Class FileProvision

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IFileProvision, Serializable

    public final class FileProvision
    extends Object
    implements IFileProvision, Serializable
    POJO for workflow actions that provide a set of files. Contains the configuration how these files should be handled. E.g. users can choose to attach the files to the form record.

    Should be used as a field on your workflow node model class. Use of this class is optional. However, its use is strongly recommended for consistency.

    This model comes with a pre-defined XHTML UI page for configuring instances of this class. During execution, the IWorkflowExecutionContext contains helper method to handle the options provided by this class, see IWorkflowFileHandler

    . New options or features may be added to this class in the future. If you make use of this class, your action will gain access to these new features without any changes to your code.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileProvision

        public FileProvision()
    • Method Detail

      • setAttachmentAccessibleToEndUser

        public void setAttachmentAccessibleToEndUser​(boolean attachmentAccessibleToEndUser)
        attachmentAccessibleToEndUser - if the attached files should be made accessible to end users (i.e. in portals).
      • isAttachToFormRecord

        public boolean isAttachToFormRecord()
        Description copied from interface: IFileProvision
        Gets whether files created by the workflow node are attached to the form record, see Attachment.
        Specified by:
        isAttachToFormRecord in interface IFileProvision
        Whether files created by the workflow node are attached to the form record.
      • setAttachToFormRecord

        public void setAttachToFormRecord​(boolean attachToFormRecord)
        attachToFormRecord - Whether files created by the workflow node are attached to the form record.