Interface ITriggeredWorkflowExecutionResult

  • All Superinterfaces:
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    public interface ITriggeredWorkflowExecutionResult
    extends Serializable
    Data returned when a workflow execution was triggered implicitly due to some requested action.

    When a workflow is currently being executed, tasks are added to the current workflow task execution queue. If no workflow is being executed, a new workflow execution gets started.

    • Method Detail

      • error

        Throwable error()
        The error that occurred, possibly null when no error occurred.

        If no workflow context was given, a workflow events gets triggered and the workflow is executed. If the workflow fails, this will return the error that occurred.

        Otherwise, a workflow event gets added to the current workflow task execution queue. This will return an error if the task could not be added to the queue.

        The error that occurred, possibly null when no error occurred.
      • eventExecutionResult

        IRemoteEventExecutionResult eventExecutionResult()
        If no workflow context was given, a workflow event gets triggered and the workflow is executed. This will then return the result of the workflow event execution.

        Otherwise, a workflow event gets added to the current workflow task execution queue and this method will return null.

        The result of the workflow event execution.
      • wasSuccessful

        default boolean wasSuccessful()
        Whether the workflow was triggered or executed successfully.
        Whether the workflow was triggered or executed successfully.