Class GetAvailableResourcesParams

    • Method Detail

      • contentTypes

        public Set<String> contentTypes()
        A list of content types for filtering the returned resources. When no content types are given, no filtering is applied, i.e.all resources are returned. When an item of this array contains a comma, it is split into several content types. So Set.of("text/plain,image/jpg") is the same as Set.of("text/plain", "image/jpg").
        The list of content types.
      • extensions

        public Set<String> extensions()
        A list of extensions for filtering the returned resources. When no extensions are given, no filtering is applied, i.e.all resources are returned. When an item of this array contains a comma, it is split into several extension. So Set.of("pdf,docx") is the same as Set.of("pdf", "docx").
        The list of extensions.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • includeAttachmentSearch

        public boolean includeAttachmentSearch()
        Whether to include attachments from an attachment file name search, i.e. attachment items of type ATTACHMENT_SEARCH.
        Whether to include attachments form previous nodes.
      • includeClientFile

        public boolean includeClientFile()
        Whether to include client files, i.e. attachment items of type CLIENT.
        Whether to include attachments from client files.
      • includeExternal

        public boolean includeExternal()
        Whether to include external files, i.e. attachment items of type EXTERNAL.
        Whether to include attachments from external files.
      • includeFiredTrigger

        public boolean includeFiredTrigger()
        Whether to include attachments from fired triggers, i.e. attachment items of type FIRED_TRIGGER.
        Whether to include attachments from fired triggers.
      • includeFormFile

        public boolean includeFormFile()
        Whether to include attachments from form files, i.e. attachment items of type FORM.
        Whether to include attachments from form files.
      • includePreviousNode

        public boolean includePreviousNode()
        Whether to include attachments from previously executed workflow nodes, i.e. attachment items of type FILE_PROVIDE_ACTION.
        Whether to include attachments form previous nodes.
      • includeUpload

        public boolean includeUpload()
        Whether to include attachments from upload elements, i.e. attachment items of type UPLOAD.
        Whether to include attachments form previous nodes.
      • defaults

        public static GetAvailableResourcesParams defaults()
        Gets a params instance with the defaults, which includes all types of attachments.
        A params instance with the defaults.