Interface IPluginGenericCustomGUI<TBean extends IPluginGenericCustomGUIBean>

    • Method Detail

      • getUnmanagedBeans

        Iterable<Class<? extends TBean>> getUnmanagedBeans()
        This must return a list of backing bean classes that control the user interface and are required by the XHTML Facelet view. A new instance of the bean will be created automatically when the view is opened. Make sure each bean has got a no-argument constructor or instantiation will fail.

        Each bean should be annotated with Named. If this annotation is not present or no name is specified, the name defaults to the simple name of the bean class, with the first character changed to lower case.

        Also, each bean needs to be annotated one of the following scopes: @RequestScoped, @ViewScoped, @SessionScoped, or @ApplicationScoped. Note that it depends on the type of plugin which scopes are actually supported (most plugins expect @ViewScoped beans). In case you do not specify a scope, an appropriate scope will be determined automatically.

        Please note that the beans are fundamentally unmanaged - functionality specific to managed CDI beans may not be supported, depending on the type of plugin. Certain features of CDI managed beans may be supported partially, depending on the type of plugin, but may work slightly differently. This includes, but is not limited to:

        • The exact timing at which PostConstruct and PreDestroy are called may differ.
        • A field marked with Inject may not work with all values allowed by the CDI specification, and may not perform certain validation passes such as the check for circular dependencies. Also, no new bean instances will be created when those beans have not yet been created as part of the current page.
        A list of unmanaged bean classes required by the Facelet page.
      • getXhtmlView

        URL getXhtmlView()
        This method must return the path to the XHTML page for the custom user interface. Usually the XHTML file is part of the classpath resources of the plugin. In this case, simply return an URL to resource (jar:file:/...) like so:
         public URL getXhtmlView() {
           return getClass().getResource("/path/to/view.xhtml");
        Path to the Facelet view. Must not return null. May return null to indicate that no custom view is available. Whether a custom view is required depends on the type of the plugin.