Enum XPropertyEnum

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<XPropertyEnum>

    public enum XPropertyEnum
    extends Enum<XPropertyEnum>
    An enumeration of all properties a form element may possess. The properties for each form element are saved as a JSON object, with the key being one of these enumeration constants, and mapped to the value of that property. Most of these properties are editable in the XIMA formcycle designer. Later, when the form element is rendered (translated into HTML), these properties are read and influence how the element is rendered.

    When you create a widget plugin to add a new form element to formcycle, you need to specify which properties your widget should have. First decide on the type of form element (input text, upload fields, pages, headers etc.), then see the individual constants below, which explain whether they are needed for that particular type of form element. Also, please note that each property specifies the data type of its value, see below.

    A note on data types: Most properties have their data type set to String. By convention, boolean attributes are represented by a string, with 0 being false and 1 being true. Numbers are usually stored as a string with their decimal representation. Finally, when a property is empty, the default value is used instead.

    To illustrate, this is a typical JSON structure for a simple form with one text input field, one select field, and one set of buttons (with a back, next, and submit button):

    Click to expand JSON snippet
             "properties": {
                 "maxwidth": "700px",
                 "computedwidth": "100%",
                 "viewstatus": [],
                 "viewusergroup": [],
                 "rowid": "",
                 "cssclasses": [],
                 "cssclasseswrapper": [],
                 "backgroundcolor": "",
                 "showrequiredhint": false,
                 "usergrouppendent": "",
                 "minwidth": "300px",
                 "print_hide": "0",
                 "statusdependent": "",
                 "name": "header1",
                 "attributes": [],
                 "comment": "",
                 "id": "xi-header-1"
             "className": "XHeader"
             "properties": {
                 "maxwidth": "700px",
                 "viewstatus": [],
                 "viewusergroup": [],
                 "readonly_viewusergroup": [],
                 "rowid": "",
                 "backgroundcolor": "",
                 "readonly_viewstatus": [],
                 "usergrouppendent": "",
                 "helptext": "",
                 "print_hide": "0",
                 "print_size": "16",
                 "statusdependent": "",
                 "id": "xi-p-1",
                 "readonly_usergrouppendant": "",
                 "computedwidth": "100%",
                 "i18n": {},
                 "cssclasses": [],
                 "cssclasseswrapper": [],
                 "readonly_statusdependent": "",
                 "subheader": "",
                 "print_break": "0",
                 "minwidth": "300px",
                 "name": "p1",
                 "header": "",
                 "attributes": [],
                 "comment": ""
             "className": "XPage"
             "properties": {
                 "maxvalue": "6",
                 "requiredif": "xi-sel-2",
                 "readonly_viewusergroup": [
                 "hiddenifvalue": "",
                 "required": "1",
                 "rowid": "",
                 "readonly_viewstatus": [
                 "helptext": "<p>Help text</p>\n",
                 "print_size": "10",
                 "dynamic": "1",
                 "id": "xi-tf-6",
                 "readonlyifvalue": "3",
                 "labeldir": "top",
                 "maxlength": "255",
                 "labelwidth": "120px",
                 "requiredifvalue": "",
                 "readonlyifclear": "1",
                 "readonlyifmode": "2",
                 "datepicker": "1",
                 "dynamicMinSize": "1",
                 "i18n": {},
                 "print_text_only": "1",
                 "aliasname": "name <-- can have special chars",
                 "unit": "Unit",
                 "dynamicHideButtons": "",
                 "requiredifcomp": 0,
                 "name": "tfOther",
                 "minlength": "3",
                 "viewstatus": [
                 "viewusergroup": [
                 "dynamicMaxSize": "10",
                 "vrule": "",
                 "readonlyifcomp": "4",
                 "title": "Title",
                 "servervalidate": "1",
                 "parentid": "xi-p-1",
                 "usergrouppendent": "1",
                 "datatype": "money",
                 "print_hide": "0",
                 "flex": "1",
                 "print_func": "Word function",
                 "statusdependent": "1",
                 "isreadonly": "",
                 "placeholder": "Placeholder",
                 "value": "initial value",
                 "readonly_usergrouppendant": "1",
                 "mask": "0",
                 "computedwidth": "100%",
                 "ishidden": "",
                 "unitwidth": "60px",
                 "requiredgroup": "ad",
                 "hiddenifclear": "1",
                 "label": "<p>Label</p>",
                 "minvalue": "3",
                 "cssclasses": [
                 "cssclasseswrapper": [],
                 "readonly_statusdependent": "1",
                 "print_break": "1",
                 "equals": "xi-tf-6",
                 "hiddenifcomp": 0,
                 "attributes": [
                         "value": "val",
                         "text": "attr1"
                 "hiddenif": "xi-sel-2",
                 "comment": "",
                 "vrulemismatch": "",
                 "dynamicTrigger": "xi-sel-2",
                 "readonlyif": "xi-sel-2"
             "className": "XTextField"
             "properties": {
                 "questions": [
                         "value": "Question 1"
                         "value": "Question 2"
                         "value": "Question 3"
                 "requiredif": "",
                 "checkboxmin": "",
                 "readonly_viewusergroup": [],
                 "hiddenifvalue": "",
                 "required": "1",
                 "rowid": "",
                 "readonly_viewstatus": [],
                 "helptext": "",
                 "print_size": "10",
                 "selectcolumnwidth": "0",
                 "options": [
                         "text": "Option 1",
                         "title": "",
                         "value": "1"
                         "text": "Option 2",
                         "title": "",
                         "value": "2"
                         "text": "Option 3",
                         "title": "",
                         "value": "3"
                 "dynamic": "0",
                 "id": "xi-sel-2",
                 "readonlyifvalue": "0",
                 "labeldir": "top",
                 "selecttextlayout": "right",
                 "isdisabled": "1",
                 "labelwidth": "120px",
                 "requiredifvalue": "",
                 "readonlyifclear": "1",
                 "dynamicMinSize": "1",
                 "i18n": {},
                 "print_text_only": "1",
                 "aliasname": "myalias",
                 "unit": "",
                 "print_list": "0",
                 "dynamicHideButtons": "",
                 "datasource": "",
                 "requiredifcomp": 0,
                 "name": "sel2",
                 "cob2auto": "1",
                 "viewstatus": [
                 "viewusergroup": [],
                 "dynamicMaxSize": "10",
                 "readonlyifcomp": 0,
                 "servervalidate": "1",
                 "title": "",
                 "parentid": "xi-p-1",
                 "usergrouppendent": "",
                 "print_hide": "0",
                 "flex": "4",
                 "print_func": "",
                 "statusdependent": "1",
                 "dsvalueidx": "2",
                 "value": "",
                 "readonly_usergrouppendant": "",
                 "dstextidx": "1",
                 "computedwidth": "100%",
                 "ishidden": "",
                 "selectlayout": "select",
                 "checkboxmax": "",
                 "unitwidth": "60px",
                 "requiredgroup": "",
                 "hiddenifclear": "1",
                 "dstype": "",
                 "label": "<p>Label</p>",
                 "cssclasses": [
                 "cssclasseswrapper": [],
                 "readonly_statusdependent": "",
                 "print_break": "0",
                 "hiddenifcomp": 0,
                 "attributes": [
                         "value": "value2",
                         "text": "test2"
                 "hiddenif": "",
                 "comment": "",
                 "dynamicTrigger": "",
                 "readonlyif": ""
             "className": "XSelect"
             "properties": {
                 "viewstatus": [],
                 "viewusergroup": [],
                 "readonlyifcomp": 0,
                 "readonly_viewusergroup": [],
                 "hiddenifvalue": "",
                 "parentid": "xi-p-1",
                 "rowid": "",
                 "readonly_viewstatus": [],
                 "usergrouppendent": "",
                 "helptext": "",
                 "flex": "1",
                 "statusdependent": "",
                 "id": "xi-btn-1",
                 "readonlyifvalue": "0",
                 "readonly_usergrouppendant": "",
                 "computedwidth": "100%",
                 "ishidden": "",
                 "buttons": [
                         "name": "btnPrev",
                         "action": {
                             "page": "",
                             "check": "false",
                             "value": "not defined",
                             "optionId": "no action"
                         "title": "",
                         "value": "back"
                         "name": "btnNext",
                         "action": {
                             "page": "",
                             "check": "false",
                             "value": "not defined",
                             "optionId": "no action"
                         "title": "",
                         "value": "next"
                         "name": "btnSubmit",
                         "action": {
                             "optionId": "submit + check",
                             "page": "submit",
                             "check": "true",
                             "value": "submit + check"
                         "title": "",
                         "value": "submit"
                 "isdisabled": "",
                 "i18n": {},
                 "cssclasses": [],
                 "cssclasseswrapper": [],
                 "readonly_statusdependent": "",
                 "hiddenifcomp": 0,
                 "name": "btn1",
                 "textalign": "left",
                 "attributes": [],
                 "hiddenif": "",
                 "comment": "",
                 "readonlyif": ""
             "className": "XButtonList"
             "properties": {
                 "maxwidth": "700px",
                 "computedwidth": "100%",
                 "viewstatus": [],
                 "viewusergroup": [],
                 "rowid": "",
                 "cssclasses": [],
                 "cssclasseswrapper": [],
                 "backgroundcolor": "",
                 "showlogo": "1",
                 "showrequiredhint": "1",
                 "usergrouppendent": "",
                 "minwidth": "300px",
                 "print_hide": "0",
                 "statusdependent": "",
                 "name": "footer1",
                 "attributes": [],
                 "comment": "",
                 "id": "xi-footer-1"
             "className": "XFooter"
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • parentid

