Class DefaultRequestUploadData

    • Method Detail

      • acceptedUploadTypes

        public Set<String> acceptedUploadTypes()
        Description copied from interface: IRequestUploadData
        Types of files that are accepted for upload. May be null or empty if all types are accepted.
        Specified by:
        acceptedUploadTypes in interface IRequestUploadData
        Types of files that are accepted for upload.
      • formFieldName

        public String formFieldName()
        Description copied from interface: IRequestUploadData
        Name of an upload form field associated with the upload request. May be null or empty if the upload request is not associated with a form field.
        Specified by:
        formFieldName in interface IRequestUploadData
        Name of the upload form field.
      • maxNumberOfFiles

        public Long maxNumberOfFiles()
        Description copied from interface: IRequestUploadData
        Maximum number of files that may be uploaded. May be null if the number of files is not limited.
        Specified by:
        maxNumberOfFiles in interface IRequestUploadData
        Maximum number of files that may be uploaded.
      • minNumberOfFiles

        public long minNumberOfFiles()
        Description copied from interface: IRequestUploadData
        Minimum number of files that must be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        minNumberOfFiles in interface IRequestUploadData
        Minimum number of files that must be uploaded.
      • name

        public String name()
        Description copied from interface: IRequestUploadData
        Optional. Name of the upload request that may be displayed to the user.
        Specified by:
        name in interface IRequestUploadData
        Name of the upload request.
      • repetitionId

        public Long repetitionId()
        Description copied from interface: IRequestUploadData
        Optional. ID of the repetition of the upload request. May be null if the upload request is not repeated. Note that ID is not the ordinal index of the repetition, but a unique identifier. An ordinal index starts at 0 is continuous (0,1,2,3,4,...), while an ID may be any unique value.
        Specified by:
        repetitionId in interface IRequestUploadData
        ID of the repetition of the upload request.
      • uploadSizeLimit

        public Long uploadSizeLimit()
        Description copied from interface: IRequestUploadData
        Maximum size of the upload in bytes. May be null if the size is not limited.
        Specified by:
        uploadSizeLimit in interface IRequestUploadData
        Maximum size of the upload in bytes.