Class FormContainerMetaData

    • Constructor Detail

      • FormContainerMetaData

        public FormContainerMetaData​(String containerName,
                                     List<Integer> rows)
      • FormContainerMetaData

        public FormContainerMetaData​(String containerName)
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        Specified by:
        getSize in interface IFormContainerMetaData
        The number of existing repetition of the form field.
      • getContainerName

        public String getContainerName()
        Specified by:
        getContainerName in interface IFormContainerMetaData
        The name of the repeated container that contains this element. May be the element itself.
      • containsFormField

        public Boolean containsFormField​(String fieldName)
        Checks whether getFieldList() contains the given field name.
        fieldName - Name of a field to check.
        Whether this container includes the given field name.
      • ordinalIndexToRepetitionId

        public Integer ordinalIndexToRepetitionId​(Integer inputIndex)
        Description copied from interface: IFormContainerMetaData
        Finds the repetition ID for an ordinal index (the nth repetition of the element). For example, when there are three element repetitions, the first could be tf1_dyn_tf1_4, the seconds could be tf1_dyn_tf1_9, and the third could be tf1_dyn_tf1_15. Then this method would return ordinalToRepetitionId(0) == 4, ordinalToRepetitionId(1) == 9, and ordinalToRepetitionId(2) = 15. All other parameters return -1.
        Specified by:
        ordinalIndexToRepetitionId in interface IFormContainerMetaData
        inputIndex - Repetition ID of the given repetition.
        Ordinal index of the element repetition. -1 when no element with the given repetition index exists.
      • repetitionIdToOrdinalIndex

        public Integer repetitionIdToOrdinalIndex​(Integer inputIndex)
        Description copied from interface: IFormContainerMetaData
        Finds the ordinal index for a repetition ID. For example, when there are three element repetitions, the first could be tf1_dyn_tf1_4, the seconds could be tf1_dyn_tf1_9, and the third could be tf1_dyn_tf1_15. Then this method would return repetitionIdToOrdinalIndex(4) == 0, repetitionIdToOrdinalIndex(9) == 1, and repetitionIdToOrdinalIndex(15) = 2. All other parameters return -1.
        Specified by:
        repetitionIdToOrdinalIndex in interface IFormContainerMetaData
        inputIndex - Repetition ID of the given repetition.
        Ordinal index of the element repetition. -1 when no element with the given repetition index exists.