Interface IWorkflowProvider

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ValidationWorkflowProvider, WorkflowProviderBean

    public interface IWorkflowProvider
    A provider for the workflow designer that lets you access various data related to the workflow, such a list of all user groups or text templates.
    • Method Detail

      • getAllAttachmentSources

        List<EAttachmentSource> getAllAttachmentSources()
        a list of all attachment sources
      • getAllClientCounterSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllClientCounterSelectItems()
        Same as getAllClientCounters(), but returns select items with the value and the name of the LDAP query.
      • getAllClientCounters

        List<ClientCounter> getAllClientCounters()
        A list of all client counters available to the current client. Empty list if none are found.
      • getAllClientResources

        List<MandantRessource> getAllClientResources()
        A list of all client resources of the current client.
      • getAllDatabaseConnectionSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllDatabaseConnectionSelectItems()
        Same as getAllDatabaseConnections(), but returns select items with the value and the name of the database connection.
      • getAllDatabaseConnections

        List<DatenbankZugriff> getAllDatabaseConnections()
        A list of all database connection available to the current client. Empty list if none are found.
      • getAllDatabaseQueries

        List<Datenquelle> getAllDatabaseQueries()
        A list of all database queries that are defined in client scope. Empty list when none are available.
      • getAllDatabaseQuerySelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllDatabaseQuerySelectItems()
        Same as getAllDatabaseQueries(), but returns select items with the value and the name of the database query.
      • getAllDirectClientAuthorizationSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllDirectClientAuthorizationSelectItems()
        Same as getAllDirectClientAuthorizations(), but returns select items with the value and the name of the user.
      • getAllDirectClientAuthorizations

        List<DirectClientAuthorization> getAllDirectClientAuthorizations()
        All direct client authorizations available to the current client. Empty list if none are found.
      • getAllFormElements

        List<String> getAllFormElements()
        All valuable form elements of the current form version. Empty list if none are found.
      • getAllInboxSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllInboxSelectItems()
        Same as getAllInboxes(), but returns select items with the value and the name of the inbox.
      • getAllInboxes

        List<Postfach> getAllInboxes()
        All inboxes available to the current client. Empty list if none are found.
      • getAllLdapConnectionSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllLdapConnectionSelectItems()
        Same as getAllLdapConnections(), but returns select items with the value and the name of the LDAP connection.
      • getAllLdapConnections

        List<LDAPZugriff> getAllLdapConnections()
        A list of all LDAP queries available to the current client. Empty list if none are found.
      • getAllLdapQueries

        List<LDAPAbfrage> getAllLdapQueries()
        A list of all LDAP queries available to the current client. Empty list if none are found.
      • getAllLdapQuerySelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllLdapQuerySelectItems()
        Same as getAllLdapQueries(), but returns select items with the value and the name of the LDAP query.
      • getAllNodesOfType

        List<INodeWithName> getAllNodesOfType​(String type)
        type - type of the nodes to retrieve. Can be empty to retrieve all nodes.
        All nodes in the current process that are of the given type.
      • getAllNodesOfTypeSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<NodeKey>> getAllNodesOfTypeSelectItems​(String type)
        type - type of the nodes to retrieve. Can be empty to retrieve all nodes.
        Same as getAllNodesOfType(String), but returns select items with the value set to the NodeKey and the name to the name of the node.
      • getAllProjectResources

        List<ProjektRessource> getAllProjectResources()
        A list of all project resource of the current project.
      • getAllQualifiedSubmitButtonSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<QualifiedSubmitButton>> getAllQualifiedSubmitButtonSelectItems()
        Same as getAllSubmitButtons(), but converted to select items with the button name as the value.
      • getAllQualifiedSubmitButtons

        List<IWorkflowQualifiedSubmitButton> getAllQualifiedSubmitButtons()
        A list of all qualified submit buttons contained in the project whose workflow is being edited. When there are buttons with the same button name, they are included multiple times.
      • getAllRepeatedFormElementContainers

        List<String> getAllRepeatedFormElementContainers()
        Gets all form elements of the current form version that are repeated containers. This does not include form element inside repeated containers, use getAllRepeatedFormElements() for that.
        All repetition containers.
      • getAllRepeatedFormElements

