Class FormRecordChat

    • Constructor Detail

      • FormRecordChat

        public FormRecordChat()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public Long getId()
        Specified by:
        getId in interface de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>
      • getUUID

        public String getUUID()
        Gets the UUID of this chat. The UUID must be globally unique among all form records and all clients.
        Specified by:
        getUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of this chat.
      • setUUID

        public void setUUID​(String uuid)
        Sets the UUID of this chat. The UUID must be globally unique among all form records and all clients.
        Specified by:
        setUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        uuid - The UUID of this chat.
      • getUUIDObject

        public UUID getUUIDObject()
        Gets the UUID of this chat. The UUID must be globally unique among all form records and all clients.
        Specified by:
        getUUIDObject in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID of this chat.
      • setUUIDObject

        public void setUUIDObject​(UUID uuid)
        Sets the UUID of this chat. The UUID must be globally unique among all form records and all clients.
        uuid - The UUID of this chat.
      • getFormRecord

        public Vorgang getFormRecord()
      • setFormRecord

        public void setFormRecord​(Vorgang formRecord)
      • getCreatedInstant

        public Instant getCreatedInstant()
      • setCreatedInstant

        public void setCreatedInstant​(Instant createdInstant)
      • isOpen

        public boolean isOpen()
      • setOpen

        public void setOpen​(boolean open)
      • getMemberRefs

        public Set<String> getMemberRefs()
      • setMemberRefs

        public void setMemberRefs​(Set<String> memberRefs)
      • setMemberProfiles

        public void setMemberProfiles​(Set<UserProfile> memberProfiles)
      • addMember

        public void addMember​(IUser user)
      • addMessage

        public void addMessage​(FormRecordMessage message)
        Adds a message to this chat, and set this chat on the message.
        message - The message to add.
      • getSenderMessages

        public List<FormRecordMessage> getSenderMessages​(IUser sender)
        Returns all messages sent by the given user.
        sender - the user that sent the messages.
        a list of all the messages sent by the given user ordered by their submit date.
      • isMember

        public boolean isMember​(IUser user)
        Returns whether a user is a member of this chat and can therefore receive its messages.
        user - to check.
        true if the given user is a member of this chat and false otherwise.