Class ElementPropertiesBean

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ElementPropertiesBean
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Bean for the properties panel to the right, that may contain node or trigger properties. Everything not specific to nodes or triggers goes in here, such as whether the panel is expanded, collapsed etc.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ElementPropertiesBean

        public ElementPropertiesBean()
    • Method Detail

      • getElementHelp

        public IElementHelpLocation getElementHelp()
        The help page that should be shown in the properties panel. When no element is selected, null is returned.
      • getElementModel

        public Object getElementModel()
        If a trigger is selected, the currently selected TriggerModel. If a node is selected ,the currently selected NodeModel. When no workflow element is selected, returns null.
      • getLabelOfSelectedElements

        public List<String> getLabelOfSelectedElements()
        The label of the currently selected workflow element, if any.
      • getLabelOfSelectedTask

        public String getLabelOfSelectedTask()
        The label of the currently selected workflow element, if any.
      • getPropertiesModel

        public Object getPropertiesModel()
        The properties model used by the node or trigger that is currently selected. The properties are stored as JSON, but each handler can choose a class and have the JSON deserialized automatically. This properties model is then passed to the XHTML view.
      • getPropertiesView

        public String getPropertiesView()
        The XHTML page that should be shown in the properties panel. If no node is selected, an empty page is shown.
      • onModelUpdate

        public void onModelUpdate​(ModelUpdateEvent event)
        Invoked via a remote command when the flowchart process model was updated.
        event - Event from the flowchart.
      • onNodeSelect

        public void onNodeSelect​(org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent<IElementWithTask<NodeModel>> event)
        Called when a flowchart node is selected. Brings up the corresponding properties editors in the panel to the right.
        event - The select event that occurred.
      • onNodeUnselect

        public void onNodeUnselect​(org.primefaces.event.UnselectEvent<IElementWithTask<NodeModel>> event)
        Called when a flowchart node was unselected. Makes sure the property editors are not shown anymore to the right.
        event - The unselect event that occurred.
      • onRefreshClicked

        public void onRefreshClicked()
        Action listener for when the refresh button of the element properties panel was clicked. Adds the current selection to the interactive elements so that validation errors are shown the next time a server validation is performed; and triggers a server validation to show the errors.
      • onTriggerSelect

        public void onTriggerSelect​(org.primefaces.event.SelectEvent<IElementWithTask<TriggerModel>> event)
        Called when a flowchart trigger is selected. Brings up the corresponding properties editors in the panel to the right.
        event - The select event that occurred.
      • onTriggerUnselect

        public void onTriggerUnselect​(org.primefaces.event.UnselectEvent<IElementWithTask<TriggerModel>> event)
        Called when a flowchart trigger was unselected. Makes sure the property editors are not shown anymore to the right.
        event - The unselect event that occurred.
      • storeCurrent

        public void storeCurrent()
        Bean method that may be called to store the current properties that are being edited, and to transmit those changes to the flowchart.