        List<String> getAllRepeatedFormElements()
        Gets all form elements of the current form version that are either repeated container; or a valuable and either themselves repeated or are inside a repeated container.
        All repeated elements or elements inside repeated containers.
      • getAllStateSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllStateSelectItems​(boolean includeMarkedForDeletion)
        includeMarkedForDeletion - true to include states that have been marked for deletion when the workflow is saved, false to exclude those states and return only states that are still present.
        Same as getAllStates(boolean), but returns select items with the value and the name of the state.
      • getAllStates

        List<WorkflowStateModel> getAllStates​(boolean includeMarkedForDeletion)
        includeMarkedForDeletion - true to include states that have been marked for deletion when the workflow is saved, false to exclude those states and return only states that are still present.
        A list of all states for the current project.
      • getAllSubmitButtonSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<String>> getAllSubmitButtonSelectItems()
        Same as getAllSubmitButtons(), but converted to select items with the button name as the value.
      • getAllSubmitButtons

        List<IWorkflowSubmitButton> getAllSubmitButtons()
        A list of all submit buttons contained in the project whose workflow is being edited. When there are buttons with the same button name, only one is included.
      • getAllTaskSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UUID>> getAllTaskSelectItems​(boolean excludeSelf)
        Same as getAllTriggersOfType(String, UUID), but converted to select items with the trigger key as the value.
        excludeSelf - true to exclude the task of the current trigger, true to include all.
        All task in the current process, without the task to exclude if given.
      • getAllTaskSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UUID>> getAllTaskSelectItems​(UUID taskToExclude)
        Same as getAllTasks(UUID), but converted to select items with the task key as the value.
        taskToExclude - Task to exclude in the result, null to exclude none.
        All task in the current process, without the task to exclude if given.
      • getAllTasks

        List<ITaskWithName> getAllTasks​(boolean excludeSelf)
        excludeSelf - true to exclude the task of the current trigger, true to include all.
        All task in the current process, without the task to exclude if given.
      • getAllTasks

        List<ITaskWithName> getAllTasks​(UUID taskToExclude)
        taskToExclude - Task to exclude in the result, null to exclude none.
        All task in the current process, without the task to exclude if given.
      • getAllTriggersOfType

        List<ITriggerWithName> getAllTriggersOfType​(String type,
                                                    boolean excludeSelf)
        type - type of the triggers to retrieve. Can be empty to retrieve all triggers.
        excludeSelf - true to exclude the task of the current trigger, true to include all.
        All triggers in the current process that are of the given type.
      • getAllTriggersOfType

        List<ITriggerWithName> getAllTriggersOfType​(String type,
                                                    UUID taskToExclude)
        type - type of the triggers to retrieve. Can be empty to retrieve all triggers.
        taskToExclude - Task to exclude in the result, null to exclude none.
        All triggers in the current process that are of the given type.
      • getAllTriggersOfTypeSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<TriggerKey>> getAllTriggersOfTypeSelectItems​(String type,
                                                                                                             boolean excludeSelf)
        Same as getAllTriggersOfType(String, boolean), but converted to select items with the trigger key as the value.
        type - type of the triggers to retrieve. Can be empty to retrieve all triggers.
        excludeSelf - true to exclude the task of the current trigger, true to include all.
        All triggers in the current process that are of the given type.
      • getAllTriggersOfTypeSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<TriggerKey>> getAllTriggersOfTypeSelectItems​(String type,
                                                                                                             UUID taskToExclude)
        Same as getAllTriggersOfType(String, UUID), but converted to select items with the trigger key as the value.
        type - type of the triggers to retrieve. Can be empty to retrieve all triggers.
        taskToExclude - Task to exclude in the result, null to exclude none.
        All triggers in the current process that are of the given type.
      • getAllUploadElementSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<String>> getAllUploadElementSelectItems()
        Same as getAllUploadElements(), but converted to select items with the field name as the value.
      • getAllUploadElements

        List<String> getAllUploadElements()
        A list with all upload elements available to the currently selected action.
      • getAllUserGroupSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllUserGroupSelectItems()
        Same as getAllUserGroups(), but returns select items with the value and the name of the user group.
      • getAllUserGroups

        List<BenutzerGruppe> getAllUserGroups()
        All user groups available to the current client. Empty list if none are found.
      • getAllWebDavConnections

        List<WebDavAccess> getAllWebDavConnections()
        A list of all WebDAV connections available to the current client. Empty list if none are found.
      • getAllWebDavConnectionsSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<UuidEntityRef>> getAllWebDavConnectionsSelectItems()
        Same as getAllWebDavConnections(), but returns select items with the value and the name of the database connection.
      • getAssignedProvidingTriggers

        List<IFileProvidingTriggerWithName> getAssignedProvidingTriggers()
        Returns the triggers of the workflow task that contains the given node and also provide files. When those triggers fire, the processing chain with the node gets executed.

