Interface IRefinedExecutionResultDescriptor<Model>

    • Method Detail

      • getAlwaysValueDescriptor

        default IValueDescriptor<?,​? extends IValueBuilder<?>> getAlwaysValueDescriptor​(IValueDescriptorFactory factory,
                                                                                              Model data)
        Same as getAlwaysValueDescriptor without data, but refined depending on the current node's configuration.
        factory - Factory that may be used for creating the descriptor. You may also use ValueDescriptorFactory.getInstance() if you wish to cache the descriptor in a static or instance field.
        data - Current properties model of the node.
        The value descriptor for that data that is made available to the workflow when the node is executed, regardless of whether is succeeded or failed. If null, the non-refined descriptor is used.
      • getAttachmentValueDescriptor

        default IAttachmentValueDescriptor getAttachmentValueDescriptor​(Model data)
        Same as getAttachmentValueDescriptor without data, but refined depending on the current node's configuration.
        data - Current properties model of the node.
        The descriptor for the attachment or attachment made available after the node was executed. If null , the non-refined descriptor is used.
      • getCurrentAttachmentValueDescriptor

        default IAttachmentValueDescriptor getCurrentAttachmentValueDescriptor​(Model data)
        Same as getCurrentAttachmentValueDescriptor without data, but refined depending on the current node's configuration.
        data - Current properties model of the node.
        The descriptor for the attachment or attachments made available while the node is being executed. If null, the non-refined descriptor is used.
      • getCurrentFileValueDescriptor

        default IFileValueDescriptor getCurrentFileValueDescriptor​(Model data)
        Same as getCurrentFileValueDescriptor without data, but refined depending on the current node's configuration.
        data - Current properties model of the node.
        The descriptor for the file or files made available while the node is being executed. If null , the non-refined descriptor is used.
      • getCurrentValueDescriptor

        default IValueDescriptor<?,​? extends IValueBuilder<?>> getCurrentValueDescriptor​(IValueDescriptorFactory factory,
                                                                                               Model data)
        Same as getCurrentValueDescriptor without data, but refined depending on the current node's configuration.
        factory - Factory that may be used for creating the descriptor. Instead of the factory passed in to this method, you may also use ValueDescriptorFactory.getInstance() if you wish to cache the descriptor in a static or instance field.
        data - Current properties model of the node.
        The descriptor for data published by the node while it is being executed. If null, the non-refined descriptor is used.
      • getErrorValueDescriptor

        default IUnionValueDescriptor<String> getErrorValueDescriptor​(IValueDescriptorFactory factory,
                                                                      Model data)
        Same as getErrorValueDescriptor without data, but refined depending on the current node's configuration.
        factory - Factory that may be used for creating the descriptor. You may also use ValueDescriptorFactory.getInstance() if you wish to cache the descriptor in a static or instance field.
        data - Current properties model of the node.
        The value descriptor for the data that is made available to the workflow when the execution of the node failed (such as by throwing an exception). If null, the non-refined descriptor is used.
      • getFileValueDescriptor

        default IFileValueDescriptor getFileValueDescriptor​(Model data)
        Same as getFileValueDescriptor without data, but refined depending on the current node's configuration.
        data - Current properties model of the node.
        The descriptor for the file or files made available after the node was executed. If null, the non-refined descriptor is used.
      • getSoftErrorValueDescriptor

        default IUnionValueDescriptor<String> getSoftErrorValueDescriptor​(IValueDescriptorFactory factory,
                                                                          Model data)
        Same as getSoftErrorValueDescriptor without data, but refined depending on the current node's configuration.
        factory - Factory that may be used for creating the descriptor. You may also use ValueDescriptorFactory.getInstance() if you wish to cache the descriptor in a static or instance field.
        data - Current properties model of the node.
        The value descriptor for the data that is made available to the workflow when the execution of the node was successful, but contains one or more soft errors. If null, the non-refined descriptor is used.
      • getSuccessValueDescriptor

        default IValueDescriptor<?,​? extends IValueBuilder<?>> getSuccessValueDescriptor​(IValueDescriptorFactory factory,
                                                                                               Model data)
        Same as getSuccessValueDescriptor without data, but refined depending on the current node's configuration.
        factory - Factory that may be used for creating the descriptor. Instead of the factory passed in to this method, you may also use ValueDescriptorFactory.getInstance() if you wish to cache the descriptor in a static or instance field.
        data - Current properties model of the node.
        The data provided by the node after having been executed successfully. If null, the non-refined descriptor is used.