Class FulfillRequestedUploadRequestException.EmptyUploadFile

    • Constructor Detail

      • EmptyUploadFile

        public EmptyUploadFile​(String fileName,
                               FormRecordMessageUploadRequest uploadRequest)
        Constructs a new exception indicating that the file is empty and cannot be used to fulfill for the upload request.
        fileName - The name of the file that is empty and cannot be used to fulfill the upload request.
        uploadRequest - The upload request for which an empty file was provided.
    • Method Detail

      • fileName

        public String fileName()
        The name of the file that is empty and cannot be used to fulfill the upload request.
        The name of the file that is empty and cannot be used to fulfill the upload request.
      • uploadRequest

        public FormRecordMessageUploadRequest uploadRequest()
        The upload request for which an empty file was provided.
        The upload request for which an empty file was provided.