Interface IPluginFormElementPropertiesExtension

  • All Superinterfaces:
    IFCPlugin, INamedUiElement, INameProviding, ITransferable, Serializable

    public interface IPluginFormElementPropertiesExtension
    extends IFCPlugin
    A plugin that lets you add additional properties to existing form elements, which can be configured in the form designer.

    This plugin takes care of the server side. If you only need to add one of the built-in XPropertyEnum, no additional action is required.

    For custom properties, you should also create a IPluginFormDesignerResource to include a JavaScript resource in the form designer which adds the property editors for the new custom properties. Use e.g. the functions registerCustomProperty and registerCustomCategory provided by the client-side JavaScript API.

    See also IPluginFormRenderCallback, which lets you adjust how existing items are rendered. You can use that plugin, for example, to add additional data attributes based on the custom properties.

    • Method Detail

      • extendExistingElement

        IPluginFormElementPropertiesExtensionRetVal extendExistingElement​(IPluginFormElementPropertiesExtensionParams params)
        Extends an existing item, by creating additional properties for a given item type.

        Note: Caching the properties returned by this method is not required. Just make sure this method is pure and only depends on the given parameters.

        params - Parameters with the item type and locale.
        Result of the extension with additional properties to add to the item.