        This method is available only when the workflow designer UI is opened. Use getNormalCompletionProvidingPredecessors and specify the node directly.

        A list of all triggers that control the execution of the processing chain with the given node.
      • getAssignedProvidingTriggers

        List<IFileProvidingTriggerWithName> getAssignedProvidingTriggers​(NodeKey key)
        Returns the triggers of the workflow task that contains the given node and also provide files. When those triggers fire, the processing chain with the node gets executed.
        key - Key of the node to process.
        A list of all triggers that control the execution of the processing chain with the given node.
      • getAssignedTriggers

        List<ITriggerWithName> getAssignedTriggers()
        Returns the triggers of the workflow task that contains the given node. When those triggers fire, the processing chain with the node gets executed.

        This method is available only when the workflow designer UI is opened. Use getNormalCompletionProvidingPredecessors and specify the node directly.

        A list of all triggers that control the execution of the processing chain with the given node.
      • getAssignedTriggers

        List<ITriggerWithName> getAssignedTriggers​(NodeKey key)
        Returns the triggers of the workflow task that contains the given node. When those triggers fire, the processing chain with the node gets executed.
        key - Key of the node to process.
        A list of all triggers that control the execution of the processing chain with the given node.
      • getAttachmentProvidingParents

        List<INodeWithName> getAttachmentProvidingParents()
        Returns a list of all nodes that are parents of the currently selected node n and that provide attachment to the currently selected node. This method is available only when the workflow designer UI is opened. Use getParents(NodeKey) and specify the node directly. Parent nodes such as loops may provide attachments during their execution.
        A list of all workflow nodes that are a parent of the current node and provide attachments.
      • getAttachmentProvidingParents

        List<INodeWithName> getAttachmentProvidingParents​(NodeKey nodeKey)
        Returns a list of all nodes that are parents of the given node and that provides or creates attachments, see getAttachmentValueDescriptor). Parent nodes such as loops may provide attachments during their execution.
        nodeKey - Key of the node to check.
        A list of all workflow nodes that are a parent of the given node and provide attachments.
      • getAvailableAttachments

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<AttachmentItem>> getAvailableAttachments​(NodeKey nodeKey,
                                                                                                         GetAvailableAttachmentsParams params)
        Returns a list of all available attachment items that are available for the given workflow node.
        nodeKey - NodeKey of the currently selected node.
        params - Parameters for retrieving the available attachments. When null, uses GetAvailableAttachmentsParams.defaults().
        A list of all attachment items available for the given node.
      • getAvailableResources

        default List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<ResourceItem>> getAvailableResources​(boolean includeForm,
                                                                                                             boolean includeClient,
                                                                                                             boolean includeExternal,
                                                                                                             boolean includeAttachmentSearch,
                                                                                                             boolean includeUpload,
                                                                                                             boolean includeProvidingAction,
                                                                                                             List<String> extensions)
        Returns a list of all available resources, which may include client resources, form resources, and external resource URLs.
        includeForm - Whether to include the available form resources.
        includeClient - Whether to include the available client resources.
        includeExternal - Whether to include an option for entering an external resource URL.
        includeAttachmentSearch - Specifies whether to include an option to search by file name for a form record attachment
        includeUpload - Specifies whether to add available file upload elements to the result list
        includeProvidingAction - Specifies whether to add all available providing-file actions
        extensions - A list of extensions for filtering the returned resources. When no extensions are given, no filtering is applied.
        A list of all available resources. Only resources with the given extensions are returned.
      • getAvailableResources

        default List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<ResourceItem>> getAvailableResources​(boolean includeForm,
                                                                                                             boolean includeClient,
                                                                                                             boolean includeExternal,
                                                                                                             boolean includeAttachmentSearch,
                                                                                                             boolean includeUpload,
                                                                                                             boolean includeProvidingAction,
                                                                                                             String... extensions)
        Returns a list of all available resources, which may include client resources, form resources, and external resource URLs.
        includeForm - Whether to include the available form resources.
        includeClient - Whether to include the available client resources.
        includeExternal - Whether to include an option for entering an external resource URL.
        includeAttachmentSearch - Specifies whether to include an option to search by file name for a form record attachment
        includeUpload - Specifies whether to add available file upload elements to the result list
        includeProvidingAction - Specifies whether to add all available providing-file actions
        extensions - A list of extensions for filtering the returned resources. When no extensions are given, no filtering is applied.
        A list of all available resources. Only resources with the given extensions are returned.
      • getAvailableResources

