILayout |
Common interface for appender layout configs
ILazyEntityListModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
ILazyListModel<T> |
ILazyProcessModel |
ILazyTreeNodeAdapter<T> |
Adapter for a lazily loaded PrimeFaces tree.
ILDAPAbfrageDao |
ILDAPAbfrageHandler |
ILDAPGruppeDao |
ILDAPGruppeHandler |
ILDAPZugriffDao |
ILDAPZugriffHandler |
ILicenseAccess |
Interface for license access.
ILicenseAuthorizer |
Interface for checking if a property is authorized for a given license.
ILicenseFileDao |
ILicenseFileHandler |
ILicenseHandler |
ILicensePromaApi |
API for interacting with license resources via PROMA (product manager).
ILiquibaseContext |
Context for handling liquibase tasks and closing the used resources afterwards
IListConverter |
A converter for the Tagify component.
IListenerRegistrator |
Interface for registering listeners that perform setup logic.
IListValueBuilder<V> |
IListValueDescriptor<V> |
IListValueDescriptorBuilder<V> |
ILocalization<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Common interface for entity localisations.
ILocalizationProviding<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TLocale extends ILocalization<TBase>> |
Common interface for all objects (mainly entities) that have got localisation entities for the purpose of
ILocalizationsViewModelProviding<T extends UserPortalLocalizationsViewModel> |
ILocalizationsViewModelProviding.ILocalizationsViewModelProvidingWithFiles |
ILocalizationViewModel<E extends ILocalizationViewModelEntry> |
UI view model that lets the user edit localizable messages for potentially arbitrary languages and message keys.
ILocalizationViewModelEntry |
ILocalizedDatabaseObject |
Common interface for localized database objects.
ILocalizedScopedFileMetaEntity<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TData extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
Common interface for localized file entities.
ILocalizedScopedFilesProviding<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TMeta extends ILocalizedScopedFileMetaEntity<TBase,TData>,TData extends IFileDataEntity<TMeta>> |
ILockingVersionProviding |
Common interface for all objects (mainly entities) that have a locking version.
ILogConfig |
Common interface for logging configs
ILogger |
Common interface for Logger configs
ILoggerCallback |
ILoginLayout |
ILoginListener |
Deprecated. |
ILoginLogic |
Common interface for login logic of authentication requests.
ILoginMethod<PROFILE> |
Attempts to login the user with the given user name and password.
ILogoutLogic |
Common interface for logout logic.
ILoopNodeData |
Base interface for data provided by workflow nodes that represent a loop.
ILoopStatementMustLoopValidating<TData> |
Mixin with an implementation of validateGlobal
for node handlers that implement some kind of loop and wish to enforce that a loop is actually
ImagePreviewUtils |
ImageRequestParameter |
ImageRequestParameter.EdgeSize |
ImageRequestParameter.Vector2 |
IMailContent |
IMailContext |
A mail context that can send emails.
IMailContextFactory |
Interface for the factory for creating mail contexts
IMailData |
IMailDependent |
IMailEncryptor |
Interface for mail-encryptors
IMailEncryptorCertProvider |
Interface for certificate-providers for the mail-encryption
IMailHandler |
IMailServerData |
Mail server settings for sending mails.
IMainMenuInitListener |
Deprecated. |
IMalwareScanner |
Interface for a scanner that can detect malware.
IMalwareScanResult |
The result that is returned by a malware scan plugin.
IMandantCreator |
IMandantDao |
IMandantDependent |
Schnittstelle für Modelklassen, die in Beziehung zu einem Mandanten stehen.
IMandantDependentBaseDao<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
IMandantDependentFilter |
Dieses Interface bildet eine Schnittstelle für Filter, die auf Mandantenabhängigkeit Prüfen.
IMandantFrontendServerDao |
IMandantFrontendServerHandler |
IMandantFrontendServerServletHandler |
IMandantHandler |
IMandantLdapDataDao |
IMandantLdapDataHandler |
IMandantMailDataDao |
IMandantMailDataHandler |
IMandantRessourceDao |
IMandantRessourcenHandler |
IMapDiff<K,V> |
Represents the different between two Map s, i.e.
IMapDiff.IModifiedValue<V> |
IMapValueBuilder<V> |
IMapValueDescriptor<V> |
IMapValueDescriptorBuilder<V> |
IMatchCondition |
Common interface for match conditions.
IMenuEntryModel |
IMetricsRegistry |
Interface for the metrics registry.
ImmutableEnumNameToEnumMap<E extends Enum<E>> |
ImmutableListHeaderTable<T> |
IModulDao |
IModulHandler |
ImportConfigDataFactory |
Factory for generating import config data
ImportConfigWrapper |
ImportConstantsTagHandler |
Same as the p:importConstants tag, but extends it with an additional attribute loader .
ImportEnumMapTagHandler |
TagHandler for the ImportEnumMap component.
ImportValueConverter |
Annotation for translating deprecated entities and entity fields to current fields
IMsPropertiesHandler |
Common interface for the handler for accessing properties of the master server properties files.
IMultiAttachmentProviding |
Interface for a POJO view model class that describes a list of attachments that can be selected by the user.
IMultiConditionBuilder<This extends IMultiConditionBuilder<This>> |
Contract for builders that allow configuring multiple conditions.
IMultiDimensionalReadOnlyList<TItem> |
Represents a nested list where items can be associated with multi indices, similar to a multidimensional array.
IMultiFileProviding |
Interface for a POJO view model class that describes a list of files that can be selected by the user.
IMultipartBodyBuilder |
A builder for an HTTP request multipart body (multipart/form-data ).
IMultipleCheckPropertiesNode<TData extends IMultipleCheckProps> |
IMultipleCheckProps |
Common interface for node property models that let the user configure multiple checks, such as conditions or while
IMultipleConditionBuilder |
Builder for configuring a multiple condition node.
INamedElement<T> |
Interface for a wrapper that provides a name for the named element.
INamedUiElement |
Interface for elements that have a display name in a specific locale, often used for UI elements.
INamedUiElement |
INameProviding |
Common interface for all objects (mainly entities) that have got a name.
InboxBean |
InboxChoiceProvider |
Provider for the inboxes available during workflow editing and validation.
InboxConstBean |
InboxContextListener |
Servlet context listener for the inbox for executing initialization and shutdown tasks that are specific to the
InboxFacesEventDataFactory |
InboxFilterBean |
InboxFilterTagConverter |
InboxFormRecordRequestBuilder |
InboxFormRecordRequestFactory |
InboxImportConfig |
InboxImportStager |
Deprecated. |
InboxLayoutBean |
InboxMetaConverter |
InboxModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
InboxPermissionBean |
InboxPreferences |
Model for preferences of a UserProfile regarding the form inbox.
InboxProfileBean |
InboxProjectListBean |
InboxSecurity |
Class for setting up the inbox security.
InboxTaskUtil |
Helper methods for obtaining all tasks a user may initiate in the inbox.
InboxUtils |
InboxWorkflowServlet |
Servlet for saving the submitted form data and triggering the workflow from the inbox.
InboxWorkflowServlet.EAction |
IncrementalPersistPatch |
POJO model for JSON patches received from the form designer for the form persist JSON.
IndirectClientAuthorization |
IndirectClientAuthorizationAPI |
API class for reading and writing UserProfile entities.
IndirectClientAuthorizationDao |
IndirectClientAuthorizationDaoListener |
IndirectClientAuthorizationHandler |
IndirectClientFactory |
This factory creates general indirect clients for IAuthenticator s with sensible defaults that
can be used in various contexts.
INetAddressValidator |
InfoItem<V> |
InitialElementHandlerTypeSet |
Contains the additional workflow element handlers that should be loaded when the flowchart is loaded.
InitialNodePrototypeClientModel |
JSON-convertible client POJO model for the node prototypes that should be set when a new task is created.
InitialNodePrototypeModel |
InitMimeCheckActivationUpdate_8_1 |
System update that sets the initial value of the 'deactivate content type verification for uploads' system property.
InjectableValidationContext |
INodeExecutionData |
INodeExecutionParams<Model> |
INodeHandler<TData> |
All node handlers must be thread-safe.
INodeKeyProviding |
Interface for workflow node like objects that have got a NodeKey identifying them.
INodeModelPrototype |
Interface for node prototypes, i.e.
INodePropertiesBean<TData> |
The interface of a bean for editing the properties of workflow nodes.
INodePropertyPluginBean<TData> |
Workaround for Java not having intersection types.
INodePrototypeData<TData> |
The data that is used to create a new node when a node prototype is dragged into the workflow designer.
INodePrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
A prototype for a workflow node that is shown in the drawer panel in the workflow designer.
INodePrototypeWrapper |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
INodeReturnedExceptionBuilder |
Builder for the exception thrown by a node when it wishes to stop the current execution by issuing a return
INodeThrewExceptionBuilder |
Builder for the exception thrown by a node when it encounters an error upon execution.
INodeTransferredControlExceptionBuilder |
Builder for the exception thrown by a node when it wishes to peform an abrupt local control transfer, e.g.
INodeWithName |
INormalCompletionResult |
INormalCompletionResultBuilder |
Builder for the result returned by a node when it was executed successfully.
InputClientSigninBean |
Bean for doing user credentials login for input clients.
InsertFormElementData |
Used by the PDF importer, data with the element to insert into the form.
InsertFormElementRequest |
Requests a livecycle file to get loaded in the workflow designer.
InsertFormElementResponse |
InsertNodeData |
POJO model for inserting a node into the flowchart from external Java code.
InsertOrUpdateNodeData |
POJO model for inserting a node into the flowchart from external Java code.
InsertWorkflowNodeEvent |
When a new action needs to be created in the workflow flowchart.
InsertWorkflowNodePushData |
InstantTimeConverter |
InterfaceSerializerTypeAdapter |
InterfaceSerializerTypeAdapterFactory |
GSON type adapter factory for creating type adapters for interfaces.
InternalClientMessage |
InternalClientMessageDao |
InternalEMFactory |
Factory for creating entity manager instances, configured according to the database settings of
the application.
InternalMessageBean |
InternalMessageHelper |
InternalMessageModel |
InternalSystemMessage |
InternalSystemMessageDao |
InternalUserAuthenticator |
Authenticator for retrieving UserProfile s by validating formcycle user credentials.
InterpolatedFileNameUpload |
INullValueBuilder |
INullValueDescriptor |
INullValueDescriptorBuilder |
InvalidCredentialsJsonHandler |
Handlers for invalid credentials on AJAX authentication requests that return JSON content.
InvalidCsvValueException |
InvalidJsonValueException |
InvalidTokenException |
Exception that is thrown when a token is invalid.
InvalidUriPathSegmentNameException |
Exception when a name is encountered that cannot be used literally as a URI path segment .
InvitationErrorEventDataBuilder |
Builder for the event data for a form record invitation error event, i.e.
InvitationSentEventDataBuilder |
Builder for the event data for a form record invitation sent event, i.e.
InviteDatasourceModel |
InvokableTaskModel |
POJO Model for a workflow task / trigger that can be initiated by a user in the inbox.
IOAuth20User |
Interface for a user profile that is authenticated via OAuth2.
IObjectGraphVisitor |
Visitor callback for visiting the fields of an object via reflection.
IOfficialHelpPageElement<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
IOfficialHelpPageNode<TData> |
IOfficialHelpPageTrigger<TData> |
IOnTaskBeginRetVal |
IOnTaskBeginRetValBuilder |
IOrderable |
Interface that allows the ordering of classes using the SequenceOrder annotaion
IPac4jProfileUser |
Common interface representing a user from a Pac4j UserProfile .
IParameterBuilder<Self> |
A builder for an HTTP request body that can have parameters, such as a multipart or form data body.
IParameterContext |
IParameterModel |
Interface für den Zugriff auf wesentliche Eigenschaften, sowie den Wert eines Parameter-Objektes
IParameterProcessing |
IParsedPlaceholder |
Data about a placeholder parsed from its string representation.
IPathParams |
IPdfAcroField |
A form field of a PDF AcroForm.
IPdfAcroField.Button |
An AcroForm button that can be pressed.
IPdfAcroField.Checkable |
A selectable option, either a check box or a radio button.
IPdfAcroField.CheckBox |
An AcroForm form field with a checkbox that can be enabled or disabled.
IPdfAcroField.Choice |
An AcroForm form field for selecting values from a list of options.
IPdfAcroField.ComboBox |
An AcroForm form field for selecting a value from a list of options.
IPdfAcroField.ListBox |
An AcroForm form field for selecting one or more values from a list of options.
IPdfAcroField.RadioButton |
An AcroForm form field with a radio button that can be enabled or disabled.
IPdfAcroField.Signature |
An AcroForm form field for entering a signature.
IPdfAcroField.Text |
An AcroForm free-text form field for entering plain text.
IPdfDocument |
Represents a PDF document with pages.
IPdfFormVisitor<T> |
IPdfImage |
Represents an image included in the PDF, which could e.g.
IPdfLine |
Represents a plain text line, cConsisting of multiple words .
IPdfPage |
A page of the the PDF.
IPdfText |
Represents a piece of plain text in the image, used e.g.
IPdfWord |
Represents a plain text word, consising of multiple IPdfText .
IPhase1State |
IPhase2State |
IPlaceholderEscaper |
Interface for escaping the replaced value of placeholders, before they are inserted into the document where they are
IPlaceholderGroup |
IPlaceholderHandler |
IPlaceholderLibrary |
A list with all placeholders that are available.
IPlaceholderProperty<Key,Location> |
Models a property of a workflow element's properties model that contains one or more placeholders.
IPlaceholderRefactorMapper |
IPlaceholderReference<Location> |
IPlaceholderType |
Represents a placeholder type by which the available placeholders are grouped when displayed.
IPlaceholderValueParams |
Interface for placeholder params that implements all interfaces for the different placeholder types.
IPluginAccessProperties |
IPluginAccessPropertiesParams |
Parameters for plugin access-properties
IPluginAccessProperty |
IPluginActionNodeHandler<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
Mixin meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow action that executes some
business logic.
IPluginAuthenticationLogic |
Common interface for plugins that provide a custom authentication logic.
IPluginAuthenticatorConfigGuiDetails |
Common interface giving details for plugin authenticator config GUIs
IPluginAuthenticatorConfigGuiDetailsParam |
Common interface for requesting custom plugin config GUI details
IPluginAuthenticatorCustomGUIBean |
IPluginAuthenticatorType |
Interface for custom authenticator types.
IPluginBackendTheme |
Interface for backend theme plugins.
IPluginCallbackLogic |
Common interface for a custom callback logic that can be provided by a plugin.
IPluginClientDashboard |
Interface for client dashboard plugins.
IPluginClientDashboardCustomGUIBean |
IPluginConditionNodeHandler<TData extends BaseConditionProps> |
Mixin meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow condition that checks a
condition and redirects to the if or else branch based upon the result.
IPluginConfigParam |
Interface für Plugin-Konfigurations-Parameter
IPluginConfigParam.EPluginParamBehavior |
Definitionsmöglichkeiten für das Verhalten eines Plugin Parameters
IPluginConfigParamList |
IPluginCustomGUI |
IPluginCustomGUIBean |
IPluginCustomGUIBeanAfterSave |
Interface for events that may occur after saving the plugin configuration definition
IPluginCustomGUIBeanBeforeDelete |
Interface for events that may occur during before deletion of plugin configuration definition
IPluginCustomGUIBeanBeforeSave |
Interface for events that may occur during before saving plugin configuration definition
IPluginDataSource |
Interface for a data source plugin.
IPluginDataSourceParams |
Interface that encapsulates the parameters for a data source plugin.
IPluginDataSourceRetVal |
Interface for the return value of data source plugins.
IPluginDefaultLifecycleData |
IPluginDoUntilLoopNodeHandler<TData extends BaseDoUntilLoopProps,TState extends IWorkflowLoopDataProviding> |
Mixin meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow do until loop that runs a
test and executes the loop body for as long as the test holds true (= a do until loop).
IPluginEmManager |
A manager for EntityManager s that can be used by an entities plugin.
IPluginEntities |
Interface for an entities plugin.
IPluginEntitiesConnectionRetVal |
For use by an entities plugin.
IPluginEntitiesParams |
Interface for entities plugins.
IPluginEntity<META extends IPluginFileEntity<?,?,?>,DATA extends IFileDataEntity<META>,CONFIG extends IFileDataEntity<META>> |
A plugin entity, either scoped to a particular client or to the system.
IPluginFileEntity<E extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>,J extends IFileDataEntity<?>,C extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
IPluginFileHelper |
IPluginFormAuthenticatorParams<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
Interface with the parameters passed to an authenticator type plugin when a new client needs to be created for a form
authentication context.
IPluginFormAuthenticatorRetVal |
IPluginFormDesignerResource |
Interface for plugins to add additional resources (CSS or JavaScript) to the form designer.
IPluginFormDesignerResourceGetResourceParams |
Parameters that are passed to the form designer resource plugins.
IPluginFormDesignerResourceGetRuntimeDataParams |
Parameters that are passed to form designer resource plugins when retrieving the runtime data for the client-side
IPluginFormElementCatalogParams |
Parameters for the form element catalog plugin (IPluginFormElementCatalogue ).
IPluginFormElementCatalogue |
Interface for plugins that may add a set of form items to the designer.
IPluginFormElementGetResourceParams |
Parameters that are passed to the form element widget plugins when searching for JavaScript and CSS resources.
IPluginFormElementPropertiesExtension |
A plugin that lets you add additional properties to existing form elements, which can be configured in the form
IPluginFormElementPropertiesExtensionParams |
Parameters for the plugin that lets you add additional properties to existing form elements.
IPluginFormElementPropertiesExtensionRetVal |
Result returned by form element properties extension plugins.
IPluginFormElementTemplate |
Interface for plugins that wish to provide custom template for the form designer.
IPluginFormElementTemplateDescriptor |
Descriptor for a form element template from a plugin.
IPluginFormElementTemplateIcon |
IPluginFormElementTemplateList |
Value returned by form element template plugins (IPluginFormElementTemplateParams ), with a list of
additional templates to be made available.
IPluginFormElementTemplateLoader |
Loader for the form element templates provided by a form element template plugin.
IPluginFormElementTemplateParams |
Parameters for the form element template plugin (IPluginFormElementTemplate ).
IPluginFormElementTemplateStatic |
Mixin that implements the methods of IPluginFormElementTemplate with defaults for static form element
template plugins, when you have all templates stored as resources in the plugin's class path (i.e.
IPluginFormElementWidget |
Interface for plugins to integrate own form element widgets within the form designer.
IPluginFormElementWidgetGetRuntimeDataParams |
Parameters that are passed to form element widget plugins when retrieving the runtime data for the client-side
IPluginFormElementWidgetIsAvailableInDesignerParams |
Parameters that are passed to a form element widget.
IPluginFormPrePersist |
Interface for form pre-persist plugins.
IPluginFormPrePersistParams |
Interface for the parameters of form pre-presist plugins.
IPluginFormPrePersistRetVal |
Interface for the return value of form pre-persist plugins.
IPluginFormPreProcess |
Interface for a form pre-process plugin.
IPluginFormPreProcessParams |
Interface for the parameters of form pre-process plugins.
IPluginFormPreProcessRetVal |
Interface for the return value of form pre-process plugins.
IPluginFormPreRender |
Interface for form pre-render plugins.
IPluginFormPreRenderParams |
Interface that encapsulates the parameters for a form pre-render plugin.
IPluginFormPreRenderRetVal |
Interface for the return value of form pre render plugins.
IPluginFormPreRespond |
Interface for a form pre-respond plugin.
IPluginFormPreRespondParams |
Interface for the parameters of form pre-respond plugins.
IPluginFormPreRespondRetVal |
Interface for the return value of form pre-respond plugins.
IPluginFormPreview |
IPluginFormPreviewParams |
IPluginFormPreviewRetVal |
IPluginFormPropertiesExtension |
A plugin that lets you add additional properties to forms, which can be configured in the form designer via the forms
tab in the properties panel on the right-hand side.
IPluginFormPropertiesExtensionParams |
Parameters for the plugin that lets you add additional properties to a form.
IPluginFormPropertiesExtensionRetVal |
Result returned by form properties extension plugins.
IPluginFormRenderCallback |
Plugins that allows the form render process to be customized.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackFormParams |
Base parameters of callbacks invoked when a form is rendered.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackItemParams |
Base parameters of callbacks invoked when an item is rendered.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackOnAfterRenderFormParams |
Parameters of the callback invoked after rendering a form.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackOnAfterRenderFormRetVal |
Return value of the callback invoked after rendering a form.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackOnAfterRenderItemParams |
Parameters of the callback invoked after rendering an item.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackOnAfterRenderItemRetVal |
Return value of the callback invoked after rendering an item.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackOnBeforeRenderFormParams |
Parameters of the callback invoked before rendering a form.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackOnBeforeRenderFormRetVal |
Return value of the callback invoked before rendering a form.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackOnBeforeRenderItemParams |
Parameters of the callback invoked before rendering an item.
IPluginFormRenderCallbackOnBeforeRenderItemRetVal |
Return value of the callback invoked before rendering an item.
IPluginFormReplacer |
Interface for a form replacer plugin.
IPluginFormReplacerParams |
Interface that encapsulates the parameters for a form replacer plugin.
IPluginFormReplacerRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a form replacer plugin.
IPluginFormResource |
Interface for plugins to integrate form resources like CSS or JavaScript
IPluginFormResourceGetDataParams |
Parameters for the method of a form resource plugin that retrieves the data of the resource.
IPluginGeneric |
Interface for a generic plugin.
IPluginGenericAuthenticatorParams<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
Interface with the parameters passed to an authenticator type plugin when a new client needs to be created for a
generic authentication context.
IPluginGenericAuthenticatorRetVal |
Interface for the return value of an authenticator type plugin, when used as an authenticator for a generic
authentication context.
IPluginGenericCustomGUI<TBean extends IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean> |
Interface for plugins that provide a custom user interface.
IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean |
Interface for a managed bean required by a plugin that provides a custom user interface.
IPluginGenericParams |
Interface for the parameters of generic plugins.
IPluginGenericReplacerParams |
Interface for common parameters of all placeholder replace plugins.
IPluginGenericReplacerRetVal |
Base interface for the return values of placeholder plugins.
IPluginGenericRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a generic plugin.
IPluginHandler |
IPluginInitializeBeanData |
IPluginInitializeData |
IPluginInitializeValidationResult |
Represents the result when the properties of a plugin were validated.
IPluginInstallData |
IPluginLifecycleListener<TPlugin extends IFCPlugin> |
The callback method that is invoked when the event occurred for which the listener was registered.
IPluginLoginLogic |
Common interface for a custom login logic that can be provided by a plugin.
IPluginLogoutLogic |
Common interface for a custom logout logic that can be provided by a plugin.
IPluginMailEncryption |
Interface for plugins of type email encryption.
IPluginMailEncryptionParams |
Parameters for plugin access-properties
IPluginMailEncryptionRetVal |
Interface for the return value of an email encryption plugin.
IPluginMalwareScanner |
Interface for plugins that add additional malware scanners to the system.
IPluginManifest |
The manifest of a formcycle plugin.
IPluginMenuEntries |
Plugin for adding custom menu entries to the backend UI of formcycle.
IPluginMenuEntriesParams |
Parameters for a menu entry plugin.
IPluginMenuEntry |
IPluginMenuEntry.EPluginMenuTargetType |
IPluginMonitor |
A plugin for checking the current status of the formcycle system via monitoring MBeans.
IPluginParameters |
Interface für Plugin-Parameter
IPluginPermissionsProvider |
IPluginPortal |
Plugin for creating custom portals with own ui
IPluginProcessing |
IPluginProcessingParams |
IPluginProcessingRetVal |
IPluginProfileFilterAttribute |
IPluginProfileFilterAttributeOptionsGetParams |
Common interface for parameters for getting attribute options for profile attribute filters used in user filters
( IndirectClientAuthorization ).
IPluginProfileFilterEvaluationParams |
Common interface for parameters needed for evaluating the value of a profile
attribute .
IPluginProfileFilterExtension |
Common interface for plugin profile filter extensions.
IPluginProfileFilterMatchConditionGetParams |
Common interface for getting the recommended match conditions for profile attribute filters used in user filters
( IndirectClientAuthorization ).
IPluginProfileFilterValue |
IPluginProfileFilterValueGetParams |
IPluginProfileFilterValueOptionsGetParams |
IPluginProjectMenu |
Plugin interface for providing custom menus for projects with a specified scope
IPluginProjectMenuGUIBean |
Plugin interfaces for providing beans to custom project menus
IPluginProjectTemplate |
Interface for plugins of the typ project template.
IPluginResourceHelper |
IPluginReturnValue |
Common interface for the return value of a plugin.
IPluginScopeClient |
This interface marks an IFCPlugin to only be initialized in Client scope.
IPluginScopeSystem |
This interface marks an IFCPlugin to only be initialized in SYSTEM scope.
IPluginServletAction |
Interface for plugins servlet action plugins.
IPluginServletActionParams |
Interface for the parameters of a servlet action plugin.
IPluginServletActionRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a servlet action plugin.
IPluginSessionReplacer |
Interface for a system replacer plugin.
IPluginSessionReplacerParams |
Interface for the parameters of a session replacer plugin.
IPluginSessionReplacerRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a session replacer plugin.
IPluginShutdown |
IPluginShutdownData |
IPluginStaticResourceServletAction |
Mixin for IPluginServletAction that provides a basic implementation for a servlet action that provides static
IPluginSystemReplacer |
Interface for a system replacer plugin.
IPluginSystemReplacerParams |
Interface for the parameters of a system replace plugin.
IPluginSystemReplacerRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a system replacer plugin.
IPluginTemplateReplacer |
Interface for a template replacer plugin.
IPluginTemplateReplacerParams |
Interface for the parameters of template placeholder replacer plugins.
IPluginTemplateReplacerRetVal |
Interface for the return value of a template replacer plugin.
IPluginTriggerHandler<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
Mixin meant for IPluginWorkflowTrigger plugins that only wish to provide a workflow trigger that executes
some business logic.
IPluginUninstallData |
IPluginValidationData |
Parameters passed to the validation lifecycle method of plugins.
IPluginValidationRule |
Interface for validation rule plugins.
IPluginView |
Interface for plugin views.
IPluginVRuleModel |
IPluginWhileLoopNodeHandler<TData extends BaseWhileLoopProps,TState extends IWorkflowLoopDataProviding> |
Mixin meant for IPluginWorkflowNode plugins that only wish to provide a workflow while loop that runs a test
and executes the loop body for as long as the test holds true (= a while loop).
IPluginWorkflowElementPrototypes |
Allows plugins to offer preconfigured workflow elements ( triggers and nodes .
IPluginWorkflowNode |
Interface for workflow node plugins.
IPluginWorkflowNodeBean |
IPluginWorkflowTrigger |
Interface for workflow trigger plugins.
IPluginWorkflowTriggerBean |
IPortalsApi |
High-level methods for retrieving available user portals.
IPostEntityDeserializationParams |
IPostfachDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting Postfach entities.
IPostfachHandler |
The Class PostfachHandler.
IPostfachServletHandler |
IPostFormRecordMessageRequest |
IPostFormRecordMessageResponse |
IPreFieldDeserializationHookParams |
Parameters for the pre deserialization hook of fields
IPreRenderListener |
Interface to be used in conjunction with PreRenderViewActionListener , to make it easier for a component to
listen to a PreRenderViewEvent .
IProcessing |
IProcessingBean |
IProcessingModel |
IProcessingPlugin |
IProcessingPrefillData |
IProcessingResult |
IProcessingResultAktionsID |
IProcessingResultFileData |
IProcessingResultFilePath |
IProcessingResultHTML |
IProcessingResultIntValue |
IProcessingResultLongValue |
IProcessingResultMultiValue |
IProcessingResultNumberValue |
IProcessingResultStringValue |
IProcessingResultSuccess |
IProcessingResultTemplate |
IProcessingResultVorgangsID |
IProcessingResultWeiterleitung |
IProcessingWrapper |
IProductBuildPromaApi |
API for interacting with product build resources via PROMA (product manager).
IProductPromaApi |
API for interacting with product resources via PROMA (product manager).
IProfileAttributeDescriptor |
Common interface describing a (user) profile attribute.
IProjectAuthenticatorConfigDao |
IProjectDOIDataDao |
IProjectDOIDataHandler |
IProjectIdentityCheckDataDao |
IProjectIdentityCheckDataHandler |
IProjectInviteDataDao |
IProjectPortalConfigDao |
IProjectPortalDataDao |
IProjectPortalDataHandler |
IProjectProvidingEvent |
The base IWorkflowEventData for all event belonging to a project (but not a form record), such as when the
form is opened for the first time.
IProjectScopedUriBuilderContext |
Common interface representing context data needed for project scoped IUriResolver s.
IProjectTagDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting ProjectTag entities.
IProjectTemplate |
Interface für Projekt-Templates
IProjectTemplateViewModel |
IProjectVersionModel |
Common interface models representing a project version
IProjektDao |
IProjektDependent |
Schnittstelle für Modelklassen, die in Beziehung zu einem Projekt stehen.
IProjektDependentBaseDao<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
IProjektHandler |
IProjektRessourceDao |
IProjektRessourcenHandler |
IProjektZaehlerDao |
IProjektZaehlerDatenDao |
IProjektZaehlerDatenHandler |
IProjektZaehlerHandler |
IPromaApiProvider |
Main entry point for the individual APIs for interacting with PROMA (product manager).
IPromaResponse<T> |
A response from PROMA with the main result value and some additional details such as the status code of the response.
IProperty |
Describes a property that is part of a value.
IProtocolEntryClientDao |
IProtocolEntryProcessDao |
IProtocolEntrySystemDao |
IProtokollHandler |
IProviding |
Interface for all workflow actions that create files when they are executed.
IProvidingFileHandler |
IPublicAsyncWebSocketContext |
IPublicAsyncWebSocketContextBuilder |
IPublicNativeSyncContext |
IPublicNativeSyncContextBuilder |
IPublicPromaCallInvoker |
An invoker that is responsible for sending API calls to PROMA.
IPublicPromaCallInvokerAsync |
IPublicPromaCallInvokerSync |
IPublicPromaInvocationContext |
Context that controls how the PROMA API is accessed.
IPublicPromaInvocationContextAsync |
IPublicPromaInvocationContextBuilder<CONTEXT extends IPublicPromaInvocationContext,THIS extends IPublicPromaInvocationContextBuilder<CONTEXT,THIS>> |
IPublicPromaInvocationContextSync |
IPublicSyncWebSocketContext |
IPublicSyncWebSocketContextBuilder |
IQcmEntitySortingCriterion |
Specialized entity sorting criterion for sorting via QCM.
IQuartzJobDetails |
Common interface for detail information describing a quartz job
IReadEntityRefsParams<TData> |
IReadPlaceholdersParams<TData> |
IRecordMember<T,TBuilder extends IValueBuilder<T>> |
IRecordValueBuilder |
IRecordValueDescriptor |
IRecordValueDescriptorBuilder |
IRedirectAction |
Common interface representing an action to redirect.
IReferencedAttachmentList |
Base interface for a POJO view model class, both for selecting a single attachment and for selecting multiple
attachments within the workflow.
IReferencedFileList |
Base interface for a POJO view model class, both for selecting a single file and for selecting multiple files within
the workflow.
IRefinedExecutionResultDescriptor<Model> |
IRefinedTriggerDataDescriptor<Model> |
IRefreshTokenResponse |
Common interface for responses to a refresh token request.
IRemoteEventExecutionResult |
Similar to the IEventExecutionResult , but with slightly different info so that it can be sent to the frontend
IRepetitionContainer |
IReplacer |
IReplacerParams |
IRequestAuthorizationContext |
IRequestAvailabilityContext |
IRequestContext |
Represents the body of an HTTP request.
IRequestHandlerBuilder |
Builder for performing more than one cross scope conversation request and performing some logic when all have
IRequestResult |
IRequestUploadData |
Data for adding an upload request to a form record message.
IResolvedAttachment |
IResolvedAttachmentItem |
Represents the result when resolving the attachments referenced by a single AttachmentItem .
IResolvedAttachmentList |
IResolvedAttachmentListProcessor<R,E extends Throwable> |
IResolvedAttachmentSourceDetails |
IResolvedAttachmentSourcePreviousNode |
IResolvedAttachmentSourceSearch |
IResolvedAttachmentSourceUpload |
IResolvedFile |
IResolvedFileList |
IResolvedFileListProcessor<R,E extends Throwable> |
IResolvedFileSourceAttachment |
IResolvedFileSourceClientFile |
IResolvedFileSourceDetails |
IResolvedFileSourceFormFile |
IResolvedFileSourceUploadElement |
IResolvedFileSourceUrl |
IResolvedFileSourceWorkflowNode |
IResolvedFileSourceWorkflowTrigger |
IResolvedMultiFile |
IResolvedResourceItem |
Represents the result when resolving the files referenced by a single ResourceItem .
IResource |
Common interface for resources provided by the REST API.
IResourceAccessControl |
Interface for enforcing access control to a resource specified by a URI or URL.
IResourceBundleLocator |
Interface for locating resource bundle for a given locale.
IResourceCloseAction<T> |
A resource consumer that closes an opened resource and may throw an exception in doing so.
IResourceConsuming |
IResourceDescriptor |
A resource descriptor that consists of an URI serving as the identifier for the resource, and an method for accessing the content of the resource.
IResourceDescriptorLocator |
IResourceItem |
IResourceItemResolutionErrorProviding |
Common interface for both the resolved file list and each resolved resource item, which both provide access to the
errors that occurred.
IResourceLinkMapper |
Mapper for resource links returned by the user portal rest API.
IResourceMatcher |
A predicate for matching URI s and URL s.
IResourceOpenFunction<T,R> |
A function that opens a resource and may throw an exception in doing so.
IResourcePage<TResource extends IResource> |
Common interface for a page of resources.
IRestClientConfig |
Interface for global, mostly technical, configuration for the REST client.
IRestServiceClassesProvider |
Common interface for providing REST services via their classes.
IRestServicePackagesProvider |
Common interface for providing REST services via their package names.
IRestServicesProvider |
Base interface for providing REST services via SPI.
IResultlessNode<TData> |
Mixin for nodes that neither return a result nor do throw an error.
IRetrieveElementPropsRetVal<TCustomData> |
IReturningCompletionResult |
Represents the result of INodeHandler#execute when the node was
completed abruptly by issuing a return statement.
IRewriteUriResolver |
Common interface for URI resolvers of web enpoints that can be rewritten (by ocpsoft's URL
IRolePropsInitListener |
Deprecated. |
IRolleDao |
IRolleHandler |
IRollingFileAppender |
Common interface for rolling file appenders
IRolloverAction |
IRolloverStrategy |
Common interface for rollover strategy of of rolling file appender configs.
IRootState |
IRoutingContext |
Contextual data required to route to a specific URL.
IRoutingContext.IPortalRoutingContext |
A routing context that requires the portal alias.
IsAnyoneAuthorizer |
Authorizer that allows anyone
IsAuthenticatedByClientAuthorizer |
Checks the client name of the profile
IsAvailableParams<TData> |
IScannedFileItem |
Common interface for file items that have been scanned for malware.
IScopedFileMetaEntity<TBase extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,TData extends IFileDataEntity<?>> |
Common interface for the metadata of a scoped file.
ISearchTermHandler |
Provides basic convenience methods for working with search terms of workflow elements.
ISecurityConfig |
Common interface for the formcycle security config.
ISemVerProviding |
ISemverUpdating<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
A ISequentialUpdating that interprets the version string as a Semver and updates the properties model
according to the previous and current semantic version.
ISemverUpdatingNode<TData> |
ISemverUpdatingTrigger<TData> |
ISendFormRecordMessageBuilder |
Builder for configuring a send portal message node.
ISendMailReport |
Result with information regarding a mail sending operation, see e.g.
ISentMailData |
ISequentialUpdating<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity,TVersion extends Comparable<TVersion>> |
ISerializableBiFunction<T,U,R> |
ISerializableBiPredicate<T,U> |
ISerializableConsumer<T> |
ISerializableFile |
Represents a serializable reference to a single file.
ISerializableFunction<T,R> |
ISerializableInputStreamSupplier |
ISerializableInterface |
ISerializableJSON |
ISerializablePredicate<T> |
ISerializableSupplier<T> |
ISerializableThrowingFunction<T,R> |
A Supplier that is also serializable and can throw exceptions.
ISerializableThrowingSupplier<T> |
A Supplier that is also serializable and can throw exceptions.
ISerializableUnaryOperator<T> |
IServerConfig |
Common interface for server configurations allowing access to server settings and features.
IServerModel |
Common interface for GUI server models.
IServerNodeDao |
IServerRegistries |
Registry for all server registries.
IServletContextInfo |
Common interfaces for accessing servlet context information.
IServletEventData |
Common interface for data needed by events that are triggered via a servlet
IServletEventResult |
Common interface for result data that is returned after the execution of servlet events.
IServletResponse |
Interface for the HTTP response that is sent in response to a HttpServletRequest .
ISessionBean |
ISessionConversationEvent |
Event for ConversationScoped beans that limit their conversation to a particular session.
ISessionConversationEventHandler |
Handler for events of ConversationScoped beans that limit their conversation to a particular session.
ISessionEvent |
ISessionEventHandler |
ISessionReplacerParams |
ISessionValueReplacer |
ISetupHandler |
ISingleAttachmentProviding |
Interface for a POJO view model class that describes a single attachment that can be selected by the user.
ISingleBaseActionBuiltinNodePrototype<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
ISingleBaseActionNodePrototype<TData extends BaseActionProps> |
ISingleBaseBuiltinTriggerPrototype<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
ISingleBaseConditionNodePrototype<TData extends BaseConditionProps> |
ISingleBaseDoUntilLoopNodePrototype<TData extends BaseDoUntilLoopProps> |
ISingleBaseTriggerPrototype<TData extends BaseTriggerProps> |
ISingleBaseWhileLoopNodePrototype<TData extends BaseWhileLoopProps> |
ISingleBuiltinNodePrototype<TData> |
ISingleBuiltinTriggerPrototype<TData> |
ISingleConditionBuilder |
ISingleConditionData<LHS,RHS> |
ISingleConditionProducer |
ISingleConsuming |
ISingleElementPrototype<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
Element handler mixin for cases when a handler only wishes to provide a single prototype.
ISingleFileProviding |
Interface for a POJO view model class that describes a single file that can be selected by the user.
ISingleNodePrototype<TData> |
ISingleTriggerPrototype<TData> |
IsNotAssignableException |
ISortKeyProviding<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Interface for types whose instances provide a custom sort key that should be used when sorting a list of instances.
ISpecificTriggerListener<TData> |
Mixin interface for triggers that are invoked only by an external event specifying the ID of the trigger.
ISpecificTriggerProvidingEvent |
IStageChainFactory |
A factory for creating new StageChain instances with a particular configuration.
IStandardAttachmentListResolutionErrorCreator |
Handler that can create the error code and error data for the standard attachment resolution error behavior, see also
StandardErrorAttachmentListProcessor .
IStandardFileListResolutionErrorCreator |
Handler that can create the error code and error data for the standard file resolution error behavior, see also
StandardErrorFileListProcessor .
IStateGeneratorProviding |
Markup interface for pac4j Client s that provide a custom
state generator .
IStateHolder |
Interface for beans that track changes in their state.
IStateView |
IStateViewModel |
Common interface for states.
IStaticPlaceholder |
Descriptor for a built-in, non-dynamic placeholder such as [%$PROJECT_ID%] .
IStatisticsHandler |
IStatusDao |
IStatusDependent |
IStatusHandler |
IStatusReferenceItem |
Common interface for referencing a Status
IStatusServletHandler |
IStatusUuidReferenceItem |
Common interface for referencing a Status via UUID
IStatusViewModel |
Markup interface for view models of Status s
IStoreItemPromaApi |
API for interacting with store item resources via PROMA (product manager).
IStorePromaApi |
API for interacting with stores via PROMA (product manager).
IStringAttributesMixin |
Mixin providing utility methods for storing values in a string map
IStringValueBuilder |
IStringValueDescriptor |
IStringValueDescriptorBuilder |
IStyle |
A graphviz style for graphs, nodes, or edges.
ISubTypeValueBuilder<T,Builder extends IValueBuilder<T>> |
ISuccessResultBuilder<TBuilder,TResult> |
Builder for the result of a node when it was executed successfully.
ISuccessResultData |
ISummaryKeyValueModel |
ISummaryKeyValuePair |
A key value pair.
ISummaryKeyValueText |
ISupportChangeEventBean |
Interface for scoped beans that should support a method for changing by an event bus triggered handler.
ISupportInquiryData |
ISystemAuthenticatorDao |
ISystemAuthenticatorHandler |
ISystemChangeDao |
ISystemHandler |
ISystemMessageDao |
ISystemPluginDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting SystemPlugin entities.
ISystemPropertyDao |
ISystemPropertyHandler |
ISystemReplacerParams |
ISystemStatusChecker |
ISystemUpdate |
Interfaces for system changes
ISystemUpdateProgressObserver |
ISystemValueReplacer |
ITableColumn |
ITableTemplate<T extends ITableColumn> |
ITaskExecutionErrorResult |
The result of execution a WorkflowTask , returned by the task runner when the task was not executed
ITaskExecutionResult |
The result of executing a WorkflowTask , returned by the task runner when the task was executed successfully.
ITaskExecutionSuccessResult |
The result of execution a WorkflowTask , returned by the task runner when the task was executed successfully.
ITaskFlowAnalysis |
Represents the result of analyzing a workflow task.
ITaskFlowAnalysisData |
Base data with the result of analyzing a workflow task, without analysis operations.
ITaskQueueExecutionResult |
Represents the result of running one or multiple tasks.
ITaskUuidProviding |
Interface for workflow elements that have got a UUID to identify the parent task.
ITaskWithName |
A reference to a workflow trigger.
ItemData |
ItemData.Builder |
A builder for a single item of an iteration.
ItemLicenseModel |
ItemLicenseViewModel |
ItemList<T> |
ITemplateData |
Common interfaces for representing template data
ITemplateDependent |
ITemplateReplacerParams |
ITemplateValueReplacer |
Items |
IterableUtils |
IterableUtils.Indexed<T> |
ITextbausteinDao |
ITextbausteinHandler |
ITextResourceRefactorer |
Refactor handler for plain text resources.
IThreadPoolRegistry |
Registry for thread pools.
IThrowingBiFunction<T,U,R> |
IThrowingConsumer<T> |
A Consumer that may throw a checked exception.
IThrowingFunction<T,R> |
A Function that may throw a checked exception.
IThrowingRunnable |
A Runnable that may throw a checked exception.