        public static final XPropertyEnum parentid
        Data type: String

        Default: (computed)

        Required for all form elements. This is the id of the parent element, if one exists, and cannot be edited in the designer directly. For example, the parent of a text field could be an XFieldSet or an XPage.

      • rowid

        public static final XPropertyEnum rowid
        Data type: String

        Default: (auto-generated)

        Required for all form elements. This is the ID of the horizontal row (.xm-form-row) which contains the form element, if any. This property cannot be edited in the designer directly. When a form element is not placed in a row next to other form elements, its row ID is empty.

      • showpleaseselect

        public static final XPropertyEnum showpleaseselect
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Applies only to form elements of type XSelect when required is set to 0. If set to 1, the "please select" option is shown in the select. Otherwise, when set to 0, the "please select" option is not shown.

      • showpleaseselectreq

        public static final XPropertyEnum showpleaseselectreq
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Applies only to form elements of type XSelect when required is set to 1. If set to 1, the "please select" option is shown in the select. Otherwise, when set to 0, the "please select" option is not shown.

      • removeduplicatetextvaluepairs

        public static final XPropertyEnum removeduplicatetextvaluepairs
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Applies only to form elements of type XSelect with remove duplicate values set to 0. If set to 0, all values of the data source are shown. Otherwise, when set to 1, no duplicate values of the data source are shown.

      • showlogo

        public static final XPropertyEnum showlogo
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Applies only to form elements of type XFooter. If set to 1, the XIMA formcycle logo is shown in the footer. Otherwise, when set to 0, the logo is not shown.

      • showrequiredhint

        public static final XPropertyEnum showrequiredhint
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Applies only to form elements of type XHeader and XFooter. If set to 1, a note is shown in the header or footer explaining that all form elements marked with an asterix (*) are required elements. If set to 0, the note is not shown.

      • privacyPolicyShow

        public static final XPropertyEnum privacyPolicyShow
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Applies only to form elements of type XFooter. If set to 1, the selected privacy policy will be shown as a link or inline in the footer (see privacyPolicyIncludeType).

      • privacyPolicyTemplate

        public static final XPropertyEnum privacyPolicyTemplate
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Applies only to form elements of type XFooter. The UUID of an HTML template that is the privacy policy.

      • privacyPolicyIncludeType

        public static final XPropertyEnum privacyPolicyIncludeType
        Data type: String

        Default: dialog

        Applies only to form elements of type XFooter. Determines how to include the selected privacy policy template (privacyPolicyTemplate). Possible values are dialog, _blank and inline.

      • imprintShow

        public static final XPropertyEnum imprintShow
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Applies only to form elements of type XFooter. If set to 1, the selected imprint will be shown as a link or inline in the footer (see imprintIncludeType).

      • imprintTemplate

        public static final XPropertyEnum imprintTemplate
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Applies only to form elements of type XFooter. The UUID of an HTML template that is the imprint notice.

      • imprintIncludeType

        public static final XPropertyEnum imprintIncludeType
        Data type: String

        Default: dialog

        Applies only to form elements of type XFooter. Determines how to include the selected imprint template (imprintTemplate). Possible values are dialog, _blank and inline.

      • name

        public static final XPropertyEnum name
        Data type: String

        Default: (auto-generated)

        Required for all form elements. This is the name of a form element, as it can be edited in the Designer. It identifiers a form element and is used in placeholders and when accessing form elements via JavaScript. The name may contains only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and underscore (_). The name should be unique across all form element of a form, but does not need to be.

      • aliasname

        public static final XPropertyEnum aliasname
        Data type: String

        Default: (same as name)

        Required for all form elements. This is the alias of a form element, as it can be edited in the designer. By default, the alias is set to the name of the form element. Compared with the name, the alias may contain any character. It can be used in placeholders, and for addressing third-party system that require a particular name. The alias, if set, needs to be unique across all form elements of a form.

      • id

        public static final XPropertyEnum id
        Data type: String

        Default: (auto-generated)

        Required for all form elements. This is a unique ID of a form element and is generated automatically. Currently, IDs are of the form xi-[type]-[index], e.g. xi-tf-7 for input fields or xi-sel-9 for select fields.

      • pdfImporterId

        public static final XPropertyEnum pdfImporterId
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for all fields. This is an internal ID used by the PDF importer to link the formcycle form field with the original PDF form field from which the form field was imported.

      • header

        public static final XPropertyEnum header
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Only for form elements of type XPage. This is the header (heading, h2) text displayed to the top of a page in a large font size. Default to the empty string, i.e. no header.

      • subheader

        public static final XPropertyEnum subheader
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Only for form elements of type XPage. This is the sub header (heading, h3) text displayed to the top of a page in a font size smaller than the header text. Default to the empty string, i.e. no sub header.

      • maxwidth

        public static final XPropertyEnum maxwidth
        Data type: String

        Default: 700px

        Applies only to form elements of type XHeader, XPage, and XFooter. This is the maximum width of the header, page, or footer, as a CSS unit. If the browser viewport is larger than this width, the header, page, or footer takes this maximum width, leaving white or grey borders around the form.

      • minwidth

        public static final XPropertyEnum minwidth
        Data type: String

        Default: 300px

        Applies only to form elements of type XHeader, XPage, and XFooter. This is the minimum width of the header, page, or footer, as a CSS unit. If the browser viewport smaller than this width, the form is displayed in responsive mode. This includes, for example, rearranging horizontal form elements vertically.

      • imageheight

        public static final XPropertyEnum imageheight
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Applies only to form elements of type XImage. This is the height of the image in pixels. Defaults to 0, which adjusts the height automatically so that aspect ratio of the image is preserved.

      • imagewidth

        public static final XPropertyEnum imagewidth
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Applies only to form elements of type XImage. This is the width of the image in pixels. Defaults to 0, which adjusts the width automatically so that the aspect ratio of the image is preserved.

      • autosize

        public static final XPropertyEnum autosize
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Available for all textarea elements that allow to resize the field, to a size it needs to show the whole content. If set to 0, the form element will not be resized.

      • characterCount

        public static final XPropertyEnum characterCount
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Available for XTextAreas and other input elements that should display the number of entered characters. When set to 1, the number characters the user has entered is displayed below the textarea. If maxlength is larger than 0, the maximum number of characters allowed is displayed as well. Otherwise, when set to 0, no character count is shown.

      • computedwidth

        public static final XPropertyEnum computedwidth
        Data type: String

        Default: 100%

        Required for all form elements for which flex is required. This is a computed property that is filled automatically and cannot be edited in the designer directly. When multiple form elements are arranged horizontally in row, this property contains the computed relative width of the form element, in percent. When there is only one element in a row, this defaults to 100%.