        default List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<ResourceItem>> getAvailableResources​(NodeKey nodeKey,
                                                                                                             boolean includeForm,
                                                                                                             boolean includeClient,
                                                                                                             boolean includeExternal,
                                                                                                             boolean includeAttachmentSearch,
                                                                                                             boolean includeUpload,
                                                                                                             boolean includeProvidingAction)
        Returns a list of all available resources, which may include client resources, form resources, and external resource URLs.
        nodeKey - NodeKey of the current selected node.
        includeForm - Whether to include the available form resources.
        includeClient - Whether to include the available client resources.
        includeExternal - Whether to include an option for entering an external resource URL.
        includeAttachmentSearch - Specifies whether to include an option to search by file name for a form record attachment
        includeUpload - Specifies whether to add available file upload elements to the result list
        includeProvidingAction - Specifies whether to add all available providing-file actions
        A list of all available resources (files).
      • getAvailableResources

        default List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<ResourceItem>> getAvailableResources​(NodeKey nodeKey,
                                                                                                             boolean includeForm,
                                                                                                             boolean includeClient,
                                                                                                             boolean includeExternal,
                                                                                                             boolean includeAttachmentSearch,
                                                                                                             boolean includeUpload,
                                                                                                             boolean includeProvidingAction,
                                                                                                             String... extensions)
        Returns a list of all available resources, which may include client resources, form resources, and external resource URLs.
        nodeKey - NodeKey of the current selected node.
        includeForm - Whether to include the available form resources.
        includeClient - Whether to include the available client resources.
        includeExternal - Whether to include an option for entering an external resource URL.
        includeAttachmentSearch - Specifies whether to include an option to search by file name for a form record attachment
        includeUpload - Specifies whether to add available file upload elements to the result list
        includeProvidingAction - Specifies whether to add all available providing-file actions
        extensions - A list of extensions for filtering the returned resources. When no extensions are given, no filtering is applied. When an item of this array contains a comma, it is split into several extension. So getAvailableResources(nodeKey, true,true,true,true,true,"pdf,docx") is the same as getAvailableResources(nodeKey, true,true,true,true,true,"pdf", "docx")
        A list of all available resources. Only resources with the given extensions are returned.
      • getAvailableResources

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<ResourceItem>> getAvailableResources​(NodeKey nodeKey,
                                                                                                     GetAvailableResourcesParams params)
        Returns a list of all available resources, which may include client resources, form resources, and external resource URLs, etc.
        nodeKey - NodeKey of the current selected node.
        params - Parameters controlling the search for available resources, e.g. which files to include.
        A list of all available resources matching the search criteria.
      • getClient

        Mandant getClient()
        The current client for which the workflow is being edited.
      • getErrorCompletionPredecessors

        List<INodeWithName> getErrorCompletionPredecessors()
        A list of all nodes that have finished execution and that precede the currently selected node n; i.e. the set of all nodes {m} such that m is not a parent of n and that there exists at least one code path where m is executed before n, where the path does not include backwards edges and starts with a throwing edge.

        This method is available only when the workflow designer UI is opened. Use getErrorCompletionPredecessors(NodeKey) and specify the node directly.

        A list of all nodes that have finished execution and that precede the currently selected node.
      • getErrorCompletionPredecessors

        List<INodeWithName> getErrorCompletionPredecessors​(NodeKey key)
        A list of all nodes that have finished execution and that precede the given node n; i.e. the set of all nodes {m} such that m is not a parent of n and that there exists at least one code path where m is executed before n, where the path does not include backwards edges and starts with a throwing edge.
        key - Node for which to find its predecessors.
        A list of all nodes that have finished execution and that precede the given node.
      • getInstalledCharsets

        List<Charset> getInstalledCharsets()
        A list of all character supported by the server.
      • getInstalledFontNames

        List<String> getInstalledFontNames()
        A list of all font names that are currently installed on the system.
      • getInvalidEntityUuid

        UUID getInvalidEntityUuid()
        The UUID that is considered invalid. May be used as a default or no select option.
      • getInvalidEntityUuidString

