Interface IWorkflowExecutionContext

    • Method Detail

      • event

        IWorkflowEventData event()
        The data of the event that triggered the task being executed, i.e. the event to which the task's trigger reacted.
      • event

        default <T extends IWorkflowEventData> T event​(Class<T> eventClass)
        Type Parameters:
        T - Desired type of the event.
        eventClass - Desired type of the event.
        The data of the event that triggered the task being executed, cast to the given type; or null when the event is not of the given type.
      • executor

        IWorkflowExecutor executor()
        Grants access to the executor that can be used to execute children, or to trigger events.
        The executor handler associated with this execution context.
      • file

        IWorkflowFileHandler file()
        The file handler for interacting with files and the file system. Use this to create temporary files, to read files created by other workflow elements, or to attach files to the form record.
      • form

        IWorkflowFormHandler form()
        The file handler for interacting with the form and its data.
      • http

        IWorkflowHttpHandler http()
        The handler for interacting with the current HTTP request. It can be used, for example, to initiate redirects or read/write session parameters. If no HTTP request is currently active, this returns a dummy instance that takes no action.
      • logging

        IWorkflowLoggingHandler logging()
        The handler for interacting with the logging system. Lets you create and retrieve protocol entries.
      • node

        IWorkflowNodeLocator node()
        A handler for locating nodes by their name, ID, or UUID. Also lets you access the node currently being executed.
      • trigger

        IWorkflowTriggerLocator trigger()
        A handler for locating triggers by their name, ID, or UUID. Also lets you access the trigger that fired the current task.
      • placeholder

        IWorkflowPlaceholderHandler placeholder()
        Specified by:
        placeholder in interface IBaseWorkflowExecutionContext
        A handler for replacing placeholders in strings, using the current workflow execution context. This is a shortcut for the methods provided by {code de.xima.fc.placeholder.PlaceholderReplacer} that supplies the required parameters automatically.
      • processId

        long processId()
        ID of the WorkflowProcess of the task being executed.
      • task

        WorkflowTask task()
        The task that is being executed.
      • variable

        IWorkflowVariableHandler variable()
        The handler for retrieving results of previous workflow actions, or adding new results.