Class TreePreOrderIterable<TItem,​TIdentifier>

  • Type Parameters:
    TItem - Type of the items in the tree.
    TIdentifier - Type of the identifier that identifiers the items in the tree.
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class TreePreOrderIterable<TItem,​TIdentifier>
    extends Object
    implements Iterable<TItem>
    An iterable that iterates over a tree-like graph in pre-order, starting at a given node. Throws an exception in case the graph is not a tree, thus also preventing endless cycles when the graph is cyclic.

    Assume the following tree:

    • a
      • a1
      • a2
        • a21
        • a22
    • b
      • b1
      • b2
    Then a pre-order traversal traverses the nodes in the following order:
    • a
    • a1
    • a2
    • a21
    • a22
    • b
    • b1
    • b2
    • Constructor Detail

      • TreePreOrderIterable

        public TreePreOrderIterable​(Iterable<TItem> startItems,
                                    ITreeAccessor<TItem,​TIdentifier> treeAccessor)
        Returns a new iterable over the items in the tree starting at the given item.
        startItems - Root items where to start the traversal. These items are included in the traversal.
        treeAccessor - Handler for accessing the children of a node, and its identifier
      • TreePreOrderIterable

        public TreePreOrderIterable​(Iterable<TItem> startItems,
                                    ITreeAccessor<TItem,​TIdentifier> treeAccessor,
                                    boolean limitRecursion)
        Returns a new iterable over the items in the tree starting at the given item.
        startItems - Root items where to start the traversal. These items are included in the traversal.
        treeAccessor - Handler for accessing the children of a node, and its identifier
        limitRecursion - If true, stops iterating when an item is encountered for the second time (as determined by Object.hashCode(), Object.equals(Object)) and throws an IllegalStateException.
      • TreePreOrderIterable

        public TreePreOrderIterable​(TItem startItem,
                                    ITreeAccessor<TItem,​TIdentifier> treeAccessor)
        Returns a new iterable over the items in the tree starting at the given item.
        startItem - Item where to start the traversal. This item is included in the traversal.
        treeAccessor - Handler for accessing the children of a node, and its identifier
      • TreePreOrderIterable

        public TreePreOrderIterable​(TItem startItem,
                                    ITreeAccessor<TItem,​TIdentifier> treeAccessor,
                                    boolean limitRecursion)
        Returns a new iterable over the items in the tree starting at the given item.
        startItem - Item where to start the traversal. This item is included in the traversal.
        treeAccessor - Handler for accessing the children of a node, and its identifier
        limitRecursion - If true, stops iterating when an item is encountered for the second time (as determined by Object.hashCode(), Object.equals(Object)) and throws an IllegalStateException.
    • Method Detail

      • toList

        public static <TItem> List<TItem> toList​(TItem startItem,
                                                 ITreeAccessor<TItem,​?> treeAccessor)
        Iterates over the node and its children, and returns a list of all iterated nodes.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - Type of the items in the tree.
        startItem - Node where to start the traversal. This item is included in the returned list.
        treeAccessor - Handler for accessing the children of a node, and its identifier.
        A list with the given start item and all its children.