Class PluginFileHelper

  • public class PluginFileHelper
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • PluginFileHelper

        public PluginFileHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • removeJarFileCacheEntries

        public static void removeJarFileCacheEntries​(File jarToDelete)
        This depends on internal implementation details of the JDK and may or may not work. Using reflection to access the internals of and to delete caches is not supported by Java anymore under the new module system.
        Attempts to remove any cache entry for JarURLConnection and JarFile.
        jarToDelete - the jar file to remove from cache
      • removeJarFileCacheEntries

        public static void removeJarFileCacheEntries​(JarFile jarToDelete)
        This depends on internal implementation details of the JDK and may or may not work. Using reflection to access the internals of and to delete caches is not supported by Java anymore under the new module system.
        Attempts to remove any cache entry for JarURLConnection and JarFile.
        jarToDelete - the jar file to remove from cache
      • getPluginPropertiesFile

        public static File getPluginPropertiesFile​(PluginRuntime rtm)
      • getPluginPropertiesFile

        public static File getPluginPropertiesFile​(String scopeKey,
                                                   String runtimeKey)
      • getPluginMetaFile

        public static File getPluginMetaFile​(String scopeKey,
                                             String runtimeKey)
      • getPluginJarFile

        public static File getPluginJarFile​(PluginRuntime runtime)
        The path to the JAR file of the plugin, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed/plugin.jar.
        runtime - Runtime of the plugin with a scope and runtime key.
        The path to the JAR file of the plugin.
      • getPluginJarFile

        public static File getPluginJarFile​(String scopeKey,
                                            String runtimeKey)
        The path to the JAR file of the plugin, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed/plugin.jar.
        scopeKey - Scope key of the plugin, either the system scope or a client scope.
        runtimeKey - Unique runtime key of the plugin.
        The path to the JAR file of the plugin.
      • getPluginJarUnpackedRootDir

        public static File getPluginJarUnpackedRootDir​(File file)
        The root directory with the unpacked files from the JAR, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed/plugin/root. This is also the root for the plugin JAR classpath.
        file - JAR file path from getPluginJarFile(String, String), or the unpacked directory itself.
        The root directory with the unpacked files from the JAR
      • getPluginJarUnpackedRootDir

        public static File getPluginJarUnpackedRootDir​(String scopeKey,
                                                       String runtimeKey)
        The root directory with the unpacked files from the JAR, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed/plugin/root. This is also the root for the plugin JAR classpath.
        scopeKey - Scope key of the plugin, either the system scope or a client scope.
        runtimeKey - Unique runtime key of the plugin.
        The root directory with the unpacked files from the JAR
      • getPluginJarUnpackedManifestFile

        public static File getPluginJarUnpackedManifestFile​(File file)
        The manifest file from the unpacked JAR, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed/plugin/MANIFEST.MF.
        file - JAR file path from getPluginJarFile(String, String), or the unpacked directory itself.
        The manifest file from the unpacked JAR
      • getPluginJarUnpackedManifestFile

        public static File getPluginJarUnpackedManifestFile​(String scopeKey,
                                                            String runtimeKey)
        The manifest file from the unpacked JAR, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed/plugin/MANIFEST.MF.
        scopeKey - Scope key of the plugin, either the system scope or a client scope.
        runtimeKey - Unique runtime key of the plugin.
        The manifest file from the unpacked JAR
      • getPluginJarUnpackedDir

        public static File getPluginJarUnpackedDir​(String scopeKey,
                                                   String runtimeKey)
        The base directory with all files from an unpacked JAR, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed/plugin. This is also the root for the plugin JAR classpath.
        scopeKey - Scope key of the plugin, either the system scope or a client scope.
        runtimeKey - Unique runtime key of the plugin.
        The base directory with all files from an unpacked JAR.
      • getPluginJarUnpackedDir

        public static File getPluginJarUnpackedDir​(PluginRuntime runtime)
        The base directory with all files from an unpacked JAR, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed/plugin. This is also the root for the plugin JAR classpath.
        runtime - Runtime of the plugin with a scope and runtime key.
        The base directory with all files from an unpacked JAR.
      • getPluginJarUnpackedDir

        public static File getPluginJarUnpackedDir​(File file)
        The base directory with all files from an unpacked JAR, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed/plugin. This is also the root for the plugin JAR classpath.
        file - JAR file path from getPluginJarFile(String, String), or the unpacked directory itself.
        The base directory with all files from an unpacked JAR.
      • getPluginFolder

        public static File getPluginFolder​(PluginRuntime runtime)
        The path to the folder with all plugin files, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed.
        runtime - Runtime of the plugin with a scope and runtime key.
        The path to the folder with all plugin files.
      • getPluginFolder

        public static File getPluginFolder​(String scopeKey,
                                           String runtimeKey)
        The path to the folder with all plugin files, such as /tmp/formcycle/system/04ed.
        scopeKey - Scope key of the plugin, either the system scope or a client scope.
        runtimeKey - Unique runtime key of the plugin.
        The path to the folder with all plugin files.
      • unpackJarFile

        public static UnpackedJarFile unpackJarFile​(File file,
                                                    File unpackedDir)
                                             throws IOException
        Unpacks the contents of a JAR file to a given directory. The directory is deleted, if it exists. For Multi-release JAR files, this method unpacks the files corresponding to the Java version of the current JVM.
        file - A JAR file to unpack.
        unpackedDir - Target directory. When this directory exists already, it is removed
        A descriptor for the various unpacked files.
        IOException - When the JAR file could not be read of the unpacked files could not be written to the disk.
      • createFacade

        public static IPluginFileHelper createFacade​(PluginRuntime runtime)
        Creates a new plugin file helper that delegates to the given runtime.
        runtime - Runtime of an initialized plugin.
        A new plugin file helper that delegates to the given runtime.
      • deletePluginJarAndUnpacked

        public static void deletePluginJarAndUnpacked​(File jarFile)
      • isUnpackedJarDir

        public static boolean isUnpackedJarDir​(File file)
        file - A directory to check, or a plugin JAR file.
        Whether the given directory is an getPluginJarUnpackedDir(PluginRuntime), or whether the JAR file is next to such a directory.
      • getPluginJarFromUnpackedRootDir

        public static File getPluginJarFromUnpackedRootDir​(File file)
        Finds the plugin JAR file from a given root directory. This is the inverse operation of getPluginJarFromUnpackedRootDir(File).
        file - An unpacked root dir.
        The plugin JAR file for the unpacked root dir.