Interface IPluginProcessing

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IFCPlugin, INamedUiElement, INameProviding, ITransferable, Serializable
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface IPluginProcessing
    extends IFCPlugin
    You should use the new workflow engine. The IPluginWorkflowNode lets you add a custom node to the new workflow, such as a custom condition of loop node. Use de.xima.fc.workflow.mixin.IPluginActionNodeHandler if you only need to add an action without children that contains some business logic.
    Interface for plugins of type processing. A processing plugin provides a new workflow action that can be selected in the workflow processing configuration.

    A workflow plugin action can be configured in two ways:

    • Via a plugin parameter in the plugin menu of formcycle. These parameters apply to each individual action.
    • For each created plugin action, the user can also configure a set of properties that apply only to that action

    Implement IPluginConfigParamList to provide the user with a description of the properties that can be configured for each action individual plugin action.

    Alternatively, you can also create a custom UI interface for the plugin action. This is useful in case you are creating a complex workflow plugin action that requires a complex configuration. To do so, implement IPluginCustomGUI and provide a managed bean and XHTML page for the UI interface.

    • Method Detail

      • execute

        IPluginProcessingRetVal execute​(IPluginProcessingParams params)
                                 throws FCPluginException
        The main method of this plugin. It is called during workflow processing when this plugin action needs to be executed.
        params - The parameters this plugin may make use of. Contains for example the current Aktion that is executed, the plugin action configuration; and the current IWorkflowProcessingContext that lets you access information regarding the current execution of the workflow.
        Whether the action was successful; as well as the return value in case it was successful or the the error message in case it was unsuccessful.
        FCPluginException - May be thrown when this plugin cannot perform the workflow action. When you throw this (or any other) exception, the workflow action is judged to have failed. By default, this stops workflow processing and the form record is marked as erroneous. However, depending on the configuration the user made in the workflow configuration UI interface, the error may also be ignored and workflow processing may continue with another action. Please note that the same result can be achieved by not throwing an error and returning a non-successful return value.
      • isReplacePlaceholders

        default boolean isReplacePlaceholders()
        By default, all placeholders in all configured properties of this workflow action plugin are replaced. This may result in issues in case you are storing JSON strings or other formatted data in a property. In this case, disable this behavior by returning false.
        If true, all placeholders in the plugin parameters (IPluginProcessingParams.getParams()) are replaced before they are passed on to the plugin. Return false to disable this behavior.