Interface IEntityContextHolder

  • public interface IEntityContextHolder
    Wrapper for an IEntityContext that allows the context to be closed and opened again. Useful when you need to flush all changes to the database before proceeding with the test.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      IEntityContext get()  
      void reopen()
      Closes the current context if open and opens a new entity context.
      default void reopen​(IUser userContext)
      Closes the current context if open and opens a new entity context with the given user context.
      void reopen​(UserContext userContext)
      Closes the current context if open and opens a new entity context with the given user context.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        IEntityContext get()
        The current entity context held by this instance.
      • reopen

        void reopen()
        Closes the current context if open and opens a new entity context.
      • reopen

        void reopen​(UserContext userContext)
        Closes the current context if open and opens a new entity context with the given user context. The given user context will be used from now on forwards, for all subsequent calls to reopen().
        userContext - The user context to use for the new entity context.
      • reopen

        default void reopen​(IUser userContext)
        Closes the current context if open and opens a new entity context with the given user context. The given user context will be used from now on forwards, for all subsequent calls to reopen().
        userContext - The user context to use for the new entity context.