        String getInvalidEntityUuidString()
        The UUID that is considered invalid. May be used as a default or no select option.
      • getLocale

        Locale getLocale()
        The current locale that is to be used for locale-sensitive operations.
      • getNonOrderableAuthenticatorConfigs

        List<BaseConfigViewModel> getNonOrderableAuthenticatorConfigs()
        All non-orderable authenticator configurations that are available to the current project.
      • getNormalCompletionAttachmentProvidingPredecessors

        List<INodeWithName> getNormalCompletionAttachmentProvidingPredecessors()
        Returns a list of all predecessors of the currently selected node N, that have finished execution and that provide attachments. Specifically, returns all workflow nodes X with the following properties:
        • the node X is part of the same WorkflowTask as the currently selected node N
        • the node X is not a parent of the currently selected node N (as such nodes are still executing)
        • the currently selected node N is potentially reachable from node X (see getPotentialPredecessorsOf via a path that does not include backwards edges and starts with a normal edge.
        • the node X provides or creates attachments, see getAttachmentValueDescriptor)
        This method is available only when a node is currently selected, e.g. when the workflow designer UI is opened. Otherwise, use getNormalCompletionProvidingPredecessors and specify the node directly.
        A list of all workflow nodes that can provide files to the currently selected node.
      • getNormalCompletionAttachmentProvidingPredecessors

        List<INodeWithName> getNormalCompletionAttachmentProvidingPredecessors​(NodeKey key)
        Returns a list of all predecessors of the given node N, that have finished execution and that provide attachments. Specifically, returns all workflow nodes X with the following properties:
        • the node X is part of the same WorkflowTask as the given node N
        • the node X is not a parent of the given node N (as such nodes are still executing)
        • the given node N is potentially reachable from node X (see getPotentialPredecessorsOf via a path that does not include backwards edges and starts with a normal edge.
        • the node X provides or creates attachments, see getAttachmentValueDescriptor)
        A list of all workflow nodes that can provide files to the given node.
      • getNormalCompletionPredecessors

        List<INodeWithName> getNormalCompletionPredecessors()
        A list of all nodes that have finished execution and that precede the currently selected node n; i.e. the set of all nodes {m} such that m is not a parent of n and that there exists at least one code path where m is executed before n, where the path does not include backwards edges and starts with a normal edge.

        This method is available only when the workflow designer UI is opened. Use getNormalCompletionPredecessors and specify the node directly.

        A list of all nodes that have finished execution and that precede the currently selected node.
      • getNormalCompletionPredecessors

        List<INodeWithName> getNormalCompletionPredecessors​(NodeKey key)
        A list of all nodes that have finished execution and that precede the given node n; i.e. the set of all nodes {m} such that m is not a parent of n and that there exists at least one code path where m is executed before n, where the path does not include backwards edges and starts with a normal edge.
        key - Node for which to find its predecessors.
        A list of all nodes that have finished execution and that precede the given node.
      • getNormalCompletionProvidingPredecessors

        List<IFileProvidingNodeWithName> getNormalCompletionProvidingPredecessors()
        Returns a list of all predecessors of the currently selected node N, that have finished execution and that provide files. Specifically, return all workflow nodes X with the following properties:
        • the node X is part of the same WorkflowTask as the currently selected node N
        • the node X is not a parent of the currently selected node N (as such nodes are still executing)
        • the currently selected node N is potentially reachable from node X (see getPotentialPredecessorsOf via a path that does not include backwards edges and starts with a normal edge.
        • the node X provides or creates files, see getFileValueDescriptor)
        This method is available only when the workflow designer UI is opened. Use getNormalCompletionProvidingPredecessors and specify the node directly.
        A list of all workflow nodes that can provide files to the currently selected node.
      • getNormalCompletionProvidingPredecessors

        List<IFileProvidingNodeWithName> getNormalCompletionProvidingPredecessors​(NodeKey key)
        Returns a list of all predecessors of the given node N that provide files. Specifically, return all workflow nodes X with the following properties:
        • the node X is part of the same WorkflowTask as the given node
        • the node X is not a parent of the given node N (as such nodes are still executing)
        • the currently selected node N is potentially reachable from node X (see getPotentialPredecessorsOf) via a path that does not include backwards edges and starts with a normal edge.
        • the node X provides or creates files, see getFileValueDescriptor)
        key - Key of the node to check.
        A list of all workflow nodes that can provide files to the given node.
      • getOrderableAuthenticatorConfigs

