Class FcChangeStateBean

    • Constructor Detail

      • FcChangeStateBean

        public FcChangeStateBean()
    • Method Detail

      • applyPortalStatePreset

        public void applyPortalStatePreset​(EPortalStatePreset preset)
        Applies the given preset to the current user portal state configuration. Overwrites existing values.
        preset - The preset to apply.
      • getAvailablePortalStateIcons

        public List<javax.faces.model.SelectItem> getAvailablePortalStateIcons()
      • getPermittedPersonGroupsDescriptions

        public List<String> getPermittedPersonGroupsDescriptions()
        Returns a list of descriptions of all the person groups that are permitted to view the project.
        a list of descriptions of all the person groups that are permitted to view the project.
      • getState

        public WorkflowStateModel getState()
        The current workflow state that is to be edited in the properties panel.
      • getPortalConfig

        public UserPortalStateConfigViewModel getPortalConfig()
        Gets the view model with settings for the state that are related to the user portal.
        The current workflow state that is to be edited in the properties panel.
      • isShowPortalStateConfiguration

        public boolean isShowPortalStateConfiguration()
        Whether to show the portal state configuration UI.
        Whether to show the portal state configuration UI.
      • onChange

        public void onChange​(String property)
        Callback invoked when a property of the state being edited was changed.
        property - Property that was modified.