Interface IBaseWhileLoopClientHandlerNode<TData extends BaseWhileLoopProps>

    • Method Detail

      • getLoopBodyChildIndex

        int getLoopBodyChildIndex()
        Index of the child representing the loop body.
      • getCascadingStyleSheet

        default IResourceDescriptor getCascadingStyleSheet​(boolean devMode)
                                                    throws URISyntaxException,
        Description copied from interface: IElementHandler
        Retrieves the CSS resources required by elements of this kind, when this node is displayed in the workflow designer. The CSS is added globally to the document - make sure to use unique class names. We recommend you keep to the conventions as laid out by BEM.
        Specified by:
        getCascadingStyleSheet in interface IElementHandler<TData extends BaseWhileLoopProps,​WorkflowNode>
        devMode - true if the application is started in development mode. May be used to deliver uncompressed files with a inline source maps for development.
        The resource descriptor for the required CSS files. When no CSS resource is required, you may return either EmptyResourceDescriptor.INSTANCE or null.
        URISyntaxException - This exception is declared for convenience. Usually you want to create a new URI from a fixed path that is known to exist. In case this exception is thrown, the resource will not be loaded and an appropriate error is shown to the user.
        MalformedURLException - This exception is declared for convenience. You may want to create an URI from a fixed URL. In case this exception is thrown, the resource will not be loaded and an appropriate error is shown to the user.
      • getWhileLoopOptions

        default RegisterBaseWhileLoopOptions getWhileLoopOptions​(Locale locale)
        locale - Current locale.
        The options for how the while loop is displayed.
      • getJavaScript

        default IResourceDescriptor getJavaScript​(Locale locale,
                                                  boolean devMode)
                                           throws URISyntaxException,
        Description copied from interface: IElementHandler
        Retrieves the JavaScript resources required by elements of this kind.

        The JavaScript code is loaded automatically by the flowchart and executed in a local function scope. The variable Flowchart is made available in that scope and contains the public client-side API of the flowchart. The JavaScript must (synchronously!) register the appropriate element handler either via a call to

         Flowchart.registerNode(nodeType: string, nodeHandler: Object): void;
         Flowchart.registerTrigger(triggerType: string, triggerHandler: Object): void;
        See the TypeScript declaration file shipped in the NPM module fc-workflow-flowchart for an exact description of the node and trigger handler object. It also contains all available methods exposed on the Flowchart object. We recommend you build your plugin against the declaration file to prevent errors when updating the formcycle version (removed or deprecated methods etc.)
        Specified by:
        getJavaScript in interface IElementHandler<TData extends BaseWhileLoopProps,​WorkflowNode>
        locale - The current language of the workflow designer. You can use this parameter to include localized message in the script.
        devMode - true if the application is started in development mode. May be used to deliver uncompressed files with a inline source maps for development.
        The resource descriptor for the required JavaScript files. When no CSS resource is required, you may return either EmptyResourceDescriptor.INSTANCE or null.
        URISyntaxException - This exception is declared for convenience. Usually you want to create a new URI from a fixed path that is known to exist. In case this exception is thrown, the resource will not be loaded and an appropriate error is shown to the user.
        MalformedURLException - This exception is declared for convenience. You may want to create an URI from a fixed URL. In case this exception is thrown, the resource will not be loaded and an appropriate error is shown to the user.
      • isAlwaysCompletesAbruptly

        default boolean isAlwaysCompletesAbruptly()
        true if this action always completes abruptly, false otherwise. Used for the cloent-side flowchart view to hide outgoing flow lines. false if this action either always completes normally (empty statement), always completes abruptly (return or throw statement), or some completes normally and sometimes abruptly (business action that may fail). Defaults to false.