Interface IDataStore<K,​V>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - Type of the keys.
    V - Type of the values.

    public interface IDataStore<K,​V>
    Similar to Map, but with a more limited set of operations. This interface is used to provide a view of a data store that is not necessarily a map. The data store may be a map, but it may also be a list, a set, or any other data structure.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean contains​(K key)
      Check if the data store contains a value for the given key.
      V get​(K key)
      Get the value for the given key.
      void put​(K key, V value)
      Put a value for the given key.
      void remove​(K key)
      Remove the mapping for the given key.
    • Method Detail

      • contains

        boolean contains​(K key)
        Check if the data store contains a value for the given key.
        key - The key.
        True if the key is present.
      • get

        V get​(K key)
        Get the value for the given key.
        key - The key.
        The value, if it exists, or null otherwise.
      • put

        void put​(K key,
                 V value)
        Put a value for the given key.
        key - The key.
        value - The value.
      • remove

        void remove​(K key)
        Remove the mapping for the given key.
        key - The key.