IThrowingSupplier<T> |
A Supplier that may throw a checked exception.
IThrowingUnaryOperator<T> |
ITokenEndpoint |
Interface for the token endpoint.
ITopMenuProviding |
Interface for TabModel s that provide additional entries to the top menu header.
ITransferable |
ITransferableEntity |
Basisschnittstelle für alle ID-basierten Modellklassen.
ITransferableLockableEntity |
ITreeAccessor<TNode,TIdentifier> |
Interface for treating an item as a node in a tree-like structure.
ITreeParentAccessor<TNode,TIdentifier> |
Interface for treating an item as a node in a tree-like structure.
ITreeWithDataAccessor<TNode,TIdentifier,TNodeData> |
Interface for accessing the children of tree nodes, together with the data associated with each tree node.
ITriggerAppliesToEventParams<TData> |
ITriggerDataDescriptor |
Each trigger may provide a set of data that is made available via placeholders when the task is executed.
ITriggeredWorkflowExecutionResult |
Data returned when a workflow execution was triggered implicitly due to some requested action.
ITriggerFilterCriteriaForEventParams |
ITriggerHandler<Model> |
All trigger handlers must be thread-safe.
ITriggerKeyProviding |
Interface for workflow trigger like objects that have got a TriggerKey identifying them.
ITriggerModelPrototype |
Interface for trigger prototypes, i.e.
ITriggerOnTaskBeginParams<TData> |
ITriggerOnTaskFinishParams<TData> |
ITriggerPolicy |
Common interface for rolling file trigger policies
ITriggerPreconditionSatisfiedParams<TData> |
ITriggerPropertiesBean<TData> |
The interface of a bean for editing the properties of workflow triggers.
ITriggerPropertyPluginBean<TData> |
Workaround for Java not having intersection types.
ITriggerPrototypeData<TData> |
The data that is used to create a new trigger when a trigger prototype is dragged into the workflow designer.
ITriggerPrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
A prototype for a workflow trigger that is shown in the drawer panel in the workflow designer.
ITriggerPrototypeWrapper |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
ITriggersApi |
High-level methods for triggering workflow events.
ITriggerWithName |
A reference to a workflow trigger.
ITupleValueBuilder |
ITupleValueDescriptor |
ITupleValueDescriptorBuilder |
ITypedThrowingSupplier<T,E extends Throwable> |
A Supplier that may throw a single typed checked exception.
ITypedWorkflowElement<T> |
A workflow element with a type, such as a trigger or node.
IUncacheableDatei |
IUncacheableFile |
Markup-Interface for files which shouldn´t be cached
IUndirectedGraphDotStatement |
Base type for all graph dot statements that can be used in undirected graphs.
IUnhandledExceptionEventData |
Represents the event data of an error event that is triggered when an unhandled exception occurred during workflow
IUnionValueBuilder<D> |
IUnionValueDescriptor<D> |
IUnionValueDescriptorBuilder<D> |
IUpdatable |
IUpdateCustomParametersParams |
IUpdateTransition |
Performs an upgrade from a previous version to a newer version.
IUploadConsuming |
Interface for all workflow actions that require upload files to perform their job.
IUploadConsuming.uploadElements |
IUriAdapter |
Common interface for URI adapters which can modify a given URI with additional context
information .
IUriBuilderContext |
Common interface representing context data needed for IUriResolver s.
IUriResolver |
IUrlDataBuilder<Self> |
Body builder for appending request parameters to the URL of an HTTP request
IUrlResource |
Common interface representing a URL resource which may be used for e.g.
IUser |
Common interface representing an authenticated user.
IUserCredentialsDao |
IUserCredentialsHandler |
IUserDependent |
IUserEmailDao |
DAO for reading and writing UserEmail entities.
IUserEmailHandler |
IUserEmailTask |
Common interface for user profile tasks that perform some action with a user email on a user
IUserGroupAccess |
IUserGroupDependent |
IUserIdentity |
Common interface for identifying users within authenticators
IUserIdentityDao |
IUserIdentityHandler |
IUserIdentityTask |
Common interface for user profile tasks that perform some action with a user identity on a
user profile.
IUserInvocationTriggerBuilder |
IUserPermissionCheck |
Interface for checking user permissions.
IUserPortalAuthConfigDao |
IUserPortalAuthConfigHandler |
IUserPortalConfig |
Interface for global, mostly technical, configuration for the portal frontend.
IUserPortalDao |
IUserPortalHandler |
IUserPortalInvocationContext |
Context with all data required to make a call to the user portal REST API.
IUserPortalResponse<T> |
Represents the result of a user portal API method.
IUserPortalRestClientConfig |
Configuration for the user portal REST API client.
IUserPortalRoute<RoutingContext extends IRoutingContext> |
A URL route of the user portal.
IUserPortalRouterUrlHandler<Context extends IRoutingContext> |
Handles URLs for the user portal.
IUserPortalStateDao |
IUserPortalTagDao |
IUserPortalUser |
Common interface for a user that is authenticated via the user portal.
IUserPortalUserManager |
Common interface for a manager that handles the user portal session.
IUserProfileDao |
IUserProfileHandler |
IUserProfileMfaDao |
IUserProfileMfaHandler |
IUserProfileTask |
Common interface for tasks that perform some action on a user profile and return a redirect action that the
initiating user should be redirected to.
IUserReferenceResolver |
Common interface for user reference resolvers that help with identification of users defined by their user
IUserRefreshTokenDao |
IUsersApi |
High-level methods for authenticating and authorizing a user and retrieving details about a user.
IUserTokenHandler |
IUUIDEntity |
Interface for all entities that are identified by a UUID (universal unique identifier).
IUuidProviding |
Interface for objects that have got a UUID identifying them.
IUuidResource |
Common interface for UUID resources provided by the REST API.
IValueBuilder<T> |
Base interface for builders that can create a value of a certain type.
IValueConfigurator |
Base interface for builders that can configure a value of a certain type.
IValueCreator |
A consumer that is passed a value builder and may call its methods to adjust the value created by the builder.
IValueDescriptor<Value,Builder extends IValueBuilder<Value>> |
Base class for all value descriptors that describe the shape of (mostly JSON-like) data.
IValueDescriptorBuilder<V,TBuilder extends IValueBuilder<V>,TDesc extends IValueDescriptor<V,TBuilder>> |
Base interface for builders that create a IValueDescriptor which imposes certain restrictions on the values
it allows.
IValueDescriptorCreator |
A function that takes a value descriptor factory and returns a value descriptor created via the methods of the passed
IValueDescriptorFactory |
IValueGraphEdgePredicate<N,V> |
A predicate on an edge of a ValueGraph .
IVersionedCustomParametersProviding |
Interface for entities that provide custom parameters stored as a JSON string.
IVersionInfo |
IVersionNumberProviding |
Common interface for all objects (mainly entities) that have got a version number.
IView |
Common interface for formcycle views
IViewEvent |
IViewEventHandler |
IViewModel |
IVirtualEntity |
mark-up-interface for virtual entities
IVirtualFlowGraphNode |
A virtual node in the flow graph that does not correspond to an existing WorkflowNode .
IVoidValueBuilder |
IVoidValueDescriptor |
IVorgangDao |
IVorgangDependent |
IVorgangHandler |
IVorgangsDataDao |
IVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
Interface creating SQL-Queries for datatables
IVorgangServletHandler |
IWebAppDescriptor |
Common interface for web app definitions (e.g.
IWebDavAccessDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting IWebDavAccessDao entities.
IWebDavAccessHandler |
IWebEndpoint |
Common interface that defines formcycle web endpoints with basic definitions for availability and authorization
IWelcomeConfirmView |
Common interface for GUI models that represent a confirmation dialog within the welcome page
(/WEB-INF/xfc/templates/welcome/welcome.xhtml ).
IWidgetConfigProviding<TWidgetConfiguration> |
Interface for Widget that wish to provide their client configuration as a class.
IWithHttpAction |
IWordField |
IWorkflowActionExecutor |
Interface for all executors for workflow actions.
IWorkflowAttachmentValue |
Represents part of the result returned by a workflow node when executed, specifically the attachments that were
created by the node.
IWorkflowBeanValidator |
IWorkflowElementDao<TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity & de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Base DAO for all workflow elements.
IWorkflowElementEntity |
Interface for workflow elements that behave differently depending on their type.
IWorkflowElementRegistry<TEntity extends IWorkflowElementEntity,TElement extends IWorkflowElementTypeProviding,THandler extends IElementHandler<?,TEntity>,TPlugin extends IFCPlugin> |
Registry for all workflow element handler.
IWorkflowElementTypeProviding |
Interface for workflow element that have got a type and behave differently depending on that type.
IWorkflowElementValidationResult |
Represents the result of validating a single workflow node or trigger.
IWorkflowElementValidationResultBuilder |
IWorkflowElementWithDeserializedModel<TData,TElement> |
A workflow node together with its deserialized model.
IWorkflowEventData |
Base interface for all workflow events for the new workflow engine.
IWorkflowEventRunner |
IWorkflowExecutionContext |
IWorkflowExecutionEnvironmentData |
Data related to the current workflow execution, such as the form record or the locale.
IWorkflowExecutionListener |
Interface for objects that wish to listen to the various stages of a workflow execution.
IWorkflowExecutionPostProcessor |
Callback that is called after the workflow was executed, but before the final result is created.
IWorkflowExecutionPostProcessParams |
IWorkflowExecutor |
Handler for affecting how the workflow is executed.
IWorkflowFile |
A single file provided by a workflow trigger or node.
IWorkflowFileHandler |
Handler with utility methods for working with files during the execution of a workflow, and making these files
available to other workflow node.
IWorkflowFileValue |
Represents part of the result provided by a workflow element.
IWorkflowFlowAnalysis |
Interface for querying info about the control and data flow of a workflow process.
IWorkflowFormHandler |
Handler with utility methods for working with the form and form records during the execution of a workflow.
IWorkflowGlobalHandlerValidationContext |
IWorkflowGlobalValidator<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
Interface for all global validators of workflow elements.
IWorkflowHandler |
API Handler for interacting and initializing the workflow for a form record.
IWorkflowHandlerValidationContext |
Common methods for validation contexts used by node handlers.
IWorkflowHttpHandler |
A handler for interacting with the current HTTP request within the context of a workflow execution.
IWorkflowLocalBeanValidationContext |
Validation context that can be used (such as by being injected into an IChoiceProviding set on
a SingleChoice constraint annotation) during Jakarta bean API validation.
IWorkflowLocalHandlerValidationContext |
IWorkflowLocalValidationContext |
Context holding data required during a local workflow validation process, i.e.
IWorkflowLocalValidator<TData,TElement extends IWorkflowElementEntity> |
Interface for all local validators of workflow elements.
IWorkflowLoggingHandler |
Handler with utility methods for creating protocol entries when a node is executed.
IWorkflowLoopDataProviding |
IWorkflowNodeDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowNode entities.
IWorkflowNodeFlowAnalyzer<TData> |
Analyzes how a workflow node can be executed, in a manner similar to solving data flow equations.
IWorkflowNodeHandler |
IWorkflowNodeLocator |
Handler for locating nodes when a task is executed.
IWorkflowNodeRegistry |
IWorkflowNodeResult |
Represents the result obtained when a workflow node was executed.
IWorkflowNodeSearchTermDao |
IWorkflowNodeTypeProviding |
Marks the object as marking a certain workflow node type.
IWorkflowPlaceholderHandler |
Interface for the workflow placeholder handler that lets you replace placeholders in strings easily.
IWorkflowPlaceholderRefactorRetVal |
IWorkflowProcessDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowProcess entities.
IWorkflowProcessing |
IWorkflowProcessingContext |
IWorkflowProvider |
A provider for the workflow designer that lets you access various data related to the workflow, such a list of all
user groups or text templates.
IWorkflowQualifiedSubmitButton |
Represents a submit button of the form.
IWorkflowQueueItem |
IWorkflowResponse |
IWorkflowRunTasksForEventParams |
IWorkflowSoftErrorDescriptor |
IWorkflowStateAuthenticatorConfigDao |
IWorkflowStateDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowState entities.
IWorkflowStateHandler |
IWorkflowStateViewModel |
IWorkflowSubmitButton |
Represents a submit button of the form.
IWorkflowTaskDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowTask entities.
IWorkflowTaskHandler |
IWorkflowTaskLocator |
Handler for locating tasks when the workflow of a process is executed.
IWorkflowTaskRunner |
IWorkflowTaskRunnerParams |
Data required for executing a workflow task, such as the client, user, and locale.
IWorkflowTriggerDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowTrigger entities.
IWorkflowTriggerHandler |
IWorkflowTriggerJobDetails |
Interface for quartz job info for quartz triggers for workflow triggers of the new workflow.
IWorkflowTriggerLocator |
Handler for locating triggers when a task is executed.
IWorkflowTriggerRegistry |
IWorkflowTriggerSearchTermDao |
IWorkflowTriggerTypeProviding |
Marks the object as marking a certain workflow trigger type.
IWorkflowValidationContext |
Context holding global data required during a workflow validation process.
IWorkflowValidationEnvironmentData |
General parameters for workflow related methods, such as the project containing the workflow and the client owning
the project.
IWorkflowValidationMessage |
IWorkflowValidationResult |
Describes the result of a workflow validation process, as produced by WorkflowValidator .
IWorkflowValidator |
An object for validating the entire workflow of a project, or just parts of it (single tasks, triggers, or nodes).
IWorkflowVariableHandler |
Interface for the variable handler used during execution of the workflow.
IWorkflowVersionBackupDao |
IWorkflowVersionDao |
Data access object for creating, updating, and deleting WorkflowVersion entities.
IWorkflowVersionHandler |
IWriteEntityRefsParams<TData> |
IWritePlaceholdersParams<TData> |
IXBaseValidationParams |
IXDataSourceOptions |
Interface that may be implemented by an XItem , usually by custom widgets that extend XSelect .
IXExportWordPdfRenderer |
IXfcException |
IXfcSessionHandler |
Deprecated. |
IXForm |
IXFormDatatypeRule |
IXFormProvidingEvent |
IXFormRenderCallback |
Handler for form render callbacks.
IXFormRenderConfig |
IXFormRenderConfigProvidingEvent |
IXFormRenderContext |
Interface for context that exists during the render of the form.
IXGlobalValidationParams |
IXItem |
IXItemAppendable |
IXItemBasic |
The base interface for all built-in form items and all widgets provided by plugins.
IXItemEvaluator |
IXItemFieldNameConventions |
Describes the naming conventions for the form fields used by this type of form item.
IXItemPropertiesData |
IXItemWidget |
Interface for widget plugins.
IXProcessUploadParams |
IXProcessUploadResult |
IXUpload |
Represents a file uploaded when a form was submitted.
IXValidationParams |
IXValidationResult |
Represents the result of validating an IXItem .
IXValuableItem |
Marker interface that should be implemented by all form element item handler classes that represent form elements for
which the user can enter and submit values, e.g.
IZugriffsrechtFilter |
JGroupsCluster |
JGroupsClusterConnection |
JGroupsLogger |
Implementation of a JGroups Log that logs messages via sl4j .
JGroupsLoggerFactory |
Implementation of a CustomLogFactory that creates sl4j loggers.
JobKeyFactory |
Factory for creating a job key for formcycle specific jobs.
JobKeyFactory.JobGroups |
Enumeration of the predefined job groups
Jsf23Activator |
Enables JSF 2.3 features.
JSFEntityContext |
JsfValidationResult |
Represents the result of a JSF validation phase.
JSONBuilder |
Responder-Implementierungen für JSON zur Request-Verarbeitung und/oder Response-Befüllung.
JSONConverter |
JsonPatchHelper |
JsonPatchUpdate |
JsonPathBuilder |
Simple builder for a JSON path.
JsonPathEntry |
JsonPathEntryConverter |
Converts between a JSON object and a list of entries, where each entry represents a primitive value in the JSON
JsonPathEntryConverter.Builder |
JsonPathMapConverter |
Converts objects to a Map of JSON path value pairs and back.
JsonPathUtils |
Helper class for working with JSON objects and JSON path.
JSONRequester |
Übergebenen JSON-Daten vom Typ JSONObject in Liste von ValueDescriptoren umwandeln
JSONRequesterException |
JSONValidator |
JSONValidConverter |
JsRegExpCheck |
Checks whether a string matches a JavaScript regexp.
KeepAliveServlet |
Generic servlet for keeping a session alive
KeepSessionAliveBean |
Bean that keeps the session alive, for use with the composite component xi:keepSessionAlivePoll
KerberosAuthenticator |
Deprecated. |
KerberosAuthenticatorImpl |
KerberosClient |
KerberosConfigBean |
Bean zum Abspeichern / Laden der NTLM-Konfiguration.
KerberosConfigMigrationUpdate_8_0_4 |
KerberosConfigWrapper |
KerberosExtensionAuthenticatorProperties<TAuthenticator extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
KerberosProfileCreator |
Service that retrieves the profile data from an LDAP connection.
KerberosTicketValidatorImpl |
A validator the check the Kerberos ticket.
KerberosTicketValidatorImpl |
KerberosUserProfile |
KeyStoreCertProvider |
An email-encryptor key-provider to determine the certificates by a keystore.
Label |
How to handle labels for bean validation.
Label.Custom |
Use a custom label.
Label.Include |
Include the default label, see Label .
Label.Omit |
Do not include the label, see Label .
LabelString |
Represents a label string, either plain text or HTML.
LanguageFd2Config |
LargeString |
Wrapper for reading a string lazily, e.g.
LazyAppointmentScheduleModel |
Lazy schedule model for the inbox appointment view.
LazyContainer |
Allows rendering its children dynamically after page load and enables partial update renders.
LazyContainer.PropertyKeys |
LazyContainerRenderer |
LazyEntityListModel<T extends ITransferableEntity> |
LazyExtendedProcessListModel |
LazyFormCardsViewModel |
This model is used to display the form cards in a lazy way.
LazyFormRecordsViewModel |
LazyProcessListModel |
LazyProjectViewListModel |
Custom data model for lazily loading project view models
LazyProjectWrapperListModel |
Deprecated. |
LazyTreeNode<T> |
A tree node for a lazy loading PrimeFaces trees.
LazyTreeSuperRootNode<T> |
LDAPAbfrage |
LDAPAbfrageAPI |
LDAPAbfrageDao |
LDAPAbfrageHandler |
LdapAuthenticatorProperties<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
LDAPBenutzer |
Deprecated. |
LDAPBenutzerUtil |
Deprecated. |
LdapConnectionBean |
Bean für die Verwaltung von Verbindungen
LdapConnectionChoiceProvider |
Provider for the LDAP connections available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
LdapConnectionFactory |
Factory for creating LDAP connections for authentication clients.
LDAPConnectionFactory |
LdapConnectionModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
LDAPDataUtil |
LdapFilterProperties |
LDAPFilters |
LDAPGroupBean |
Deprecated. |
LDAPGruppe |
LDAPGruppeDao |
LDAPGruppeHandler |
LDAPKeys |
LdapQueryBean |
Bean für die aktuelle Session und deren Informationen
LdapQueryChoiceProvider |
Provider for the LDAP queries available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
LDAPQueryManager |
LdapQueryModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
LDAPResultConverter |
LDAPZugriff |
LDAPZugriffAPI |
LDAPZugriffDao |
LDAPZugriffHandler |
LegacyExporter |
Helper class for creating legacy export of projects
LegacyPrimeFacesHexColorConverter |
Legacy converter for the PrimeFaces p:colorPicker component.
Legend |
Length |
A length with some intrinsic unit for graphviz attribute values.
Length.Inches |
A Length with the intrinsic unit inches.
Length.LengthFactory<L extends Length> |
Factory for creating length values in various different units.
Length.Points |
A Length with the intrinsic unit points.
LengthList<L extends Length> |
A list of length values.
LengthList.LengthListFactory<L extends Length> |
A factory for creating LengthList from values in a given unit.
LengthPoint<L extends Length> |
A graphviz 2D or 3D point with a length unit.
LengthPoint.LengthPointFactory<L extends Length> |
A factory for creating LengthPoint from values in a given unit.
LicenseAccess |
Model that combines a system and a client license.
LicenseAPI |
LicenseAuthorizerFactory |
LicenseBean |
LicenseCache |
LicenseCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
LicenseCacheModel |
LicenseDataSnapshot |
LicenseDemoData |
LicenseFeature |
LicenseFile |
This entity represents licenses.
LicenseFileAPI |
LicenseFileDao |
LicenseFileHandler |
LicenseHandler |
LicenseManager |
LicenseModel |
Model to access an license based on there file-data
LicenseNotificationServlet |
Servlet for notifying a client license update to trigger a download
LicenseServerUtil |
Utility class for reading data from and writing data to the product management server via HTTP requests.
LicenseSyncData |
LicenseViewModel |
LiquibaseContextFactory |
Factory for creating an liquibase context
LiquibaseDBUtils |
LiquibaseMigrationUtils |
ListedResourceAccessControl |
ListedResourceAccessControl.ListedResourceAccessControlBuilder |
ListItemSourcePropsAttachments |
ListItemSourcePropsCharacterSeparatedValues |
ListItemSourcePropsFieldValues |
Model class for the for-each loop, representing the settings when FIELD_VALUES is selected.
ListItemSourcePropsFiles |
ListItemSourcePropsFormFieldRepetitions |
ListItemSourcePropsJsonValue |
ListItemSourcePropsRowsOfCharacterSeparatedValues |
ListItemSourcePropsRowsOfCharacterSeparatedValues.ValidationGroup |
ListUpdateTransition |
LoadBundleTagHandler |
LoadPropsRetVal<TModel,TBean> |
LoadWebFormPersistJsonRequest |
Requests a form persist JSON to get loaded in the workflow designer.
