Interface IXFormRenderConfig

    • Method Detail

      • setDesignerPreview

        void setDesignerPreview​(boolean isDesignerPreview)
      • isDesignerPreview

        boolean isDesignerPreview()
      • getBaseIncludeUrl

        String getBaseIncludeUrl()
      • setBaseIncludeUrl

        void setBaseIncludeUrl​(String url)
      • getFormAction

        String getFormAction()
      • setFormAction

        void setFormAction​(String formAction)
      • isFormOnly

        boolean isFormOnly()
      • setFormOnly

        void setFormOnly​(boolean formOnly)
      • setTitle

        void setTitle​(String title)
      • isSkipPlaceholder

        boolean isSkipPlaceholder()
      • setSkipPlaceholder

        void setSkipPlaceholder​(boolean preview)
      • isPreview

        boolean isPreview()
      • setPreview

        void setPreview​(boolean isPreview)
      • isPublish

        boolean isPublish()
      • setPublish

        void setPublish​(boolean isPublish)
      • setLang

        void setLang​(String lang)
      • getBotFieldName

        String getBotFieldName()
        The name of the invisible bot field used as a honey trap to detect bots. When a form is submitted where this field has a value, the form submission is rejected.
      • setBotFieldName

        void setBotFieldName​(String botFieldName)
        botFieldName - The name of the invisible bot field used as a honey trap to detect bots. When a form is submitted where this field has a value, the form submission is rejected.
      • getBotFieldAutocomplete

        String getBotFieldAutocomplete()
        The value for the autocomplete attribute of the invisible bot field. When null, empty, or blank, the autocomplete property is not set on the bot field.
      • setBotFieldAutocomplete

        void setBotFieldAutocomplete​(String botFieldAutocomplete)
        botFieldAutocomplete - The value for the autocomplete attribute of the invisible bot field. When null, empty, or blank, the autocomplete property is not set on the bot field.
      • setLanguageProvider

        void setLanguageProvider​(IFD2LanguageProvider languageProvider)
        Setter des languageProvider
        languageProvider - IFD2LanguageProvider der zu setzende languageProvider
      • getRenderCallbackProvider

        IFD2RenderCallbackProvider getRenderCallbackProvider()
        The configured render callback provider.
      • setRenderCallbackProvider

        void setRenderCallbackProvider​(IFD2RenderCallbackProvider renderCallbackProvider)
        renderCallbackProvider - The new render callback provider to use.
      • getI18N getI18N()
      • isUsejq

        boolean isUsejq()
      • setUsejq

        void setUsejq​(boolean usejq)
      • isUseui

        boolean isUseui()
      • setUseui

        void setUseui​(boolean useui)
      • isUsebs

        boolean isUsebs()
      • setUsebs

        void setUsebs​(boolean usebs)
      • isUsecss

        boolean isUsecss()
      • setUsecss

        void setUsecss​(boolean usecss)
      • isForceInline

        boolean isForceInline()
      • setForceInline

        void setForceInline​(boolean forceInline)
      • getAttachmentDownloadURL

        String getAttachmentDownloadURL()
      • setAttachmentDownloadURL

        void setAttachmentDownloadURL​(String attachmentDownloadURL)
      • getAttachmentDeleteURL

        String getAttachmentDeleteURL()
      • setAttachmentDeleteURL

        void setAttachmentDeleteURL​(String attachmentDeleteURL)
      • getProjektID

        long getProjektID()
      • setProjektID

        void setProjektID​(long projektID)
      • getCustomFormNodes

        List<> getCustomFormNodes()
      • setCustomFormNodes

        void setCustomFormNodes​(List<> customFormNodes)
      • addCustomFormNode

        void addCustomFormNode​( customNode)
      • getClientId

        long getClientId()
        ID of the client that owns the form to be rendered.
      • setClientId

        void setClientId​(long clientId)
        clientId - ID of the client that owns the form to be rendered.
      • addValidationError

        void addValidationError​(String itemId,
                                String error)
        Adds a server validation message for the given form element. This message is redisplayed in the form in the browser.
        itemId - Full ID of a form element, e.g. xi-tf-1 (non-repeated) or xi-tf-1_c_99 (repeated element).
        error - Error message to add.
      • addValidationError

        default void addValidationError​(String baseId,
                                        Integer repetitionId,
                                        String error)
        Adds a server validation message for the given form element. This message is redisplayed in the form in the browser. This method adds a message for a repeated element. This is equivalent to calling addValidationError(String, String) with the full ID of the element.
        baseId - Base ID of the non-repeated form element, e.g. xi-tf-1 (and NOT xi-tf-1_c_99).
        repetitionId - Repetition ID of the repeated element. Note that this is not the ordinal ID which always starts at 0. When there are three repetitions of a form element, they could have the repetition IDs 3, 25, and 99. When null or negative, the element is treated as non-repeated and only the base ID is used.
        error - Error message to add.
      • setValidationErrors

        void setValidationErrors​(Map<String,​List<String>> validationErrors)
      • getThemeCss

        String getThemeCss()
      • setThemeCss

        void setThemeCss​(String themeCss)
      • setForceBranding

        void setForceBranding​(boolean forceBranding)
      • isForceBranding

        boolean isForceBranding()
      • isHideRequiredHint

        boolean isHideRequiredHint()
      • setHideRequiredHint

        void setHideRequiredHint​(boolean isHideRequiredHint)
      • setButtonDescriptor

        void setButtonDescriptor​(XButtonDescriptor buttonDescriptor)
      • isDemoAccount

        default boolean isDemoAccount()
      • setDemoAccount

        default void setDemoAccount​(boolean isDemoAccount)
      • setIgnoreRenderConditions

        void setIgnoreRenderConditions​(boolean ignoreRenderConditions)
      • isIgnoreRenderConditions

        boolean isIgnoreRenderConditions()
      • getAppointmentProvider

        IFD2AppointmentProvider getAppointmentProvider()
        The current provider for accessing appointments and appointment templates.
      • setAppointmentProvider

        void setAppointmentProvider​(IFD2AppointmentProvider appoinmentProvider)
        appoinmentProvider - The provider to use for accessing appointments and appointment templates.
      • isValidateSubmitAction

        default boolean isValidateSubmitAction()
        true if the transmitted submit button name used to submit the form needs to be validated (whether such a button really existed), or false otherwise.
      • setValidateSubmitAction

        default void setValidateSubmitAction​(boolean validateSubmitAction)
        validateSubmitAction - true if the transmitted submit button name used to submit the form needs to be validated (whether such a button really existed), or false otherwise.
      • isLegacyUseOptionTextForAutocomplete

        default boolean isLegacyUseOptionTextForAutocomplete()
        true to use the legacy behavior where the option text of autocomplete elements was used when evaluating conditions.
      • setLegacyUseOptionTextForAutocomplete

        default void setLegacyUseOptionTextForAutocomplete​(boolean legacyUseOptionTextForAutocomplete)
        legacyUseOptionTextForAutocomplete - true to use the legacy behavior where the option text of autocomplete elements was used when evaluating conditions.
      • getXFormPropertyI18n

        default String getXFormPropertyI18n​(String property)
      • setXFormProperties

        void setXFormProperties​(XFormProperties formProperties)
      • getFormI18n getFormI18n()
      • setFormI18n

        void setFormI18n​( formI18n)