Class MultiFile

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IMultiFileProviding, IReferencedFileList, Serializable

    @NotEmptyIf(field="urls",dependants="resources",target=MultiFile.class,payload=urls.class) @NotEmptyIf(field="searchFilename",dependants="resources",target=MultiFile.class,payload=searchFilename.class)
    public final class MultiFile
    extends Object
    implements Serializable, IMultiFileProviding
    Models a list of file resources that may come from multiple sources, such as client file, project files or external files referenced via an URL.

    Use of this class is optional. However, its use is strongly recommended for consistency. This model comes with a pre-defined XHTML UI page for configuring instances of this class. During execution, the INodeExecutionParams and IWorkflowExecutionContext contain helper method to handle the options provided by this class. New options or features may be added to this class in the future. If you make use of this class, your action will gain access to these new features without any changes to your code.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form