Interface IElementPropInitParams<TData>

    • Method Detail

      • getEnvironmentData

        IBaseWorkflowEnvironmentData getEnvironmentData()
        General parameters for the workflow environment, such as the project containing the workflow and the client owning the project.
      • getTaskUuid

        UUID getTaskUuid()
        The UUID of the task to which the element belongs. This task may be updated later, in which case updateCurrentTask will be called.
      • getType

        String getType()
        The type of the workflow element that is being edited.
      • getUuid

        UUID getUuid()
        The element that is being edited.
      • getWorkflowProvider

        IWorkflowProvider getWorkflowProvider()
        The workflow provider with methods for accessing various data that may be required by workflow element editors. Mainly select options for select elements, such as a list of all user groups, or a list of currently installed fonts.