Class GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • build

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams build()
        Creates a new params instance with the current configuration of this builder. Subsequent changes to this builder are not reflected by the returned instance.
        A new params instance.
      • contentType

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder contentType​(String contentType)
        Sets the content types to which to limit the search.

        When no content types are given, no filtering is applied, i.e.all resources are returned. When an item of this array contains a comma, it is split into several content types. So Set.of("text/plain,image/jpg") is the same as Set.of("text/plain", "image/jpg").

        contentType - The content types to set.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • contentTypes

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder contentTypes​(Set<String> contentTypes)
        Sets the content types to which to limit the search.

        When no content types are given, no filtering is applied, i.e.all resources are returned. When an item of this array contains a comma, it is split into several content types. So Set.of("text/plain,image/jpg") is the same as Set.of("text/plain", "image/jpg").

        contentTypes - The content types to set.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • contentTypes

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder contentTypes​(String... contentTypes)
        Sets the content types to which to limit the search.

        When no content types are given, no filtering is applied, i.e.all resources are returned. When an item of this array contains a comma, it is split into several content types. So Set.of("text/plain,image/jpg") is the same as Set.of("text/plain", "image/jpg").

        contentTypes - The content types to set.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • extension

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder extension​(String extension)
        Sets the file extension to which to limit the search.

        When no extensions are given, no filtering is applied, i.e.all resources are returned. When an item of this array contains a comma, it is split into several extension. So Set.of("pdf,docx") is the same as Set.of("pdf", "docx").

        extension - The file extension to set.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • extensions

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder extensions​(Set<String> extensions)
        Sets the file extension to which to limit the search.

        When no extensions are given, no filtering is applied, i.e.all resources are returned. When an item of this array contains a comma, it is split into several extension. So Set.of("pdf,docx") is the same as Set.of("pdf", "docx").

        extensions - The file extension to set.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • extensions

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder extensions​(String... extensions)
        Sets the file extension to which to limit the search.

        When no extensions are given, no filtering is applied, i.e.all resources are returned. When an item of this array contains a comma, it is split into several extension. So Set.of("pdf,docx") is the same as Set.of("pdf", "docx").

        extensions - The file extension to set.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • includeAttachmentSearch

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder includeAttachmentSearch​(boolean includeAttachmentSearch)
        Whether to include attachments from an attachment file name search, i.e. attachment items of type ATTACHMENT_SEARCH.
        includeAttachmentSearch - Whether to include attachments from previous nodes.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • includeClientFile

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder includeClientFile​(boolean includeClientFile)
        Whether to include client files, i.e. attachment items of type CLIENT.
        includeClientFile - Whether to include attachments from client files.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • includeExternal

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder includeExternal​(boolean includeExternal)
        Whether to include external files, i.e. attachment items of type EXTERNAL.
        includeExternal - Whether to include attachments from external files.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • includeFiredTrigger

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder includeFiredTrigger​(boolean includeFiredTrigger)
        Whether to include attachments from fired triggers, i.e. attachment items of type FIRED_TRIGGER.
        includeFiredTrigger - Whether to include attachments from fired triggers.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • includeFormFile

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder includeFormFile​(boolean includeFormFile)
        Whether to include attachments from form files, i.e. attachment items of type FORM.
        includeFormFile - Whether to include attachments from form files.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • includePreviousNode

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder includePreviousNode​(boolean includePreviousNode)
        Whether to include attachments from previously executed workflow nodes, i.e. attachment items of type FILE_PROVIDE_ACTION.
        includePreviousNode - Whether to include attachments from previous nodes.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.
      • includeUpload

        public GetAvailableResourcesParams.Builder includeUpload​(boolean includeUpload)
        Whether to include attachments from upload elements, i.e. attachment items of type UPLOAD.
        includeUpload - Whether to include attachments from previous nodes.
        This builder instance for chaining method calls.