      • selectlayout

        public static final XPropertyEnum selectlayout
        Data type: String

        Default: select.

        Applies to select form elements (XSelect). Indicates how the select element is rendered, e.g. as a list of checkboxes or an HTML SELECT element. Supported values are currently

        Renders the select element as a drop down list, i.e. as an HTML (single) SELECT element. Only one option can be selected at any given time.
        Renders the select element as an inline list of options, i.e. as an HTML SELECT element with a size="5" attribute. Only one option can be selected at any given time.
        Renders the select element as a horizontal list of checkboxes (one checkbox for each option). Allows for multiple options to be selected. See also checkboxmin and checkboxmax, which control how many options can be selected at once. The checkboxes may be displayed in multiple rows when no more space is available on the first row.
        Renders the select element as a vertical list of checkboxes, with one checkbox on each line. Allows for multiple options to be selected. See also checkboxmin and checkboxmax, which control how many options can be selected at once.
        Renders the select element as a horizontal list of radio buttons (one radio button for each option). Only allows for one option to be selected. The radio buttons may be displayed in multiple rows when no more space is available on the first row.
        Renders the select element as a vertical list of radio buttons (one radio button for each option). Only allows for one option to be selected. The radio buttons may be displayed in multiple rows when no more space is available on the first row.
        Renders the select element as a questionnaire with checkboxes, implemented via a table. Each of the available questions is shown as a row of the table, with one column for each available answer (see options). Allows the user to select multiple answer per question.
        Renders the select element as a questionnaire with radio buttons, implemented via a table. Each of the available questions is shown as a row of the table, with one column for each available answer (see options). Only allows the user to select one answer per question.
      • cob2auto

        public static final XPropertyEnum cob2auto
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Only available for XSelect items with the property selectlayout set to select. When this property is set to 1, the SELECT element is transformed into a text input field that features auto completion as the user types. The suggested items are the options of the SELECT element.

      • cob2autoUnrestrict

        public static final XPropertyEnum cob2autoUnrestrict
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Only available for XSelect items with the property selectlayout set to select and cob2auto set to on. When this property is set to 1, the entered text is not required to match one of the available options.

      • cob2autoMinLength

        public static final XPropertyEnum cob2autoMinLength
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Only available for XSelect items with the property cob2auto set to 1 and cob2auto set to on. The minimum length of the input to trigger the autocomplete feature. When there are many select options, settings this to a higher value may improve performance as less candidate items will be found.

      • selecttextlayout

        public static final XPropertyEnum selecttextlayout
        Data type: String

        Default: right.

        Only available for XSelect items with the property selectlayout set to one of checkbox, checkbox1, radio or radio1. Controls the position where the label text is shown for each checkbox or radio button. The following values are supported currently:

        The label text is shown above the checkbox or radio button.
        The label text is shown to the right of the checkbox or radio button.
        The label text is shown below the checkbox or radio button.
        The label text is shown to the left of the checkbox or radio button.
      • selectcolumnwidth

        public static final XPropertyEnum selectcolumnwidth
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Only available for XSelect items with the property selectlayout set to one of checkbox, radio, table or table1. This property specifies the width (in pixels) of each option with a checkbox or radio button and the label text. Defaults to 0, which computes a width automatically.

      • ishidden

        public static final XPropertyEnum ishidden
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string).

        Available for all elements other than XPage, XHeader and XFooter. Controls whether the element is visible (when set 0 or the empty string) or hidden (when set to 1). An element that is hidden is still present in the DOM, but hidden via CSS. See readonly_viewstatus and readonly_viewusergroup, which remove form elements completely for certain states or user groups. See hiddenif to hide or show elements dynamically, depending on the value of some other form element.

      • isreadonly

        public static final XPropertyEnum isreadonly
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string).

        Available for form elements of type XTextField and XTextField. Controls whether the value of the form element can be modified by the user. The following values are supported currently:

        0 (or empty string)
        The form element is not disabled, the user can change its value.
        The form element is disabled and the user cannot change its value. This makes use of the disabled HTML attribute, which does not submit the current value of the form element when the form is submitted.
        The form element is disabled and the user cannot change its value. This makes use of the readonly HTML attribute, which still submits the current value of the form element when the form is submitted.
      • isdisabled

        public static final XPropertyEnum isdisabled
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string).

        Available for all form input elements other than XTextField and XTextArea, such as XSelect and XCheckbox. If set to 0 or the empty string, the user can modify the value of the form input element normally. When set to 1, the user cannot edit or modify the value of the form input element. This makes use of the disabled HTML attribute, which does not submit the current value of the form element when the form is submitted.

      • filepreview

        public static final XPropertyEnum filepreview
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Available only for form elements of type XUpload. When set to 1 and the user select a file for the upload element, a small preview of that file is shown next to the upload element. When it is an image file, a thumbnail of that image is shown. Otherwise, a generic icon for the type of file is shown. When set to 0, no preview is shown.

      • imageCompressionMode

        public static final XPropertyEnum imageCompressionMode
        Data type: String

        Default: empty string.

        Available only for form elements of type XUpload. Defines whether and how uploaded images should be compressed. Valid values are:

        • none (or empty string): No compression is performed. This is the default.
        • server: Compresses images on the server.
        When an image is compressed, the original image is discarded. When compression fails, the original is used instead.
      • imageCompressionWidth

        public static final XPropertyEnum imageCompressionWidth
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Available only for form elements of type XUpload. Requires imageCompressionMode to be enabled. The desired width for scaling the image before compression. Note that images are never scaled up, images are scaled down only when they are larger than the desired width.

        When both imageCompressionHeight and imageCompressionWidth are set to 0 (or a negative number), no scaling is performed. When only one of those properties is positive, the image is scaled proportionately to fit the target height or width. When both properties are positive, the image is scaled to the given height and widht, potentially changing the image's aspect ratio.

        See Also:
      • imageCompressionHeight

        public static final XPropertyEnum imageCompressionHeight
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Available only for form elements of type XUpload. Requires imageCompressionMode to be enabled. The desired height for scaling the image before compression. Note that images are never scaled up, images are scaled down only when they are larger than the desired height.

        When both imageCompressionHeight and imageCompressionWidth are set to 0 (or a negative number), no scaling is performed. When only one of those properties is positive, the image is scaled proportionately to fit the target height or width. When both properties are positive, the image is scaled to the given height and widht, potentially changing the image's aspect ratio.

        See Also:
      • imageCompressionFormat

        public static final XPropertyEnum imageCompressionFormat
        Data type: String

        Default: empty string.

        Available only for form elements of type XUpload. Requires imageCompressionMode to be enabled. The target format for the compressed image. Possible values are:

        • auto (or empty string): Attempts to use a sensible default format (the default). No guarantees are made, but generally, tries to preserve the original format of the uploaded image.
        • png: Portable Network Graphics
        • jpeg: JPEG image
      • imageCompressionAsPdf

        public static final XPropertyEnum imageCompressionAsPdf
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Available only for form elements of type XUpload. Requires imageCompressionMode to be enabled. When 1, the compressed image image is wrapped in a PDF document.

      • imageCompressionQuality

        public static final XPropertyEnum imageCompressionQuality
        Data type: String

        Default: 85.

        Available only for form elements of type XUpload. Requires imageCompressionFormat to be enabled. The quality used for compressing images. Must be a value between 0 (lowest quality) and 100 (highest quality). Note that this property is used only for certain formats.

      • mask

        public static final XPropertyEnum mask
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Available only for form elements of type XTextField. When set to 1, the value entered by the user is masked or obfuscated, usually used for password input fields. Otherwise, when set to 0, the value is shown normally.

      • backgroundcolor

        public static final XPropertyEnum backgroundcolor
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string).

        Available for container elements such as XHeader, XPage, XFooter, XContainer, and XFieldSet. This sets the background color of the container elements. When set to the empty string, no background color is used (transparent). Can be any valid CSS color specifier, such as red, rgb(112,93,0), or #666.

      • hiddenif

        public static final XPropertyEnum hiddenif
        Data type: String

        Default: (no condition).

