Class Attachment

    • Constructor Detail

      • Attachment

        public Attachment()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public Long getId()
        Specified by:
        getId in interface de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>
      • getUUID

        public String getUUID()
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Gets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        getUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of the entity.
      • setUUID

        public void setUUID​(String uuid)
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Sets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        setUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        uuid - The UUID of the entity.
      • getUUIDObject

        public UUID getUUIDObject()
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Gets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        getUUIDObject in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of the entity.
      • setUUIDObject

        public void setUUIDObject​(UUID uuid)
      • setVorgang

        public void setVorgang​(Vorgang vorgang)
        Diese Methode dient dazu, den Vorgang zu setzten, zu dem das Attachment zugehörig ist (Bedingung: nicht null).
        vorgang - - Vorgang-Objekt
      • cloneBasics

        public Attachment cloneBasics()
        A copy of this entity with all fields copied that do not reference other entities. The getUUIDObject() is not copied.
      • getBenutzer

        public String getBenutzer()
        Diese Methode dient dazu, eine Zeichenkette zu erhalten, die Schlussfolgerungen auf den Ersteller dieses Attachments zulässt
        Nutzerkennung oder Nutzername
      • getUploadDatum

        public Date getUploadDatum()
        Diese Methode dient dazu, das Datum zu setzen, an welchem das Attachment hochgeladen wurde
        Date-Objekt oder null
      • getDateiName

        public String getDateiName()
        Diese Methode dient dazu, den Namen des Attachment zu erhalten
        Zeichenkette mit dem Dateinamen
      • getElementName

        public String getElementName()
        Diese Methode dient dazu, den Formularelementnamen zu erhalten, in welchem das Attachment angebenen wurde
        Zeichenkette mit dem Elementnamen oder null
      • setElementName

        public void setElementName​(String elementName)
        Diese Methode dient dazu, den Formularelementnamen zu setzen
        elementName - - Zeichenkette für den Elementnamen oder null
      • isLoeschbar

        public boolean isLoeschbar()
        Attachments sind dann löschbar, wenn der zugehörige Vorgang löschbar ist (Vorgänge sind löschbar, wenn der Status, in dem sie sich befinden, das Löschen von Vorgängen erlaubt).
        true, wenn dieses Attachment löschbar ist, ansonsten false.
        See Also:
      • getFormEingang

        public FormEingang getFormEingang()
        Optional. The form record data from the submission that created this attachment. Available only if the attachment was created by an upload from an HTML input file element. When the attachment got created in other manners (such as by a workflow action or manually in the inbox), this will be null.

        Note: This feature was disabled in the past and got enabled again starting with version 8.2.0. For form records created by older versions of formcycle, this field will be null even for attachments from form uploads.

        The form record data from the form submission where this attachment was created.
      • setFormEingang

        public void setFormEingang​(FormEingang formRecordData)
        Optional. The form record data from the submission that created this attachment. Available only if the attachment was created by an upload from an HTML input file element. When the attachment got created in other manners (such as by a workflow action or manually in the inbox), this will be null.

        Note: This feature was disabled in the past and got enabled again starting with version 8.2.0. For form records created by older versions of formcycle, this field will be null even for attachments from form uploads.

        formRecordData - The form record data from the form submission where this attachment was created.
      • isAccessibleToEndUser

        public boolean isAccessibleToEndUser()
      • setAccessibleToEndUser

        public void setAccessibleToEndUser​(boolean accessibleToEndUser)
      • getUuid

        public String getUuid()
      • setUuid

        public void setUuid​(String uuid)
        uuid - the uuid
      • getOutputAlias

        public String getOutputAlias()
        will be removed. Currently returns the file name
        the output alias
      • setOutputAlias

        public void setOutputAlias​(String outputAlias)
        will be removed. Currently an NO-OP method
        outputAlias - the output alias to set