LoadWebFormPersistLivecycleRequest |
Requests a livecycle file to get loaded in the workflow designer.
LoadWebFormPersistPdfRequest |
Requests a PDF file to get loaded in the workflow designer.
LoadWorkflowPersistRequest |
Requests a workflow persist to get loaded in the workflow designer.
LocalAddress |
CDI qualifier for the local address.
LocalAddress.Literal |
LocalDateTimeConverter |
LocaleBean |
LocaleUtils |
LocalizationId |
LocalizationTabsBean |
LocalizationTabsBean.CompletionProvider |
LocalTimeConverter |
LocalVariables |
A set of named variables that can grow over time.
LocalVariables.L1<X1> |
A set of one local variables.
LocalVariables.L2<X1,X2> |
A set of two local variables.
LocalVariables.L3<X1,X2,X3> |
A set of three local variables.
LocalVariables.L4<X1,X2,X3,X4> |
A set of four local variables.
LocalVariables.L5<X1,X2,X3,X4,X5> |
A set of five local variables.
LocalVariables.L6<X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6> |
A set of six local variables.
LocalVariables.L7<X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7> |
A set of seven local variables.
LocalVariables.L8<X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8> |
A set of eight local variables.
LocalVariables.L9<X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9> |
A set of nine local variables.
LogAppenderConverter |
LogConfigHelper |
Helper-Class for the configuration of loggers and appenders
LogFilePatternLayoutBuilder |
LoggerConfigBean |
Bean for configuring loggers & appenders
LoggingRequestInterceptor |
An implementation of HttpRequestInterceptor interface for logging request information.
LoggingResponseInterceptor |
An implementation of HttpResponseInterceptor interface for logging request information.
LoginAttempt |
LoginAttemptHelper |
Helper for storing / removing user login attempts and checking the user login state.
LoginAttemptHelper |
LoginAttemptHelper.ELoginStatus |
LoginBean |
LoginCache |
Cache storing user login attempts.
LoginCache |
LoginCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
LoginCommonBean |
Bean providing information for various login screens
LoginEvent |
LoginHelper |
LoginLayoutBean |
Bean for accessing the backend login layout configuration.
LoginLayoutConfigurationBean |
Bean for configuring the backend login layout.
LoginLockedException |
LoginModel |
Modelklasse für den Login
LoginPageModel |
This class represents the view model for the login page.
LoginPageModel.Builder |
LoginServlet |
LogoBean |
LogoLink |
Represents the URL to which the user is redirected when the click on the formcycle or FORM.CLOUD logo at the top
MailAddressListConverter |
MailAPI |
API class for sending of system mails.
MailArchiveUtils |
Utility class for archiving mail.
MailAuthenticationConfig |
Represents the configuration settings for a mail server for validating the correct configuration of the selected
MailConfigBean |
Bean für die Konfiguration eines Systemweiten E-Mail Servers
MailContextFactory |
Factory for creating an mail context
MailContextFactory |
MailContextNotAvailableException |
Exception thrown when an email cannot be send because no mail context (=mail server configuration) is available.
MailContextProvider |
Provider for managing informations an contexts for mail server
MailEncryptorFactory |
Factory for creating an mail-encryptor by a given type
MailHandler |
The Class MailHandler.
MailSendUtil |
Utility class for sending mail.
MailUtil |
Common mail utils.
Main |
DOM node representing the main element.
MainMenuBean |
View scoped bean holding the main menu of the adminstration backend.
MainMenuBuilder |
Builder for main menu entries.
MainWorkflowElementCategory |
MalwareDetectedException |
Generic exception that is thrown when a file or some data was detected to contain malware.
MalwareScanner |
Utility class that scans files and data for malware.
MalwareScannerHelper |
Helper for malware scanning.
MalwareScanReport |
Represents the result of a malware scan.
Mandant |
Diese Entität bildet einen Mandanten ab.
MandantAPI |
API class for manipulation of Mandant entities.
MandantDao |
MandantDependentBaseDao<E extends ITransferableEntity> |
MandantFrontendServer |
MandantFrontendServerAPI |
MandantFrontendServerBean |
MandantFrontendServerDao |
MandantFrontendServerHandler |
MandantFrontendServerServletHandler |
MandantHandler |
MandantLdapData |
MandantLdapDataAPI |
MandantLdapDataDao |
MandantLdapDataHandler |
MandantMailData |
MandantMailDataAPI |
MandantMailDataDao |
MandantMailDataHandler |
MandantRessource |
MandantRessourceDao |
MandantRessourceDatei |
MandantRessourceDateiData |
MandantRessourceHandler |
MandantRessourcenAPI |
MandantServletHandler |
MapDiff<K,V> |
Implementation of IMapDiff with a static method for creating a diff between two Map s.
MarkableRandomAccessFileInputStream |
MaxTimeDuration |
MaxTimeDuration.List |
MaxTimeDurationValidator |
MenuEntryModel |
Deprecated. |
MenuEntryModel.Builder |
MenuItem |
MenuItemConverter |
MenuTemplateBean |
MenuTemplateEventHandler |
MessageCopyUtil |
MessageHelperBean |
Bean providing utility methods for working with messages.
MessageListener |
Helper JSF component that can be used to listen to faces messages.
MessageListener.PropertyKeys |
MessageListenerEvent |
MessageListenerFilterParams |
MessageListenerHandler |
MessageListenerRenderer |
MessageListenerTransformParams |
MessageUtils |
MessageViewModel |
MetaFilterBean |
MethodManager |
MetricsRegistry |
MfaFilter |
Filter that checks user profile for possibly multi factor authentication and initiates it if required.
MigrateClientLdapData_8_0 |
Creates LDAP connections for all MandantLdapData and connects them with appropriate LDAP queries or actions.
MigrateOldWorkflowUserReferencesUpdate_8 |
Deprecated. |
MigrateUserGroupReferencesInFormDesignerToUuid_8_0_4 |
Before version 8.0.4, references to user groups in the form designer used the name of the user group.
MigrateUsersUpdate_8_0 |
Migrates all users to user profiles and creates client authorizations
MigrateWorkflowUserReferencesUpdate_8_0 |
MigrationSessionHelper |
Helper for working with formcycle sessions
MigrationUtils |
Utility class for migrating project properties
MigrationUtils.V7 |
MimeTypeDescriptor |
A IValueDescriptor for a mime type, consisting of the components of a mime type (a main type, a subtype, and
an optional set of parameters).
MinTimeDuration |
MinTimeDuration.List |
MinTimeDurationValidator |
MismatchingChecksumException |
A special IOException thrown when the actual checksum (e.g.
MissingElementHandlers |
MissingEntityException |
MockFrqSessionBuilder |
MockRequestResponseBuilder |
Builder for mock form requests that can be used in unit tests.
ModCountDeque<T> |
A Deque that keeps track of the number of modifications made to it.
ModCountMap<K,V> |
A map that keeps track of the number of modifications made to it.
ModCountSet<V> |
A set that keeps track of the number of modifications made to it.
ModelHelper |
Helper class for models.
ModelUpdateEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when the process model was updated.
Modul |
ModulAPI |
ModulDao |
ModulHandler |
MSContextBean |
MSContextListener |
A servlet context listener for the formcycle master server.
MsGraphClientBuilder |
Builder for creating Microsoft Graph service clients .
MsGraphLogger |
Logger that logs MS Graph API messages.
MsGraphLogger |
MSGraphMailContext |
Mail context for sending MIME mails via the ms graph api
MsGraphProfileCreator |
Profile creator for Azure AD logins using the OAuth 2.0 access token and the MS Graph API.
MsGraphProfileCreator |
MSHandlerProvider |
MSMonitor |
MSMonitorMBean |
MsPropertiesAPI |
API for accessing properties of the properties file on the master server.
MsPropertiesHandler |
MsSecurity |
Class for setting up the master server security.
MSSessionListener |
Deprecated. |
MsSystemProperties |
Helper class for accessing MS system properties.
MSSystemStatusChecker |
MultiAttachment |
Models a list of attachments that may come from multiple sources, such as uploads, creates by another action, or with
a specific name.
MultiAttachment.attachments |
MultiAttachment.searchFilenamePattern |
MultiAttachmentSize |
MultiAttachmentSize.List |
MultiAttachmentSizeGroup |
MultiAttachmentSizeGroup.List |
Defines several MultiAttachmentSizeIf constraints on the same element.
MultiAttachmentSizeGroupValidator |
MultiAttachmentSizeIf |
MultiAttachmentSizeIf.List |
Defines several MultiAttachmentSizeIf constraints on the same element.
MultiAttachmentSizeIfValidator |
MultiAttachmentSizeValidator |
MultiFactorAuthenticator |
Class for handling multi-factor authentication
MultiFile |
Models a list of file resources that may come from multiple sources, such as client file, project files or external
files referenced via an URL.
MultiFile.resources |
MultiFile.searchFilename |
MultiFile.urls |
MultiFileSize |
Constraint validation that may be applied to MultiFile .
MultiFileSize.List |
MultiFileSizeGroup |
MultiFileSizeGroup.List |
Defines several MultiFileSizeIf constraints on the same element.
MultiFileSizeGroupValidator |
MultiFileSizeIf |
MultiFileSizeIf.List |
Defines several MultiFileSizeIf constraints on the same element.
MultiFileSizeIfValidator |
MultiFileSizeValidator |
MultipartMail |
MultipartMailData |
Text email data with attached Files
MultipartPreservingFilter |
Filter that wraps multipart requests in a special request wrapper that allows for accessing of the
request parts multiple times during the request scope and performs unified malware scanning for all uploaded files.
MultipartPreservingRequest |
A wrapper for multipart HttpServletRequest s that preserve their mulitpart parts,
meaning the parts can be accessed multiple times during the entire request scope and performs immediate malware
scanning upon parts parsing.
MultipartRequest |
MultipleConditionCheck |
MultipleConditionCheck.MultipleConditionData |
MySQLEncryptedVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
NamedUiElementComparator |
Comparator-Implementierung für den Vergleich von INamedUiElement -Instanzen.
NameMatcher<T extends org.quartz.utils.Key<?>> |
Matches on name (ignores group) property of Keys.
NameProvidingComparator<T extends INameProviding> |
NameProvidingDescriptor |
NavigationBean |
Newline |
Represents a type of newline.
NewlineProcessor |
A processor for a specific type of newline.
Newlines |
NoCacheFilter |
NoCredentialsException |
Exception for missing credentials on a user profile.
NodeAttributeList |
An attribute list for nodes.
NodeCrashSuspectedEvent |
An event that is fired when it is suspected that the connection to a node in the cluster may have been lost.
NodeDeletionUpdate |
NodeEntry<TElement> |
NodeExpansionChangeEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when a node was expanded or collapsed.
NodeExpansionUpdate |
NodeId |
Represents a graph dot node ID.
NodeJoinEvent |
An event that is fired when a node joined the cluster.
NodeKey |
The key of a workflow node that uniquely identifies it within the context of a process.
NodeLeftEvent |
An event that is fired when a node left the cluster.
NodeMessageEvent |
An event that is fired when a message was sent by a node to other nodes.
NodeModel |
Models a node that is part of a cluster.
NodeModel |
View model corresponding to the WorkflowNode entity, used by the Flowchart component.
NodeModelPrototype |
NodeParamsUpdate |
NodePropertiesBean |
Bean that controls the properties panel when a NodeModel is selected.
NodePrototypeData<TData> |
NodePrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
NodePrototypeDescriptor.NodePrototypeBuilder<TData> |
NodePrototypeWrapper |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
NodeReturnedException |
Used by a node to indicate that the node completed abruptly by issuing a return statement.
NodeReturnedException.Builder |
NodeSoftErrorException |
Indicates that a soft error occurred during the execution of a workflow node.
NodesOfTypeChoiceProvider |
Provider for workflow nodes that makes available all nodes in the entire workflow process that are of a given
type .
NodeStatement |
A graph dot element that represents a node statement.
NodeThrewException |
Indicates that execution of a workflow node ended abruptly via a throw statement, including exceptions thrown by the
workflow runtime engine.
NodeThrewException.Builder |
NodeTransferredControlException |
Used by a node to indicate that the node completed abruptly by issuing a break or continue statement that jumps out
of the current loop iteration.
NodeTransferredControlException.Builder |
NodeWithName |
NodeWithTask |
NoEncryption |
Annotation for marking fields to be not encrypted during JSON path serialization by JsonPathMapConverter .
NonEmptySingleAttachment |
NonEmptySingleAttachment.List |
NonEmptySingleAttachmentGroup |
NonEmptySingleAttachmentGroup.List |
Defines several NonEmptySingleAttachmentIf constraints on the same element.
NonEmptySingleAttachmentGroupValidator |
NonEmptySingleAttachmentIf |
NonEmptySingleAttachmentIf.List |
Defines several NonEmptySingleAttachmentIf constraints on the same element.
NonEmptySingleAttachmentIfValidator |
NonEmptySingleAttachmentValidator |
NonEmptySingleFile |
Constraint validation that may be applied to SingleFile .
NonEmptySingleFile.List |
NonEmptySingleFileGroup |
NonEmptySingleFileGroup.List |
Defines several NonEmptySingleFileIf constraints on the same element.
NonEmptySingleFileGroupValidator |
NonEmptySingleFileIf |
NonEmptySingleFileIf.List |
Defines several NonEmptySingleFileIf constraints on the same element.
NonEmptySingleFileIfValidator |
NonEmptySingleFileValidator |
NormalCompletionResult |
NormalCompletionResult.Builder |
NotEmptyHtmlTextContent |
Constraint validation annotation that may be applied to String s.
NotEmptyHtmlTextContent.List |
NotEmptyHtmlTextContentValidator |
NotEmptyLocalization |
NotEmptyLocalization.List |
NotEmptyLocalizationEntry |
NotEmptyLocalizationEntry.List |
NotEmptyLocalizationEntryValidator |
NotEmptyLocalizationValidator |
NotFoundException |
When a resource or page could not be found.
NotificationBean |
Bean that stores all faces messages that should be redisplayed in the notification history to the top right.
NoWebSocketSessionException |
NtlmAuthenticator |
Deprecated. |
NtlmAuthenticatorImpl |
NtlmCache |
Cache for NTLM related settings, such as the available challenge managers.
NtlmCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
NtlmClient |
A client to authenticate an user by NTLM
NtlmConfigBean |
Bean zum Abspeichern / Laden der NTLM-Konfiguration.
NtlmConfigWrapper |
NtlmCredentials |
Credentials containging the username after the NTLM login
NtlmExtractorImpl |
Extractor to get the NTLM credentials with
NTLMInitializationException |
Deprecated. |
NtlmUserProfile |
NullableUUID |
Custom UserType for nullable UUID s.
NullSafeUUID |
Custom UserType for non-nullable UUID s.
OAuth20ProfileCreatorWrapper |
OAuth20Wrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
OAuth2AuthenticatorProperties<TAuthenticator extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
ObjectGraphScanner |
A scanner for visiting each instance field of an object via reflection.
OIDCWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
OldWorkflowConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the old workflow designer tab.
OldWorkflowCrossViewScopeRequestHandlerBundle |
OldWorkflowModifiedEvent |
OneOfN |
Base class for emulating algebraic sum types (also known as a discriminated union) of N elements.
OneOfN.Either<T1,T2> |
Emulates a sum type consisting of 2 cases.
OneOfN.EitherMatcher<R,T1,T2> |
A matcher object that contains a handler for each case and can be used to reduce a sum type to a single value.
OneOfN.Just<T1> |
Emulates a sum type consisting of 1 case.
OneOfN.JustMatcher<R,T1> |
A matcher object that contains a handler for each case and can be used to reduce a sum type to a single value.
OneOfN.None |
Emulates a sum type consisting of 0 cases.
OneOfN.NoneMatcher<R> |
A matcher object that contains a handler for each case and can be used to reduce a sum type to a single value.
OneOfN.OneOf3<T1,T2,T3> |
Emulates a sum type consisting of 3 cases.
OneOfN.OneOf3Matcher<R,T1,T2,T3> |
A matcher object that contains a handler for each case and can be used to reduce a sum type to a single value.
OneOfN.OneOf4<T1,T2,T3,T4> |
Emulates a sum type consisting of 4 cases.
OneOfN.OneOf4Matcher<R,T1,T2,T3,T4> |
A matcher object that contains a handler for each case and can be used to reduce a sum type to a single value.
OneOfN.OneOf5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
Emulates a sum type consisting of 5 cases.
OneOfN.OneOf5Matcher<R,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
A matcher object that contains a handler for each case and can be used to reduce a sum type to a single value.
OpenIdConnectAuthenticatorProperties<TAuthenticator extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
OpenPdfInlineViaSessionKeyRequest |
Requests a livecycle file to get loaded in the workflow designer.
OpenPdfInlineViaSessionKeyResponse |
OracleVorgangsDataSQLBuilder |
Pac4jHelper |
Common helper class for working with pac4j.
Pac4jSecurity |
Pac4jSecurityFeature |
Pac4jUtils |
Utility class for working with pac4j .
PagedResult<TEntity extends Serializable> |
Model representing the result for a paged query.
ParameterListBean |
Bean with methods for the parameterList composite component.
ParameterModel |
Model für das Handling von Parametern, welche dann als JSON-Objekte ablegt werden
ParameterModelComparator |
ParameterWrapper |
ParentControlTransferTargetNodesProvider |
ParsedFieldName |
Represents a parsed field name from a submitted form.
PartialRenderListener<T extends javax.faces.component.UIComponent> |
Must be registered for a PreRenderViewEvent .
PasswordAuthenticator |
Authenticator for checking a given password against password credentials.
PasswordAuthenticator |
PasswordAuthorizer |
Authorizer for checking a given password against an authorization config
PasswordChangeConverter |
PasswordClient |
PasswordConfigViewModel |
PasswordConfigWrapper |
PasswordCredentials |
Credentials consisting of a single password.
PasswordCredentials |
PasswordCredentialsExtractor |
Extractor for retrieving an password from an request
PasswordExtractorImpl |
PasswordMailContext |
Mail context for sending mail via SMTP with user authentication
PasswordPolicyBean |
Bean for display user credential hints.
PasswordPolicyChangeEvent |
PasswordPolicyChangeHandler |
PasswordProfile |
PasswordResetAttempt |
Model class for serialising the data of an attempt to send an email to reset a user's password.
PasswordResetAttemptHelper |
Helper for storing / removing user password reset attempts and checking the state for resetting the user password.
PasswordResetCache |
Cache storing password reset attempts.
PasswordStrengthValidator |
PasswordValidationResult |
PathHandler |
Zentrale Behandlung von Pfaden (Dateisystem und URLs).
PathHandler.FS |
Zentrale Behandlung von Pfaden im lokalen FileSystem
PathHandler.Web |
Zentrale Behandlung von Formcycle-URLs
PathResourceDescriptor |
PatternNotFoundException |
PdDocumentLoader |
Helper methods for loading a PDDocument .
PDFFiller |
PdfFillHelper |
PdfFlattener |
Helper class to flatten a PDF document.
PdfFormProcessor |
Utility for processing the a PDF document as a form.
PdfImageExtractor |
Extracts images from a PDF document.
PdfImportBean |
Controller bean for the PDF form importer.
PdfImporterConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the PDF importer.
PdfImporterItemsRemovedEvent |
When one or more items were deleted in the designer that were originally imported from a PDF document.
PdfImportSession |
An ongoing PDF import process session.
PdfImportSession.PdfImportResourceHandler |
PrimeFaces dynamic resources (DynamicContentSrcBuilder ) use the Faces resource servlet, which does not
support view scoped beans.
PdfScreenshotCreator |
Helper class for creating images from individual pages of a PDF document or of thee entire PDF document.
PeAktion |
Deprecated. |
PeBase |
Deprecated. |
PeDokumentation |
Deprecated. |
PermissionsGenerator |
Generates the roles and permissions for the profile.
PermissionUtils |
PersistDiff |
PersistentXFormProperties |
Extends XFormProperties and also implements List so that it can be used as an entity field in JPA.
PeStatus |
Deprecated. |
Phase1Empty |
Checks if the input of the form element is empty.
Phase1Replace |
Replace a substring with another string.
PingService |
Service providing base functionality of the REST API
Placeholder |
Informational annotation that may be placed on a field to indicate whether the field's value may contain formcycle
placeholders, such as [%tf1%] .
PlaceHolder |
PlaceHolder.PlaceHolderBuilder |
PlaceholderAPI |
API helper class.
PlaceholderBean |
This bean provides a list of available placeholders for an input field.
PlaceholderContextChangedEvent |
Event data used to indicate that some state has changed that may result in different placeholder being shown.
PlaceholderContextModel |
PlaceholderDataBean |
Caches the list of available placeholders for the duration of the active request.
PlaceholderDescriptorBuilder |
PlaceholderDesignerConversationEventHandler |
Event handler registered by the PlaceholderBean for the designer conversation scope.
PlaceholderGroup |
PlaceholderHandler |
The Class PlaceholderHandler.
PlaceholderHelper |
PlaceholderLibrary |
Represents the set of placeholders available for selection in the placeholder dialog.
PlaceholderModifyActiveGroupsEvent |
Event data that may be used when the a different set of groups of placeholders should be shown in the placeholder
PlaceholderModifyLibraryEvent |
Event data that may be used when the registered placeholders should be changed or modified.
