Class ElementInfoPanelModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ElementInfoPanelModel
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    View Model storing the data that shown in the element info dialog of the flowchart.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ElementInfoPanelModel

        public ElementInfoPanelModel()
    • Method Detail

      • setAlwaysRows

        public void setAlwaysRows​(List<ValueDescriptorRow> alwaysRows)
        A list of rows containing the values the node always provides, regardless of its mode of complete (normally or abruptly). Corresponds to the entries in the IValueDescriptor of the node, see getAlwaysValueDescriptor().
        alwaysRows - List of always value rows.
      • setCurrentRows

        public void setCurrentRows​(List<ValueDescriptorRow> currentRows)
        A list of rows containing the values the node provides while being executed. This is used e.g. by loops. Corresponds to the entries in the IValueDescriptor of the node, see getCurrentValueDescriptor().
        currentRows - List of current value rows.
      • getElementHelp

        public IElementHelpLocation getElementHelp()
        Info related to further help for the element, such as an inline HTML page or external web page.
        The element's in-depth help.
      • setElementHelp

        public void setElementHelp​(IElementHelpLocation elementHelp)
        Info related to further help for the element, such as an inline HTML page or external web page.
        elementHelp - The element's in-depth help.
      • getElementTypeString

        public String getElementTypeString()
        The type of the node or trigger, see IWorkflowElementTypeProviding.getType(). Each type has a handler with custom logic for that node or trigger.
        The element's type.
      • setElementTypeString

        public void setElementTypeString​(String elementTypeString)
        The type of the node or trigger, see IWorkflowElementTypeProviding.getType(). Each type has a handler with custom logic for that node or trigger.
        elementTypeString - The element's type.
      • getErrorCodeSections

        public List<ErrorCodeSection> getErrorCodeSections()
        A list with error code sections. A node's execution can fail with different types of errors. Each error may provide different details (exception data) when it occurs. Each section corresponds to one of the union members of the node's error value descriptor.
        List of error code sections.
      • setErrorCodeSections

        public void setErrorCodeSections​(List<ErrorCodeSection> errorCodeSections)
        A list with error code sections. A node's execution can fail with different types of errors. Each error may provide different details (exception data) when it occurs. Each section corresponds to one of the union members of the node's error value descriptor.
        errorCodeSections - List of error code sections.
      • getSoftErrorCodeSections

        public List<ErrorCodeSection> getSoftErrorCodeSections()
        A list with soft error code sections. A node's execution can issue different types of soft errors (warnings). Each soft error may provide different details (exception data) when it occurs. Each section corresponds to one of the union members of the node's soft error value descriptor.
        List of soft error code sections.
      • setSoftErrorCodeSections

        public void setSoftErrorCodeSections​(List<ErrorCodeSection> softErrorCodeSections)
        A list with soft error code sections. A node's execution can issue different types of soft errors (warnings). Each soft error may provide different details (exception data) when it occurs. Each section corresponds to one of the union members of the node's soft error value descriptor.
        softErrorCodeSections - List of soft error code sections.
      • getSuccessRows

        public List<ValueDescriptorRow> getSuccessRows()
        A list of rows containing the values the node provides after its execution completes normally. This is used e.g. by most actions with business logic, such as SQL statements or sending emails. Corresponds to the entries in the IValueDescriptor of the node, see getSuccessValueDescriptor().
        List of current value rows.
      • setSuccessRows

        public void setSuccessRows​(List<ValueDescriptorRow> successRows)
        A list of rows containing the values the node provides after its execution completes normally. This is used e.g. by most actions with business logic, such as SQL statements or sending emails. Corresponds to the entries in the IValueDescriptor of the node, see getSuccessValueDescriptor().
        successRows - List of current value rows.
      • getSummaryModel

        public Object getSummaryModel()
        Custom model instance for the summary of the node or trigger. Each handler can provide custom logic for how that model is rendered in the UI, using the getSummaryXhtml().
        The custom summary model.
      • setSummaryModel

        public void setSummaryModel​(Object summaryModel)
        Custom model instance for the summary of the node or trigger. Each handler can provide custom logic for how that model is rendered in the UI, using the getSummaryXhtml().
        summaryModel - The custom summary model.
      • getSummaryXhtml

        public String getSummaryXhtml()
        Custom facelet page containing the UI for the summary of the node or trigger. Each handler can provide custom logic for how that page is rendered in the UI. The getSummaryModel() is made available to the facelet page.
        The custom summary facelet page.
      • setSummaryXhtml

        public void setSummaryXhtml​(String summaryXhtml)
        Custom facelet page containing the UI for the summary of the node or trigger. Each handler can provide custom logic for how that page is rendered in the UI. The getSummaryModel() is made available to the facelet page.
        summaryXhtml - The custom summary facelet page.
      • getTriggerDataRows

        public List<ValueDescriptorRow> getTriggerDataRows()
        A list of rows containing the values the trigger provides when is fires. This is used e.g. by a form record message posted trigger to offer data regarding the message that was posted. Corresponds to the entries in the IValueDescriptor of the trigger, see getTriggerFilesDescriptor.
        List of trigger data rows.
      • setTriggerDataRows

        public void setTriggerDataRows​(List<ValueDescriptorRow> triggerDataRows)
        A list of rows containing the values the trigger provides when is fires. This is used e.g. by a form record message posted trigger to offer data regarding the message that was posted. Corresponds to the entries in the IValueDescriptor of the trigger, see getTriggerFilesDescriptor.
        triggerDataRows - List of trigger data rows.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Checks whether this info panel is empty and does not contain any content at all.
        True if the info panel is empty, false otherwise.
      • isNode

        public boolean isNode()
        Whether this info instance is for a WorkflowNode (or trigger).
        True if this info instance is for a node, false otherwise.
      • isShowDetails

        public boolean isShowDetails()
        Whether additional details should be shown on the UI.
        True if additional details should be shown, false otherwise.
      • setShowDetails

        public void setShowDetails​(boolean showDetails)
        Whether additional details should be shown on the UI.
        showDetails - True if additional details should be shown, false otherwise.
      • isTrigger

        public boolean isTrigger()
        Whether this info instance is for a WorkflowTrigger (or node).
        True if this info instance is for a trigger, false otherwise.
      • empty

        public static ElementInfoPanelModel empty()
        Creates an empty instance of the element info panel model with no data.
        An empty instance of the element info panel model.