Interface IUser

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    public interface IUser
    extends Serializable
    Common interface representing an authenticated user. Through this interface user information and permissions of the user can be accessed.
    XIMA Media GmbH
    • Method Detail

      • getAuthenticationContext

        IAuthenticationContext getAuthenticationContext()
        the authentication context for this user. The authentication context contains information about how the user authenticated. Virtual users don't have an authentication context because they have never been authenticated.
      • getEmail

        String getEmail()
        the email address of the user if there is any. The email address may come from the formcycle profile or the profile returned by the authentication client.
      • getUserName

        String getUserName()
        the user name of this user within the formcycle system if there is any and null otherwise.
      • getFirstName

        String getFirstName()
        the first name of the user if there is any. The first name may come from the formcycle profile or the profile returned by the authentication client.
      • getFamilyName

        String getFamilyName()
        the family name of the user if there is any. The family name may come from the formcycle profile or the profile returned by the authentication client.
      • getDisplayName

        String getDisplayName()
        the display name of the user if there is any. The display name may come from the formcycle profile or the profile returned by the authentication client and is usually the full name (first and family name separated by whitespace).
      • getGender

        @NotNull EGender getGender()
        the gender of the user if there is any specified and EGender.UNSPECIFIED otherwise. The gender may come from the formcycle profile or the profile returned by the authentication client.
      • getPictureUrl

        URI getPictureUrl()
        the picture URL of the user if there is any and null otherwise. The picture URL may come from the profile returned by the authentication client.
      • getProfile

        UserProfile getProfile()
        the formcycle profile of the user if a match was found in the system and null otherwise.
      • getRoles

        @NotNull Set<String> getRoles()
        A Set of roles of the user within the system. Roles are scoped to clients or the system. For the format of client roles see UserMgmtUtils.getClientRole(Mandant, String). The format of system roles is just the role name.
      • getPermissions

        @NotNull Set<String> getPermissions()
        A Set of permission the user has within the system. Permissions are scoped to clients or the system. For the format of client permissions see UserMgmtUtils.getClientPermission(Mandant, String). The format of system permissions is just the permission name.
      • getScopedUserGroups

        default @NotNull Map<String,​Set<BenutzerGruppe>> getScopedUserGroups()
        Returns a map of the all the user groups the user is assigned to scoped by application areas. The following scopes exist:
        A map of the scoped user groups.
      • hasClientRole

        default boolean hasClientRole​(Mandant client,
                                      String role)
        Checks whether or not the user has the given client role.
        client - to check for role
        role - to check for within the client
        true if the user has the given client role and false otherwise.
      • hasSystemRole

        default boolean hasSystemRole​(String role)
        Checks whether or not the user has the given system role.
        role - to check for within the system
        true if the user has the given system role and false otherwise.
      • hasClientPermission

        default boolean hasClientPermission​(Mandant client,
                                            String permission)
        Checks whether or not the user has the given client permission.
        client - to check for permission
        permission - to check for within the client
        true if the user has the given client permission and false otherwise.
      • hasSystemPermission

        default boolean hasSystemPermission​(String permission)
        Checks whether or not the user has the given system permission.
        permission - to check for within the system
        true if the user has the given system permission and false otherwise.
      • hasGeneralPermission

        default boolean hasGeneralPermission​(String permission)
        Checks whether or not the user has the given general permission. General permissions are independent of scope.
        permission - general permission to check.
        true if the user has the given general permission and false otherwise.
      • getClientAuthorizations

        default @NotNull Set<IClientAuthorization> getClientAuthorizations​(Mandant client)
        Returns all client authorizations this user has been assigned within the client. Client authorizations may be direct through a FOMRCYCLE account (see DirectClientAuthorization.getUserProfile()) or in indirect through filters (see IndirectClientAuthorization). The super user does not have client authorizations
        client - for which to get the authorizations
        a set of all authorizations for this user within the given client.
      • getClientUserGroups

        default @NotNull Set<BenutzerGruppe> getClientUserGroups​(String scope,
                                                                 Mandant client)
        Returns all user groups that this user has been assigned to within the given client and the given scope. The scope limits the returned set of user groups to a part of the application. When no scope is given, the user groups from all scopes are returned. Commonly used scopes are for example EAccessProperty.USER_INBOX.getKey() (client inbox) and EAccessProperty.PROJECTS.getKey() (form overview / designer). For more information about scopes see getScopedUserGroups(). The superuser is not assigned to any user groups. An empty set will always be returned for the superuser.
        scope - for which to find the user groups. Pass null for all scopes.
        client - for which to find the user groups of this user.
        All user groups the user has been assigned to within the given client and scope.
      • getClientInboxes

        default @NotNull Set<Postfach> getClientInboxes​(String scope,
                                                        Mandant client)
        Returns all inboxes that this user has access to within the given client and the given scope. The scope limits the returned set of inboxes to a part of the application. When no scope is given, the inboxes from all scopes are returned. Commonly used scopes are for example EAccessProperty.USER_INBOX.getKey() (client inbox) and EAccessProperty.PROJECTS.getKey() (form overview / designer). For more information about scopes see getScopedUserGroups(). The super user has access to all inboxes if client inbox access has been enabled or no inboxes if client inbox access has been disabled (see Mandant.isSadminInboxAccess()). An empty set will always be returned for the super user.
        scope - for which to find the user groups. Pass null for all scopes.
        client - for which to find the user groups of this user.
        All user groups the user has been assigned to within the given client and scope.
      • getUserGroups

        default @NotNull Set<BenutzerGruppe> getUserGroups​(String scope)
        Returns all user groups that this user has been assigned to within the given scope. The scope limits the returned set of user groups to a part of the application. When no scope is given, the user groups from all scopes are returned. Commonly used scopes are for example EAccessProperty.USER_INBOX.getKey() (client inbox) and EAccessProperty.PROJECTS.getKey() (form overview / designer). For more information about scopes see getScopedUserGroups(). The super user is not assigned to any user groups. An empty set will always be returned for the super user.
        scope - for which to find the user groups. Pass null for all scopes.
        All user groups the user has been assigned to within the given scope.
      • getInboxes

        default @NotNull Set<Postfach> getInboxes​(String scope)
        Returns all inboxes that this user has access to within the given scope. The scope limits the returned set of inboxes to a part of the application. When no scope is given, the inboxes from all scopes are returned. Commonly used scopes are for example EAccessProperty.USER_INBOX.getKey() (client inbox) and EAccessProperty.PROJECTS.getKey() (form overview / designer). For more information about scopes see getScopedUserGroups(). The super user has access to all inboxes if client inbox access has been enabled or no inboxes if client inbox access has been disabled (see Mandant.isSadminInboxAccess()). An empty set will always be returned for the super user.
        scope - for which to find the user groups. Pass null for all scopes.
        All user groups the user has been assigned to within the given scope.