PlaceholderProjectContextChangedEvent |
Event data that may be used when the selected project for the placeholder dialog has changed.
PlaceholderProperty<Key,Location> |
PlaceholderReference<Location> |
PlaceholderReplacer |
Class to replace placeholders
PlaceholderReplacer.IEntityContextFactory |
PlaceholderStringListConverter |
A converter for a list of Strings that respects placeholders.
PlaceholderStringTokenizer |
Helper for splitting strings containing placeholders into the surrounding text and the placeholders.
PlaceholderStringTokenizer.PlaceholderStringLiteralToken |
Represents a non-placeholder part of a string.
PlaceholderStringTokenizer.PlaceholderStringPlaceholderToken |
Represents a placeholder part of a string.
PlaceholderStringTokenizer.PlaceholderStringToken |
Represents either a literal (non-placeholder) or placeholder part of a string.
PlaceholderUpdateActiveGroupsEvent |
This event changes the active placeholder groups by adding and removing the given groups.
PlaceholderUpdateLibraryEvent |
This event changes the registered placeholders of a certain group by adding and removing the given placeholders.
PluginActionServlet |
PluginAPI |
PluginAuthenticatorProperties<TAuthenticator extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
Model class for accessing the properties of an authenticator of type EAuthClientType.PLUGIN in a structured
PluginAuthenticatorRetVal |
PluginAuthenticatorRetVal.Builder |
PluginBeanHelper<TBean extends IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean,TPlugin extends IFCPlugin & IPluginGenericCustomGUI<TBean>> |
Helper class for handling unmanaged beans used by user interfaces provided by a plugin, eg.
PluginBeanHelper.IPreInitAction<TBean extends IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean> |
Interface for a callback before a bean is initialized.
PluginBeanOptions |
PluginBeanOptions.Builder |
PluginCertProvider |
An mail-encryptor key-provider to determine the certificates by browsing through Plugins
PluginChangelogEntry |
Model for the change log of a certain plugin version, consists of a version and the HTML string.
PluginChangeLogVersion |
This class is for caching the information about plugin changes of a plugin version.
PluginConfigGroupItem |
PluginConfigParam |
PluginDataSourceRetVal |
PluginDatenquelleResolver |
PluginDependencies |
This class is for storing informations and data about dependencies of an plugin for displaying it at the plugin ui.
PluginDependenciesBean |
PluginDependenciesData |
This is a model class for storing the informations to show in the delete/deactivate dialog of an plugin.
PluginEmManager |
A manager for an EntityManager that can be used by a plugin of type IPluginEntities .
PluginEntitiesConnectionRetVal |
PluginEntitiesParams |
PluginEntityContext |
An entity context for use by an entities plugin.
PluginExecutor |
Utility class with some static methods for executing plugins related to the lifecycle of forms.
PluginFileHelper |
PluginFileKeyData |
This class is for storing data of a plugin file with a file key.
PluginFormAuthenticatorParams<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
PluginFormDesignerResourceGetRuntimeDataParams |
PluginFormElementWidgetGetResourceParams |
PluginFormPrePersistParams |
PluginFormPreProcessParams |
PluginFormPreRenderParams |
PluginFormPreRenderRetVal |
PluginFormPreRespondParams |
PluginFormReplacerParams |
PluginFormResourceGetDataParams |
PluginGenericAuthenticatorParams<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
PluginGenericAuthenticatorRetVal |
PluginGenericAuthenticatorRetVal.Builder |
PluginGenericFormProcessingRetVal |
PluginGenericParams |
PluginGenericReplacerRetVal |
PluginGenericRetVal |
PluginGroupMeta |
Groups all plugins with the same plugin key.
PluginHandler |
PluginHelper |
PluginID |
Model for the ID of a plugin.
PluginInstallSuccessEvent |
When a plugin installed or updated.
PluginJarWithManifest |
Model for an unpacked plugin with some meta data from the manifest.
PluginLifecycleEventManager |
Manages the events listeners for the portal runtime.
PluginMailEncryptionParams |
PluginMailEncryptionRetVal |
A POJO data class that for the return value of the mail encryption plugin.
PluginManager |
Class for managing plugins
PluginManagerListener |
PluginManifest |
PluginMenuEntriesParams |
PluginMenuEntryView |
Model for plugin views.
PluginMeta |
A target plugin that is to be updated.
PluginMonitor |
Monitoring Manager (Singleton) für Plugin - MBeans
PluginMonitorMBean |
PluginNameComperator |
PluginOverwriteData |
This model class holds data after the user has confirmed that a plugin should be overwritten by a manually uploaded
plugin jar file.
PluginPermissionsProviderProducer |
PluginPersistenceUnitInfo |
A simple implementation of a PersistenceUnitInfo , intended for entities plugin.
PluginPrintServiceParams |
PluginProcessingParams |
Deprecated. |
PluginProfileFilterAttribute |
Model representing a profile filter attribute.
PluginProjectTemplate |
PluginPropertiesHelper |
PluginResourceHelper |
PluginRuntime |
Model-class for a registered plugin
PluginRuntimeListener |
PluginSecurityInterface |
Interface allowing access to plugin functionality within the fc-security package.
PluginServletActionParams |
PluginServletActionParams.Builder |
PluginServletActionRetVal |
PluginSessionReplacerParams |
PluginStoreBean |
Beans for the plugin store UI.
PluginStoreItem |
Model for a single store items that is shown in the plugin store.
PluginStoreItem.Builder |
PluginStoreItemTag |
Model for a tag of a plugin store item, consisting of a name and a color.
PluginStoreLoader |
Loads the model for the plugin store from the remote repository.
PluginStoreModel |
Model for the plugin store that can be opened via the plugin menu page.
PluginsUpdateStepResult |
Represents the result of an entire plugin update operation, which may have updated many plugins from different system
and client scopes.
PluginSyncData |
PluginSyncListener |
PluginSystemReplacerParams |
PluginTemplateGroup |
PluginTemplateReplacerParams |
PluginToDatabaseUpdate |
PluginTransactions |
Utility methods for performing database-related operations of client or system plugins.
PluginUpdateCheckHelper |
PluginUpdateCheckResult |
POJO with the result of an attempt to check for updates of a plugin.
PluginUpdateCheckWorker |
PluginUpdateListener |
PluginUpdateMessageData |
This class is used to cache the plugin update message JSON data from the database for processing for the user
interface of the internal messages
PluginUpdateMetadata |
This class is for caching the plugin information from PROMA for the plugin management interface.
PluginUpdateResult |
POJO with the result of an attempt to update a plugin.
PluginVRuleModel |
PluginWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<? extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>>> |
PluginWrapperModel<E extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>> |
PluginZipScanner |
Helper functions for working with ZIPs containing a list of formcycle plugins.
Point |
A graphviz 2D or 3D point.
PointRangeRelation |
Enumeration with the possible relationships between a range and a point.
PojoBaseWorkflowEnvironmentData |
PojoLocalizationViewModel<E extends ILocalizationViewModelEntry> |
Base POJO implementation of ILocalizationViewModel with implementations for most methods, but still a generic
type for the entry type.
PojoWorkflowValidationEnvironmentData |
PolicyFactory |
Port |
Represents a graph dot port.
PortalBeanBuilder |
PortalClasspathResourceHelper |
PortalContextFilter |
PortalConverterWrapper |
PortalFileProperty |
Metadata for a builtin localizable file property of a portal related entity.
PortalFilterChain |
PortalFilterConfig |
PortalFilterWrapper |
PortalHeaderModel |
The model for the portal header which holds the data from the portal localizations.
PortalHeaderModel.Builder |
PortalManagedBeanInfo |
Deprecated. |
PortalManager |
PortalMessageProperty |
Metadata for a builtin localizable text property of a portal related entity.
PortalProperties |
PortalProperty |
Metadata for a builtin localizable property of a portal related entity.
PortalResource |
PortalRuntime |
PortalServletConfig |
PortalServletWrapper |
PortalURLPatternMatcher |
PortalValidatorWrapper |
PortalViewResource |
PostCommitDaoListener<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Base class for a IDaoActionListener that delays the handler until after the transaction was committed.
Postfach |
Diese Entität stellt ein Postfach dar.
PostfachAPI |
API class for manipulation of Postfach entities.
PostfachColumn |
PostfachDao |
PostfachHandler |
The Class PostfachHandler.
PostfachManager |
Diese Klasse dient dazu Postfächer auszuliefern, hierzu ist die Klasses als Singleton konszipiert.
PostfachServletHandler |
PostfachTemplate |
PostFormRecordMessageException |
Base exception for exceptions that can occur when posting a form record message.
PostFormRecordMessageException.ChatNotOpen |
Exception indicating that the chat is not open (and that the chat must be open to post a message).
PostFormRecordMessageException.MissingChat |
Exception indicating that no chat was found.
PostFormRecordMessageException.MissingFormRecord |
Exception indicating that the given form record does not exist.
PostFormRecordMessageException.MissingUser |
Exception indicating that no user was provided to post the message (and that a user is required to for a message
to be posted).
PostFormRecordMessageException.NoChatGiven |
Exception indicating that no existing chat was given.
PostFormRecordMessageException.NoFormRecordGiven |
Exception indicating that no form record was given.
PostFormRecordMessageException.PostFormRecordMessageRuntimeException |
Runtime exception that wraps a checked exception that occurred when posting a form record message.
PostFormRecordMessageException.UnableToProcessPostRequest |
Generic exception indicating that the post message request could not be fulfilled due to an unknown or unhandled
PostFormRecordMessageException.UserNotMemberOfChat |
Exception indicating that the sender of the message is not a member of the chat and cannot post a message to the
PostPersistValidationException |
When form record validation failed after the form record was persisted.
PostRequestBuilder |
PostRequestHelper |
PostRequestResult |
PostRequestResult |
PreCommitDaoListener<TEntity extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>> |
Base class for a IDaoActionListener that delays the handler until just before the transaction is committed.
PreconditionSatisfiedParams<TData> |
PredicateUtils |
PreRenderViewActionListener |
PreviewImageProcessor |
PreviewModel |
POJO model for the state of the form preview within the designer.
PreviewParams |
PreviewParams.Builder |
PreviewSubmitData |
Model holding the data submitted to the form preview servlet.
PreviewSubmitServlet |
PrimeFacesVirusScannerProvider |
VirusScanner service implementation that delegates to the MalwareScanner .
PrintJob |
Klasse zum halten aller nötigen Informationen zum Drucken eines Formulares
PrintManager |
Klasse zum verwalten von Druck-Aufträgen
PrivateContextFilter |
Servlet Filter implementation class ExternalFilter
ProcessAttachmentBean |
ProcessChatUserData |
ProcessCopyUtil |
Vorgehensweise beim Kopieren eines Vorganges:
ProcessesFdHTML |
ProcessesFdXml |
ProcessExportBean |
Bean providing export files for selected processes
ProcessFdHTML |
ProcessFdXml |
ProcessFormRecordEditBean |
Bean for the dialog where the user may select a workflow task to initiate and whether the current form data should be
ProcessGUIModel |
Model that holds information necessary for displaying a process
ProcessGUIModel.Builder |
Deprecated. |
ProcessHistoryBean |
ProcessingBean |
ProcessingBean.IActionSelectItem |
ProcessingFileHelper |
ProcessingManager |
ProcessingModel |
ProcessingPrefillData |
ProcessingResultAktionsID |
ProcessingResultFileData |
ProcessingResultFilePath |
ProcessingResultHTML |
ProcessingResultIntValue |
ProcessingResultLongValue |
ProcessingResultMultiValue |
ProcessingResultMultiValueAndFilePath |
ProcessingResultNumberValue |
ProcessingResultRedirect |
ProcessingResultStringValue |
ProcessingResultStringValueAndFilePath |
ProcessingResultSuccess |
ProcessingResultTemplate |
ProcessingResultVorgangsID |
ProcessingUpdate_6_1 |
Updates the processing of actions for use with new interfaces methods.
ProcessingUpdate_6_2 |
Updating processing parameters for FC version 6.2.0.
ProcessingUtils |
ProcessingWrapper |
ProcessingWrapperFactory |
Factory for creating processing wrapper for actions
ProcessListBean |
Bean for the process list view, either the standard inbox view or the form-specific inbox view.
ProcessLogDocumentBuilder |
ProcessLogExport |
ProcessMessagesBean |
ProcessModel |
View model corresponding to the WorkflowProcess entity, used by the Flowchart component.
ProcessMoveBean |
ProcessProtocolParams |
POJO with the data required for adding a processing protocol entry.
ProcessQueryCriteriaUtils |
ProcessReviewBean |
ProcessReviewDoiBean |
Bean for displaying the sent DOI email & possibly re-sending it
ProcessStateChangeBean |
ProcessViewBean |
Bean for managing the different process listing views.
ProfileAttributeCondition |
ProfileAttributeConditionProperties |
ProfileAttributeConditionPropertiesCustomExpression |
ProfileAttributeConditionPropertiesCustomExpression.List |
ProfileAttributeConditionPropertiesCustomExpressionValidator |
ProfileAttributeConditionsUniquelyNamed |
ProfileAttributeConditionsUniquelyNamed.List |
ProfileAttributeConditionsUniquelyNamedValidator |
ProfileAttributeDescriptor |
Model describing a profile attribute.
ProfileAttributeDescriptorConverter |
ProfileFilterExtensionService |
ProfileHelper |
Helper class for creating user profiles (pac4j) for test purposes.
ProjectAccessBean |
Bean for the project sub menu "access".
ProjectAuthenticatorConfig |
Model for persisting authenticator configurations for a project
ProjectAuthenticatorConfigAPI |
ProjectAuthenticatorConfigDao |
ProjectBean |
ProjectConfigKey |
ProjectCopyBean |
ProjectCreationBean |
Central bean for creating projects (except for import)
ProjectDataTableBean |
Bean zur Verwaltung der projektspezifischen Formular-Datentabelle
ProjectDeleteTriggerJob |
Runnable for deleting all quartz jobs/triggers of the given workflow trigger type and deleted project.
ProjectDetailsBean |
ProjectDOIBean |
ProjectDOIData |
Entity for project-specific double-opt-in data
ProjectDOIDataAPI |
ProjectDOIDataDao |
ProjectDOIDataHandler |
ProjectDoiDataImportConfig |
ProjectDoiDataImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectDuplicator |
For creating duplicates of Projekt s
ProjectEventHandler |
ProjectExportBean |
ProjectExporter |
ProjectFile |
Entity model for the metadata of a file from a project
ProjectFileData |
Entity model for the data of a file from a project
ProjectFilterBean |
ProjectGroupEditBean |
Bean for editing the groups of a project
ProjectIdentityCheckData |
Configuration for a project for detecting duplicate submissions.
ProjectIdentityCheckDataDao |
ProjectIdentityCheckDataHandler |
ProjectIdentityCheckDataImportConfig |
ProjectIdentityCheckDataImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectIdentityCheckDataUpdate_7_0 |
Adds project identity check data entity for projects that have an identity check template set.
ProjectImportBean |
Bean handling the import of projects (including the wizard)
ProjectImportConfig |
ProjectImportContextBuilder |
ProjectImporter |
ProjectImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectInboxBean |
ProjectInboxUpdate_6_4 |
Updates the specfic inboxes, adding system columns to all existing specific inboxes
ProjectInviteBean |
ProjectInviteData |
Entity for project-specific invitation data
ProjectInviteDataDao |
ProjectInviteDataImportConfig |
ProjectInviteDataImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectLocalization |
Implementation of the localizations for Projekt entities.
ProjectManager |
Helper class for (safely) creating/updating formcycle projects .
ProjectPageBean |
Bean for all designer pages that depend on a project.
ProjectPageHelper |
Helper for the workflow model bean that loads the model data from the DB.
ProjectPasswordMigration_7_0 |
Migrates all project passwords to project_authenticator_attr table
ProjectPermissionBean |
ProjectPortalConfig |
Entity model for project portal config.
ProjectPortalConfigAPI |
ProjectPortalConfigDao |
ProjectPortalData |
Entity for storing project specific portal data.
ProjectPortalDataAPI |
ProjectPortalDataDao |
ProjectPortalDataHandler |
ProjectPortalDataImportConfig |
ProjectPreviewFile |
ProjectPreviewFileData |
ProjectResourceApplicationEventHandler |
Handles application events that are relevant to the from files view.
ProjectResourceBean |
ProjectResourceConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the from files designer tab.
ProjectResourceImportConfig |
ProjectResourceImportStager |
Deprecated. |
ProjectResourceModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
ProjectShareBean |
Handles creation and customization of a simple form share link
ProjectTag |
A tag that is associated with a project .
ProjectTagDao |
ProjectTemplateBean |
ProjectUpdateBean |
ProjectUpdatedEvent |
Event signaling that the data of a project have changed.
ProjectUpdateWorkflowBean |
Bean for the form overview menu.
ProjectUtils |
Utility class for checks and operations on the entity Projekt
ProjectVersionEntry |
POJO model class for the editing the available versions of a project.
ProjectVersionModel |
Model class for the editing the list of project versions, including form versions and workflow versions.
ProjectVersionModelFactory |
Factory for creating view models representing project versions
ProjectView |
POJO view for selecting some attributes of a Projekt in the inbox.
ProjectViewModel |
Model for displaying only the necessary information of a project
ProjectWrapper |
Deprecated. |
Projekt |
The entity Projekt contains the core functionality of the system.
ProjektAPI |
API class for manipulation of Projekt entities.
ProjektCopyUtil |
ProjektDao |
ProjektDependentBaseDao<E extends ITransferableEntity> |
ProjektExportUtil |
ProjektHandler |
The Class ProjektHandler.
ProjektImportUtil |
ProjektPostfachDaoUtils |
ProjektRessource |
ProjektRessourceAdapter |
ProjektRessourceDao |
ProjektRessourceDatei |
ProjektRessourceDateiData |
ProjektRessourceHandler |
ProjektRessourceHelper |
ProjektRessourcenAPI |
ProjektServletHandler |
ProjektUpdateUtil |
ProjektUpdateUtil.EProjectUpdateDataState |
Alle Status, welche bei der Analyse der zu aktualisierenden Projektdaten auftreten können
ProjektUtils |
Hilfsklasse für Aufgaben, die Projekte betreffen.
ProjektZaehler |
ProjektZaehlerAPI |
ProjektZaehlerDao |
ProjektZaehlerDaten |
ProjektZaehlerDatenAPI |
ProjektZaehlerDatenDao |
ProjektZaehlerDatenHandler |
ProjektZaehlerHandler |
PromaAccessChecker |
Static functions for checking access permissions related to PROMA operations.
PromaApiProvider |
Provides global access to the current IPromaApiProvider for interacting with the PROMA API.
PromaInvocationContexts |
PromaManager |
This class is used to manage PROMA API instances for interacting with the PROMA API.
PromaPluginUpdateCheck |
This class has several methods for processing plugin information to get update information about plugins from PROMA
and process it further.
PromaPluginUpdater |
Functions for installing and updating plugins from the remote PROMA repository.
PromaResourceExtractor |
Utility methods to extract data from PROMA API models.
PromaResourceFactory |
Utility methods for creating various POJOs for the PROMA API.
PromaResponse<T> |
PromaStoreItems |
Additional functions for reading and writing store items.
PropertiesForm |
JSF component for the properties panel of the workflow designer.
PropertiesFormHandler |
Handler class for PropertiesForm , registers the appropriate functions.
PropertiesFormOverrides |
PropertiesFormParams |
Tag handler that lets you change the params of the properties form on a per action source basis, e.g.
PropertiesFormRenderOptions |
PropertiesPanelModel |
Model for the properties panel to the right of the workflow designer.
PropertiesToDatabaseUpdate_8_1 |
Update to move application properties from file to database.
PropertiesValidationListener |
PropertyException |
'Checked Exception' für Probleme bei der Property-Verarbeitung.
ProtectedWebEndpointMatcher |
Custom pac4j matcher for checking if the web endpoint of the request is a
protected endpoint.
ProtocolBean |
Bean für die aktuelle Session und deren Informationen
ProtocolCleaner |
Deletes protocol entries for clients
ProtocolCleaner.ProtocolCleanerFactory |
ProtocolCleanupBean |
Bean for cleaning up the protocol
ProtocolCleanupHelper |
Helper class for setting up protocol clean up jobs
ProtocolCleanupWorker |
Job for cleaning up all protocols on the system according to the configuration in the SystemProperty s
ProtocolEntryClient |
Die Entität PeDokumentation stellt einen Protokolleintrag dar, der angelegt wird, sobald etwas protokolliert werden
soll, was weder einem Statuswechsel noch einer Aktionsabarbeitung entspricht.
ProtocolEntryClientDao |
ProtocolEntryProcessDao |
ProtocolEntryProcessing |
ProtocolEntrySystem |
ProtocolEntrySystemDao |
Protokoll |
Deprecated. |
ProtokollAPI |
ProtokollHandler |
The Class ProtokollHandler.
ProtokollUtils |
Utility methods for creating AProtocolEntry s and saving them in the database.
ProvideModel |
POJO model holding the data for different links to open the form, such as on the master or frontend server.
ProvidingFileHandlerImpl |
ProvidingSelectionConverter |
PublicPromaInvokableCall<T,C extends<?>> |
Simple POJO that combines a PROMA API call to a specific endpoint with an invocation builder for a
particular configuration of that end point.
PublicPropertyAccessor |
Diese Klasse ermöglicht den lesenden Zugriff auf fixe, im System enthaltene Werte.
