Interface IPluginBackendTheme

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IFCPlugin, INamedUiElement, INameProviding, ITransferable, Serializable

    public interface IPluginBackendTheme
    extends IFCPlugin
    Interface for backend theme plugins. This plugin type lets you add a custom theme to all backend pages of formcycle (login screen, user menu, form overview, system settings etc.). On a technical level, you may define a custom CSS and JavaScript file that will be inserted into every backend page, after the default formcycle CSS theme files.

    This plugin must be installed as a system plugin. When installed, login as a system administrator and navigate to System -> Look & Feel -> Theme. Here you can select the installed plugin as a theme. You may need to reload the page and/or clear the browser cache to see the changes.

    Please note that this feature requires an applicable license.

    • Method Detail

      • getCSSResource

        String getCSSResource()
        This method should return the path to the additional CSS for the backend theme. The returned CSS file is inserted into every backend page, after the default formcycle CSS files. If no additional CSS is needed, this method may return null.
        Path to the CSS resource within the plugin jar. This path should not start with a slash.
      • getJSResource

        String getJSResource()
        This method should return the additional JavaScript for the backend theme. The returned JavaScript is inserted into every backend page via a script tag.
        Path to the JavaScript resource within the plugin jar. This path should not start with a slash.