Interface IFCPlugin

    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        default void initialize​(IPluginInitializeData initializeData)
                         throws FCPluginException
        Callback method that is invoked when this plugin is initialized.
        initializeData - IPluginInitializeData
        FCPluginException - May be thrown when an error occurred during the initialization process. When an error is thrown, this plugin will be deactivated and not put into service.
      • shutdown

        default void shutdown​(IPluginShutdownData shutdownData)
                       throws FCPluginException
        Callback method that is invoked when this plugin is shut down.
        shutdownData - IPluginShutdownData
        FCPluginException - May be throw when an error occurred during the shutdown process. Note that throwing an error will not prevent the plugin from being shut down.
      • uninstall

        default void uninstall​(IPluginUninstallData uninstallData)
                        throws FCPluginException
        Callback method that is invoked when this plugin is uninstalled.
        uninstallData - IPluginUninstallData
        FCPluginException - May be thrown when an error occurred during the uninstall process. Note that throwing an error will not prevent the plugin from being uninstalled.
      • install

        default void install​(IPluginInstallData installData)
                      throws FCPluginException
        Callback method that is invoked when this plugin is installed.
        installData - IPluginInstallData
        FCPluginException - May be thrown when an error occurred during the installation process. When an error is thrown, the plugin will be deactivated and not put into service.
      • getName

        String getName()
        Getter for the name of this plugin. This is a technical name that should not appear on the user interface. Implement getDisplayName(Locale) for the name that should be shown to the user.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface INameProviding
        String The name of this plugin.
      • getDescription

        default String getDescription​(Locale locale)
        Getter for the description of this plugin. This description is shown on the user interface. This description may contain HTML markup.
        locale - The locale for which to get the description.
        An HTML markup string with the description for this plugin, or null if no description is available.
      • getDisplayName

        default String getDisplayName​(Locale locale)
        Description copied from interface: INamedUiElement
        The display name of this element in the given locale.
        Specified by:
        getDisplayName in interface INamedUiElement
        locale - The locale to get the display name for.
        The display name of this element in the given locale.
      • validateConfigurationData

        default IPluginInitializeValidationResult validateConfigurationData​(IPluginValidationData configData)
        Callback method that is invoked when a plugin is initialized, such as when the plugin is installed or when the formcycle server is started. This method lets you perform custom validation logic on the plugin configuration, such as checking whether a configured URL is reachable.

        If validation fails, the plugin will not be installed, saved, or updated. The user must correct the invalid configuration before the plugin can be installed, saved, or updated.

        configData - Configuration data of the plugin
        The validation result, including whether the plugin configuration is valid and a list of validation error messages. null indicates no errors.
        RuntimeException - When an unexpected error occurred during validation. If this method throws an exception, this is treated as if an invalid validation result had been returned.
      • getDescription

        default String getDescription()
        An HTML markup string with the description for this plugin, or null if no description is available.