PublicRestApplication |
Configuration of the rest-endpoint
PublicRestConstants |
Class providing constants for the public REST API.
PublicRestConstants.LinkRel |
PublicRestConstants.MediaType |
PublicRestConstants.MediaType.V_1_0 |
PublicRestConstants.Parameter |
PublicRestConstants.Parameter.Defaults |
PublicRestConstants.Path |
PublishRequestParameter |
Kapselt alle relevanten Request-Parameter
PublishRequestParameterParser |
QcmFilterCriterionSupplier |
Default filter criterion supplier.
QcmSortingCriterion |
Default sorting criterion.
QualifiedSubmitButton |
Represents a qualified submit button, i.e.
QualifiedSubmitButtonChoiceProvider |
Provider for the qualified submit button elements available in the current form version during workflow editing and
QuartzConnectionProvider |
Class to provide an database-connection for the scheduling
QuartzJobDetailsFactory |
Factory for creating models containing detail information about quartz jobs
QueryUtils |
Utility class providing methods for handling data queries
QuicklinksBean |
Bean for quicklinks.
RangeCounter<C extends Comparable> |
A range map to which ranges can be added.
RangeUtils |
Utilities with additional methods on Range s.
RangeUtils.RangeSetCollector<C extends Comparable<C>> |
ReadEntityRefsParams<TData> |
ReaderTypeFactory |
Factory for GSON type readers
ReadPlaceholdersParams<TData> |
RecordValidationFailureFacesContext |
RecordValueDescriptorWrapper |
RedirectAction |
RedirectAction.Builder |
RedirectException |
RedirectException.Builder |
RefactorFormElementNameEvent |
Event that is triggered when the name of a form element was refactored.
RefactorFormElementNameParams |
ReferencingFormRecord |
ReflectionFastJsonProvider |
JSON provider that allows treating Java object as JSON objects.
ReflectionHelper |
ReflectionListenerScanner |
RefreshTokenCleanupWorker |
RegisterBaseConditionOptions |
Parameters that can be passed as the second parameter to the client side JavaScript method
Flowchart.registerBaseCondition .
RegisterBaseDoUntilLoopOptions |
Parameters that can be passed as the second parameter to the client side JavaScript method
Flowchart.registerBaseDoUntilLoop .
RegisterBaseWhileLoopOptions |
Parameters that can be passed as the second parameter to the client side JavaScript method
Flowchart.registerBaseWhileLoop .
ReinitialzeMySQLProjectTables_6_0 |
Reinitialisierung der MySQL-Projekttabellen aufgrund eines Encodingproblems
ReloadConfigParams |
POJO model for the state added push event.
RemoteAddress |
CDI qualifier for the remote address.
RemoteAddress.Literal |
RemoteCommandPushData |
RemoteCommandUtils |
Helper methods for <p:remoteCommand> , such as reading parameters and returning a value.
RemoteEventExecutionResult |
RemovePdfImporterIdsParams |
POJO model for the PDF importer IDs removed event.
RenameQuartzTriggerJobName_8_0 |
Renames all group names of timed workflow trigger quartz trigger and jobs from scheme
_WORKFLOW_TRIGGER__pid#_cid# .
RenderItemParams |
RequestAuthorizationContext |
CDI model bean for accessing authorization context information of the current request.
RequestAvailabilityContext |
CDI model bean for accessing view availability context information of the current request.
RequestBackendContext |
CDI model bean for accessing the client & backend view of the current request.
RequestContext |
CDI model bean for accessing the current web context consisting of HttpServletRequest &
HttpServletResponse .
RequestDesignerContext |
CDI model bean for accessing common designer information of the current request.
RequestEMManager |
RequestEntityContext |
RequestFormRecordContext |
CDI model bean for accessing the form record of the current request.
RequestParameterParser |
RequestParametersRedirectionActionBuilder |
Redirects to the clients final callback URL while adding the all request parameters of the initial request.
RequestPromaContexts |
RequestWebEndpointContext |
CDI model bean for accessing the web endpoint of the current request.
RequestWorkflowEnvironmentData |
RequiredIssuerJwtAuthenticator |
Default JWT authenticator that requires a specific issuer .
RequiredTimeDuration |
RequiredTimeDuration.List |
RequiredTimeDurationValidator |
ResolvedAttachment |
ResolvedAttachmentItem |
ResolvedAttachmentItem.Builder |
ResolvedAttachmentList |
ResolvedAttachmentSourcePreviousNode |
ResolvedAttachmentSourceSearch |
ResolvedAttachmentSourceUpload |
ResolvedFile |
ResolvedFileList |
ResolvedFileSourceAttachment |
ResolvedFileSourceClientFile |
ResolvedFileSourceFormFile |
ResolvedFileSourceUpload |
ResolvedFileSourceUrl |
ResolvedFileSourceWorkflowNode |
ResolvedFileSourceWorkflowTrigger |
ResolvedMultiFile |
ResolvedResourceItem |
ResolvedResourceItem.Builder |
ResourceAccessCheckException |
Exception that is thrown when access to a resource could not be checked due an unhandled or unforeseen error.
ResourceBundleHelper |
Helper for creating the aggregate resource bundle used by the workflow designer.
ResourceContentBean |
Bean-Klasse zum Anzeigen von Resourcen.
ResourceItem |
ResourceItem.ValidationGroup |
ResourceItemChoiceProvider |
A choice provider for the workflow that finds the available resource items from the current
bean validation context obtained via CDI.
ResourceLinkMapperFactory |
ResourceMatchers |
ResourceRefactorProcessor |
Helper methods for refactoring content in resource files.
ResourceUrlValidator |
ResourceUtils |
Utility class for handling entity resources
RessourcenTyp |
RessourcenTypConverter |
RestApi |
Annotation for injecting resources in a REST API context.
RestApi.Literal |
RestApiAvailabilityFilter |
Filter that checks if the public REST API is available.
RestApiContextListener |
Servlet context listener for executing common initialization and shutdown tasks for the public REST API.
RestApiSecurityFilter |
Modified version of SecurityFilter , that dynamically generates the String for the client names based on a CDI
injected client ( Mandant ) scope.
RestClientFactory |
Factory for creating Pac4j Client s.
RestConstants |
Class providing constants for the REST API.
RestConstants.MediaType |
RestConstants.Path |
RestETagHelper |
Helper class for creating ETags
RestRequestHelper |
Helper class for working with requests.
RestSecurityConfigFactory |
RestSecurityConfigProducer |
RestServiceHelper |
Helper class for REST services.
RestUriHelper |
Helper class for working with URIs of the REST API.
RetrieveElementPropsRetVal<TData> |
RewriteUriResolverBuilder |
RgbaQuadruplet |
Represents an RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha) quadruplet.
RgbaQuadrupletConverter |
RgbTriplet |
Represents an RGB color triplet.
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_0 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_1 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_2 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_4 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_5 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_6_6_1 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_0 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_0_11 |
Updates all roles for new EAccessProperty s that were added in version 7.0.11
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_0_13 |
Updates all roles for new EAccessProperty s that were added in version 7.0.13
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_1 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_2 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_3 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_7_4 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_8_0 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_8_0_2 |
RoleAccessPropertyUpdate_8_2 |
Update to set the access properties of all roles to the default values.
RolePropertiesTemplateBean |
RolePropertiesTemplateEventHandler |
Rolle |
Die Klasse Rolle dient dazu, die Rechte eines Benutzer festzulegen.
RolleAPI |
API class for manipulation of Rolle entities.
RolleDao |
RolleHandler |
RolleProperties |
RollePropertyHelper |
RollingFile |
Model class for rolling log files
RollingFileManager |
RootFdHTML |
RootFdXml |
RootService |
Service providing base functionality of the REST API
RoutingContexts |
SameChecksumPlugins<E extends IPluginEntity<?,?,?>> |
SameSiteCookieHeaderFilter |
Implementation of an HTTP servlet Filter which adds the SameSite attribute to cookies, until the Java API
supports it natively, if ever.
SAML2MultipleServerMetadataGenerator |
SAML 2.0 service provider meta data (EntityDescriptor ) generator.
SamlAuthenticatorProperties<TAuthenticator extends IAuthenticator<E>,E extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
SAMLWrapper<T extends IAuthenticator<E>,E extends IFileEntity<? extends de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>,? extends IFileDataEntity<?>>> |
SardineBuilder |
Factory for creating Sardine instances.
SaveFormDataAdapter |
SaveFormDataFactory |
SaveFormDataHelper |
SaveFormDataInitializer |
Instanziiert Formdata-Adapter für die verschiedenen Formulartypen
ScheduleConst |
Constants for the Schedule components, mainly names of properties defined by full calendar.
ScheduleConst.Event |
Constants for full calendar events.
ScheduleManager |
Manager-class for starting, stopping and removing schedules jobs
SchedulerStartListener |
ScopedPluginUpdateResult |
ScopeSelectionBean |
Bean for switching the view scope (e.g.
ScopeSelectionComparator |
ScopeSelectionModel |
SearchFilterBean |
SearchTerm |
Simple POJO class for a search term with string key and a string value.
SecureSAXParserFactory |
SecureXmlFactories |
Factory for securely pre-configured factories for processing XML
SecurityContextListener |
Servlet context listener for executing common security initialization and shutdown tasks.
SecurityEntityHelper |
Helper for working with formcycle entities.
SecurityHelperBean |
Bean for helping with security
SecurityLdapHelper |
Helper class for working with LDAP connections.
SecurityPac4jHelper |
Helper for working with pac4j .
SecurityPluginHelper |
Helper for working with plugins.
SecurityProfileHelper |
Helper for working with profiles.
SecurityWebContextHelper |
Helper for dealing with request in formcycle.
SecurityWebEndpointHelper |
SelectedPluginStoreItem |
Model for a selected plugin store item.
SelectionBean |
This bean stores the currently selected item for each page/view throughout the session.
SelectItemChoice<T> |
A IChoiceItem that is also a SelectItem and can be used in JSF UIs.
SelectItemGroupChoice<T> |
An IChoiceGroup with that is also a SelectItemGroup and can be used in JSF UIs.
SendMailReport |
SentMailData |
Default POJO implementation of ISentMailData.
SequenceOrder |
SerenityMenuRendererExtension |
Extends the serenity menu to provide support for icons from different icon fonts.
SerializableJSONArray |
SerializableJSONObject |
SerializedPrimitive |
A serialized primitive JSON value, together with its type.
ServerConfigFeatureResolver |
ServerContextEventHandler |
ServerModelFactory |
ServerNode |
ServerNodeDao |
ServerNodeMonitor |
Monitors the server node status.
ServerRegistries |
ServerSelectionModel |
Model for selecting the server to use on the form publishing page.
ServerSelectionModel.FrontendServer |
ServerSelectionModel.MasterServer |
ServerSelectionModel.Server |
ServletContextInfo |
ServletEventDataFactory |
Factory for the data of servlet events.
ServletEventResultFactory |
Factory for creating data models for the result of servlet event executions.
ServletProducer |
Producer for servlet-related objects.
ServletResponder |
ServletResponse |
ServletUtils |
SessionAdapter |
Helper class for working with sessions.
SessionAttachmentManager |
SessionAttachmentManager |
SessionAttributes |
SessionBean |
SessionDataBean |
Simple bean for storing and accessing data in an HTTP session.
SessionEventBusBean |
Bean for event subscription and handling of the application
SessionExpiredFilter |
If the there is no session / session expired, then a new session will be created, the requested URL will be saved in
that session and the user will be redirected to the EPublicView.WELCOME so they can sign in.
SessionFacesMessage |
A message like a FacesMessage , but with more additional information required for making the message useful
during later in the session.
SessionHelper |
Helper for working with HttpSession s.
SessionStoreFactory |
Factory for creating SessionStore s.
SessionUserManager |
Manager for working with user that is authenticated within a backend session.
SessionUtils |
SetActiveViewMapsSizeSessionListener |
HTTP session listener that set the com.sun.faces.application.view.activeViewMapsSize on the session.
Setting<TValue> |
Generic class for a setting - a level or placement that a knob or control is set to.
Setting.Builder<TValue> |
A builder for configuring the options of a Setting .
SettingValueExtractor |
SetupAPI |
API class of setups.
SetupHandler |
The Class SetupHandler.
Severity |
Severity levels for bean validation.
Severity.Error |
Severity level Error for bean validation, see Severity .
Severity.Warning |
Severity level Warning for bean validation, see Severity .
SheetCell<T extends Comparable<T>> |
SheetColumn |
SheetDimension |
SheetRow<T extends Comparable<T>> |
SidebarViewModel |
SidebarViewModel.Builder |
SignatureSHA256_RSA_MGF1 |
AlgorithmDescriptor for signature algorithm ""
SignupData |
Model holding data for user signup.
SimonHelper |
SimpleEncryptedPlainJavaSerializer<T> |
SimpleJsonPrimitiveConverter |
SimpleTextMail |
SimpleXmlUtcDateConverter |
SimpleXmlUtcTimestampConverter |
SingleAttachment |
Models a single attachment that may come from one of multiple sources, such as upload form elements, creates by
another action, or with a specific name.
SingleAttachment.attachment |
SingleAttachment.searchFilenamePattern |
SingleCondition |
Models a single conditions with an operator and one or two operands.
SingleConditionCheck |
SingleConditionCheck.FormValueConditionData |
SingleConditionEvaluator<LHS,RHS> |
Predicate that checks a simple condition.
SingleFile |
Models a single file that may come from multiple sources, such as client file, project files or external files
referenced via a URL.
SingleFile.resource |
SingleFile.searchFilename |
SingleFile.url |
SkipValidationFacesContext |
SkipValidatorsEventListener |
Remove validators during prevalidate and restore them during postvalidate.
SkipValidatorsTagHandler |
SleepActionProps |
SortNameIgnoreCase |
Compares two strings and ignores upper / lower case.
SourceableLocalizationViewModel<E extends ILocalizationViewModelEntry> |
Base implementation of ILocalizationViewModel that allows for a custom source of localization entries, but
POJO implementation for the remaining view related data.
SpecificTriggerEventDataBuilder |
Builder for the event data for running a specific trigger, specified by its ID.
SqlScriptUploadBean |
SSOFilter |
Deprecated. |
StageChain<T,R> |
Decorates a CompletableFuture and introduces the idea of an eventual return value that one wishes to obtain
StandardClassName |
Maps between some well-known classes and their standard names.
StandardErrorAttachmentListProcessor<R> |
StandardErrorFileListProcessor<R> |
StandardNewlines |
Types of common newlines.
StartupInfoWriter |
StateAddedEvent |
When the state list was updated in the workflow designer.
StateBean |
StateChangedEvent |
When the state list was updated in the workflow designer.
StateChoiceProvider |
Provider for the states available in the current workflow version during workflow editing and validation.
StateDeletedEvent |
When the state list was updated in the workflow designer.
StateImportConfig |
Deprecated. |
StateImportStager |
Deprecated. |
StateList |
StateListUpdatedEvent |
When the state list was updated in the workflow designer.
StateMapperModel |
Model for assigning form records to new states
StateReferencedByElementsException |
StateReferencedByFormRecordException |
StateTimerJob |
Job for triggering the new workflow engine when a form record remains in a certain state for a certain amount of
StateTimerTriggerSetup |
StateTimerWorker |
StateTreeBean |
StaticUriResolverBuilder |
Builder for creating URI resolvers with static URIs (not rewritten).
StatisticsAPI |
StatisticsCounter |
StatisticsHandler |
StatisticsHistoryBean |
StatisticsPersister |
StatisticsPersister.ECountType |
StatisticsPersistListener |
StatisticsSessionsBean |
Status |
StatusAPI |
StatusChangeJob |
Deprecated. |
StatusChangeJobDetails |
StatusChangeWorker |
Deprecated. |
StatusDao |
StatusHandler |
StatusOrderHelper |
StatusReferenceItemFactory |
StatusServletHandler |
StoreFormMeta |
Model that describes the meta information provided in a project file from the form store.
StoreFormMetaValidationException |
StoreFormMetaValidationResult |
StoreFormMetaValidator |
Validates the metadata.json data contained in a form store file.
StoreFormPluginInfo |
Model that describes a plugin requires by a form store project file.
StoreUrl |
StringCacheModel |
StringData |
String data that can be added to a HTTP request.
StringDataSheet |
StringDataSheetUtils |
Utility Class containing helper methods for working with a data grid model of type String
StringTrimConverter |
StyleList<S extends IStyle> |
A list of doubles.
SubGraphAttributeList |
An attribute list for sub graphs.
SubMenuEntryModel |
SubMenuEntryModel.Builder |
SubmitButtonChoiceProvider |
Provider for the submit button elements available in the current form version during workflow editing and validation.
SubmittedAppointment |
Represents the state of a submitted appointment form field.
SubWorkflowElementCategory |
POJO for the workflow designer drawer panel that represents a sub category with nodes and triggers.
SummaryKeyValueModelBuilder |
SummaryKeyValuePair |
SummaryKeyValueText |
SuperUserAuthenticator |
Authenticator for retrieving the SUPER USER UserProfile by validating the credentials.
SuperUserSigninBean |
Bean similar to UserCredentialsSigninBean but only handles super user login for the special /admin
page that is reserved for super user login.
SupplyDefaultServletResponsePostProcessor |
SupplyDefaultWorkflowStatePostProcessor |
SupplyingResourceDescriptor |
SupportBean |
SupportInquiryData |
Model containing information of support inquiries
SupportInquiryDataBuilder |
SupportMailUtils |
SystemAPI |
SystemAuthenticator |
Entity model for user authenticators in system scope
SystemAuthenticatorAPI |
SystemAuthenticatorClientRestrictionFlagUpdate_8_1 |
SystemAuthenticatorDao |
SystemAuthenticatorFile |
SystemAuthenticatorFileData |
SystemAuthenticatorHandler |
SystemChange |
Entity for storing informations about the already performed system-updates
SystemChangeDao |
SystemCleanupWorker |
SystemDashboardBuilder |
Builder for system dashboard panel entries.
SystemHandler |
SystemInfoBean |
Providing GUI access to system information
SystemInfoUtils |
Utility class for accessing system information
SystemMailServerData |
SystemMessage |
Entity for system messages.
SystemMessageDao |
SystemMessageI18n |
This class holds the localized name and message of a SystemMessage .
SystemMessagesBean |
SystemPlugin |
Entity for system-wide plugins
SystemPluginBean |
SystemPluginConfigData |
Entity for the configuration of an system-wide plugin
SystemPluginDao |
SystemPluginFile |
Entity for the binary data of an system-wide plugin
SystemPluginFileData |
Entity for the binary data of an system-wide plugin
SystemProperty |
Entity for system-wide properties
SystemPropertyAPI |
SystemPropertyDao |
SystemPropertyHandler |
SystemStatusManager |
SystemUpdateBean |
SystemUpdateException |
SystemUserProfileMeta |
Meta information model for UserProfile s in the system scope.
TabError |
TabModel |
POJO model for a tab in the designer, such as the workflow or form editor tab.
TabModel.IFrame |
Component model showing its content as an iframe in the main window view.
TabModel.Include |
Component model showing its content as a ui:include in the main window view.
TabSwitchResult |
TabViewActions |
TabViewModel |
POJO model holding the data for managing the individual tabs of the new designer.
Tagify |
PrimeFaces component for the Tagify JavaScript component (MIT license): yairEO/tagify
Tagify.PropertyKeys |
TagifyRenderer |
PrimeFaces component for the Tagify JavaScript component (MIT license): yairEO/tagify
TagifyRenderer.TagifyRenderData |
TagifyTag |
A tagify tag that can be used e.g.
TargettedFacesMessage |
A pair of a FacesMessage with its client ID.
TaskEntry<TElement> |
TaskExecutionResultWrapper |
TaskExecutorListener |
TaskModel |
View model corresponding to the WorkflowTask entity, used by the Flowchart component.
TaskQueue |
A task queue implemented as a list, but only with the methods actually required.
TaskQueueExecutionResult |
TaskVisualizationRequestEvent |
Event for the Flowchart component, when a visualization of the flow graph of a task was requested (by
clicking on the visualize button).
TaskWithName |
TempFile |
TempFile |
TemplateData |
TemplateDataParams |
TemplateDescriptor |
TemplateExporter |
TemplateImportConfig |
TemplateImportStager |
Deprecated. |
TemplatesBean |
Bean für die aktuelle Session und deren Informationen
TemplateServlet |
Servlet for providing templates
TemplatesSheetBean |
Bean for handling data source manipulation through excel-like sheet
TemplateUpdate_6_5 |
Adds a new HTML template for appointment management
TemplateUpdate_8_0 |
Adds new MAIL templates for the new user management.
TemporalUtils |
Helper methods for classes in the java.time package.
TestClientManager |
Manager for dealing with test clients.
TestHelper |
Helper with static utility functions for writing tests.
TestSystemInfo |
POJO class with details on the formcycle mock system environment created for tests.
Textbaustein |
Diese Entität ermöglicht eine Zuordnung zw.
TextbausteinAPI |
TextbausteinDao |
TextbausteinHandler |
The Class TextbausteinHandler.
TextbausteinManager |
Diese Klasse dient dazu Textbausteine auszuliefern, hierzu ist die Klasses als Singleton konszipiert.
TextMailData |
Model containing basic mail properties
TextTemplateModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
TextTemplates_6_0 |
TextUploadedFile |
A UploadedFile with data from a text string.
ThemeResource |
Resource for plugin backend themes
ThemeToFormVersionUpdate |
ThreadPoolRegistry |
TimedStatusChangeHelper |
Deprecated. |
TimedStatusChangeHelper.Result |
TimeDuration |
Model class with bean validation for a duration.
