Interface IMapValueBuilder<V>

    • Method Detail

      • put

        IMapValueBuilder<V> put​(String key,
                                IValueCreator creator)
        Sets the value in the map at the given key to the given value.
        key - A key in the map.
        creator - Value creator for the value at the given key.
        This value builder for chaining method calls.
      • put

        default IMapValueBuilder<V> put​(String key,
                                        Object value)
        Sets the value in the map at the given key to the given value.
        key - A key in the map.
        value - The value at the given key.
        This value builder for chaining method calls.
      • value

        default IMapValueBuilder<V> value​(Object value)
        Description copied from interface: IValueConfigurator
        Applies the given value to this builder. Implementations are allowed to perform validity checks on the passed value and reject the given value or parts of it (in case of lists etc.) when they do not conform to the restrictions imposed by this builder.
        Specified by:
        value in interface ISubTypeValueBuilder<Map<String,​V>,​IMapValueBuilder<V>>
        Specified by:
        value in interface IValueBuilder<V>
        Specified by:
        value in interface IValueConfigurator
        value - Sets the value created by this builder.
        getThis() builder instance for chaining method calls.