        List<BaseConfigViewModel> getOrderableAuthenticatorConfigs()
        All orderable authenticator configurations that are available to the current project.
      • getParentControlTransferTargets

        List<INodeWithName> getParentControlTransferTargets​(NodeKey key,
                                                            String... controlTransferTypes)
        key - Node for which to find its control transfer parents.
        controlTransferTypes - Control transfer types to look for. When none are given, all nodes that support at least one control transfer type are returned.
        Similar to getParents(NodeKey), but only returns breakable.
      • getParentControlTransferTargets

        List<INodeWithName> getParentControlTransferTargets​(String... controlTransferTypes)
        controlTransferTypes - Control transfer types to look for. When none are given, all nodes that support at least one control transfer type are returned.
        Similar to getParents(NodeKey), but only returns breakable.
      • getParentControlTransferTargetsSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<NodeKey>> getParentControlTransferTargetsSelectItems​(NodeKey key,
                                                                                                                     String... controlTransferTypes)
        key - Node for which to find its predecessors.
        controlTransferTypes - Control transfer types to look for. When none are given, all nodes that support at least one control transfer type are returned.
        Same as getParentControlTransferTargets(NodeKey, String[]), but returns select items with the value set to the NodeKey and the name to the name of the node.
      • getParentControlTransferTargetsSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<NodeKey>> getParentControlTransferTargetsSelectItems​(String... controlTransferTypes)
        controlTransferTypes - Control transfer types to look for. When none are given, all nodes that support at least one control transfer type are returned.
        Same as getParentControlTransferTargets(String[]), but returns select items with the value set to the NodeKey and the name to the name of the node.
      • getParents

        List<INodeWithName> getParents()
        A list of all nodes that are parents of the currently selected node n. This method is available only when the workflow designer UI is opened. Use getParents(NodeKey) and specify the node directly.
      • getParents

        List<INodeWithName> getParents​(NodeKey key)
        key - Node for which to find its parents.
        A list of all nodes that are parents of the currently selected node n.
      • getParentsSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<NodeKey>> getParentsSelectItems()
        Same as getParents(), but returns select items with the value set to the NodeKey and the name to the name of the node.
      • getParentsSelectItems

        List<? extends de.xima.cmn.validation.spec.IChoiceEntry<NodeKey>> getParentsSelectItems​(NodeKey key)
        key - Node for which to find its predecessors.
        Same as getParents(NodeKey), but returns select items with the value set to the NodeKey and the name to the name of the node.
      • getPredecessors

        default List<INodeWithName> getPredecessors()
        A list of all nodes that precede the currently selected node n, i.e. the set of all nodes {m} such that there exists at least one code path where m is executed before n. This method is available only when the workflow designer UI is opened. Use getPredecessors(NodeKey) and specify the node directly.
      • getPredecessors

        default List<INodeWithName> getPredecessors​(NodeKey key)
        key - Node for which to find its predecessors.
        A list of all nodes that precede the given node n, i.e. the set of all nodes {m} such that there exists at least one code path where m is executed before n.
      • getProject

        Projekt getProject()
        The current project for which the workflow is being edited.
      • getProvidingParents

        List<IFileProvidingNodeWithName> getProvidingParents()
        Returns a list of all nodes that are parents of the currently selected node n. This method is available only when the workflow designer UI is opened. Use getParents(NodeKey) and specify the node directly. Parent nodes such as loops may provide files during their execution.
        A list of all workflow nodes that are a parent of the current node and provide files.
      • getProvidingParents

        List<IFileProvidingNodeWithName> getProvidingParents​(NodeKey nodeKey)
        Returns a list of all nodes that are parents of the given node and that provides or creates files, see getFileValueDescriptor). Parent nodes such as loops may provide files during their execution.
        nodeKey - Key of the node to check.
        A list of all workflow nodes that are a parent of the given node and provide files.
      • getStandardSupportedCharsets

        List<Charset> getStandardSupportedCharsets()
        A list of all character sets normally supported by FORMCYCLE.
      • getTextTemplatesByCategory

        List<Textbaustein> getTextTemplatesByCategory​(ETextbausteinKategorie category)
        category - The template category for which to return the available templates.
        A list of all templates of the given category. Empty list when none are available.
      • getWorkflowVersion

        WorkflowVersion getWorkflowVersion()
        The current version in which the workflow is