TimeDuration.duration |
TimeDuration.unit |
TimeDurationBean |
Bean for the time duration component.
TimeHelperBean |
TimePointJob |
Job for triggering the new workflow engine when a form record remains in a certain state for a certain amount of
TimePointTriggerSetup |
TimePointWorker |
TokenConfiguration |
TokenCreateException |
Exception that is thrown when a token cannot be created.
TokenExpiredException |
Technical exception indicating that a token has expired!
TokenResponse |
Model representing a JWT.
TosBean |
Bean for handling TOS (terms of service) agreement of users.
TransferAttribute |
Deprecated. |
TransferEnumField |
Annotation zur Angabe ob Entity-Attribute an den Client übermittelt und empfangen werden
TransformationException |
TransformingResourceDescriptors |
Factory for IResourceDescriptor that delegate to another descriptor, but transform the resource content in
some manner.
TreeAccessorNodeModel |
Accessor for treating NodeModel s as a tree, so that they can be used with the execution analyzer.
TreeAccessorWithDataNodeModel |
Accessor for treating NodeModel s as a tree, so that they can be used with the execution analyzer.
TreeAccessorWithDataWorkflowNode |
TreeAccessorWorkflowNode |
TreeAccessorXItem |
TreeExtension |
TreeNodeModel |
TreeParentAccessorXItem |
TreeParentIterable<Node,Id> |
An iterable that iterates over a tree-like graph, starting at a given node, and accessing each parent.
TreePreOrderIterable<TItem,TIdentifier> |
An iterable that iterates over a tree-like graph in pre-order, starting at a given node.
TreeReversePostOrderIterable<TItem,TIdentifier> |
An iterable that iterates over a tree-like graph in reverse post order, starting at a given node.
TreeSelectChangeEvent |
An event that is fired when the currently selected tree node (workflow) is changed.
TreeVisit |
Static methods for visiting tree data structures.
TreeVisit.ETreeVisitResult |
TreeVisit.ITreeVisitor<Node> |
Visitor for a tree data structure.
TreeVisit.ITreeVisitor.Pathless<Node> |
TreeVisit.TreePathFragment<Node> |
Represents a fragment or part of the path of a node in a tree data structure.
TreeVisit.TreeVisitParams<Node,Id> |
TreeVisit.TreeVisitParams.Builder<Node,Id> |
A builder for configuring the parameters for TreeVisit .
TriggerDeletionUpdate |
TriggerFactory |
Helper methods for creating quartz triggers.
TriggerKey |
The key of a workflow trigger that uniquely identifies it within the context of a process.
TriggerKeyFactory |
Factory for creating a trigger key for formcycle specific triggers.
TriggerKeyFactory.ETriggerGroups |
Enumeration of the predefined for trigger groups
TriggerModel |
View model corresponding to the WorkflowTrigger entity, used by the Flowchart component.
TriggerOnTaskBeginParams<TData> |
TriggerOnTaskFinishParams<TData> |
TriggerParamsUpdate |
TriggerPropertiesBean |
Bean for editing the properties of the selected trigger in the workflow.
TriggerPrototypeData<TData> |
TriggerPrototypeDescriptor<TData> |
TriggerPrototypeDescriptor.TriggerPrototypeBuilder<TData> |
TriggerPrototypeWrapper |
View wrapper model for the elements drawer panel.
TriggersOfTypeChoiceProvider |
Provider for the that makes available all nodes in the entire workflow process that are of a given
type .
TriggerWithName |
TriggerWithTask |
TypePartsConverter |
TypePartsConverter.TypeConvertibleMap |
UiCalendarLocalDateTimeNullIfInvalidConverter |
Converter for UICalendar components that behaves similar to the default converter for those components, but
returns null when the date or time is invalid.
UIEventBus |
Deprecated. |
UIStatics |
UIUtils |
Class providing default FC GUI elements
UnauthorizedException |
UndirectedEdgeStatement |
A undirected edge statement.
UndirectedGraph |
An undirected graph.
UndirectedSubGraph |
A sub graph statement with undirected edges.
UndirectedSubGraphExpression |
A sub graph expression with undirected edges.
UniqueActionName |
UniqueAllProjectName |
Validates whether there is no project (form) with the given name.
UniqueAppenderName |
UniqueAppointmentTemplateName |
UniqueClientAuthenticatorName |
UniqueClientCounterName |
UniqueClientName |
UniqueClientResourceName |
UniqueDataSourceName |
UniqueDataTableName |
UniqueDBConnectionName |
UniqueFrontendServerName |
UniqueInboxName |
UniqueLDAPConnectionName |
UniqueLDAPGroupName |
UniqueLDAPQueryName |
UniqueLDAPUserName |
UniqueLoggerName |
Custom-Validator für die Überprüfung der Eindeutigkeit eines Logger-Namens
UniqueNameGenerationHelper |
UniqueNameGenerationHelper.NameGenerationOptions |
POJO for customizing the options
UniqueProjectName |
UniqueProjectResourceName |
UniqueRoleName |
UniqueStateName |
UniqueStateNameDesignerContext |
Faces validator that can be applied to input elements used for editing the name of a workflow state, i.e.
UniqueSystemAuthenticatorName |
UniqueTemplateName |
UniqueUserGroupName |
UniqueUserName |
Deprecated. |
UniqueUserNameValidator |
Validator for checking if a given email address is valid
UniqueUserPortalAlias |
A Validator for ensuring that the alias of a UserPortal is unique.
UniqueUserPortalName |
A Validator for ensuring that the name of a UserPortal is unique.
UniqueUserPortalViewModelAliasValidator |
UniqueUserPortalViewModelNameValidator |
UniqueVerifiedUserEmailValidator |
Validator for checking if a given email address is existing as an already verified address.
UniqueWebDavConnectionName |
UniqueWorkflowStateNameValidator |
Unit |
The Unit class represents the unit datatype with only one member (one possible value).
UnixTimestampMillisGsonAdapter |
GSON adapter that serializes Date as UNIX timestamps in milliseconds (since 1970/01/01).
UnknownTokenException |
Exception that is thrown when a token is unknown.
UnpackedFlowchartSnapshot |
POJO for an extracted flowchart snapshot.
UnpackedJarFile |
Represents a JAR file that was unpacked to the file system.
UnsavedChangesBean |
Bean to keep track of unsaved changes in the GUI.
UnsupportedXfaFormException |
When attempting to read a PDF document that contains an XFA form, but XFA forms are not supported by the engine.
UpdateBean |
Bean for handling Liquibase / migration / system updates.
UpdateContext |
UpdateMailUtil |
Utility class for sending mails with regards to system updates.
UpdateManager |
UpdateModelParams |
UpdateTransitions |
Utility methods for creating the update transitions map for the update enums in the sub packages.
UploadElementChoiceProvider |
Provider for the upload elements available in the current form version during workflow editing and validation.
UploadFileMeta |
Meta data about an uploaded file.
UploadInfo |
UploadParameters |
UploadRequestElement |
View model for an upload request element.
UploadResourceItem |
UploadResponseViewModel |
UriAdapterFactory |
UriBuilderContextFactory |
Factory for creating uri builder contexts.
UriResolverFactory |
UrlDataBuilder |
URLHelper |
UrlResolvedSAML2ContextProvider |
UrlResolvedSAML2MessageContext |
Extension of the default SAML2MessageContext that applies a URL resolver to the assertion consumer service
URLs since the SAML2Client / SAML2Configuration don't apply it (because it is done on initialization
for some reason where there is no web context).
UrlResource |
UrlResourceDescriptor |
UrlRewriteConfigurationProvider |
Rewrites backend URLs to make them context-dependent.
UrlTemplateChoiceProvider |
Provider for the URL templates available during workflow editing and validation.
URLUtils |
URLUtils.DataUriBinary |
POJO for the binary data from a data URI, with the content type.
UserAccess |
UserAccountConnector |
UserAttributeConditionCheck |
UserBean |
UserChoiceProvider |
UserContext |
Die Klasse dient der Rechte- und Zugriffsabsicherung für den API-Zugriff.
UserContextFactory |
Factory methods for creating new UserContext instances.
UserCredentials |
User credentials are the entries of the default formcycle authenticator.
UserCredentialsAPI |
UserCredentialsDao |
UserCredentialsForgotBean |
Bean for requesting a reset of the user credentials.
UserCredentialsHandler |
UserCredentialsSetBean |
Bean for setting the user credentials of a user profile.
UserCredentialsSigninBean |
UserDataDescriptor |
UserDeletionBean |
UserDiscoveryBean |
Helper Bean for user discovery using lookup services of authenticators.
UserEmail |
Entity representing the email addresses of users which are used by the UserProfile
UserEmailAPI |
API class for reading and writing UserEmail entities.
UserEmailDao |
UserEmailHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing UserEmail entities.
UserEmailLookupEntry |
UserEmailPanelBean |
Bean for displaying and modifying a user profiles emails.
UserEmailPrimaryChangeBean |
Bean handling the changing of a user profiles primary email address.
UserEmailQueryResult |
Model representing the result of a user query.
UserEmailQueryResultConverter |
UserEmailQueryResultHelper |
UserEmailQueryResultValidator |
UserEmailServiceClient |
Helper class for querying users by keyword queries.
UserEmailServiceClient.Builder |
UserEmailVerificationBean |
Bean handling the verification of a user email address.
UserFactory |
Factory for creating IUser s.
UserFormAuthenticator |
UserFormClient |
UserGroupBean |
UserGroupChoiceProvider |
Provider for the user groups available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
UserGroupConditionData |
UserGroupImportConfig |
UserGroupImportStager |
Deprecated. |
UserGroupModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
UserIdentity |
UserIdentityAPI |
UserIdentityDao |
UserIdentityHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing UserIdentity entities.
UserIdentityPanelBean |
Bean for displaying and modifying a user profile's emails.
UserIdentityRemovalBean |
Bean handling the removal of user identities.
UserIdpData |
Model representing a user from an IDP.
UserImportStager |
Deprecated. |
UserInvitationsBean |
Bean for displaying / accepting / declining client invitations.
UserInviteBean |
Bean for handling user invitations
UserInvocationEventDataBuilder |
Builder for the event data for running a specific trigger, specified by its ID.
UserMailUtil |
E-Mail zur Benachrichtigung eines Benutzers über die Erstellung/Änderung seines Kontos.
UserMgmtUtils |
Hilfsklasse für Funktionalitäten der Benutzerverwaltung.
UserModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
UserMultiFactorAuthenticationBean |
Bean for handling multi-factor authentication of users by letting them input the authentication code.
UserMultiFactorRegistrationBean |
Bean for registering multi-factor authentication for user profile using a QR code and an authenticator app.
UserPermissionsBean |
Bean for handling user permissions
UserPortal |
Entity model for user portals.
UserPortalApi |
High-level methods for interacting with the user portal API.
UserPortalAPI |
UserPortalApiException |
UserPortalAuthConfig |
Entity model for authenticator configurations for user portals .
UserPortalAuthConfigAPI |
UserPortalAuthConfigDao |
UserPortalAuthConfigHandler |
UserPortalAuthConfigLocalization |
UserPortalAuthenticatorResource |
Model representing an authenticator in a user portal context.
UserPortalAuthenticatorResourcePage |
UserPortalAuthenticatorService |
REST service providing endpoints for user profiles.
UserPortalAuthenticatorViewModel |
UserPortalAuthLogics |
UserPortalAvailabilityFilter |
Filter that checks if the User portal feature is available.
UserPortalAvailabilityFilter.ErrorProvider |
Provider for the errors of this filter.
UserPortalBean |
List of user portals, keeping the selected and marked user portal in view, and methods for creating and deleting user
UserPortalChatsPageBean |
UserPortalClient<ApiBundle> |
UserPortalClientFactory |
Factory for creating Pac4j Client s.
UserPortalClientFormService |
REST service providing endpoints for single user portal form resources
UserPortalConfigBean |
Configuration of a single selected user portal via different tabs.
UserPortalConfigFileBean |
Bean for handling files in the user portal backend UI.
UserPortalConfigProducer |
Produces the user portal configuration.
UserPortalConstants |
UserPortalConstants.RequestParameter |
Constants for common request parameters.
UserPortalDao |
UserPortalDaoListener |
UserPortalDashboardPageBean |
The bean for the dashboard page of the user portal.
UserPortalDocService |
Service providing base functionality of the REST API
UserPortalDynamicFileResourceParams |
Model for the parameters of a dynamically streamed file, e.g.
UserPortalExceptionHandler |
Exception handler for exceptions that occur within the context of a user portal.
UserPortalFile |
Entity model for the metadata of a file from a user portal
UserPortalFileData |
Entity model for the data of a file from a user portal
UserPortalFileDataBean |
Bean for accessing the binary data of file providing resources.
UserPortalFileEntityViewModel |
UserPortalFileMeta |
UserPortalFileResource |
UserPortalFileResourcePage |
UserPortalFileService |
REST service providing endpoints for user profiles.
UserPortalFileViewModel |
A temporary file stored on the file system.
UserPortalFormLocalizationKeys |
UserPortalFormRecordChatResource |
UserPortalFormRecordChatResourcePage |
UserPortalFormRecordChatService |
UserPortalFormRecordMessageRequest |
Model representing a request to create a form record message.
UserPortalFormRecordMessageResource |
Resource of a form record message
UserPortalFormRecordMessageResourcePage |
UserPortalFormRecordResource |
UserPortalFormRecordResource.StateHistoryEntry |
UserPortalFormRecordResourcePage |
UserPortalFormRecordService |
REST service providing endpoints for user profiles.
UserPortalFormRecordsPageBean |
UserPortalFormResource |
Model representing a form in a user portal context.
UserPortalFormResourcePage |
UserPortalFormService |
REST service providing endpoints for user portal form resources
UserPortalFormsPageBean |
UserPortalHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing UserPortal entities.
UserPortalImageBean |
UserPortalIntegrationContextListener |
Context listener for initializing the user portal security context.
UserPortalInvocationContextFactory |
UserPortalKeepSessionAliveBean |
Bean that keeps the session alive, for use with the composite component xi:keepSessionAlivePoll
UserPortalLocaleManager |
Session-scoped manager for the current locale of the user portal.
UserPortalLocalization |
Implementation of the localizations for UserPortal entities.
UserPortalLocalizationsViewModel |
Base view model for the localization of a portal-related object.
UserPortalLocalizationsViewModelWithFiles |
Base view model for the localization of a portal-related object.
UserPortalLoginConfig |
UserPortalLoginConfigViewModel |
UserPortalNotificationsBean |
UserPortalPageInitBean |
When the HTTP websocket client is used, delays the rendering of the page until the websocket is connected.
UserPortalPersistResult |
UserPortalPersistResult.EUserPortalPersistType |
UserPortalProjectConfigViewModel |
View model for the configuration UI for the user portal specific settings of a form .
UserPortalProjectTagViewModel |
View model for the configuration UI of a project's tag.
UserPortalProperties |
UserPortalProtectedBean |
UserPortalResource |
UserPortalResource.DefaultFiles |
Resource aggregating the default files of the user portal.
UserPortalResource.DefaultLinks |
Resource aggregating the default links of the user portal.
UserPortalResource.DefaultLocalizations |
Resource aggregating the default localizations of the user portal.
UserPortalResource.DefaultLocalizations.FormRecordsPage |
Resource for the form records page of the user portal.
UserPortalResource.DefaultLocalizations.FormsPage |
Resource for the forms page of the user portal.
UserPortalResource.DefaultLocalizations.LoginPage |
Resource for the login page of the user portal.
UserPortalResource.DefaultLocalizations.UserDashboard |
Resource for the dashboard of the user portal.
UserPortalResource.DefaultLocalizations.UserHeader |
Resource for the user header of the user portal.
UserPortalResource.DefaultLocalizations.UserSidebar |
Resource for the user sidebar of the user portal.
UserPortalResource.DefaultLocalizations.WelcomePage |
Resource for the welcome page of the user portal.
UserPortalResourcePage |
UserPortalRestAuthenticator |
Authenticator interface for the user portal REST API.
UserPortalRestClientManager |
Manages the REST client instances for interacting with the user portal REST API.
UserPortalRestConfigManager |
UserPortalRestServicesProvider |
Provides the packages of the user portal REST services.
UserPortalRewriteConfigurationProvider |
Redirect configuration provider for the user portal.
UserPortalRouter |
Handles URL routing for user portal pages.
UserPortalSecurityConfigProvider |
Security configuration provider for the user portal.
UserPortalService |
REST service providing endpoints for user profiles.
UserPortalSessionStore |
Pac4j SessionStore implementation for the user portal.
UserPortalSignInPageBean |
The bean for the sign-in page of the user portal.
UserPortalSignInPageModel |
UserPortalState |
Entity model for user portal states.
UserPortalStateConfigViewModel |
UserPortalStateConfigViewModel.ValidationGroup |
UserPortalStateDao |
UserPortalStateLocalization |
UserPortalStateLocalizationViewModel |
UserPortalStateLocalizationViewModelEntry |
UserPortalTag |
Entity model for user portal tags.
UserPortalTagDao |
UserPortalTagLocalization |
UserPortalTagResource |
Model representing a user portal tag.
UserPortalUnauthorizedHandler |
Handler for unauthorized responses (401 HTTP status code) from the user portal REST API.
UserPortalUserManager |
UserPortalUtils |
This class provides utility methods for the user portal.
UserPortalViewContext |
Manages the request context for a portal page.
UserPortalViewHelper |
Helper functions for various UI related operations on user portals.
UserPortalViewModel |
UserPortalWebUtil |
Utility class for user portal security.
UserPortalWelcomePageBean |
The bean for the welcome page.
UserProducer |
UserProfile |
User profiles store information about a specific user that may be able to sign in using multiple
UserIdentity s.
UserProfileAdministrationBean |
Bean for administrating all user profiles within the system.
UserProfileAPI |
API class for reading and writing UserProfile entities.
UserProfileBean |
UserProfileConfigBean |
View scoped Bean for handling of displaying and changing user data
UserProfileConflictBean |
Bean for resolving user profile conflicts.
UserProfileCreateBean |
Bean for creating new user profiles from the system view for administration of users.
UserProfileDao |
UserProfileDaoListener |
UserProfileDeleteBean |
Bean for permanently deleting user profiles.
UserProfileDescriptor |
UserProfileFile |
Entity representing files of a user profile
UserProfileFileData |
Entity containing the actual data of a user profile file entity
UserProfileGenerator |
UserProfileHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing UserProfile entities.
UserProfileHelper |
Helper class for user profiles.
UserProfileInfoPanelBean |
Bean for displaying general information about the user profile.
UserProfileMenuBean |
Bean for the user profile menu in the top right corner
UserProfileMergeServlet |
Serves as the endpoint for the user profile merge process.
UserProfileMfa |
This entity represents the MFA configuration of a user profile.
UserProfileMfaAPI |
UserProfileMfaDao |
UserProfileMfaHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing UserProfileMfa entities.
UserProfileMfaRemovalBean |
Bean handling the removal of user profile MFA configs.
UserProfilePreferences |
UserProfileProperties |
UserProfileResource |
UserProfileSecurityPanelBean |
Bean for displaying and modifying a user profile's security settings.
UserProfileService |
REST service providing endpoints for user profiles.
UserProfileTaskFactory |
UserProfileTokenBean |
UserReferenceResolverFactory |
UserRefreshToken |
UserRefreshTokenDao |
UserRoleBean |
UserRoleImportStager |
Deprecated. |
UserSignupBean |
Bean handling the signup process for new users.
UserSignupCompletionBean |
Bean handling the completion of the user sign up process.
UserSignupDialogBean |
Complementary bean to the UserSignupBean for handling the signup process of new users in the signup dialog.
UserTokenAPI |
UserTokenBean |
UserTokenController |
UserTokenHandler |
UUIDConverter |
UuidEntityRef |
Models a reference to another entity via the UUID of that entity.
ValidateBeanTagHandler |
The <o:validateBean> allows the developer to control bean validation on a per-UICommand or
UIInput component basis, as well as validating a given bean at the class level.
ValidateBeanTagHandler.CollectingValidator |
ValidatedButtonAction |
ValidatedFormStoreFile |
Model representing the result of reading and validating a form store file.
ValidationCompleteEvent |
Event that is triggered when the JSF validation for a PropertiesForm is done for that form.
ValidationException |
Ausnahme für fehlgeschlagene Validierungen.
ValidationHelper |
ValidationHelper |
UI helper utilities for running the workflow validator and extracting and converting workflow validation messages.
ValidationWorkflowProvider |
An implementation of IWorkflowProvider that is available during bean validation of the workflow.
ValidHtml |
Constraint validation annotation that may be applied to String s.
ValidHtml.List |
Defines several ValidHtml constraints on the same element.
ValidHtmlValidator |
Validator implementation for the ValidHtml constraint.
ValidSetting |
ValidSetting.List |
ValidSettingValidator |
ValueDescriptor |
Beschreibung eines Wertes (Name, Typ und Wert).
ValueDescriptorFactory |
ValueDescriptorRow |
View model for the workflow designer, used in the info panel of a node or trigger.
ValueDiff<T> |
ValueFdHTML |
ValueFdXml |
ValueParameters |
Represents the parameters of form HTTP request as key-value pairs.
