Interface ITriggerDataDescriptor

    • Method Detail

      • getTriggerDataDescriptor

        IValueDescriptor<?,​? extends IValueBuilder<?>> getTriggerDataDescriptor​(IValueDescriptorFactory factory)
        Creates the value descriptor for the data that is made available to the workflow when a task with this trigger starts.
        factory - Factory that may be used for creating the descriptor. Instead of the factory passed in to this method, you may also use ValueDescriptorFactory.getInstance() if you wish to cache the descriptor in a static or instance field.
        The value descriptor for the data that is made available to the workflow when a task with this trigger is executed.
        See Also:
      • getTriggerFilesDescriptor

        default IFileValueDescriptor getTriggerFilesDescriptor()
        Creates the files descriptor for the files that are made available to the workflow when a task with this trigger starts.
        The files descriptor for the files that are made available to the workflow when a task with this trigger is executed.
        See Also: