Interface IFileListDescriptor

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IFileListDescriptor
    extends Serializable
    A descriptor for a list of files provided by a workflow trigger or node when the trigger fires or the node gets executed.
    • Method Detail

      • allowsAnyFiles

        default boolean allowsAnyFiles()
        Whether the constraints of list descriptor allow any files. For example, no files are allowed when the content types are empty; or when the minimum file count is less than the maximum file count.
        Whether the constraints of list descriptor allow any files.
      • builder

        IFileListBuilder builder()
        Creates a new builder for configuring a file list conforming to this descriptor.
        A new builder for configuring a file list conforming to this descriptor.
      • getContentTypes

        Set<String> getContentTypes()
        The content types of the files that might be contained in the list of files. Each content type is a MIME type. Use "*/*" when the content type is unknown or any type of file might be contained in the list. An empty set allows no files.

        null is treated as if the empty set had been returned.

        The content types of the files that might be contained in the list of files.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Gets the description for the file. Can be either a localized message or an I18N key.
        I18n key pointing to a description for the file.
      • getMaxFileCount

        int getMaxFileCount()
        The maximum number of files that will be contained in the list of files. MAX_VALUE when there is no limit.
        The maximum number of files that will be contained in the list of files.
      • getMinFileCount

        int getMinFileCount()
        The minimum number of files that are contained in the list of files. 0 when the list might be empty, 1 if the list will contain at least one file.
        The minimum number of files that are contained in the list of files.
      • intersect

        IFileListDescriptor intersect​(IFileListDescriptor other)
        Intersects this file list descriptor with another file list descriptor. The intersection of two file list descriptors is a new file list descriptor that only allows files that are allowed by both file list descriptors. When the two file list descriptors are incompatible, returns an empty descriptor.
        other - The other file list descriptor to intersect with.
        The intersection of this file list descriptor with the other file list descriptor.
      • isDescriptionHtml

        boolean isDescriptionHtml()
        Whether the getDescription() is an HTML string (make sure it's valid and properly escaped!). When false, the description is treated as plain text.
        Whether the description is an HTML string.
      • isDescriptionI18nKey

        boolean isDescriptionI18nKey()
        Whether the getDescription() is an I18N key that needs to be looked up in a resource bundle. When false, the description value is used as-is.
        Whether the description is an I18N key (true) or a plain text description (false).