Class WorkflowVersion

    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkflowVersion

        public WorkflowVersion()
    • Method Detail

      • addState

        public void addState​(WorkflowState state)
        Adds the given state to this version, and sets WorkflowState.getVersion() to this version.
        state - State to add to this version.
      • cloneBasics

        public WorkflowVersion cloneBasics()
        A new task instance with all fields that do not reference other entities copied from this instance.
      • getId

        public Long getId()
        Specified by:
        getId in interface de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>
      • getMainProcess

        public WorkflowProcess getMainProcess()
        The main workflow process of the form. This is the process that is started when the form is submitted.
      • getMaxBackupCount

        public int getMaxBackupCount()
        The maximum number of automatic backups to create for this workflow version. An automatic backup is created when the workflow is saved in the designer.
      • getProject

        public Projekt getProject()
        The project to which this workflow version belongs.
      • getStates

        public List<WorkflowState> getStates()
        A list of all workflow states that belong to this version. Different workflow version may have different states.
      • getUUID

        public String getUUID()
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Gets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        getUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of the entity.
      • getUUIDObject

        public UUID getUUIDObject()
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Gets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        getUUIDObject in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of the entity.
      • getVersionNumber

        public long getVersionNumber()
        Specified by:
        getVersionNumber in interface IVersionNumberProviding
        The version number of this workflow version. This is used for sorting the available version of a project.
      • isWorkflowInvalid

        public boolean isWorkflowInvalid()
        true if the configured workflow is invalid, i.e. had at least one error during validation; or false otherwise.
      • setBeschreibung

        public void setBeschreibung​(String description)
        description - An arbitrary, localized description for this workflow version.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        description - An arbitrary, localized description for this workflow version.
      • setMainProcess

        public void setMainProcess​(WorkflowProcess mainProcess)
        mainProcess - The main workflow process that is executed as the workflow of this version. There may be several sub processed that are not executed automatically, but only when requested by the main process.
      • setMaxBackupCount

        public void setMaxBackupCount​(int maxBackupCount)
        maxBackupCount - The maximum number of automatic backups to create for this workflow version. An automatic backup is created when the workflow is saved in the designer.
      • setProject

        public void setProject​(Projekt project)
        project - The project to which this workflow version belongs.
      • setStates

        public void setStates​(List<WorkflowState> states)
        states - A list of all workflow states that belong to this version. Different workflow version may have different states.
      • setUUID

        public void setUUID​(String uuid)
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Sets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        setUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        uuid - The UUID of the entity.
      • setUUIDObject

        public void setUUIDObject​(UUID uuid)
        uuid - The unique UUID for this workflow version. This UUID is unique within the getProject().
      • setVersionNumber

        public void setVersionNumber​(long versionNumber)
        versionNumber - The version number of this workflow version. This is used for sorting the available version of a project.
      • setWorkflowInvalid

        public void setWorkflowInvalid​(boolean workflowInvalid)
        workflowInvalid - true if the configured workflow is invalid, i.e. had at least one error during validation; or false otherwise.