        Available for all elements other than XPage, XHeader and XFooter. A form element can be hidden automatically based on the value of another form element. This the ID of the other (referenced) form element. When the value of this property is empty, the form element is not hidden automatically.

        When this is set to the special value CONDITION_VALUE_FORMULA, the field is hidden if the custom formula evaluates to a truthy value; and hiddenifcomp is ignored.

      • hiddenifcomp

        public static final XPropertyEnum hiddenifcomp
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available for all elements other than XPage, XHeader and XFooter. A form element can be hidden automatically based on the value of another form element. This is the condition applied to the value of the other form element. Not applicable when hiddenif is set to CONDITION_VALUE_FORMULA. Otherwise, available condition types are:

        0 (has a value)
        The form field is hidden when the other field is non-empty.
        1 (equals)
        The form field is hidden when the value of the other field equals the hiddenifvalue.
        2 (does not equal)
        The form field is hidden when value of the the other field does not equal the hiddenifvalue.
        3 (matches regular expression)
        The form field is hidden when the other field matches the regular expression contained in hiddenifvalue.
        4 (is lower than)
        The form field is hidden when the other field's value is lower than the hiddenifvalue.
        5 (is greater than)
        The form field is hidden when the other field's value is greater than the hiddenifvalue.
        6 (lies between)
        The form field is hidden when the other field's value lies in the range as specified by hiddenifvalue. The hiddenifvalue must be a range in the format x-y, e.g. 2-37.
        7 (is lower than or equal to)
        The form field is hidden when the other field's value is lower than or equal to the hiddenifvalue.
        8 (is greater than or equal to)
        The form field is hidden when the other field's value is greater than or equal to the hiddenifvalue.
        9 (has no value)
        The form field is hidden when the other field does not have a value.
      • hiddenifvalue

        public static final XPropertyEnum hiddenifvalue
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for all elements other than XPage, XHeader and XFooter. A form element can be hidden automatically based on the value of another form element. This is the value against which the other form element is compared. Whether this property is required and what it must contain depends on the selected condition, see hiddenifcomp for further details.

      • hiddenifclear

        public static final XPropertyEnum hiddenifclear
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for all elements other than XPage, XHeader and XFooter. A form element can be hidden automatically based on the value of another form element. This is a flag that indicates whether the form element is cleared when it is hidden. Can be set to one of the following options:

        0 (keep)
        The value of the form element is not changed when it is hidden.
        1 (clear)
        The value of the form element is cleared when it is hidden. For text input fields, the value is set to the empty string; for select fields, all selected options are deselected.
        2 (reset)
        The value of the form element is reset to its initial value when it is hidden. The initial value is determined by value for XTextFields, XTextAreas, and XSelects; and checkedvalue for XCheckboxes
      • required

        public static final XPropertyEnum required
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Available for all forms element that allow a value to be entered. If set to 0, the form element is not required and can be left empty. Otherwise, if set to 1, the form element is required and a value must be entered.

      • requiredif

        public static final XPropertyEnum requiredif
        Data type: String

        Default: (no condition).

        Available for all forms element that allow a value to be entered. A form element can be made a required field automatically based on the value of another form element. This the ID of the other (referenced) form element. When the value of this property is empty, the form element is not made a required field automatically.

        When this is set to the special value FD2Const.CONDITION_VALUE_FORMULA, the field is hidden if the custom formula evaluates to a truthy value; and requiredifcomp is ignored.

      • requiredifcomp

        public static final XPropertyEnum requiredifcomp
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available for all forms element that allow a value to be entered. A form element can be made a required field automatically based on the value of another form element. This is the condition applied to the value of the other form element. Not applicable when requiredif is set to CONDITION_VALUE_FORMULA. Otherwise, available condition types are:

        0 (has a value)
        The form field is a required field when the other field is non-empty.
        1 (equals)
        The form field is a required field when the value of the other field equals the requiredifvalue.
        2 (does not equal)
        The form field is a required field when value of the the other field does not equal the requiredifvalue.
        3 (matches regular expression)
        The form field is a required field when the other field matches the regular expression contained in requiredifvalue.
        4 (is lower than)
        The form field is a required field when the other field's value is lower than the requiredifvalue.
        5 (is greater than)
        The form field is a required field when the other field's value is greater than the requiredifvalue.
        6 (lies between)
        The form field is a required field when the other field's value lies in the range as specified by requiredifvalue. The requiredifvalue must be a range in the format x-y, e.g. 2-37.
        7 (is lower than or equal to)
        The form field is a required field when the other field's value is lower than or equal to the requiredifvalue.
        8 (is greater than or equal to)
        The form field is a required field when the other field's value is greater than or equal to the requiredifvalue.
        9 (has no value)
        The form field is a required field when the other field does not have a value.
      • requiredifvalue

        public static final XPropertyEnum requiredifvalue
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for all forms element that allow a value to be entered. A form element can be made a required field automatically based on the value of another form element. This is the value against which the other form element is compared. Whether this property is required and what it must contain depends on the selected condition, see requiredifcomp for further details.

      • readonlyif

        public static final XPropertyEnum readonlyif
        Data type: String

        Default: (no condition).

        Available for all forms element that allow a value to be entered. A form element can be disabled automatically based on the value of another form element. When a form field is disabled, its value cannot be changed anymore. This the ID of the other (referenced) form element. When the value of this property is empty, the form element is not disabled field automatically.

        When this is set to the special value FD2Const.CONDITION_VALUE_FORMULA, the field is hidden if the custom formula evaluates to a truthy value; and readonlyifcomp is ignored.

      • readonlyifcomp

        public static final XPropertyEnum readonlyifcomp
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available for all forms element that allow a value to be entered. A form element can be disabled automatically based on the value of another form element. When a form field is disabled, its value cannot be changed anymore. This is the condition applied to the value of the other form element. Not applicable when readonlyif is set to CONDITION_VALUE_FORMULA. Otherwise, available condition types are:

        0 (has a value)
        The form field is disabled when the other field is non-empty.
        1 (equals)
        The form field is disabled when the value of the other field equals the readonlyifvalue.
        2 (does not equal)
        The form field is disabled when value of the the other field does not equal the readonlyifvalue.
        3 (matches regular expression)
        The form field is disabled when the other field matches the regular expression contained in readonlyifvalue.
        4 (is lower than)
        The form field is disabled field when the other field's value is lower than the readonlyifvalue.
        5 (is greater than)
        The form field is disabled when the other field's value is greater than the readonlyifvalue.
        6 (lies between)
        The form field is disabled when the other field's value lies in the range as specified by readonlyifvalue. The readonlyifvalue must be a range in the format x-y, e.g. 2-37.
        7 (is lower than or equal to)
        The form field is disabled field when the other field's value is lower than or equal to the readonlyifvalue.
        8 (is greater than or equal to)
        The form field is disabled when the other field's value is greater than or equal to the readonlyifvalue.
        9 (has no value)
        The form field is disabled when the other field does not have a value.
      • readonlyifvalue

        public static final XPropertyEnum readonlyifvalue
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for all forms element that allow a value to be entered. A form element can be disabled automatically based on the value of another form element. When a form field is disabled, its value cannot be changed anymore. This is the value against which the other form element is compared. Whether this property is required and what it must contain depends on the selected condition, see readonlyifcomp for further details.

      • readonlyifclear

        public static final XPropertyEnum readonlyifclear
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for all forms element that allow a value to be entered. A form element can be disabled automatically based on the value of another form element. When a form field is disabled, its value cannot be changed anymore. This is a flag that indicates whether the form element is cleared when it is disabled. Can be set to one of the following options:

        0 (keep)
        The value of the form element is not changed when it is disabled.
        1 (clear)
        The value of the form element is cleared when it is disabled. For text input fields, the value is set to the empty string; for select fields, all selected options are deselected.
        2 (reset)
        The value of the form element is reset to its initial value when it is disabled. The initial value is determined by value for XTextFields, XTextAreas, and XSelects; and checkedvalue for XCheckboxes
      • readonlyifmode

        public static final XPropertyEnum readonlyifmode
        Data type: String

        Default: 2

        Available only for XTextFields and XTextAreas. A form element can be disabled automatically based on the value of another form element. When a form field is disabled, its value cannot be changed anymore. When this property is set to 1, the current value of the disabled text input field is discarded and not submitted to the server. This corresponds to the HTML disabled attribute. Otherwise, when set to 2, the value is submitted to the server. This corresponds to the HTML attribute readonly.

