Interface IPluginMenuEntries

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IFCPlugin, INamedUiElement, INameProviding, ITransferable, Serializable

    public interface IPluginMenuEntries
    extends IFCPlugin
    Plugin for adding custom menu entries to the backend UI of formcycle. The menu entries will appear in the main menu to the left. For example, you can use this to add a link to an external page, or use this together with a portal plugin to add a custom page within formcycle.
    • Method Detail

      • getMenuEntries

        Collection<IPluginMenuEntry> getMenuEntries​(IPluginMenuEntriesParams params)
        This method should return the menu entries to be added to formcycle. Note that a menu entry may have children which are shown as a submenu. In that case, you should return only the parent entries.
        params - IPluginMenuEntriesParams Parameters this plugin may make use of, such as the current client and user.
        Collection of IPluginMenuEntrys The list of top-level (parent) menu entries to be added to formcycle.
      • getSortKey

        default String getSortKey()
        The sort key for the order of the menu entries. When multiple menu entry plugins are available, the plugins are first sorted by this sort key; and the menu entries are then added in this order.

        The default implementation returns IFCPlugin.getName().

        The sort key for the order the menu entries in the backend menu.