Class PromaManager

  • public final class PromaManager
    extends Object
    This class is used to manage PROMA API instances for interacting with the PROMA API.
    • Method Detail

      • createPromaApiUrl

        public static String createPromaApiUrl()
        The URL to the PROMA REST API, as configured for this application.
      • defaultBinaryTimeout

        public static Duration defaultBinaryTimeout()
        The default timeout for operations that you expect to take a "long" time, such as downloads etc. For simple requests with a small payload you should use defaultTimeout().
      • defaultBinaryTimeoutUnit

        public static TimeUnit defaultBinaryTimeoutUnit()
        Same as defaultBinaryTimeout(), but returns only the unit without the value. This is useful when you are dealing with APIs that do not accept a Duration, such as the Future API.
        The default timeout unit.
      • defaultBinaryTimeoutValue

        public static long defaultBinaryTimeoutValue()
        Same as defaultBinaryTimeout(), but returns only the value without units, in the unit as returned by defaultBinaryTimeoutUnit(). This is useful when you are dealing with APIs that do not accept a Duration, such as the Future API.
        The default timeout value.
      • defaultCombinedTimeout

        public static Duration defaultCombinedTimeout()
        Combined timeout for multiple plain text requests or "small" requests which you do not expect to take a long time.
      • defaultTimeout

        public static Duration defaultTimeout()
        The default timeout for simple operations that you do not expect to take a "long" time. For downloads etc. you should use defaultBinaryTimeout().
      • defaultTimeoutUnit

        public static TimeUnit defaultTimeoutUnit()
        Same as defaultTimeout(), but returns only the unit without the value. This is useful when you are dealing with APIs that do not accept a Duration, such as the Future API.
        The default timeout unit.
      • defaultTimeoutValue

        public static long defaultTimeoutValue()
        Same as defaultTimeout(), but returns only the value without units, in the unit as returned by defaultTimeoutUnit(). This is useful when you are dealing with APIs that do not accept a Duration, such as the Future API.
        The default timeout value.
      • init

        public static void init()
        Initializes the PROMA API.
      • isPluginStoreAvailable

        public static <R> StageChain<Boolean,​R> isPluginStoreAvailable​(IPublicPromaInvocationContext pc)
        pc - Context for accessing the PROMA API.
        true when the proma rest api and the plugin store is available. false if proma or the plugin store is not available.
      • isPromaConfigured

        public static boolean isPromaConfigured()
        Checks whether the license server / PROMA was configured and initialized. When this returns false, publicPromaApi(EHttpClient) should not be called,
        Whether PROMA was initialized and configured, e.g. whether a valid URL was set.
      • publicPromaApi

        public static publicPromaApi​(EHttpClient client)
                                                                         throws IllegalStateException
        This method returns the ApiBundle of the cached public PROMA API.
        client - The client with which the RESTEasy HTTP engine is created.
        cached ApiBundle of the current with current public PROMA API. Empty when e.g. no PROMA URL was configured.
        IllegalStateException - When init() was not called yet or the API is already shutdown(); or when PROMA was not configured.
      • shutdown

        public static void shutdown()
        Shuts down the PROMA API, closing existing bundles.