        Please note that this property is not available for other form elements as the readonly HTML attribute is supported only by INPUT elements.

      • label

        public static final XPropertyEnum label
        Data type: HTML String

        Default: Label

        Available for all form elements that allow a value to be entered. This is the text of the label indicating the purpose of the form field. Please note that this property is interpreted as an HTML snippet, so special characters such as angle brackets (<>) need to be escaped.

      • labeldir

        public static final XPropertyEnum labeldir
        Data type: String

        Default: top

        Available for all elements that admit the label property. Indicates the position where the label is placed, relative to the form field. Available options are:

        The label is displayed above the form element.
        The label is displayed below the form element.
        The label is displayed to the left of the form element.
        The label is displayed to the right of the form element.
        The label is displayed inside the form element. When the user enters text, the label becomes smaller and moves to the top left of the form element.
      • labelwidth

        public static final XPropertyEnum labelwidth
        Data type: String

        Default: 120px

        Available for all elements that admit the label property. When the labeldir is set to left or right: The width of the label in pixels. The wider the label, the less space is available for the form element next to the label.

      • legend

        public static final XPropertyEnum legend
        Data type: HTML String

        Default: 120px

        Available for XFieldSets. This is the text of the fieldset legend, usually displayed above the fieldset content. Please note that this property is interpreted as an HTML snippet, so special characters such as angle brackets (<>) need to be escaped.

      • textalign

        public static final XPropertyEnum textalign
        Data type: String

        Default: left

        Available for XButtonLists and XImages. Indicates how the buttons or the image should be aligned. May be one of left (left alignment), center (centered), or right (right alignment).

      • unitwidth

        public static final XPropertyEnum unitwidth
        Data type: String

        Default: 60px

        Available for all elements that admit the property unit. The width of the unit text in pixels. The widget the unit text, the less space is available for the form element.

      • unit

        public static final XPropertyEnum unit
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for XTextAreas, XTextFields, XUploads and XSelects. An optional text that is shown to the right of the form element. A common use case is displaying a unit such as kg or liter next to a text input field.

      • placeholder

        public static final XPropertyEnum placeholder
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for XTextFields and XTextAreas. This is an optional placeholder text that is displayed when no value was entered in the input field. This property usually corresponds to the HTML attribute placeholder.

      • autocomplete

        public static final XPropertyEnum autocomplete
        Data type: String

        Default: "on"

        Available for XTextFields and XTextAreas. This is an optional attribute to use the browsers autocomplete function. This property corresponds to the HTML attribute https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill autocomplete.

      • autocomplete_category

        public static final XPropertyEnum autocomplete_category
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for XTextFields and XTextAreas. This is an optional attribute to use the browsers autocomplete function and apply to a specific category. This property corresponds to the HTML attribute https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill autocomplete_category.

      • autocomplete_section

        public static final XPropertyEnum autocomplete_section
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for XTextFields and XTextAreas. This is an optional attribute to use the browsers autocomplete function and apply to a specific section. This property corresponds to the HTML attribute https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill autocomplete_category.

      • title

        public static final XPropertyEnum title
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for all form elements that allow a value to be entered and also for XImages. This is an optional title that is displayed as a tooltip when the user hover over the element with the mouse cursor. This property usually corresponds to the HTML attribute title.

      • alt

        public static final XPropertyEnum alt
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available only for XImages. This is an optional description for the image that is used, for example, when the browser cannot display images user the user is using a screen reader. This property corresponds to the HTML attribute alt.

      • helptext

        public static final XPropertyEnum helptext
        Data type: HTML String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for all elements other that XHeader, XPages, and XFooter. This is an optional informative description that is displayed when the user hovers over the help icon located next to the form element. Please note that this property is interpreted as an HTML snippet, so special characters such as angle brackets (<>) need to be escaped.

      • comment

        public static final XPropertyEnum comment
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for all elements. This is an optional comment that is shown only in the designer and does not affect the rendered form in any way. This is usually used for internal comments when designing a form.

      • value

        public static final XPropertyEnum value
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available for XTextFields, XTextAreas, and XSelects. This property contains the initial value of the corresponding HTML INPUT or SELECT element. This initial value is set when the form is opened for the first time. By default, input fields and select elements are empty and do not have a value initially.

      • rtevalue

        public static final XPropertyEnum rtevalue
        Data type: HTML String

        Default: Text

        Available only for XSpans that is used to add informational text to a form. This is the text displayed by the span element. Please note that this property is interpreted as an HTML snippet, so special characters such as angle brackets (<>) need to be escaped.

      • buttons

        public static final XPropertyEnum buttons
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available only for XButtonLists. This property contains the list of buttons that are displayed. The list is a JSON array, where each entry represents a button. Each button is a JSONObject with the properties as described below.

        Click to show example for the value of the buttons property
                 "optionId": "p1",
                 "page": "p1",
                 "check": "false",
                 "value": "Pagina p1"
                 "optionId": "p1 + check",
                 "page": "p1",
                 "check": "true",
                 "value": "Pagina p1 + controle"
                 "optionId": "submit + check",
                 "page": "submit",
                 "check": "true",
                 "value": "Verwerken + controle"
              "optionId": "submit",
              "page": "submitNoCheck",
              "check": "false",
              "value": "Verwerken"
                 "optionId": "submit no save",
                 "page": "submitPreview",
                 "check": "false",
                 "value": "Indienen"
                 "optionId": "submit no save popup",
                 "page": "submitPreviewWindowed",
                 "check": "false",
                 "value": "Indienen + popup"
                 "optionId": "save + check",
                 "page": "submitSave",
                 "check": "true",
                 "value": "Bewaren + controleren"
                 "optionId": "save",
                 "page": "submitSaveNoCheck",
                 "check": "false",
                 "value": "Bewaren"
                 "page": "-1",
                 "check": "false",
                 "value": "Geen actie",
                 "optionId": "no action"
        name (type String)
        The name of the button which is used as the value of name attribute of the button. Please note that this is not the text that is displayed to the user (for that, see value)
        title (type String)
        An optional tooltip for the button that is shown when the user hovers of the button with the mouse or a pointer.
        value (type String)
        The text on the button that is shown to the user.
        action (type JSONObject)
        The action of the button that describes what should happen when the button is pressed. This is another JSONObject with the following properties:
        check (type String)
        Either true to indicate the current page should be validated when the button is pressed, or false otherwise.
        value (type String)
        The name of the that is performed when the button is pressed. This is the value as it can be selected in the designer, such as page p1 or Verwerken + controle. Please note that this value depends on the selected language and should not be used by code to check the action.
        page (type String)
        When the button is used for switching to a different page, this is the name of that page. Otherwise, this is the ID of the action that is performed when the button is pressed. Must be one of the following:
        • submit: Validates the current page; and if it is valid, submits the form. Otherwise, highlights the error.
        • submitNoCheck: Submits the form and send the data to the server, without prior validation.
        • submitPreview: Submit the form and runs the workflow, but does not create a new form record.
        • submitPreviewWindowed: Same as submitPreview, but displays the response from the server in a popup window.
        • submitSave: Validates the form; and if it is valid, saves the current form data on the server. The user receives a link they can use to open the form again and finish filling out the form. If the current page is not valid, highlights the error.
        • submitSaveNoCheck: Saves the current form data on the server, without prior validation. The user receives a link they can use to open the form again and finish filling out the form.
        • -1: Performs no action when the button is pressed. Custom actions can be set up via JavaScript.
        • <page-name>: Must be the name of an existing page. Switches to that page when the button is pressed. Whether the current page is validated before switching depends on the value of check.
        optionId (type String)
        ID of the action that is performed when the button is pressed. Must be one of the following:
        • submit + check: Validates the current page; and if it is valid, submits the form. Otherwise, highlights the error.
        • submit: Submits the form and send the data to the server, without prior validation.
        • submit no save: Submit the form and runs the workflow, but does not create a new form record.
        • submit no save popup: Same as submitPreview, but displays the response from the server in a popup window.
        • save + check: Validates the form; and if it is valid, saves the current form data on the server. The user receives a link they can use to open the form again and finish filling out the form. If the current page is not valid, highlights the error.
        • save: Saves the current form data on the server, without prior validation. The user receives a link they can use to open the form again and finish filling out the form.
        • no action: Performs no action when the button is pressed. Custom actions can be set up via JavaScript.
        • <page-name> + check:Validates the current page; and if it is valid, switches to that page. Otherwise, highlights the error. Example: p1 + check or pCarDetails + check.
        • <page-name>: Must be the name of an existing page. Switches to that page when the button is pressed, without prior validation. Example: p1 or pCarDetails.
      • options

