Class FormRecordMessageUploadRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • FormRecordMessageUploadRequest

        public FormRecordMessageUploadRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getAcceptedFileExtensions

        public String getAcceptedFileExtensions()
        A list of comma separated file extensions that are accepted for the upload. Can be null or empty, which means all file extensions are accepted.
        A list of comma separated file extensions that are accepted for the upload.
      • setAcceptedFileExtensions

        public void setAcceptedFileExtensions​(String acceptedFileExtensions)
        A list of comma separated file extensions that are accepted for the upload. Can be null or empty, which means all file extensions are accepted.
        acceptedFileExtensions - A list of comma separated file extensions that are accepted for the upload.
      • setAttachments

        public void setAttachments​(List<Attachment> attachments)
      • setFileMergeMode

        public void setFileMergeMode​(EUploadRequestFileMergeMode fileMergeMode)
        When getFormFieldName() is set: how to handle existing files of the upload element.
        fileMergeMode - How to handle existing files of the upload element.
      • getFormFieldName

        public String getFormFieldName()
        The name of the form field that this upload request is associated with. When set and a file is uploaded, the files are associated with that upload element. Can be null when the upload request is not associated with an upload form field. See also getFileMergeMode().
        The name of the form field that this upload request is associated with.
      • setFormFieldName

        public void setFormFieldName​(String formFieldName)
        The name of the form field that this upload request is associated with. When set and a file is uploaded, the files are associated with that upload element. Can be null when the upload request is not associated with an upload form field. See also getFileMergeMode().
        formFieldName - The name of the form field that this upload request is associated with.
      • getId

        public Long getId()
        The database ID of this entity that uniquely identifies it in the system.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface de.xima.cmn.dao.interfaces.IEntity<Long>
        The database ID of this entity.
      • getMaxNumberOfFiles

        public Long getMaxNumberOfFiles()
        The maximum number of files that can be uploaded. Can be null, which means no limit.
        The maximum number of files that can be uploaded.
      • setMaxNumberOfFiles

        public void setMaxNumberOfFiles​(Long maxNumberOfFiles)
        The maximum number of files that can be uploaded. Can be null, which means no limit.
        maxNumberOfFiles - The maximum number of files that can be uploaded.
      • getMessage

        public FormRecordMessage getMessage()
        Each upload request is associated with a message that contains details for the end user regarding the upload, e.g. what is wrong with the existing file.
        The message owning this upload request.
      • setMessage

        public void setMessage​(FormRecordMessage message)
        Each upload request is associated with a message that contains details for the end user regarding the upload, e.g. what is wrong with the existing file.
        message - The message owning this upload request.
      • getMinNumberOfFiles

        public long getMinNumberOfFiles()
        The minimum number of files that must be uploaded. Must be at least 1.
        The minimum number of files that must be uploaded.
      • setMinNumberOfFiles

        public void setMinNumberOfFiles​(long minNumberOfFiles)
        The minimum number of files that must be uploaded. Must be at least 1.
        minNumberOfFiles - The minimum number of files that must be uploaded.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        The name of this upload request, possibly shown on the UI.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface INameProviding
        The name of this upload request.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        The name of this upload request, possibly shown on the UI.
        name - The name of this upload request.
      • getRepetitionId

        public Long getRepetitionId()
        When the getFormFieldName() refers to a repeated field, the repetition index of the field. When set, only the files for that repetition instance are changed when a file is uploaded. Note that the repetition index is not the ordinal index of the repetition, but a unique identifier. An ordinal index starts at 0 is continuous. An ID may be any unique value.
        The repetition index of the field.
      • setRepetitionId

        public void setRepetitionId​(Long repetitionId)
        When the getFormFieldName() refers to a repeated field, the repetition index of the field. When set, only the files for that repetition instance are changed when a file is uploaded. Note that the repetition index is not the ordinal index of the repetition, but a unique identifier. An ordinal index starts at 0 is continuous. An ID may be any unique value.
        repetitionId - The repetition index of the field.
      • getUUID

        public String getUUID()
        The UUID that identifies this upload request. The UUID is globally unique within the system.
        Specified by:
        getUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID that identifies this upload request.
      • setUUID

        public void setUUID​(String uuid)
        The UUID that identifies this upload request. The UUID is globally unique within the system. message.
        Specified by:
        setUUID in interface IUUIDEntity
        uuid - The UUID that identifies this upload request.
      • getUUIDObject

        public UUID getUUIDObject()
        The UUID that identifies this upload request. The UUID is globally unique within the system. message.
        Specified by:
        getUUIDObject in interface IUUIDEntity
        The UUID that identifies this upload request.
      • setUUIDObject

        public void setUUIDObject​(UUID uuid)
        The UUID that identifies this upload request. The UUID is globally unique within the system. message.
        uuid - The UUID that identifies this upload request.
      • getUploadSizeLimit

        public Long getUploadSizeLimit()
        The maximum size of the uploaded file in bytes. Must be at least 1. Can be null, which means no limit.
        The maximum size of the uploaded file in bytes.
      • setUploadSizeLimit

        public void setUploadSizeLimit​(Long uploadSizeLimit)
        The maximum size of the uploaded file in bytes. Must be at least 1. Can be null, which means no limit.
        uploadSizeLimit - The maximum size of the uploaded file in bytes.
      • getUploadedInstant

        public Instant getUploadedInstant()
        The timestamp when the upload was fulfilled. null if the request is still pending and files were uploaded yet.
        The timestamp when the upload was fulfilled.
      • setUploadedInstant

        public void setUploadedInstant​(Instant uploadedInstant)
        The timestamp when the upload was fulfilled. null if the request is still pending and files were uploaded yet.
        uploadedInstant - The timestamp when the upload was fulfilled.
      • getUploaderAuthRef

        public String getUploaderAuthRef()
        The universal reference ID to the user that uploaded the files. Is null if the upload is not yet fulfilled.
        The universal reference ID of the uploader.
      • setUploaderAuthRef

        public void setUploaderAuthRef​(String uploaderAuthRef)
        Sets the universal reference ID to the user that uploaded the files.
        uploaderAuthRef - The universal reference ID of the uploader.
      • getUploaderUserProfileUuid

        public UUID getUploaderUserProfileUuid()
        The UUID of the user profile of the uploader. May be null if the user did not have a user profile. There might not exist a user profile anymore for this UUID.
        The UUID of the uploader's user profile.
      • setUploaderUserProfileUuid

        public void setUploaderUserProfileUuid​(UUID uploaderUserProfileUuid)
      • isFulfilled

        public boolean isFulfilled()
      • isPending

        public boolean isPending()
      • removeAttachment

        public void removeAttachment​(Attachment attachment)
        Removes the given attachment from the list of attachments, if such an attachment exists.
        attachment - The attachment to remove.