Class XUploadContentTransformer

  • public final class XUploadContentTransformer
    extends Object
    Helper for transforming the content of an XUpload. For example, the form designer offers users an option where they can specify that images should be compressed on the server before being stored.
    • Method Detail

      • transformXUpload

        public static IXUpload transformXUpload​(IXUpload upload,
                                                IXItemPropertiesData item,
                                                Path tempDir)
        Transforms the content of the given upload, using the configuring of the given upload item. For example, the form designer offers users an option where they can specify that images should be compressed on the server before being stored.
        upload - The content to transform.
        item - The upload item that contains the configuration for the transformation. Its IXItemPropertiesData.getClassName() should be "XUpload".
        The transformed content.