Interface IMapValueDescriptorBuilder<V>

    • Method Detail

      • defaultValue

        IMapValueDescriptorBuilder<V> defaultValue​(String key,
                                                   IValueCreator creator)
        Sets the default value for the element at the given key. The default value is taken from the map element value descriptor when no explicit default is provided.
        key - Key in the map.
        creator - Value creator for the value to use for the value at the given key as the default when creating a map value.
        This descriptor builder for chaining method calls.
      • defaultValue

        default IMapValueDescriptorBuilder<V> defaultValue​(String key,
                                                           Object value)
        Sets the default value for the element at the given key. The default value is taken from the map element value descriptor when no explicit default is provided.
        key - Key in the map.
        value - Value to use for the value at the given key as the default when creating a map value.
        This descriptor builder for chaining method calls.