Interface IRecordValueBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • property

        default IRecordValueBuilder property​(String key,
                                             Class<?> memberClass,
                                             IValueCreator creator)
        Supplies a value for the given property name. When the record does not have that property, the value is ignored.
        key - Name of the property.
        memberClass - Type of the property value.
        creator - A value creator that is given a IValueBuilder and must return the value for the property.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • property

        IRecordValueBuilder property​(String key,
                                     IValueCreator creator)
        Supplies a value for the given property name. When the record does not have that property, the value is ignored.
        key - Name of the property.
        creator - A value creator that is given a IValueBuilder and must return the value for the property.
        This builder for chaining method calls.
      • property

        default IRecordValueBuilder property​(String key,
                                             Object value)
        Supplies a value for the given property name. When the record does not have that property, the value is ignored.
        key - Name of the property.
        value - The value for the property. Must be an instance of T.
        This builder for chaining method calls.