Class WorkflowState

    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkflowState

        public WorkflowState()
    • Method Detail

      • cloneBasics

        public WorkflowState cloneBasics()
        A new state instance with all fields that do not reference other entities copied from this instance.
      • isExternalAccessPermitted

        public boolean isExternalAccessPermitted()
        Whether it is allowed to access form records in this state. If true then getAuthenticatorConfigs() determines the available authentication methods
      • setExternalAccessPermitted

        public void setExternalAccessPermitted​(boolean externalAccessPermitted)
        externalAccessPermitted - Whether or not it is allowed to access form records in this state
      • isAllowAccessToApplicant

        public boolean isAllowAccessToApplicant()
        Whether or not the applicant is allowed to access a form record in this state.
      • setAllowAccessToApplicant

        public void setAllowAccessToApplicant​(boolean allowAccessToApplicant)
        allowAccessToApplicant - Whether or not the applicant is allowed to access a form record in this state.
      • isAllowAccessToAnonymousApplicant

        public boolean isAllowAccessToAnonymousApplicant()
        Whether or not anonymous applicants are allowed to access form records in this state.
      • setAllowAccessToAnonymousApplicant

        public void setAllowAccessToAnonymousApplicant​(boolean allowAccessToAnonymousApplicant)
        allowAccessToAnonymousApplicant - Whether or not anonymous applicants are allowed to access form records in this state.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription​(Locale locale)
        locale - Locale for which to get the description.
        The description of this state.
      • getId

        public Long getId()
        Specified by:
        getId in interface de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>
      • getName

        public String getName​(Locale locale)
        locale - Locale for which to get the name.
        The name of this state.
      • getOrderIndex

        public int getOrderIndex()
        The 0-based position where this state appears on the UI for managing the states of a workflow version.
      • getType

        public EWorkflowStateType getType()
        The type of this state, whether it is a special system state, or a custom state defined by the user.
      • getUuid

        public UUID getUuid()
        Specified by:
        getUuid in interface IUuidProviding
        The UUID of this workflow state that identifies it. Please note that this UUID is unique only within the WorkflowVersion.getStates() of a certain workflow version. Two states of different workflow version may share the same UUID.
      • getUUID

        public String getUUID()
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Gets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        getUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of this workflow state that identifies it. Please note that this UUID is unique only within the WorkflowVersion.getStates() of a certain workflow version. Two states of different workflow version may share the same UUID.
      • getUUIDObject

        public UUID getUUIDObject()
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Gets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        getUUIDObject in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of this workflow state that identifies it. Please note that this UUID is unique only within the WorkflowVersion.getStates() of a certain workflow version. Two states of different workflow version may share the same UUID.
      • isFormRecordDeletable

        public boolean isFormRecordDeletable()
        Whether a form record in this state can be deleted manually by a user in the inbox.
      • setAuthenticatorConfigs

        public void setAuthenticatorConfigs​(List<WorkflowStateAuthenticatorConfig> authenticatorConfigs)
        authenticatorConfigs - custom authenticator configuration of this workflow state
      • setAccessUserGroups

        public void setAccessUserGroups​(List<BenutzerGruppe> userGroups)
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        description - The description of this item, as entered by the user.
      • setFormRecordDeletable

        public void setFormRecordDeletable​(boolean formRecordDeletable)
        formRecordDeletable - Whether a form record in this state can be deleted manually by a user in the inbox.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        name - The name of this item, as entered by the user.
      • setOrderIndex

        public void setOrderIndex​(int orderIndex)
        orderIndex - The 0-based position where this state appears on the UI for managing the states of a workflow version.
      • setType

        public void setType​(EWorkflowStateType type)
        type - The type of this state, whether it is a special system state, or a custom state defined by the user.
      • setUUID

        public void setUUID​(String uuid)
        Description copied from interface: IUUIDEntity
        Sets the UUID (universal unique identifier) that uniquely identifies this type of entity. Whether the UUID must be globally unique or only with within a context depends on the type of entity. Common contexts are for example client scopes or project scope.
        Specified by:
        setUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        uuid - The UUID of this workflow state that identifies it. Please note that this UUID is unique only within the WorkflowVersion.getStates() of a certain workflow version. Two states of different workflow version may share the same UUID.
      • setUUIDObject

        public void setUUIDObject​(UUID uuid)
        uuid - The UUID of this workflow state that identifies it. Please note that this UUID is unique only within the WorkflowVersion.getStates() of a certain workflow version. Two states of different workflow version may share the same UUID.
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(WorkflowVersion version)
        version - The version to which this workflow state belongs.
      • setUserPortalState

        public void setUserPortalState​(UserPortalState userPortalState)
      • isUseSystemAuthentication

        public boolean isUseSystemAuthentication()
        Whether to use the default system authentication or a custom authentication config when accessing the form records in this state
      • setUseSystemAuthentication

        public void setUseSystemAuthentication​(boolean useSystemAuthentication)
        useSystemAuthentication - sets whether or not to use the default system authentication or a custom authentication config when accessing the form records in this state
      • applyAuthOrderIndex

        public void applyAuthOrderIndex()