        public static final XPropertyEnum options
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available only for XSelects. This property contains the list of options for the select element. It must be a JSON array with one entry for each option. Each entry is a JSONObject with the following properties:

        text (type String)
        The text of the select option that is displayed to the user.
        title (type String)
        An optional tooltip that is displayed when the user hovers over the select option with the mouse or pointer.
        value (type String)
        The value of the select option that is sent to the server when the form is submitted.
      • questions

        public static final XPropertyEnum questions
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available only for XSelects when selectlayout is set to either table or table1 (a table with a list of questions that can be answered with one of the available options. This property contains the list of available questions, as a JSONArray. Each entry of the JSON array must be a JSONObject with the following properties:

        The text of the question that is shown to the user (first row in the table of questions)
      • checkedvalue

        public static final XPropertyEnum checkedvalue
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available only for XCheckboxes. Either 0 or 1. If this property is set to 1, the checkbox is initially checked. Otherwise, when set to 0, the checkbox is not checked initially.

      • checkboxvalue

        public static final XPropertyEnum checkboxvalue
        Data type: String

        Default: on

        Available only for XCheckboxes. The value that is sent to the server when the checkbox is checked. When the checkbox is not checked, no value is sent to the server.

      • image

        public static final XPropertyEnum image
        Data type: Data URL String

        Default: (dummy image)

        Available only for XImages. A data URL with a base64 string of the images that is displayed. For example, for a PNG image the data URL would look like

      • fullwidth

        public static final XPropertyEnum fullwidth
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available only for XImages. Sets the width of an image to 100%

      • imagelink

        public static final XPropertyEnum imagelink
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available only for XImages. Currently unused.

      • imagetarget

        public static final XPropertyEnum imagetarget
        Data type: String

        Default: _blank

        Available only for XImages. Currently unused.

      • imagegallerie

        public static final XPropertyEnum imagegallerie
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available only for XImages. Currently unused.

      • imagegroup

        public static final XPropertyEnum imagegroup
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available only for XImages. Currently unused.

      • imagequality

        public static final XPropertyEnum imagequality
        Data type: String

        Default: 100%

        Available only for XImages. Currently unused.

      • datasource

        public static final XPropertyEnum datasource
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available only for XSelects. The name of a data source to be used for the select options. When no data source is set, the configured options are used.

      • appointmentTemplate

        public static final XPropertyEnum appointmentTemplate
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available only for XAppointments. The UUID of an appointment template to be used for booking appointment and finding free dates. When no appointment template is set, no appointments can be booked.

      • dstype

        public static final XPropertyEnum dstype
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty string)

        Available only for XSelects. The type of the data source that is used for the select options. Must be one of the following:

        Uses the configured options.
        Uses a plugin data source.
        Uses a database query as the data source.
        Uses a static CSV file as the data source.
        Uses an LDAP query as the data source.
        Uses a static XML file as the data source.
        Uses a static JSON file as the data source.
      • dstextidx

        public static final XPropertyEnum dstextidx
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Available only for XSelects. When a datasource is set: The 1-based index of the column that contains the text of the select option that is shown to the user.

      • dsvalueidx

        public static final XPropertyEnum dsvalueidx
        Data type: String

        Default: 2

        Available only for XSelects. When a datasource is set: The 1-based index of the column that contains the value of the select option that sent to the server when the form is submitted.

      • dstitleidx

        public static final XPropertyEnum dstitleidx
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Available only for XSelects. When a datasource is set: The 1-based index of the column that contains the title of the select option that is shown to the user.

      • ds_rendercolattr

        public static final XPropertyEnum ds_rendercolattr
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available only for XSelects. When a datasource is selected and this option is enabled, all additional values will be rendered as data-attributes to the option

      • datepicker

        public static final XPropertyEnum datepicker
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Available only for XTextFields. Applies only when datatype is set to a date-like data type, such as dateDE or dateEN. If this attribute is set to 1, a date picker UI widget is shown in the form that lets the user pick a date more easily. Otherwise, when set to 0, no date picker is shown, requiring the user to enter a date in a text input field.

      • uploadMode

        public static final XPropertyEnum uploadMode
        Data type: String

        Default: native.

        Available only for XUpload. Controls how files are uploaded. Possible values are:

        The default. Uses the native upload mechanism, which sends the files with the form data when the form is submitted.
        Uploads the files to the server as soon as the user selects the file. This also enables advanced features such as a progress indicator.
      • uploadMultiple

        public static final XPropertyEnum uploadMultiple
        Data type: String

        Default: 0.

        Available only for XUpload. Controls whether the upload allows multiple files. When 0, multiple uploads are not allowed. When 1, multiple uploads are allowed and users can select multiple files for a single select element.

      • datatype

        public static final XPropertyEnum datatype
        Data type: String

        Default: text

        Available only for XTextFields and XTextAreas. The data type is used during form validating to ensure the entered data conforms to a certain format. The following built-in data types are currently available:

        Allows only German-style dates (DD.MM.YYYY), e.g. 22.05.1990.
        Allows only valid (international) email addresses, e.g. james@john.org or θσερ@εχαμπλε.ψομ.
        Allows only integers, that is numbers without a decimal point, e.g. 3, 0, or -21.
        Allows only IP4 addresses, e.g. or
        Requires the input to be a valid amount of money, i.e. a number with exactly two decimal digits, e.g. 2,00, -3,95, 0,00 or 897345,38.
        Allows only numbers, including numbers with a decimal point, e.g. 0.03,, -99.2, or 42.
        Allows only letters, numbers, and spaces.
        Allows only letters and spaces.
        Allows only valid phone numbers, e.g. 0234995483 or +49 351 4459654.
        Allows only postal code from Germany, i.e. exactly 5 digits, e.g. 02349. Does not check whether such a code is actually registered within Germany.
        Allows only positive integers, e.g. 0, 3, oder 123.
        Requires the input to be a valid amount of money, not including negative numbers, e.g. 0,00 or 2,34.
        Requires the input to be a valid positive amount of money, with the decimal digits being optional, e.g. 0,00, 0, 3,4, or 3.
        Allows the user to enter a custom (JavaScript flavor) regular expression for validation, see vrule.
        Applies no restriction and allows every input.
        Requires the input to be a valid time, in the format hh:mm, e.g. 22:05 or 03:42.
        Allows only URLs, including the protocol, e.g. http://example.com or https://www.james.org.
      • datatypeHint

        public static final XPropertyEnum datatypeHint
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available only for XTextFields and XTextAreas. Shows a hint next to the datatype selection. If is displayed, for example when 'email' is selected the datatype to indicate the use of an email server that supports UTF-8.

      • showCapacity

        public static final XPropertyEnum showCapacity
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available only for XAppointments. Describes if the amount of free appointments slots (capacity) should be appear in the appointment picker."

      • showUntil

        public static final XPropertyEnum showUntil
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available only for XAppointments. Describes if the end time should be appear in the appointment picker."

      • closeable

        public static final XPropertyEnum closeable
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available only for XAppointments. Describes if appointment picker can be closed an appear as usual input field."

      • dateFormat

        public static final XPropertyEnum dateFormat
        Data type: String

        Default: dd.mm.yy

        Available only for XAppointments. Describes the format dates will appear in the appointment picker. "Custom means the Property dateFormatCustom will be used."

      • dateFormatCustom

        public static final XPropertyEnum dateFormatCustom
        Data type: String

        Default: dd.mm.yy

        Available only for XAppointments. Describes the format dates will appear in the appointment picker when dateFormat equals "Custom".