ValuesFdHTML |
ValuesFdXml |
ValueTransformer |
VerarbeitungCallback |
Deprecated. |
VerarbeitungChangeStatus |
VerarbeitungCompressAsZip |
VerarbeitungCopyToPostfach |
VerarbeitungCopyToStatus |
VerarbeitungDbSQLQuery |
VerarbeitungDeleteVorgang |
VerarbeitungEmail |
VerarbeitungExport |
VerarbeitungExportPersistence |
VerarbeitungExterneRessource |
VerarbeitungInbox |
VerarbeitungMoveToPostfach |
VerarbeitungPdf |
VerarbeitungPlugin |
VerarbeitungPost |
VerarbeitungRenewProzessID |
VerarbeitungReturnFile |
VerarbeitungSaveToFilesystem |
VerarbeitungSendToSalesforce |
VerarbeitungsParameter |
VerarbeitungsParameterMap |
VerarbeitungStop |
VerarbeitungTemplate |
VerarbeitungUpload |
VerarbeitungWeiterleitung |
VerarbeitungWord |
VerarbeitungWriteToFile |
VerarbeitungWriteToForm |
VerarbeitungXmlToFd |
VersionedPluginGroupMeta |
Groups all plugins with the same plugin key.
VersionedPluginMeta |
A target plugin that is to be updated.
VersionNumber |
VersionsInfo |
Bietet grundlegende Versionsinformationen (statisches API für direkten Zugriff und Bean-Getter)
ViewBean |
ViewContextBean |
View scoped bean allowing access to data of the current view.
ViewEventBusBean |
Bean for event subscription and handling of the application
ViewEventHandler |
ViewFilterBean |
Bean that keeps a list of available form-specific inbox views, shown in the sidebar menu to the left.
ViewHelperBean |
Bean providing utility methods for working with IView s.
ViewIdBean |
Bean that associates a UUID with each view.
ViewInitBean |
Bean for handling initialization tasks on views.
ViewInitializationEvent |
ViewMessage |
Model representing a message that is to be shown on view initialization.
ViewMessage.Builder |
ViewSettingsBean |
Bean for the view settings panel of the new workflow that lets the user change what is dislayed in the flowchart
ViewSettingsHelper |
Helper methods for the view settings panel.
ViewSettingsModel |
Models with the view options for the flowchart, such as whether to draw separator lines between lanes etc.
ViewUtils |
Utility methods for working IView s
VirtualAuthenticatorConfig |
Authenticator config model for type authenticator configs that are not persisted
VirtualBenutzer |
Deprecated. |
VirtualRolle |
VirtualUser |
Model for virtual users such as the SYSTEM user.
VirtualUser.Builder |
Vorgang |
A form record (Vorgang) is a record of a form submission.
VorgangAPI |
API class for manipulation of Vorgang entities.
VorgangAttribut |
VorgangCopyHelper |
VorgangDao |
VorgangHandler |
The Class VorgangHandler.
VorgangsDaoListeners |
Listeners-Klasse für Listener für DAO-Aktionen eines Vorgangs
VorgangsDataDao |
VorgangsDataHelper |
VorgangServletHandler |
WebAppContext |
Singleton model allowing access to information about the web app context.
WebAppContextProducer |
WebAppFeatureResolver |
WebCommonContextListener |
Servlet context listener for executing common initialization and shutdown tasks for all types of web applications
WebDavAccess |
Models the connection data for a web DAV server.
WebDavAccessAPI |
WebDavAccessDao |
WebDavAccessHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing WebDavAccess entities.
WebDavConnectionBean |
Controller bean for the WebDAV management backend menu.
WebDavConnectionChoiceProvider |
Provider for the WebDAV connections available in the current client during workflow editing and validation.
WebDavConnectionModifiedEvent |
Event for when an entity was modified, either when it was created, updated, or deleted.
WebDavHelper |
Helper from the original SardineFactory
WebDavLazyTreeNodeAdapter |
Tree node adapter for lazily loading the contents of a WebDAV directory.
WebDavServer |
A simple WebDav server against which integration tests can be run.
WebDAVTreeNodeData |
Class for the data block of a DefaultTreeNode used in displaying a folder structure of WebDAV connections
WebEndpointAuthorizer |
Checks authorization to formcycle web endpoints based on the current servlet request, i.e.
WebEndpointAvailabilityMatcher |
Custom pac4j matcher for checking if the web endpoint of the current request is
WebEndpointManager |
Manager for working with formcycle web endpoints.
WebFormPersistFile |
POJO representing the different types of form persist files.
WeighedColor |
A weighted color, used in color lists for gradients etc.
WelcomePageModel |
This class represents the model for the welcome page of the user portal.
WelcomePageModel.Builder |
Builder for configuring an instance of the welcome page model.
WeldAccessUtils |
WeldEnvironment |
Represents a Weld environment that was started for tests.
WhileLoopData |
WidgetPluginHelper |
WordField |
WordHelper |
WorkflowAnalysisException |
WorkflowAPI |
API for initiating the workflow.
WorkflowAttachmentValue |
WorkflowBackupBean |
Bean for handling workflow version backups.
WorkflowBackupHelper |
Helper methods for working with workflow version backups.
WorkflowBackupModel |
Model for the selected and available automatic backup versions of the workflow.
WorkflowBeanValidator |
WorkflowContextModel |
Model with additional context data such as the fonts installed on the system.
WorkflowCustomParametersHelper |
Helper class for serializing and deserializing the custom properties model of workflow nodes and triggers, see
ICustomParametersProviding .
WorkflowCustomResourceBundleLocatorSupplier |
Custom resource bundle supplier for the workflow.
WorkflowDesignerApplicationEventHandler |
Handles application events that are relevant to the workflow designer.
WorkflowDesignerConversationEventHandler |
Handles designer conversation events that are relevant to the workflow designer.
WorkflowDesignerCrossViewScopeRequestHandlerBundle |
Conversation request handler bundle for the workflow.
WorkflowElementAvailabilityCheck |
Utility for checking whether a workflow element is available and allowed to be used.
WorkflowElementCrudBean |
Controller bean for the workflow designer handling node and trigger insertions / updates / deletions, e.g.
WorkflowElementIndex |
WorkflowElementList |
WorkflowElementPropsFactory |
WorkflowElementReferenceHelper |
Helper for extracting referenced entities of workflow elements (nodes and triggers).
WorkflowElementTypeProviding |
WorkflowElementWithDeserializedModel<TData,TElement> |
WorkflowEntityReferences |
WorkflowEventDataFactory |
WorkflowEventRunner |
WorkflowEventRunnerException |
Exception thrown by the workflow event runner.
WorkflowExecutionContext |
WorkflowExternalState |
WorkflowExternalStateHelper |
Helper methods for creating and modifying the WorkflowExternalState , which is the formcycle specific state
required by the flowchart on the client.
WorkflowFileValue |
WorkflowFileValueBuilder |
WorkflowFlowAnalysis |
WorkflowFlowGraphVisualizationBean |
Controller Bean for visualizing the flow graph of a workflow task or processing chain as a graph diagram.
WorkflowFlowGraphVisualizationModel |
Model for the flow graph visualization component of the workflow designer.
WorkflowHandler |
Methods for initiating the workflow for a given form record.
WorkflowListener |
Listener that registers the bean validation context implementation required by the workflow engine.
WorkflowLocalizationHelper |
Helper for resolving localized messages for workflow elements.
WorkflowModelBean |
Bean that holds the different models (state) required by the workflow.
WorkflowNode |
A workflow node that represents a statement in a workflow task.
WorkflowNodeAPI |
WorkflowNodeDao |
WorkflowNodeFactory |
Factory methods for creating various kinds of WorkflowNode s.
WorkflowNodeHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing WorkflowNode entities.
WorkflowNodePropsFactory |
Factory methods for creating various kinds of WorkflowNode models.
WorkflowNodeResult |
WorkflowNodeSearchTerm |
Each WorkflowNode can have one or more search terms that are used in database queries to filter nodes.
WorkflowNodeSearchTermDao |
WorkflowPersistHelper |
Helper methods for serializing / deserializing a workflow version.
WorkflowPlaceholderException |
Exception thrown by the workflow placeholder refactorer.
WorkflowPlaceholderRefactorProcessor |
Methods for processing and replacing placeholders in workflow elements.
WorkflowPlaceholderRefactorRetVal |
WorkflowPlaceholderRefactorRetVal.Builder |
WorkflowProcess |
A workflow process that defines which actions are taken when certain events occur during the life cycle of a form
WorkflowProcessDao |
WorkflowProcessing |
WorkflowProcessingContext |
WorkflowProcessingContextManager |
WorkflowProcessingException |
Diese Exception tritt in der Workflowabarbeitung auf und wird von konkreten Aktionsverarbeitungen (
IProcessing -Implementierungen) geworfen.
WorkflowPropertiesInitializationException |
WorkflowPrototypeConverter |
WorkflowProviderBean |
Provides common data related to the workflow, often used as select options by UI elements.
WorkflowProviderHelper |
WorkflowQualifiedSubmitButton |
WorkflowQueueItem |
WorkflowRefactorBean |
Controller bean for the workflow designer handling form element refactorings.
WorkflowReferenceHelper |
Utilities for scanning workflow element model class instances via reflection.
WorkflowRegistry |
Registry for all workflow element handler.
WorkflowRequestContextModel |
The request context model that is used to store data temporarily during the duration of an HTTP request.
WorkflowRequestModelBean |
Bean that stores data that should be cached only for the duration of the current request.
WorkflowResourceBundleBean |
Bean for making resource bundles available to XHTML pages of the workflow designer.
WorkflowResourceBundleLocator |
Resource bundle locator used that combines the built-in formcycle bundles, and the bundle provided by a workflow node
or trigger plugin.
WorkflowResourceBundleLocator.MutableWorkflowResourceBundleLocator |
Resource bundle locator used that combines the built-in formcycle bundles, and the custom bundle provided by a
workflow node or trigger plugin.
WorkflowResponse |
Modelklasse der Antwort einer Workflow-Verarbeitung
WorkflowResponseWrapper |
WorkflowRunTasksForEventParams |
WorkflowSearchTermHelper |
WorkflowSetupBean |
Bean for initializing the workflow designer.
WorkflowSoftErrorDescriptor |
WorkflowStarter |
WorkflowStartingContext |
WorkflowState |
WorkflowStateAPI |
WorkflowStateAuthenticatorConfig |
Model for persisting authenticator configuration of a WorkflowState
WorkflowStateAuthenticatorConfigDao |
WorkflowStateBean |
Bean that handles deleting states, creating new states and viewing existing states in the workflow designer.
WorkflowStateDao |
WorkflowStateDeserializationExtension |
Handles the deserialization of deprecated fields in WorkflowState entities
WorkflowStateHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing WorkflowState entities.
WorkflowStateHelper |
WorkflowStateListModel |
Client side model for the available states of the workflow version.
WorkflowStateModel |
WorkflowStateModel.Builder<T> |
WorkflowStateReceivedRefactor_7_0_13 |
Updates the internal name of the received state from 'RESERVED_SYSSTATE_RECEIVED' to the localized name.
WorkflowStateRecordRestrictionUpdate_7_0_5 |
Updates the access configuration of existing workflow states to conform to the new security by default
paradigm for workflow states
WorkflowSubmitButton |
WorkflowSummaryHelper |
Helper methods for creating the summary of workflow elements, shown when clicking on the small info icon at the top
right corner of a node or trigger.
WorkflowTask |
WorkflowTaskAPI |
WorkflowTaskDao |
WorkflowTaskExecutionException |
Exception thrown by the task runner when a task could not be executed.
WorkflowTaskHandler |
Handler implementation for reading and writing WorkflowTask entities.
WorkflowTaskResource |
WorkflowTaskRunner |
Default implementation of a task runner.
WorkflowTaskRunnerParams |
WorkflowTaskRunnerParams.Builder |
WorkflowTaskRunnerParamsResolver |
Helper class that takes an instance of IWorkflowTaskRunnerParams and return a new instance with appropriate
defaults supplied for all missing values.
WorkflowTrigger |
A workflow trigger that start a WorkflowTask when a certain event occurs.
WorkflowTriggerAPI |
WorkflowTriggerBulkDeleteJob |
Runnable for deleting all quartz jobs/triggers of the given workflow trigger type and deleted form records.
WorkflowTriggerDao |
WorkflowTriggerFactory |
WorkflowTriggerHandler |
WorkflowTriggerHelper |
Utilities for implementing workflow trigger handlers.
WorkflowTriggerJobDetails |
WorkflowTriggerPropsFactory |
WorkflowTriggerResource |
WorkflowTriggerResourcePage |
WorkflowTriggerSearchTerm |
Each WorkflowTrigger can have one or more search terms that are used to decide whether a certain trigger
applies to a certain event.
WorkflowTriggerSearchTermDao |
WorkflowTriggerWorkerParams<TData> |
WorkflowValidationBean |
Bean for controlling the validation aspect of the workflow flowchart and node / trigger properties.
WorkflowValidationException |
This exception is thrown when an error occurs during workflow validation.
WorkflowValidationMessage |
WorkflowValidationModel |
View model that stores the current validation state of the workflow being edited.
WorkflowValidationParams |
WorkflowValidationParams.Builder |
A builder for configuring the workflow validation context.
WorkflowValidationResult |
WorkflowValidator |
Entry point for validating the entire workflow of a project, or just parts of it (single tasks, triggers, or nodes).
WorkflowValidator.Builder |
WorkflowValidatorHelper |
Utility methods for WorkflowValidator implementing custom logic required for validation.
WorkflowVersion |
Represents the version of a project's workflow.
WorkflowVersionAPI |
WorkflowVersionBackup |
File descriptor for the JSON data of a workflow version backup.
WorkflowVersionBackupDao |
WorkflowVersionBackupData |
JSON data with the backup of a workflow version.
WorkflowVersionDao |
WorkflowVersionHandler |
WorkflowVersionStager |
When persisting a WorkflowProcess entity graph, keeps track of all workflow entities that need to be created,
updated, and deleted.
WorkspaceScope |
A workspace scope in formcycle, either the system scope or a client scope.
Wrapped |
Annotation for injecting the rewritten request.
Wrapped<T> |
Wrapped.Literal |
WrappedResourceDescriptor |
WriteEntityRefsParams<TData> |
WritePlaceholdersParams<TData> |
WriterTypeFactory |
Factory for GSON type writes
XAppenderFactory |
Factory for creating logging components
XAppointment |
XButtonActionDescriptor |
Encapsulates the JSON object of a button action of a button of a XButtonList and provides access to the
action's properties.
XButtonDescriptor |
Encapsulates the JSON object of a button of a XButtonList and provides access to the button's properties.
XButtonList |
XCacheUtils |
This helper class for the implementation of a Cache .
XCheckbox |
XCollectionUtils |
Utility class for operations on collections and iterables.
XComparisonUtils |
XCompletionStageUtils |
XCompletionStageUtils.CheckedFunction<T,R> |
A Function which may throw a checked exception.
XConsoleAppender |
Wrapper class for console appender configs
XContainer |
Handler for the container form element.
XContainerInvisible |
Handler for the invisible container form element.
XDateFormatter |
XDateUtils |
Utility class for handling dates
XDefault |
XDefaultRolloverStrategy |
Wrapper for rolling file rollover strategy
XDeleteAction |
XDomUtils |
Helper for DOM related features.
XExceptionUtils |
Utility functions for Exception s and Throwable s, in addition to those already provided by
ExceptionUtils .
XfcConfig |
XfcConfigDefaults |
Default values for the settings in the various *.properties configuration files used by formcycle.
XfcConfigDefaults.Application |
Default values for the various settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigDefaults.Cluster |
Default values for the various settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigDefaults.Database |
Default values for the various settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigDefaults.FrontendServer |
Defaults for frontend server settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigDefaults.Kerberos |
Defaults for KERBEROS settings in configuration file.
XfcConfigDefaults.SystemMail |
Default values for the various settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys |
Constants with the names of the settings in the various *.properties configuration files used by formcycle.
XfcConfigKeys.Application |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys.Cluster |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys.Database |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys.FrontendServer |
XfcConfigKeys.KerberosAuth |
XfcConfigKeys.License |
XfcConfigKeys.Logging |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigKeys.NTLMAuth |
XfcConfigKeys.Proma |
XfcConfigKeys.SystemMail |
Constants with the names of the settings in the configuration file.
XfcConfigProvider |
XfcExceptionData |
XfcExportException |
XfcLogConfigHelper |
Deprecated. |
XfcLoginCheckFilter |
XfcPathProvider |
XfcSession |
Context of a backend user session.
XfcSessionAPI |
Deprecated. |
XfcSessionHandler |
Deprecated. |
XfcSessionManager |
Kontext einer Formcycle-Nutzersession.
XfcUpdateException |
XFieldSet |
XFooter |
XForm |
Diese Klasse kapselt das Formular-Persist, ermöglicht es dieses mit Werten zu befüllen, zu validieren und
entsprechend zu rendern.
XFormCache |
XFormCacheManager |
Deprecated. |
XformCacheModel |
XFormConfig |
XFormDatatypeRule |
Klasse zum Kapseln der Regulären Ausdrücke für die Validierung
XFormIncludesBuilder |
Builder-Class for generating the list of includes.
XFormPluginDatatypeRule |
Model wird für Validierungsregelsn, welche aus Plugin-Implementierungen gewonnen werden, verwendet.
XFormProperties |
XFormPropertyEnum |
Enum with the built-in properties of a form.
XFormRenderCallback |
Handler to invoke plugin render callbacks, used by the XFormRenderer .
XFormRenderConfig |
XFormRenderContext |
XFormRenderer |
XFormRendererConfig |
XFormRendererContextListener |
XFormValidationRules |
XFormValidator |
Diese Klasse dient zum Validieren der Formulareingabefelder sowie zur Validierung von Querverbindungen zwischen
XFormVariableDescriptor |
Wrapper for a variable JSON object from the form persist (designer.getPersist().variables ).
XFrameOptionsMatcher |
Customizable X-Frame-Options Header matcher.
XFSetup |
Central class for managing the creating of clients and system-updates
XFunctionalUtils |
Utilities related to java.util.function
XGlobalValidationParams |
XGraphUtils |
Helper methods for Graph and ValueGraph data structures.
XHeader |
XHtmlIframe |
Creates an HTML compliant iframe, which requires a closing tag.
XHtmlLink |
This class should have been called HtmlLink.
XHtmlMeta |
XI18nUtils |
XImage |
XItem |
XItemCondition |
XItemConditionDescriptor |
XItemConditionProcessor |
Wrapper to check evaluate the render and read-only conditions of items.
XItemConditionProperty |
XItemConditionsDescriptor |
XItemConditionsFactory |
XItemConditionsWrapper |
Wrapper-Klasse welche die unterschiedlichen XItemCondition s beinhaltet
XItemDefaultReadOnlyEvaluator |
Eine Klasse welche die Kombinationen von XPropertyValue s zu ihren zu überprüfenden Werten beinhaltet.
XItemDefaultRenderedEvaluator |
Eine Klasse welche die Kombinationen von XPropertyValue s zu ihren zu überprüfenden Werten beinhaltet.
XItemPropertiesEvaluator |
Eine Klasse welche die Kombinationen von XPropertyEnum s zu ihren zu überprüfenden Werten beinhaltet.
XItemPropertiesHelper |
Helper for working with properties of XItem .
XItemPropertyAnnotation |
XItemPropertyDesc |
XItemPropertyI18NUtils |
Static methods for finding the localized value of an XItem 's property.
XItemRenderCtx |
XItemRenderCtx.XItemRenderCtxBuilder |
XItemRenderData |
XItemRenderData.XItemRenderDataBuilder |
XItemRenderer |
XItemsDescriptor |
XItemUpdate |
XItemUtil |
XItemWidgetWrapper |
XIterableUtils |
Additional utilities for Iterable s not found in other libraries.
XIterableUtils.Indexed<T> |
Represents an item with an index.
XLanguageUtils |
Utility class for providing default languages
XLine |
XLocaleUtils |
Utility class for locale related operations.
XLocaleUtils.LocaleMatcher |
A predicate on a locale.
XLogAppender |
Deprecated. |
XLogAppenderComparator |
Vergleicht 2 XLogAppender nach ihrem Namen.
XLogConfig |
Wrapper model for accessing/modifying logger components of Logger PropertiesConfiguration
XLogger |
Wrapper model for Logger configs
XLogger |
Deprecated. |
XMapUtils |
Utility class for operations on Map s
XMimeTypeUtils |
XNioPathUtils |
Helper functions for Path instances.
XNodeCreator |
XPage |
XPatternLayout |
Wrapper class for logging pattern layouts
XProcessUploadResult |
XPropertyEnum |
An enumeration of all properties a form element may possess.
XPropertyValue |
XRegexUtils |
XRollingFileAppender |
Wrapper class for logging rolling file appenders
XSelect |
Form element handler for select items.
XSizeBasedTriggeringPolicy |
Wrapper for size based rolling file trigger policy
XslTemplateChoiceProvider |
Provider for the XSL templates available during workflow editing and validation.
XSLUtils |
Hilfsklasse für XSL-Transformationen bis Version 2.0
XSpacer |
XSpan |
XStageChainUtils |
XStreamUtils |
Additional utilities for Stream s not found in other libraries.
XTextArea |
XTextField |
XThresholdFilter |
Wrapper class for logging threshold filter configs
XTimeBasedTriggeringPolicy |
Wrapper for time based rolling file trigger policy
XUpload |
XUploadContentTransformer |
Helper for transforming the content of an XUpload .
XUploadFileNameInterpolator |
XUuidUtils |
XValidationParams |
XValidationResult |