Class GraphDotTokenWriter

    • Field Detail

      • writer

        protected final Writer writer
    • Method Detail

      • decreaseIndent

        public final void decreaseIndent()
        Decreases the indent by one.
      • increaseIndent

        public final void increaseIndent()
        Increases the indent by one.
      • writerTokenComma

        public final void writerTokenComma()
                                    throws IOException
        Writes a comma token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenAttributeStatementType

        public final void writeTokenAttributeStatementType​(EAttributeStatementType attributeStatementType)
                                                    throws IOException
        Writes the token for the given attribute statement type.
        attributeStatementType - Type to write.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenClosingAngleBracket

        public final void writeTokenClosingAngleBracket()
                                                 throws IOException
        Writes a closing angle bracket token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenClosingBrace

        public final void writeTokenClosingBrace()
                                          throws IOException
        Writes a closing brace token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenClosingBracket

        public final void writeTokenClosingBracket()
                                            throws IOException
        Writes a closing bracket token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenColon

        public final void writeTokenColon()
                                   throws IOException
        Writes a colon token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenCompassPointValue

        public final void writeTokenCompassPointValue​(ECompassPointType compassPoint)
                                               throws IOException
        Writes a compass point token.
        compassPoint - Compass point to write.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenDoubleQuote

        public final void writeTokenDoubleQuote()
                                         throws IOException
        Writes a double quote token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenEdgeOperation

        public final void writeTokenEdgeOperation​(EEdgeType edgeOp)
                                           throws IOException
        Writes an edge operation token.
        edgeOp - Edge operation to write.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenEqualSign

        public final void writeTokenEqualSign()
                                       throws IOException
        Writes am equal sign token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenGraphType

        public final void writeTokenGraphType​(EGraphType graphType)
                                       throws IOException
        Writes a graph type token.
        graphType - Graph type to write.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenIdHtml

        public final void writeTokenIdHtml​(CharSequence html)
                                    throws IOException
        Writes an ID with the given HTML content.

        An ID is one of the following:

        • Any string of alphabetic ([a-zA-Z\200-\377]) characters, underscores ('_') or digits([0-9]), not beginning with a digit;
        • a numeral [-]?(.[0-9]⁺ | [0-9]⁺(.[0-9]*)? );
        • any double-quoted string ("...") possibly containing escaped quotes (\");
        • an HTML string (<...>)
        This method uses the fourth form. The given HTML must be a valid HTML string.
        html - An html string.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenIdLiteral

        public final void writeTokenIdLiteral​(CharSequence id)
                                       throws IOException
        Writes an ID with the given literal content.

        An ID is one of the following:

        • Any string of alphabetic ([a-zA-Z\200-\377]) characters, underscores ('_') or digits([0-9]), not beginning with a digit;
        • a numeral [-]?(.[0-9]⁺ | [0-9]⁺(.[0-9]*)? );
        • any double-quoted string ("...") possibly containing escaped quotes (\");
        • an HTML string (<...>)
        This method uses the first or second form, if possible; or third form otherwise, applying the required escaping.
        id - A literal ID to write.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenLineBeak

        public final void writeTokenLineBeak()
                                      throws IOException
        Writes a line break token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenOpeningAngleBracket

        public final void writeTokenOpeningAngleBracket()
                                                 throws IOException
        Writes an opening angle bracket token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenOpeningBrace

        public final void writeTokenOpeningBrace()
                                          throws IOException
        Writes an opening brace token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenOpeningBracket

        public final void writeTokenOpeningBracket()
                                            throws IOException
        Writes an opening bracket token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenSemiColon

        public final void writeTokenSemiColon()
                                       throws IOException
        Writes a semicolon token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenSpace

        public final void writeTokenSpace()
                                   throws IOException
        Writes a white space token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenStrict

        public final void writeTokenStrict()
                                    throws IOException
        Writes the strict token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • writeTokenSubGraph

        public final void writeTokenSubGraph()
                                      throws IOException
        Writes the subgraph token.
        IOException - When content could not be written to the writer.
      • forWriter

        public static GraphDotTokenWriter forWriter​(Writer writer)
        Creates a new dot graph token writer. The content is written to the given writer.
        writer - Writer to which to write the output.
        A new graph dot token writer.
      • forWriter

        public static GraphDotTokenWriter forWriter​(Writer writer,
                                                    CharSequence indentChar)
        Creates a new dot graph token writer. The content is written to the given writer.
        writer - Writer to which to write the output.
        indentChar - Char sequence to use for indenting.
        A new graph dot token writer.