Class LocaleBean

    • Field Detail


        public static String LOCALE_ATTR
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocaleBean

        public LocaleBean()
    • Method Detail

      • getLocale

        public Locale getLocale()
        Methode zum Ermitteln des aktuellen Locale
        Locale welches aktuell konfiguriert ist
      • getSelectedLocale

        public Locale getSelectedLocale()
      • getLanguage

        public ELanguage getLanguage()
      • getServerZoneId

        public String getServerZoneId()
      • getCountriesInMap

        public Map<String,​String> getCountriesInMap()
        Retrieves a map with all supported languages. The key is the display name of the language in the current getLocale(), the value is the language code.
        A map with all supported languages.
      • getLocaleOptionsMenu

        public getLocaleOptionsMenu()
      • getLocaleCode

        public String getLocaleCode()
        Methode zum Ermitteln der Sprache der aktuellen Locale
        String der Sprachkey der aktuellen Locale
      • setLocaleCode

        public void setLocaleCode​(String localeCode)
        Methode zum Setzen der Locale anhand des Sprachkey
        localeCode - String der Sprachkey
      • countryLocaleCodeChanged

        public void countryLocaleCodeChanged​(javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent e)
      • changeCountryLocaleCode

        public void changeCountryLocaleCode()
      • getLocaleDisplayName

        public String getLocaleDisplayName​(String languageTag)
      • getZoneIdDisplayName

        public String getZoneIdDisplayName​(String zoneId)
      • getZoneIdDisplayName

        public String getZoneIdDisplayName​(ZoneId zoneId)
      • isZoneIdValid

        public boolean isZoneIdValid​(String zoneId)
      • getDatePattern

        public String getDatePattern()
      • getTimePattern

        public String getTimePattern()
      • getDateTimePattern

        public String getDateTimePattern()
      • getMediumDateTimePattern

        public String getMediumDateTimePattern()
      • getMediumTimePattern

        public String getMediumTimePattern()
      • getLongDateTimePattern

        public String getLongDateTimePattern()
      • getLongDatePattern

        public String getLongDatePattern()
      • getLongTimePattern

        public String getLongTimePattern()
      • getCurrentDate

        public Date getCurrentDate()
      • getCurrentLocalDate

        public LocalDate getCurrentLocalDate()
      • getCurrentZoneId

        public ZoneId getCurrentZoneId()
      • getCurrentTimeZone

        public TimeZone getCurrentTimeZone()
      • getUtcZoneId

        public ZoneId getUtcZoneId()
      • getUtcTimeZone

        public TimeZone getUtcTimeZone()
      • getDateTimeSecondsPattern

        public String getDateTimeSecondsPattern()
      • getDateFormat

        public DateFormat getDateFormat()
      • getTimeFormat

        public DateFormat getTimeFormat()
      • getDateTimeFormat

        public DateFormat getDateTimeFormat()
      • getMediumDateTimeFormat

        public DateFormat getMediumDateTimeFormat()
      • getMediumTimeFormat

        public DateFormat getMediumTimeFormat()
      • getMediumDateTimeFormat

        public DateFormat getMediumDateTimeFormat​(Locale locale)
      • getMediumTimeFormat

        public DateFormat getMediumTimeFormat​(Locale locale)
      • getLongDateTimeFormat

        public DateFormat getLongDateTimeFormat()
      • getLongDateFormat

        public DateFormat getLongDateFormat()
      • getLongTimeFormat

        public DateFormat getLongTimeFormat()
      • getLongDateTimeFormat

        public DateFormat getLongDateTimeFormat​(Locale locale)
      • getDateTimeSecondsFormat

        public DateFormat getDateTimeSecondsFormat()
      • getDateTimeSecondsFormat

        public DateFormat getDateTimeSecondsFormat​(Locale locale)
      • getMediumDateTimeSecondsFormat

        public DateFormat getMediumDateTimeSecondsFormat()
      • getMediumDateTimeSecondsFormat

        public DateFormat getMediumDateTimeSecondsFormat​(Locale locale)
      • getLongDateTimeSecondsFormat

        public DateFormat getLongDateTimeSecondsFormat()
      • getLongDateTimeSecondsFormat

        public DateFormat getLongDateTimeSecondsFormat​(Locale locale)
      • formatMessage

        public String formatMessage​(String i18nKey,
                                    Object... params)
        Retrieves the localized message for the given key, and formats that message with the given parameters. The placeholders of the form {0}, {1} etc. in the message are replaced with the first, seconds etc. given parameter.
        i18nKey - Key for the localized message.
        params - Optional parameters. Placeholders are replaced with these parameters.
        The message for the given key, formatted with the given parameters.
      • formatDate

        public String formatDate​(Date date)
      • formatDate

        public String formatDate​(Date date,
                                 int dateStyle)
      • formatDateTime

        public String formatDateTime​(Date date,
                                     int dateStyle,
                                     int timeStyle)
      • formatDateTime

        public String formatDateTime​(Date date)
      • formatMediumDateTime

        public String formatMediumDateTime​(Date date)
      • formatMediumDateTime

        public String formatMediumDateTime​(Locale locale,
                                           Date date)
      • formatLongDateTime

        public String formatLongDateTime​(Date date)
      • formatLongDateTime

        public String formatLongDateTime​(Locale locale,
                                         Date date)
      • formatDateTimeSeconds

        public String formatDateTimeSeconds​(Date date)
      • formatDateTimeSeconds

        public String formatDateTimeSeconds​(Locale locale,
                                            Date date)
      • formatMediumDateTimeSeconds

        public String formatMediumDateTimeSeconds​(Date date)
      • formatMediumDateTimeSeconds

        public String formatMediumDateTimeSeconds​(Locale locale,
                                                  Date date)
      • formatLongDateTimeSeconds

        public String formatLongDateTimeSeconds​(Date date)
      • formatLongDateTimeSeconds

        public String formatLongDateTimeSeconds​(Locale locale,
                                                Date date)
      • getINamedUiElementDisplayName

        public String getINamedUiElementDisplayName​(INamedUiElement element)