FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException |
Base exception for exceptions that can occur when fulfilling an upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.CannotReadUploadFileData |
Exception indicating that the chat of the upload request does not match the expected chat.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.EmptyUploadFile |
Exception indicating that the file is empty and cannot be used to fulfill for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.FileExtensionNotAllowed |
Exception indicating that the file extension is not allowed for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MaxFileCountLimitExceeded |
Exception indicating that the limit on the maximum number of files was exceeded for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MaxFileSizeLimitExceeded |
Exception indicating that the file size limit was exceeded for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MinFileCountLimitNotReached |
Exception indicating that the limit on the minimum number of files was not met for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MismatchingChat |
Exception indicating that the chat of the upload request does not match the expected chat.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MismatchingMessage |
Exception indicating that the message of the upload request does not match the expected message.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MissingContentType |
Exception indicating that a file without an explicit content was provided to fulfill the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MissingFileName |
Exception indicating that a file without a file name was provided to fulfill the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.MissingUser |
Exception indicating that no user was provided to fulfill the upload request (and that a user is required to
fulfill the request).
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.NoFilesProvided |
Exception indicating that no files were provided that could be used to fulfill the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.NoFormDataAvailable |
Exception indicating that the form record does not contain form data for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UnableToProcessUploadRequest |
Generic exception indicating that the upload request could not be fulfilled due to an unknown or unhandled error.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UploadElementConstraintsViolated |
Exception indicating that the upload element constraints were violated for the upload request.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UploadRequestAlreadyFulfilled |
Exception indicating that the upload request was already fulfilled (and cannot be fulfilled again).
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UploadRequestNotFound |
Exception indicating that the upload request with the given UUID was not found.
FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.UserNotMemberOfChat |
Exception indicating that the user is not a member of the chat containing the message with the upload request.
PostFormRecordMessageException |
Base exception for exceptions that can occur when posting a form record message.
PostFormRecordMessageException.ChatNotOpen |
Exception indicating that the chat is not open (and that the chat must be open to post a message).
PostFormRecordMessageException.MissingChat |
Exception indicating that no chat was found.
PostFormRecordMessageException.MissingFormRecord |
Exception indicating that the given form record does not exist.
PostFormRecordMessageException.MissingUser |
Exception indicating that no user was provided to post the message (and that a user is required to for a message
to be posted).
PostFormRecordMessageException.NoChatGiven |
Exception indicating that no existing chat was given.
PostFormRecordMessageException.NoFormRecordGiven |
Exception indicating that no form record was given.
PostFormRecordMessageException.PostFormRecordMessageRuntimeException |
Runtime exception that wraps a checked exception that occurred when posting a form record message.
PostFormRecordMessageException.UnableToProcessPostRequest |
Generic exception indicating that the post message request could not be fulfilled due to an unknown or unhandled
PostFormRecordMessageException.UserNotMemberOfChat |
Exception indicating that the sender of the message is not a member of the chat and cannot post a message to the