      • requiredgroup

        public static final XPropertyEnum requiredgroup
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all elements that support required. The required group to which the form field belongs. If a form element is part of a required group, the form is invalid when no element of the required group has a value. The form becomes valid once the user has filled in at least one form field of the required groups.

      • vrule

        public static final XPropertyEnum vrule
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Applicable when datatype was set to regexp. This is the regular expression that is used to validate the form field. This must be a valid JavaScript regular expression. Usually it is recommend to use the anchors ^...$ to ensure the whole input conforms to the pattern.

      • minlength

        public static final XPropertyEnum minlength
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available for XTextFields and XTextAreas. The minimum number of characters that must be entered in a text field or text area. Please note that this restriction is applied only when the form field is not empty. Thus, when set to 0, the form field is never invalid due to this property. To enforce that the user does not leave the form field empty, use required.

        See Also:
        maxlength, required
      • minvalue

        public static final XPropertyEnum minvalue
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Applicable when datatype is set to a numerical data type, such as integer. The minimum numerical value (inclusive) that must be entered. Contrast this with minlength, which checks the number of characters, not the numerical value these characters represent. When empty, no restriction is applied.

        See Also:
        maxvalue, minlength
      • maxvalue

        public static final XPropertyEnum maxvalue
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Applicable when datatype is set to a numerical data type, such as integer. The maximum numerical value (inclusive) that must be entered. Contrast this with maxlength, which checks the number of characters, not the numerical value these characters represent. When empty, no restriction is applied.

        See Also:
        minvalue, maxlength
      • checkboxmin

        public static final XPropertyEnum checkboxmin
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available only for XSelect. Applies only when selectlayout is set to radio, radio1, checkbox, checkbox1, table, or table1. The minimum number of checkboxes or radio buttons that must be checked or selected. When empty, no restriction is applied.

        See Also:
      • checkboxmax

        public static final XPropertyEnum checkboxmax
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available only for XSelect. Applies only when selectlayout is set to radio, radio1, checkbox, checkbox1, table, or table1. The maximum number of checkboxes or radio buttons that must be checked or selected. When empty, no restriction is applied.

        See Also:
      • maxfilesize

        public static final XPropertyEnum maxfilesize
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available only for XUploads. The maximum file size in kilobytes a single uploaded file is allowed to have. When set to 0, the file size is unlimited.

      • equals

        public static final XPropertyEnum equals
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Only available for XTextFields and XTextAreas currently. When not empty, this property refers to the id of another form field that must have the same value as the form field. The form field is invalid if the value of the form field is different compared to the value of the referenced form field.

      • fileextension

        public static final XPropertyEnum fileextension
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available only for XUploads. A comma separated list of file extensions (without the leading period) an uploaded file must have, such as xml,js. An upload field is invalid if a file with a different file extension is selected. When empty, all extensions are allowed.

      • fileoutputalias

        public static final XPropertyEnum fileoutputalias
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available only for XUploads. If empty, the file name of the originally uploaded file is used. Otherwise, the file name is changed to the value of this property.

      • vrulemismatch

        public static final XPropertyEnum vrulemismatch
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Applicable when datatype was set to regexp. This is the message that is displayed to the user when the value of a form field does not matched the vrule regular expression. If not set, a generic error message is displayed.

        See Also:
      • catalogue

        public static final XPropertyEnum catalogue
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available only for catalogs plugins (IPluginFormElementCatalogue). The (not necessarily unique) ID of the catalog.

      • cataloguename

        public static final XPropertyEnum cataloguename
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available only for catalogs plugins (IPluginFormElementCatalogue). Either just the catalog ID or a human readable name of the catalog.

      • catalogueitem

        public static final XPropertyEnum catalogueitem
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available only for catalogs plugins (IPluginFormElementCatalogue). The ID of an item in the catalog.

      • catalogueunique

        public static final XPropertyEnum catalogueunique
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available only for catalogs plugins (IPluginFormElementCatalogue). An arbitrary, unique ID for the catalog.

      • cataloguelabel

        public static final XPropertyEnum cataloguelabel
        Data type: String

        Default: Label

        Available only for catalogs plugins (IPluginFormElementCatalogue). The label of the catalog that is shown in the UI.

      • dynamic

        public static final XPropertyEnum dynamic
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Can be added to input elements to allow marking an element as repeated, i.e. XContainer, XFieldSet, XSelect, XTextArea, XTextField, and XUpload. When set to 1, the element is repeated and the user can use the plus and minus buttons to create one or multiple copies of the form element. Otherwise, when set to 0, the element cannot be repeated.

      • dynamicMinSize

        public static final XPropertyEnum dynamicMinSize
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Required for all elements that have the property dynamic enabled. This property can be edited in the designer only when dynamic is activated. It controls the lower limit of allowed repetitions and defaults to 1.

      • dynamicAddText

        public static final XPropertyEnum dynamicAddText
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all elements that have the property dynamic enabled. This property can be edited in the designer only when dynamic is activated. It controls the text of the add button for adding a new repetition instance.

      • dynamicAddTextShow

        public static final XPropertyEnum dynamicAddTextShow
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all elements that have the property dynamic enabled. This property can be edited in the designer only when dynamicAddTextShow is activated. When set to 1, the add text is shown next to the add button. Otherwise, when 0, it is shown only as a tooltip title.

      • dynamicDeleteText

        public static final XPropertyEnum dynamicDeleteText
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all elements that have the property dynamic enabled. This property can be edited in the designer only when dynamic is activated. It controls the text of the delete button for deleting an existing repetition instance.

      • dynamicMaxSize

        public static final XPropertyEnum dynamicMaxSize
        Data type: String

        Default: 10

        Required for all elements that have the property dynamic enabled. This property can be edited in the designer only when dynamic is activated. It controls the upper limit of allowed repetitions and defaults to 10.

      • dynamicTrigger

        public static final XPropertyEnum dynamicTrigger
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Required for all elements that have the property dynamic enabled. This property can be edited in the designer only when dynamic is activated. This is the id of another form element whose value controls the number of repetitions of this element. For example, when the dynamic trigger is set to another XTextField and the user enters 4 in that text field, this will cause this element to have 4 repetitions (either by adding new repetitions or removing existing repetitions).

      • dynamicHideButtons

        public static final XPropertyEnum dynamicHideButtons
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Required for all elements that have the property dynamic enabled. This property can be edited in the designer only when dynamic is activated. When this property is set to 1, the plus and minus buttons for adding and removing repetitions are hidden. Otherwise, when set to 0, the buttons are shown normally. Hiding the buttons may be useful when the number of repetitions should be controlled only by the dynamicTrigger.

      • cssclasses

        public static final XPropertyEnum cssclasses
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available for all form elements. A list of additional classes that are added to the form element (not its container element). Each entry in this array must be a string representing the CSS class to be added.

      • cssclasseswrapper

        public static final XPropertyEnum cssclasseswrapper
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available for all form elements. A list of additional classes that are added to the container of the form element. Each entry in this array must be a string representing the CSS class to be added.

      • attributes

        public static final XPropertyEnum attributes
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available for all form elements. A list of custom HTML attributes that are added to the rendered form element (not its container element). Each entry in this array must be an object with the following properties:

        The name of the HTML attribute, e.g. data-my-custom-attribute.
        The value of the HTML attribute.
        Please note that you should not use HTML attributes that are not defined by the standard. To add custom information to an element, use data attributes, e.g. attribute names that start with data-.
      • custom_attributes

        public static final XPropertyEnum custom_attributes
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available for all form elements. A list of custom HTML attributes that are added to the rendered form element (not its container element). Each entry in this array must be an object with the following properties:

        The name of the HTML attribute, e.g. data-my-custom-attribute.
        The value of the HTML attribute.
        Custom Attributes are not available in the Designer, but can be used for by widgets to inject properties to existing elements Please note that you should not use HTML attributes that are not defined by the standard. To add custom information to an element, use data attributes, e.g. attribute names that start with data-.
      • i18n

        public static final XPropertyEnum i18n
        Data type: JSONObject

        Default: (empty object)

        Available for all elements. Contains a list of translations for all translatable properties. A form is always requested in a particular language. When a translation for that language is available, it is used. Otherwise, the default value of the corresponding XPropertyEnum is used.

