Class FlowGraphFilters

  • public final class FlowGraphFilters
    extends Object
    Contains some common implementations of flow graph filters.
    • Method Detail

      • errorResultPredecessors

        public static FlowGraphFilter.Backward errorResultPredecessors()
        A filter for the predecessors of a node N that can provide error or soft error results to that node N.

        Formally speaking, the error result predecessors of a node N is the set of nodes {P}, such that, if P completes abruptly, a path to N exists, but excludes those nodes P that are only reachable by backtracking loops (as results from another node in the same loop are always resolved to the latest result from that loop iteration).

        Constrains the initial edge to be a throwing completion edge, and does not allow any backwards edges owned by any parent of node N.

        A filter for computing the normal completion predecessors of a node that are reachable without backwards edges.
      • matchAll

        public static FlowGraphFilter.Generic matchAll()
        A filter that does not impose any constraints and allows all edges and nodes.
      • matchNone

        public static FlowGraphFilter.Generic matchNone()
        A filter that does not allow any edges and nodes.
      • successResultPredecessors

        public static FlowGraphFilter.Backward successResultPredecessors()
        A filter for the predecessors of a node N that can provide success results to that node N.

        Formally speaking, the success result predecessors of a node N is the set of nodes {P}, such that, if P completes normally, a path to N exists, but excludes those nodes P that are only reachable by backtracking (as results from another node in the same loop are always resolved to the latest result from that loop iteration).

        Constrains the initial edge to be a normal completion edge, and does not allow any backwards edges owned by any parent of node N.

        A filter for computing the normal completion predecessors of a node that are reachable without backwards edges.