Class GetAvailableAttachmentsParams

    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • isIncludePreviousNode

        public boolean isIncludePreviousNode()
        Whether to include attachments from previously executed workflow nodes, i.e. attachment items of type PREVIOUS_NODE.
        Whether to include attachments form previous nodes.
      • isIncludeSearch

        public boolean isIncludeSearch()
        Whether to include attachments from an attachment file name search, i.e. attachment items of type SEARCH.
        Whether to include attachments form previous nodes.
      • isIncludeUpload

        public boolean isIncludeUpload()
        Whether to include attachments from upload elements, i.e. attachment items of type UPLOAD.
        Whether to include attachments form previous nodes.
      • defaults

        public static GetAvailableAttachmentsParams defaults()
        Gets a params instance with the defaults, which includes all types of attachments.
        A params instance with the defaults.