Class UserPortalStateConfigViewModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • UserPortalStateConfigViewModel

        public UserPortalStateConfigViewModel()
    • Method Detail

      • getBackgroundColor

        public String getBackgroundColor()
        Gets the background color for this portal state, used e.g. when displaying the state in the end user portal frontend. Must be a valid CSS color string.
        The background color.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(String backgroundColor)
        Sets the background color for this portal state, used e.g. when displaying the state in the end user portal frontend. Must be a valid CSS color string.
        backgroundColor - The background color.
      • getIconStyleClass

        public String getIconStyleClass()
        Gets the CSS style class for the icon of this portal state. Can be any arbitrary CSS class (or classes). The UI offers a pre-defined set of CSS classes for the user to choose from, but also allows custom classes to be entered.
        The CSS style class(es).
      • setIconStyleClass

        public void setIconStyleClass​(String iconStyleClass)
        Sets the CSS style class for the icon of this portal state. Can be any arbitrary CSS class (or classes). The UI offers a pre-defined set of CSS classes for the user to choose from, but also allows custom classes to be entered.
        iconStyleClass - The CSS style class(es).
      • setLocalizations

        public void setLocalizations​(UserPortalStateLocalizationViewModel localizations)
        Sets the model with the localized messages.
        localizations - The map with the localized messages.
      • getTextColor

        public String getTextColor()
        Gets the text color for this portal state, used e.g. when displaying the state in the end user portal frontend. Must be a valid CSS color string.
        The text color.
      • setTextColor

        public void setTextColor​(String textColor)
        Sets the text color for this portal state, used e.g. when displaying the state in the end user portal frontend. Must be a valid CSS color string.
        textColor - The text color.
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Gets whether this portal state is enabled. When false, the state is not shown in the end user portal frontend.
        True if the state is enabled, false otherwise.
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether this portal state is enabled. When false, the state is not shown in the end user portal frontend.
        enabled - True if the state is enabled, false otherwise.
      • isTerminalState

        public boolean isTerminalState()
        Whether this portal state represents a terminal state. When a state is marked as terminal, the form record is shown as completed in the end user portal frontend.
        True if the state is terminal, false otherwise.
      • setTerminalState

        public void setTerminalState​(boolean terminalState)
        Set whether this portal state represents a terminal state. When a state is marked as terminal, the form record is shown as completed in the end user portal frontend.
        terminalState - True if the state is terminal, false otherwise.