Interface IPluginWorkflowNode

    • Method Detail

      • getNodeHandler

        INodeHandler<?> getNodeHandler()
        The node handler that implements all the logic required by the workflow node. This lets you customize all features available to built-in workflow nodes.
      • getXhtmlView

        default URL getXhtmlView()
        Description copied from interface: IPluginGenericCustomGUI
        This method must return the path to the XHTML page for the custom user interface. Usually the XHTML file is part of the classpath resources of the plugin. In this case, simply return an URL to resource (jar:file:/...) like so:
         public URL getXhtmlView() {
           return getClass().getResource("/path/to/view.xhtml");
        Specified by:
        getXhtmlView in interface IPluginGenericCustomGUI<IPluginWorkflowNodeBean>
        Path to the Facelet view. Must not return null. May return null to indicate that no custom view is available. Whether a custom view is required depends on the type of the plugin.