Interface IFulfillRequestedUploadRequest

    • Method Detail

      • attachmentSource

        EAttachmentSource attachmentSource()
        Applies only when the upload request does not reference an upload element. The source of the attachments to create. Defaults to UNKNOWN. Note that when the upload request references an upload element, the source is always set to FORM_UPLOAD.
        The source of the attachments to create.
      • enforceChatUuid

        UUID enforceChatUuid()
        When given, enforces that the uploadRequestUuid() matches the given chat UUID, i.e. that the chat contains the upload request.
        The UUID of the message to enforce.
      • enforceExplicitContentType

        boolean enforceExplicitContentType()
        When true, enforces that the files have an explicit content type. Defaults to false.
        Whether to enforce that the files have an explicit content type.
      • enforceMatchingUser

        boolean enforceMatchingUser()
        When true, enforces that the user fulfilling the request matches one of members of the chat containing the message with the upload request. Defaults to false.
        When true, enforces that the user fulfilling the request matches one of the chat members.
      • enforceMessageUuid

        UUID enforceMessageUuid()
        When given, enforces that the uploadRequestUuid() matches the given message UUID, i.e. that the message contains the upload request.
        The UUID of the message to enforce.
      • files

        List<ISerializableFile> files()
        The files to use for fulfilling the upload request. When the files do not have an explicit content type, attempts to guess the type, unless an explicit content type is enforced.
        The files to use for fulfilling the upload request.
      • initializeResponse

        boolean initializeResponse()
        When true, initializes all fields in the response entities (i.e. ensures referenced child entities are loaded from the database). Defaults to false.
        When true, initializes all fields in the response entities.
      • makeFilesAccessibleToEndUser

        boolean makeFilesAccessibleToEndUser()
        Whether to make the newly created attachments accessible to the end user. Defaults to false.
        Whether to make the newly created attachments accessible to the end user.
      • oathKeeper

        IUser oathKeeper()
        The user who provided the upload to fulfill the request. Uses an (unspecified) default when not given.
        The user who provided the upload to fulfill the request.
      • uploadRequestUuid

        UUID uploadRequestUuid()
        The UUID of a pending upload request. Since the UUID must be globally unique within the system, this is sufficient to identify the request.
        The UUID of the upload request.