        The keys of this object are language tags, such as de or en. Each value is another JSONObject with the property name (Enum.name()) as the key and the translated text as the value. For example, this could look as follows:

             "de": {
                 "label": "<p>German label</p>\n",
                 "helptext": "<p>German help</p>\n",
                 "placeholder": "German placeholder"
             "fr": {
                 "label": "<p>French label</p>\n",
                 "helptext": "<p>French help</p>\n",
                 "placeholder": "French placeholder"
        This would define a German and French value for the label, helptext, and placeholder properties.
      • statusdependent

        public static final XPropertyEnum statusdependent
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all form elements. When set to 1, the form element is available only when the form record is currently in one of the states as indicated by viewstatus.

      • viewstatus

        public static final XPropertyEnum viewstatus
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available for all form elements. Applicable only when statusdependent is set to 1. A list of state descriptors of which at least one must match the current state of the form record. When no state descriptor matches, the form element is not available, i.e. it is not included in the rendered form and no values for that form element are accepted when the form is submitted. A state descriptor is a string that is either

        • the string literal -1, which matches every state, or
        • the name of a state as set in the workflow configuration.
        A state descriptor may be prefixed with [!], in which case it matches when the form record is not in that state. For example, if this property is set to ["[!]-1", "Received"], the form element is available if the form record has no state, the form record is in the state Received, or both conditions apply.
      • usergrouppendent

        public static final XPropertyEnum usergrouppendent
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all form elements. When set to 1, the form element is available only when the user belongs to one of the user groups as as indicated by viewusergroup.

      • viewusergroup

        public static final XPropertyEnum viewusergroup
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available for all form elements. Applicable only when usergrouppendent is set to 1. A list of user group descriptors of which at least one must match one of the user groups of the user who opened the form. When no user group descriptor matches, the form element is not available, i.e. it is not included in the rendered form and no values for that form element are accepted when the form is submitted. A user group descriptor is a string that is either

        • the string literal -1, which matches every user group, or
        • the name of a user group as defined in the backend user group configuration menu.
        A user group descriptor may be prefixed with [!], in which case it matches when the user does not belong to that user group. For example, if this property is set to ["[!]-1", "Admin"], the form element is available if user does not belong to any group, the user belongs to the user group Admin, or both conditions apply.
      • readonly_statusdependent

        public static final XPropertyEnum readonly_statusdependent
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all form elements. When set to 1, the form element is editabble only when the form record is currently in one of the states as indicated by readonly_viewstatus.

      • readonly_viewstatus

        public static final XPropertyEnum readonly_viewstatus
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available for all form elements. Applicable only when readonly_statusdependent is set to 1. A list of state descriptors of which at least one must match the current state of the form record. When no state descriptor matches, the form element is not editable, i.e. it is included in the rendered form, but its value cannot be changed. Please note that this is not checked by the server currently. A state descriptor is a string that is either

        • the string literal -1, which matches every state, or
        • the name of a state as set in the workflow configuration.
        A state descriptor may be prefixed with [!], in which case it matches when the form record is not in that state. For example, if this property is set to ["[!]-1", "Received"], the form element is editable if the form record has no state, the form record is in the state Received, or both conditions apply.
      • readonly_usergrouppendant

        public static final XPropertyEnum readonly_usergrouppendant
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all form elements. When set to 1, the form element is editable only when the user belongs to one of the user groups as as indicated by readonly_viewusergroup.

      • readonly_viewusergroup

        public static final XPropertyEnum readonly_viewusergroup
        Data type: JSONArray

        Default: (empty array)

        Available for all form elements. Applicable only when readonly_usergrouppendant is set to 1. A list of user group descriptors of which at least one must match one of the user groups of the user who opened the form. When no user group descriptor matches, the form element is not editable, i.e. it is included in the rendered form, but its value cannot be edited. Please note that this is not checked by the server currently. A user group descriptor is a string that is either

        • the string literal -1, which matches every user group, or
        • the name of a user group as defined in the backend user group configuration menu.
        A user group descriptor may be prefixed with [!], in which case it matches when the user does not belong to that user group. For example, if this property is set to ["[!]-1", "Admin"], the form element is editable if user does not belong to any group, the user belongs to the user group Admin, or both conditions apply.
      • print_hide

        public static final XPropertyEnum print_hide
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available for all form elements. Controls whether the form element is shown when the form is printed. When 0, the form element is included in the printed version; and omitted when this property is set to 1.

        "Printed" here currently only refers to the PDF or Microsoft Word export feature.

      • print_list

        public static final XPropertyEnum print_list
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Available only for XSelects. Controls the layout of the select element when the form is printed. There are two ways how a select element can be rendered in the printed version. As an empty text field the user can fill out manually. Or as a list of predefined options with a checkbox where the user can put a check mark.

        When set to 1, a list of options is always used. When set to 2, a text field is used. Otherwise, when set to 0, the output style is determined automatically based on the number of options: a list of options if there are less than 10 options, or a text field otherwise.

        "Printed" here currently only refers to the PDF or Microsoft Word export feature.

      • print_text_only

        public static final XPropertyEnum print_text_only
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Available for all elements with a (label) text, such as XCheckboxes, XSelects, XSpans, XTextAreas, and XTextFields. Controls whether HTML markup is allowed. When set 1, all HTML tags are removed and only the text content is used.

        "Printed" here currently only refers to the PDF or Microsoft Word export feature.

      • print_max_column_count

        public static final XPropertyEnum print_max_column_count
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Available for all form elements. Controls how many columns are allowed to be used for elements which will be put into a table layout when the form is printed. When 0, no table layout will be used

        "Printed" here currently only refers to the PDF or Microsoft Word export feature.

      • print_func

        public static final XPropertyEnum print_func
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all elements with a value (IXValuableItem). When not empty, the value of this property is interpreted as a Word fill function that is written to the exported Word document. That Microsoft Word document can then be used with a workflow action of type Word fill. When the word document is filled with the submitted form data, the Word fill function is evaluated. For example, you can enter rmr() or .rmr() (with or without the leading period) to remove the table row with the current element in case its value is empty.

        "Printed" here currently only refers to the PDF or Microsoft Word export feature.

      • print_break

        public static final XPropertyEnum print_break
        Data type: String

        Default: 0

        Available for all form elements. Controls whether a page break is inserted in the printed version. Can be one of the following values:

        Does not enforce a page break. A page break is inserted only when the form element does not fit on the page anymore.
        Always inserts a page break before the form element.
        Always inserts a page break after the form element.

        "Printed" here currently only refers to the PDF or Microsoft Word export feature.

      • print_size

        public static final XPropertyEnum print_size
        Data type: String

        Default: (empty)

        Available for all elements with a (label) text or value text, such as XCheckboxes, XSelects, XSpans, XTextAreas, and XTextFields. Controls the font size of the text. This is interpreted as a font size in points (not pixels). When no value is set, an appropriate default is used.

        "Printed" here currently only refers to the PDF or Microsoft Word export feature.

      • print_border

        public static final XPropertyEnum print_border
        Data type: String

        Default: 1

        Available for all elements with a (label) text or value text, such as XCheckboxes, XSelects, XSpans, XTextAreas, and XTextFields. Controls whether border should be rendered around the element when the form is printed.

        "Printed" here currently only refers to the PDF or Microsoft Word export feature.

      • serveronly

        public static final XPropertyEnum serveronly
        Data type: Boolean

        Default: false

        Available only for variables.

    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static XPropertyEnum[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (XPropertyEnum c : XPropertyEnum.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static XPropertyEnum valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getClazz

        public Class<?> getClazz()
        The class of the data type of this property, such as String or JSONArray.
      • getDefaultValue

        public Serializable getDefaultValue()
        The default value of this property that should be used when no other value was provided.
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(String name)
        name - The name of a property to check.
        true if an XPropertyEnum with the given name exists, or false otherwise.
      • isContentHtmlString

        public boolean isContentHtmlString()
        true if the content of this property is an HTML string, false otherwise.